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论数字资产的会计确认和计量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于信息技术在全球的迅猛发展,目前存在的很多产业正逐步从物质向数字转变。作为市场的一种重要资源,数字资产给它的开发带来了极大的经济利益,同时也为其使用提供了很多便利,加强对它的研究越来越显得紧迫和重要。本从研究数字资产的内涵和特征入手,对数字资产的会计确认和计量提出了笔的一点初浅的认识。  相似文献   

森林资产的特殊性及其确认与计量研究   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
岳上植 《会计研究》2002,(11):48-52
中国的森林资产是从未入账的资产,有关它的确认与计量模式、计价方法及特殊性等深层次问题都亟待解决。本文从森林资产特殊性的角度出发,首先,分析了整体森林资产的特殊性对确认与计量的影响;其次,对各类森林资产的特殊性及初次确认与再确认问题进行了有益的探索;并结合实际提出了现时条件下中国森林资产确认与计量的设想与建议。  相似文献   

适应低碳经济发展需要,碳会计研究已深入企业微观层面。碳排放权应确认为资产已成共识,但由于其政府创设性、商品属性、金融属性等多属性混合特征,会计上如何确认和计量仍存争议。基于碳交易市场催化碳排放权向资产演进,在讨论现行碳资产确认与计量方法及存在问题的基础上,本着与现行准则整合的思路,提出按持有目的分类确认、区分免费与有偿取得采用混合计量、持有利得与损失亦按目的分别计入损益和权益的会计处理思路。  相似文献   

税法在不阻碍合理的企业重组行为有效实现的前提下,对符合条件的重组各方资产隐含增值给予不定期递延纳税优惠原则的确定。首先,从税收中性的角度出发,税收政策的制定应当尽量不影响或少影响资金、货物、人才和技术的自由流动,税法对重组程序视为没有发生过一样来对待;其次,持续经营条件下的企业重组各方,对重组后企业应税利润的计算,应以重组前企业的税收要素为基础;再次,企业重组的各方获得的是股权支付。实际上并没有实现资产的变现,因而,暂时没有纳税能力,重组企业的纳税义务,应当不定期递延到未来有能力纳税时履行,但重组前后其计税基础总量应当保持不变。  相似文献   

一、资产评估的作用日益凸显资产评估正在日益凸显重要的地位和作用。在市场经济活动中,资产评估起着保护投资者合法权益,维护经济秩序,保障公平交易的重要作用。在市场机制条件下国有资产保值增值中,资产评估是国有资产监督管理工作不可或缺的重要环节和基础性工作。资产评估已成为维护国有资产合法权益,推动国有资产有序发展,  相似文献   

While the central bank observes market activity to assess economic fundamentals, it shapes the market outcome through the conduct of monetary policy. A dilemma arises from this dual role because the more the central bank shapes the market, the more it influences the informational content of market outcomes. This paper analyzes how accounting for the endogeneity of information affects optimal monetary policy. By reducing the accuracy of central bank information, endogenous information calls for a higher degree of opacity, weakens accommodation policy to shocks, and broadens the range of parameters for which taking a signaling action is detrimental to welfare.  相似文献   

本文研究了区块链对金融基础设施的影响,并从这个角度分析了Libra项目的潜在风险和监管应对。金融基础设施分为账户范式和Token范式,前者以银行账户体系为代表,后者以区块链为代表。这两个范式有很大差异,但都可以用来承载金融资产和交易,在很多应用场景中呈现了复杂的替代关系和互补关系。Libra项目、金融机构间结算币和中央银行数字货币都是Token范式的代表。Libra项目基于Token范式实现了某种意义上的超主权货币,但不一定有货币创造,远不是货币非国家化。同时,Libra项目面临着法定储备投资管理不善、货币篮子结构失衡、Libra价格大幅波动等潜在风险,且由于涉及多个国家、多种货币而面临复杂的合规要求。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the magnitude of goodwill recognised in business combinations during the years 2005 to 2009 by the Portuguese companies listed on Euronext Lisbon, and characterise the amount of the other intangible assets recognised separately from goodwill. We also analyse the level of compliance of those companies with the main disclosure requirements of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 3 – Business Combinations. Our study, which involves the analysis of 197 business combinations, reveals that the amounts of goodwill continue to be highly material, while conversely, the value of identifiable intangible assets in those acquisitions is very low. The results suggest that Portuguese companies do not undertake sufficient efforts to individually identify and disclose intangibles acquired in business combinations. This fact is reinforced by the reduced level of compliance with the disclosures required by IFRS 3, particularly the factors that contribute to the recognition of goodwill. Our findings provide feedback to standard setters in an effort to improve practice in the application of IFRS 3. Moreover, they reinforce their recent concerns regarding the post‐implementation review of business combinations, as well as the ongoing project of the IASB, whose objective is to improve disclosures in existing standards.  相似文献   

王松奇 《银行家》2006,(1):134-137
最近几个月来,经济学界一直在流行一种对中国改革路径的质疑声浪,例如, “中国改革是按照新自由主义模式制定方案”、“贫富差距和地区发展差异是源于改革方针的失误”、“中国经济正出现殖民化倾向”、“国有银行股权被贱买,中国金融安全将遭受威胁”等等。这些议论,尽管有些刺耳,但从另一个角度说,它也是一个可喜  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了技术类无形资产的概念,重点对在评估实务中的一些常见的问题从评估方法、术阶段判断等做了较为详尽的剖析。进而详细地叙述了影响技术类无形资产价值的因素,文章选用参数、技术类无形资产定位、技术类无形资产所处技  相似文献   

Infrastructure is crucial for generating growth, alleviatingpoverty, and increasing international competitiveness. For muchof the twentieth century and in most countries, the networkutilities that delivered infrastructure services—suchas electricity, natural gas, telecommunications, railroads,and water supply—were vertically and horizontally integratedstate monopolies. But this approach often resulted in extremelyweak services, especially in developing and transition economiesand especially for poor people. Common problems included lowproductivity, high costs, bad quality, insufficient revenue,and shortfalls in investment. Over the past two decades manycountries have implemented far-reaching institutional reforms—restructuring,privatizing, and establishing new approaches to regulation.This article identifies the challenges involved in this massivepolicy redirection within the historical, economic, and institutionalcontext of developing and transition economies. It also reviewsthe outcomes of these policy changes, including their distributionalconsequences—especially for poor households and otherdisadvantaged groups. Drawing on a range of international experiencesand empirical studies, it recommends directions for future reformsand research to improve infrastructure performance.   相似文献   

赵蕊 《银行家》2011,(8):91-93
截至到2008年,中国共发行了19单累计668亿元资产支持证券,从客观效果上评价,此类产品均未出现违约情况,只是由于诸多原因制约而无法得以大规模推广。尤其在2008年次贷危机爆发后,中国的监管部门和学术界开始重新审视中国的资产证券化之路,一时间继续推进信贷资产证券化成为讳莫如深之事,中国  相似文献   

森林景观资产与森林环境资产的评估方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林景观资产与森林环境资产的评估研究,是这些森林资源进入市场、参与各种市场经济活动的前提,也是森林企业建立科学管理机制的基础工作。本文在分析森林景观资源与森林环境资源的概念、特点及构成的基础上,对这些森林资源资产评估的方法进行了介绍。  相似文献   

Two assertions dominate discussions about the intersection between the new economy and business and financial reporting. First, the economy of 2001 is fundamentally different from the economy of 1950 and before. Second, traditional financial statements do not capture — and may not be able to capture — the value drivers that dominate the new economy. Improved business and financial reporting of the "new economy" will require attention to recognition and measurement in financial statements, increased disclosure of non-financial performance metrics, and expanded use of forward-looking information. This paper1 addresses the first of those areas — recognition and measurement of internally generated intangible assets.  相似文献   

经营性资产:概念界定与质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经营性资产通常是企业资产的重要组成部分,其质量好坏在很大程度上决定了企业的竞争优势和发展潜力,尤其对于制造业企业的经营成败更是至关重要。本文从经营性资产概念和质量特征的界定入手,结合新企业会计准则引起的有关经营性资产信息披露方面的变化,从周转性、增值性以及获现性等三方面构建经营性资产质量评价指标体系。  相似文献   

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