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Chinese advertising has long been inseparable from the Chinese na- tional culture from late Shang Dynasty and early Zhou Dynasty when Jiang Ziya beat sword to spread sound to the 21st century when the badge of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games sweeps the whole world. With cultural trait as one of its fundamental character, advertising naturally becomes one  相似文献   

Chinese Wine     
Wine, like tea, is a favorite drink of the Chinese people. No matter where you are, at a family dinner or at a state banquet, you can see its presence. "One thousand cups of wine are not enough when you are drinking with a close friend" and "good wine is enjoyed when one is a little drunk." Such beautiful sentiments are expressed by all wine admirers. Great statesman Cao Cao of the Three-Kingdoms period (AD 220-280) wrote in a poem, "Only Du Kang (a famous wine of the time named after the brewer) can dispel my worries." So, since ancient times people have sought temperary relief through wine. The main function of wine is to bring excitement and  相似文献   

Chinese Balloons     
What is the origin of Chinese balloons? And who first invented them? These are questions on which different people have different opinions. Some say that the earliest balloons were invented by Lu Ban who lived in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods (770-221 BC), while others argue that they came into existence as a result of  相似文献   

Traditionally Chinese people like to spend their festivals amid the pop, hiss and bang of fireworks. But many other countries in the world do the same to celebrate holidays or special gala occasions. Therefore, many clients from more than 10 countries and regions including the United States and Japan, Germany and Norway order fireworks at  相似文献   

Chinese Market     
ToAttendWTOInfluencesonChina'sShoeIndustryAccordingtostatisticsfromChinaLeatherIfldustryAss0ciation,in1997China'sleatherindustrymade1OOmilli0npieces0fhide,2.47billionpairsofleathershoesand79.38millionleathergarments,earningf0reignexchangeofUS$9.95billion,firstinlightindustryButthechiefforms0fmanagementremaintraditionalsmallhand-makingindustrymanagementandh0useholdmanagement,andthereisalackofcreativityinthedesignmeth0d.Basica1lysmallfactoriesfOllowlargefactories,andthelatterfOllowoverse…  相似文献   

Chinese cuisine is world famous because of its unique features of colour, fragrance, taste and shape and careful selection of tableware. The earliest material for making Chinese tableware was bronze. Then appeared silver and tin alloy tableware. Silverware was the most precious. Although tin-made tableware was not as precious as silverware, its craftsmanship was equally exquisite. Some have a facility in the bottom to hold hot water to keep food warm at the table. This can  相似文献   

AgriculturalMachineryMarketTheAgriculturalmachineryindustryisamajorbeneficiaryoftheagriculture-orientedpolicy.Thedevelopmentofagriculturalinfrastructureconstructionandwaterconservancyengineeringconstructionwillincreasetheneedforagriculturalmachineryin1999,itisestimated,therewillbeaneedof80,000largetractors,up14percent,2millionsmalltractors,up11percent,2.8millionagriculturaltransportvehicles,up10percent,35,000combines,sameaslastyeas,100millionkwagriculturalinternalcombustionengines,up15percent…  相似文献   

Huangfeng Ginsengfrom the ChangbaiMountains In northeast China, there are threetreasures—ginseng, mink fur and antlers.Huangfeng ginseng is the famous brand inthe world and the best ginseng in China. Huang Feng are two Chinese characters,meaning title granted by an emperor of theformer dynasties. According to the HistoricalBook of the Qing Dynasty, the EmperorKangxi sent his highest official Wu Mona toMengjiangzhou in the Changbai Mountainsto seek a medicine for longevity.Mengjiangzhou is the present Jingyu County  相似文献   

Most of the foreign-funded enterprises in China are in fact funded by overseas Chinese. They have made indelible contributions to China's remarkable economic achievement. Their pioneering spirit has already been written into the glorious annals of China's economic development!  相似文献   

Chinese Wrestling which has been exercised for thousands of years, has a history of as long as the Chinese People China's Foreign Trade exclusively interviewed 72-year old Mr. Li Baoru, Head of the Chinese Wrestling Team. He stressed: "Chinese Wrestling will not become extinct, because it is the symbol of the Chinese Spirit."  相似文献   

Established in September 27, 2003, Zhejiang Gonow Auto mobile Co., Ltd. is a private company specialized in the manufacture of pickup and sport-utility vehicle (SUV). The company is located in Luqiao District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, P. R. China. It covers an area of 268, 000 square meters in the first  相似文献   

Chinese Wrestling which has been exercised for thousands of years, has a history of as long as the Chinese People China's Foreign Trade exclusively interviewed 72-year old Mr. Li Baoru, Head of the Chinese Wrestling Team. He stressed: "Chinese Wrestling will not become extinct, because it is the symbol of the Chinese Spirit." By Editor  相似文献   

ForeigninvestorsmakeagoodspeculationontherelishandadditivejpodmarketinchinaChina'sfoodindustryhasachievedagrowthof10percenteachyeal,andasaresulttherelishandadditivefoodmarkethasdrawnmanyforeigninvestorstocompete.NoW,manyforeigninvestorshavesetupwholl...  相似文献   

Beijing'sfirstshop-siteofKFC,asnackchain-storefromtheUnitedStates.islocatedatQianmen.QianmenwasonceagoldenplaceforBeijing'soldcateringsetwces,t0dayitisalsoabattlefieldfOrbusinessmen.Inthecompetition,KFChasrevealeditself,andmanycustomerscomehereeverydayItsunifiedarchitecturalstyle,standardizedmanagementandf00dar0undthew0rldhavemadeag0odimpressiononChinesepe0ple.Customerscanenteragenuineforeignsh0pwithoutgoingabroad.ButthedecoratedandreopenedKFCQianmenBranchhasturnedf0reignintoChinese,an…  相似文献   

The Chinese edition of Scanorama is a features of SAS's activities aimed at adapting its product offering to Chinese customers  相似文献   

The Chinese edition of Scanorama is a features of SAS's activities aimed at adapting its product offering to Chinese customers  相似文献   

The Shanghai Steam Turbine Generator Plant and the U. S. Westinghouse Electric Company signed a co-production agreement in Shanghai in late August 1994. Under the agreement, the Shanghai plant obtained a Westinghouse licence to produce 600 megawatt-steam turbine generators. This raises by 25 % the plant's power equipment production capacity and enables the plant  相似文献   

In recent years, Shanshan western suits have become famous and popular on the garment market. They have won the first gold bridge prize in successive years from the Ministry of Internal Trade and have been evaluated as one of the ten brandnames of Chinese-made western suits.  相似文献   

The Chinese like tea and famous teas in particular. Tea drinking is an elegant custom and famous teas are often linked to legends, emperors, men of letters or renowned mountains, adding charm to Chinese culture. Longjing (Drangon Well) Tea. The Book of Tea recorded tea produced in the Tianzhu and Lingvin temples in Hangzhou  相似文献   

In the early days after the founding of New China, there were only some poorly equipped small chemical factories in the cities of Shanghai, Shenyang. Dalian, Nanjing and Tianjin across the country, with a total output value of RMB 170 million. Now, 45 years later, the chemical industry boasts 23 branches. 40, 000 kinds of products, a total output value of RMB 330 billion and a total import and export volume of RMB 20 billion, according to Gu Xiulian, Minister of Chemical Industry in a speech at the '94 Beijing International Chemical  相似文献   

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