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本文首先从资金规模限制、高风险性和可持续发展三个方面分析了农村新型金融组织“经济利益和社会责任”双重目标面临的客观矛盾、矛盾的落脚点和矛盾之源,然后从谋求可持续性发展、政府施压和需求导向三方面探讨了双重目标矛盾产业的具体原因,最后从政策支持、风险分担机制等方面提出了协调双重目标矛盾的相关措施.  相似文献   

浅议耕地保护过程中地方政府的“内部性”问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前我国已形成一套严格的耕地保护制度,但政策运行效果与目标之间仍存在一定差距.其根本原因之一是地方政府的"内部性".文章将地方政府的耕地保护行为作为切入点,从公共政策决策、执行等方面分析了地方政府"内部性"如何导致其耕地保护行为的失败.并分析了产生地方政府"内部性"的制度条件.在市场经济条件下,为保证耕地保护政策的有效实施,必须采取一定的经济措施、完善相关制度.  相似文献   

随着资源环境与经济发展的矛盾日益突出,以低能耗、低物耗、低排放、低污染为特征的低碳经济成为未来旅游业发展方式的必然选择。"低碳旅游"模式的构建是一项系统的社会工程,需要旅游者、旅游目的地、旅游企业和政府旅游管理部门的共同参与和积极推进。  相似文献   

荒漠化防治政府直控型政策实施的计量经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在内蒙古荒漠化防治政策实施中,政府采取了直控型政策执行模式。文章从计量模型分析的角度说明政府采取的禁牧舍饲政策、牧区产业结构调整政策等,实际上都是通过强制调控畜牧业产值这一指标,来达到其直控型政策实施目标。  相似文献   

黄英 《农村经济》2012,(5):60-65
社会互动是人们对他人采取社会行动和对方做出反应性社会行动的过程。本文通过对广东省中山市崖口村旅游开发中政府与村民的决策行为进行深度调研,发现中山市各级政府在土地、温泉资源及红树林的征用过程中利用国家权力对其所有权进行强力控制,表现出较强的行政强制和社会安排,并采取了"控制-稳定"的行动逻辑,但村民并不愿意被动接受政府安排,表现出较强的政治参与。在利益追逐过程中,由于政府决策和村民期望存在差距,形成了较强的矛盾和冲突,二者之间发生了强制、反对、顺从、冲突、妥协等多种社会互动行为,迫使政府改变了旅游发展策略和土地流转方案,在一定程度上尊重了村民自治的意愿,最终使乡村旅游开发顺利进行。  相似文献   

"三农"问题是关系到我国社会稳定和经济发展的战略性问题,已引起社会高度重视,各级政府采取种种措施努力缓和并解决"三农"问题带来的一系列矛盾.但是"三农"问题并没有得到彻底解决,在有些地方,反而表现得更为严重.在这样一种情况下,我们是否应该换一个角度来观察"三农"问题呢?笔者提出以下看法:  相似文献   

近年来,我国推出了农机、家电、汽车"三下乡"这一惠农政策。在广东,该政策在实施过程中存在着政策认知不足、政策宣传力度不够、下乡产品的价格与售后服务不尽理想、农民的购买意愿受农村基础设施建设的影响较大、村民购买力直接受制于家庭经济条件、农民担心政策能否落实等问题,影响到该政策的执行效果。对此,可以采取注重官方途径与非官方途径相结合,以加强政策宣传力度、公开中标产品信息、完善"三下乡"产品的售后服务体系、切实发展农村经济、增加农民收入等手段来促进政策的落实。  相似文献   

完善退耕还林还草补贴政策的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
退耕还林还草工程启动以来,我国政府已投入大量的资金.并决定还要继续追加投资.单纯的政府"直补"力量有些不足,也不能从根本上巩固退耕还林还草成果.应该利用退耕还林还草过程中的商业机会、经济政策、土地使用权等,吸引广大的社会力量参与投资,将退耕区或沙区建设成为他们的原材料生产基地,带动农牧民致富,进一步巩固退耕还林还草成果,从而实现生态恢复和经济发展双赢.  相似文献   

从美国萌芽、发展进而波及全球的金融海啸深刻影响并将进一步影响全球经济和社会.此前甚嚣尘上的新自由主义开始遭到怀疑和责难,凯恩斯及其追随者再次被人们想起,其政策主张也成为各国政府大肆干预市场的理论依据.我国政府为应对此次金融危机,保持国民经济持续、快速、健康发展,采取了一系列卓有成效的应对措施,得到了国际社会的一致好评.本文通过危机视角梳理和分析,评论凯恩斯学派的主要经济思想和政策,联系我国应对危机的政策取向实际,用凯恩斯的思想审视并解读我国政府应对危机所采取的一系列措施,着重探讨其适用性及有效性.  相似文献   

我国城镇化进程中,"小产权房"迅速发展。中央与省地方政府采取了一系列政策对其进行规制,但规制政策存在价值取向偏离农民利益,法律依据不足且法规、政策不完善等诸多问题。本文运用政府规制理论、土地产权理论和土地发展权理论,对"小产权房"规制问题的原因进行深入分析,并提出在明晰土地产权主体的规制目标基础上,采取分类处理、有条件合法化"小产权房"的规制路径。  相似文献   

以浙江省安吉县尚林毛竹股份合作社为例,在制度变迁视角下探讨了林业股份合作社的产生和运作机制,林业股份合作社的优越性、存在问题和未来的发展空间。案例研究表明:第一,走向合作是林权改革后分散林农的必然选择,但合作形式是专业合作还是股份合作,并无固定模式;第二,政府对于林业股份合作社的扶持不可或缺,但其介入应当有度;第三,社会资本可以降低林业股份合作社的组织成本,并能增强合作社的稳定性;第四,林业股份合作社的发展道路并不一定要"自下而上",关键在于林农是否存在对合作的强烈需求和林业股份合作社的运行能否坚持"民办、民管、民受益"。  相似文献   

We explore the evolutionary nature of interactions between government policy, farm decision-making and ecosystem services in Shucheng County, Anhui Province, 1950–2015. Analyses of ecological, social and economic trends are complemented by interviews with local farmers. Since the Household Responsibility System started in 1980, there has been a trade-off between rising levels of provisioning services and falling levels of regulating services with evidence that critical thresholds have been passed for water quality. Using a Framework for Ecosystem Service Provision, we argue that farmers have acted only as ecosystem service providers and have not influenced the policies that have brought about the trade-offs. Over the period, ecological degradation is best described as an example of ‘creeping normalcy’ where cumulative conventional actions by individual farmers produce unsustainable losses in regulating services. The Chinese government should act to balance the various ecosystem services through valuation and national policy. In this respect, there is a need for agencies that can provide place-based advice to farmers that will allow them to maintain productivity levels while pursuing restorative actions. Even with new policies, the draw of urban employment, high production costs and an ageing population threaten the viability of farming in these marginal agricultural areas.  相似文献   

The Indonesian rubber case illustrates major problems of technological advance where perennials are cultivated by small farmers. Despite the availability of new and socially profitable technologies, farmers have not shifted from traditional methods owing to credit and information constraints and to high private time-preferences. Some form of public assistance by the state is required if this shift is to take place. Possible Indonesian government approaches to encouraging improvement are discussed, and the currently favoured ‘focus’ strategy of capital and management-intensive development in large co-ordinated blocks is compared with the ‘dispersal’ strategy of attempting to spread government assistance more widely according to the initiative of individual producers. These and other alternative strategies are conceptualised as points on a ‘meta’ production function envelope, portraying the transition to higher inputs of added capital per hectare. The dispersal strategy employs a less capital-intensive intermediate technology, which may be adopted more easily by traditional farmers in the first instance. It may then be used as a base for moving up the learning ‘gradient’ to a higher technological level. It is shown that a major constraint on government acceptance of the dispersal strategy is lack of knowledge about its probable rate of diffusion. It is thus argued that further studies should be made of this aspect. The results of such work would then enable policies to be geared more optimally to resource endowments and social goals.  相似文献   

Land acquisition and the subsequent issues incurred have recently become a prominent social issue in China. Aiming to proffer a more in-depth understanding of this unique land-use procedure (in comparison to that in European nations such as the Netherlands and Germany), this paper first reviews the evolvement of land acquisition policies since the introduction of the Open-Door Policy in the late 1970s, and assesses the impact of these policies on land-lost farmers from the perspective of social exclusion. The major findings are: (1) although existing policies on land acquisition, particularly in terms of compensation, have been gradually improved in nominal terms, land-lost farmers are still subjected to various forms of exclusion in the society; (2) the central government should consider revising the existing measures regarding social security, and introduce other supplementary policies that help enhance their competitiveness in the labour market (such as occupational training) and discourage the cultural, psychological, and social network exclusions, in the backdrop of rural–urban disparity in order to address the potential social issues caused by the influx of land-lost farmers in the cities.  相似文献   

被征地农民贫困风险及安置措施研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
研究目的:为妥善安置被征地农民和防范风险的产生提供政策建议和决策参考。研究方法:阐述了被征地农民面临的贫困风险及风险程度,分析现行安置措施防范贫困风险的效用。研究结果:被征地农民面临的最主要的风险:收入下降、就业困难和长远生计缺乏保障。不同失地状况的被征地农民面临的风险程度是有差别的;不同的安置方式对防范风险的效用是不同的。研究结论:完善被征地农民安置政策措施,应明确以促进就业和建立社会保障体系为重点的基本政策取向,积极开拓多种安置途径。  相似文献   

Using a qualitative social research method at the local administrative level, this paper provides insight into the policy process in China and farmers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of policies implemented to deal with drought. Two villages in rural South-West Yunnan were purposefully selected for the study. The research started with the general assumption that China has a strong top-down hierarchal approach to policy processes and that funding dispersal is prioritised by the central government. However, the study found that funding proposals are prioritised for selection in a bottom-up, participatory manner from the local level. The study also found that farmers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of policy implementation were directly related to their past experience. Among the nine indicators used to measure the effectiveness of policy implementation at the local level, the farmers in the study area perceived access to roads as highly effective; water use efficiency projects, market demand, human mobility for jobs, and government funds as moderately effective; drought knowledge, community participation in planning, and governance structures as least effective; and the role of leadership as not effective. The study found that farmers’ adaptation at the local level is oriented towards short-term market rewards and income diversification. Farmers’ local-level adaptation is guided by government priorities and driven by their perception of tangible benefits. To ensure the effectiveness of policy implementation, long-term adaptation strategies, such as awareness raising, capacity building, watershed management, and source conservation need to be strengthened at the local level.  相似文献   

本文从梅州市的农业概况、农业补贴的基本情况、农业补贴政策存在的问题以及政策建议等几个方面来分析该市农业补贴绩效。目前农业补贴政策存在的问题集中在部分种粮补贴资金可能不能真正兑付到实际的种粮农民手中、缺少必要的工作经费、补贴标准偏低、部门协调有待加强。对此,我们建议:制定长期的种粮补贴政策,建立长效机制;补贴资金应给予实际种粮者;提供专项经费支持;鼓励农民规模化经营。  相似文献   

通过对福建三明市尤溪县和永安市林业社会化服务体系建设情况的调研发现,当地的林业部门创新服务形式,成立林业服务中心提供多种社会化服务,开通科技服务热线服务林农。集体林改后,林农林业投入增加明显,林业收入占总收入的三成以上。用材林联户经营增加,以大户经营为主,出现提供采伐服务的合作组织。经济林和林下经济的生产规模扩大,生产技术服务和产品销售以农户家庭为主体,合作社发挥作用并不明显,病虫害防治等公共服务不健全。建议:政府加强对合作社的支持和管理,发挥合作社在产前和产中服务林农的功能,促进合作社在带动林农增收中的作用;进一步完善林业服务中心建设,强化公共服务职能;完善基层林业技术服务体系,加强与林农合作社平台对接。  相似文献   

Despite the trend of dwindling productivity, tribal people of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) still practise shifting cultivation as a dominant hill farming system to support their livelihood. Drawing on an empirical study in Khagrachari district of the CHT, this research examined how far the production from present shifting cultivation supports the tribal people's livelihood and what alternative livelihood strategies they have adopted for subsistence by using data on input/output and income/expenditures, and analysing current government policies. The findings showed that productivity declined markedly, yields were almost equal to input values and farmers experienced food shortages for at least two to six months in a year. To make a living, farmers have adopted new occupations such as wage labour, animal husbandry, cultivation of annual monocrops and extraction and selling of forest products. Policy analysis indicates that previous policies were unable to reduce shifting cultivation intensity or improve tribal people's livelihoods or the region's forest resources. Reorientation of government policies, easy access to institutional support and the active participation of local people in development intervention are of the utmost importance in order to find alternative land uses for sustainable hill farming, to improve the farmer's living standards and to conserve forests and protect watersheds.  相似文献   

[目的]农药作为蔬菜生产中主要的投入品,在杀虫灭菌、控草护田、生长调节等方面发挥着重要作用,对于保障蔬菜供给意义重大。但是在设施蔬菜种植过程中,由于不合理、过量施用农药导致出现部分蔬菜产品农残超标、农药污染农田生态环境等问题,推进农药减施刻不容缓。[方法]文章运用SWOT分析方法研究寿光市设施蔬菜种植中减施农药的内外部条件,根据有利因素和不利因素调整发展思路,改善农药的不合理使用现状。[结果]通过分析发现,寿光市设施蔬菜种植中减施农药的优势是资源条件好、农户蔬菜种植经验丰富、安全用药意识高;劣势是病虫害抗药性渐强、农户传统的用药习惯根深蒂固且减施农药意愿低;机遇是消费者的需求升级、科学技术水平提高以及相关减施政策实施;挑战是当前市场竞争激烈且政府监管欠佳。[结论]推进设施蔬菜农药减施应采取以下对策:(1)统防统治与绿色防控技术并举,保障蔬菜的质量安全和生物多样性的发展;(2)提升意识与科学用药并重,促进当地蔬菜生产稳定发展;(3)政府监管与信息共享统筹,规范农资市场和农产品市场的交易行为;(4)农业保险与农业补贴兼顾,建立起适度超前、开放灵活政策保障体系。  相似文献   

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