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商务谈判是商务活动中的一个必不可少的组成部分。为研究中国商务谈判行为,以北京、温州和邯郸三个城市几十家企业102组商务模拟谈判为依据进行分析,数据结果揭示了中国商务谈判者的个人特征、谈判策略及谈判气氛等因素对谈判结果所产生的影响,以及这些因素之间的相互作用。 相似文献
This study empirically assesses the relative impact of business education on students' ethics while accounting for the potentially confounding effects of maturation and starting position. It finds that business education does not negatively effect the ethical development of students relative to the effect caused by non-business education. 相似文献
Harry G. Broadman 《The World Economy》2001,24(7):849-875
The state industrial sector is the Achilles heel of China's otherwise remarkable economic performance over the past two decades. Most other countries in transition from socialism have transformed SOEs into commercial entities through systematic, market‐driven restructuring and privatisation to become more efficient and competitive. In China, a series of innovative, if often administrative, insitutional reforms since 1978 have begun to achieve the Chinese authorities' goal of ‘separating governemtn from business.’ But the Chinese State still maintains ownership of key enterprises, and government agencies carry out shareholder functions typically performed by private owners in a market economy. Although privatisation and restructuring of SOEs is occurring, it mostly pertains to small and medium sized firms. For the principal businesses, by contrast, the creation of large state enterprise groups and holding companies (and experiments in other forms of ‘state asset management’) have become the main form of restructuring. Today, China's SOEs still account for more than one‐quarter of national production, two‐thirds of total assets, more than half of urban employment and almost three‐quarters of investment. While direct budgetary subsidies have declined, explicit and implicit subsidies are still making their way to prop up loss‐making SOEs through the financial system and other routes. At the same time, SOEs are still producing non‐marketable products, resulting in a sizeable inventory overhang. These inefficiencies and distortions represent a drain on the country's resources and thus present a challenge to the Chinese leadership for reform. This paper sheds light on these challenges by analysing the incentives and constraints on China's SOE reform programme. Four critical aspects of the reforms are highlighted and evaluated against the backdrop of international experience: clarification of property rights; establishment of large group/holding companies and other new organisational structures; improved corporate governance incentives; and implementation of international financial accounting and auditing practices. The paper concludes with policy recommendations. 相似文献
在改革开放的大背景下,中国企业经过20年的发展,商业理念发生了很大的变化,呈现如下八大演变趋势。市场观:从适应市场到创造市场;营销观:从价格竞争到价值竞争;运营观:从生产竞争到终端竞争;竞争观:从分散竞争到联盟竞争;技术观:从引进技术到自主创新;责任观:从经济责任到社会责任;资产观:从有形资产到无形资产;领域观:从国内到国际。这些理念变化对中国的经济发展产生了极大的影响。 相似文献
纵观社会主义市场经济体制改革目标确立以来的中国商业史,成本导向是重要的商业文化主题.低成本战略是二十年来我国大多数企业的选择.本文通过对我国企业二十年来的发展史进行研究,发现我国企业在成本控制观念上表现出了六大趋势,即从规模经济到精益生产,从避险求利到范围经济,从生产成本到寿命周期成本,从查错防弊到内控审计,从生成成本到倒逼成本,从成本节约到战略成本管理. 相似文献
我国福费廷业务存在的问题和对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
福费廷是商业银行对出口商持有并经银行担保的债权凭证无追索权购买的金融服务活动。福费廷业务在国外相当活跃,使用范围相当广泛。我国20世纪90年代才开始引进福费廷业务,尚处于摸索阶段,经验不足。因此,应针对我国福费廷业务存在的问题,借鉴国际经验,采取相应策略,开展我国的福费廷业务。 相似文献
试分析我国风险投资业健康发展的制约因素 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
发展风险投资有利于将我国的知识优势和技术优势转化为产业优势,但由于受到观念、资金等多方面因素的制约,当前我国的风险投资业发展极不规范。为此,必须更新观念、有效引导民间资本、加快人才培养、建立二板市场、明确政府职能、完善相关法规,以确保风险投资业的健康发展。 相似文献
褚宗明 《中国商贸:销售与市场营销培训》2010,(2)
商业方法专利是专利制度的新发展,它扩大了专利的保护范围。经过多年的实践,商业方法专利越来越注重专利客体的技术性判断,本文据介绍了美国商业方法专利的新发展,最后对我国在商业方法专利保护方面所面临的挑战提出了笔者的应对策略。 相似文献
随着全球金融一体化和自由化浪潮的不断高涨,混业经营已成为国际金融业发展的主导趋势。中国作为为数不多的坚持分业经营的国家之一,在面临着加入WTO的现实状况下,金融业从分业经营走向混业经营,应该成为中国金融体制改革的最终选择和历史的必然选择。 相似文献
中国企业应如何面对反倾销 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
中国目前是国际上遭受反倾销投诉最多的国家,入世后,这一状况短期内将不会有很大改变。中国企业一方面应完善自我,另一方面还应充分运用世贸组织《反倾销协议》这一法律武器维护自身的权益。 相似文献
<正>中国中高端商务人士的理财方式相对单一,银行存款的比率仍占据收入的三分之一;有39%的中国中高端商务人士有更换到其他银行的意愿,其中30%的中国商务人士打算更换到外资银行; 相似文献
Guo Yan 《中国对外贸易(英文版)》2009,(9):49-50
According to the Press Communiqu6 between China and France issued on 1st April, both sides decided to conduct high-level contact and strategic dialogue ,at a proper time to enhance bilateral cooperation in various fields and promote a harmonious and steady growth in Sino-France relations. Since then, the high officials from both countries experienced a frequent meet period. Former Premier Minister of France, Raffarin, with a commercial delegation, at- tended Sino-French Economic Seminar held on April 8, and also a ground-breaking ceremony for the new Embassy of France in China followed after. President of National Assembly of France, Bernard Accoyer arrived in Beijing on April 20, for a one-week visit. When met with Wu Bangguo, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People's Congress, Accoyer asked him to hand in a letter from Sarkozy, President of France, to Hu Jintao, President of PRC. It was an invitation letter for President Hu for a visit to France. Accoyer was the highest poli- tician from France who visited China in last four months after Sino-France relation became cold due to the Tibet issue. Anne- Marie Idrac, French Minister of State for foreign Trade attended the Boao Forum on April 17 in Hainan. During her 7 days' visit she met the Chinese high officials, and visited some of the Sino- France joint companies. When she was in Beijing, Idrac held a press conference and answered questions on the foreign trade between the two countries. 相似文献
随着中国成功地加入WTO,参与全球经济一体化,中国企业开展电子商务是必然趋势和必由之路。然而,中国企业的信息化建设由于多种原因,其发展远远落后于国外,企业要想开展电子商务,该如何去构建其商务平台呢?根据企业的现状以及各种技术的发展情况,对中国企业开展电子商务所需的内部条件作出分析,应该首先是企业的信息化建设,其次是资金,最关键是要有人才等;外部条件则是全社会的商务流程再造、健全的法制,政府政策的支持与示范效应等。内外条件的充分结合即可为企业顺利开展电子商务创造良好的条件。 相似文献
我国本土商业零售业的缺陷及对策研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
科学考察我国本土商业零售业的缺陷是提升其竞争力的前提与基础。我国本土商业零售业主要存在经营理念滞后、经营成本过高、规模不太合理、业态结构单一等缺陷,因而创新经营理念、完善经营机制、拓展经营格局、创新经营模式是提升本土商业零售业竞争力的根本举措。 相似文献
社会上一直有一种理论,认为汽车工业应当像国外那样扩大企业的生产规模,以规模带动整个汽车产业效率和效益的提高.真是这样吗? 相似文献
在将社交网络划分为以博客为代表的社交网络萌芽阶段,以人人网为代表的社交网络娱乐化阶段,以微博、微信为代表的微信息社交网络阶段,以及代表未来主流发展方向的垂直社交网络应用阶段的基础上,本文以“六要素商业模式”模型为研究视角,并将平台战略中的付费方、被补贴方、同边网络效应、跨边网络效应、转换成本、平台覆盖等概念引入到分析框架中,针对博客、人人网、新浪微博、微信进行定位、业务系统、关键资源和能力、盈利模式、现金流结构、企业价值六个要素的对比,揭示中国社交网络在不同发展阶段商业模式的发展变化,并对可能的影响因素进行分析,对未来发展进行展望。 相似文献