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Hedge Funds and Currency Crises   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

对冲基金风险收益特征的实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对冲基金是一种高风险的投资工具.本文采用马科维茨的资本资产定价理论及相关的投资组合风险收益分析工具,对对冲基金的收益和风险特征进行了分析,结果表明:(1)对冲基金全行业平均收益率高于标准普尔和全球债券指数收益率;(2)对冲基金收益率的时间序列不服从正态分布,其三维和四维的分布特征表明其历史收益率虽然出现异常波动的概率较低,但一旦出现,损失很大;(3)对冲基金收益率与代表传统投资工具的股票、债券收益率之间没有稳定的相关性,对冲基金在牛市和熊市都能获得绝对收益.因此,在不考虑数据偏差的条件下,投资对冲基金期望收益更高,但并不比传统投资工具"危险".  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of hedge fund activism on corporate innovating activities. It finds that innovative firms are as likely to be targeted by activist hedge funds as non-innovative firms. Activist hedge funds tend to target innovative firms with low innovation efficiency. Hedge fund interventions are associated with significant improvements in innovation output in both highly competitive and less competitive industries. The improvement is more pronounced in active intervention events. Our results suggest that activist hedge funds are not myopic investors and their interventions enhance innovative activities that benefit innovative firms’ long-term performance.  相似文献   

We investigate how macroeconomic and financial uncertainty impacts the behavior of hedge fund strategy higher moments—i.e., co-skewness and co-kurtosis—and their respective cross-sectional dispersions. Consistent with theoretical models, we find that strategy managers trade off these two higher moments when building optimal portfolios. Moreover, these trade-offs depend on the kind of strategy. Our experiments show that the VIX and its conditional variance are the most important factors affecting higher moment risk in the hedge fund industry. They also reveal that the behavior of hedge fund strategies is very asymmetric depending on the phase of the business cycle. In contrast to studies which rely on the mean-variance setting, we find that systemic risk—as measured by the cross-sectional dispersions of higher moments—tends to decrease in the low regime. The indicators of market volatility play a decisive role to explain this decline in systemic risk.  相似文献   

最小平均VaR套期保值比率计算模型及实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统的套期保值模型只考虑最小化套期保值组合在到期日的价格风险,而且没有充分利用资产历史价格样本数据所提供的收益率信息的特点,本文提出了考虑套期保值期内不同期限价格风险的最小平均VaR套期保值比率计算模型。基于我国外汇市场及股票市场数据,本文对最小平均VaR套期保值模型进行了实证分析,并与常用的最小方差及最小VaR套期保值模型进行了对比,得出了最小平均VaR模型在套期保值过程中的效果要优于其他两种模型,能更有效地降低投资者提前终止套期保值可能面临额外风险的结论。  相似文献   

We examine hedge fund (HF) index construction methodologies, by describing and analysing case studies from two well-known database vendors and evaluating them using numerical examples on the same dataset. Despite the fact that they follow a similar due diligence process, there are great differences in the index engineering practices arising from different quantitative techniques, even for indices in the same HF category. However, those quantitative techniques provide similar results. The differences are rather due to the use of different HF universes and different inclusion criteria. This article is the first to use actual numerical case studies to illustrate and compare how HF index engineering works. Having read it, the reader will have a good understanding of how HF indices are formed.  相似文献   

张扬  陈经伟 《经济师》2008,(11):51-53
文章对对冲基金进行了分析,阐述了对冲基金对金融市场的影响,以及对对冲基金的辨证认识,同时对国内引进对冲基金的必要性进行了论述。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the risk and return characteristics of a wide universe of hedge funds in the period 1990–2000. Most major categories of hedge funds are found to have outperformed (often by a considerable margin) the performance of traditional asset classes. The potential impact of hedge fund trading on market spreads and volatilities is examined especially in the period 1998, so as to provide some guidelines in terms of regulation of such funds. It is shown, however, that despite hedge fund difficulties in that period, the inclusion of hedge funds in investor portfolios definitely moves the efficiency frontier outwards, and allows significantly higher levels of returns for given levels of risk. This is primarily because of the low level of correlation of certain hedge fund styles, especially arbitrage strategies, with other hedge fund styles and with traditional assets.
(J.E.L.: G10, G11, G14, G23).  相似文献   

最佳套期保值比率(OHR)的估计方法是金融工程理论研究的核心问题之一。从20世纪初所谓的“幼稚”方法到1970年代趋于成熟的JSE方法,以及后来的HKM方法和Adler—Dumas方法等,每一类新方法从某种程度上说都更好地起到了保值效果。然而,它们共同的症结都在于所估计的OHR是不随时间而变化的。自1982年Engle提出ARCH模型以来,不少国外学者已经开始尝试将ARCH/GARCH模型应用到OHR的研究中,从而求得动态的(或时变的)OHR,以期待衍生工具的套期保值效率得到进一步的提高。  相似文献   

"热钱"进入的状况和影响目前正在受到国内各界的广泛关注。文章借用以指数收益推算要素敞口的方法,研究了"热钱"的典型代表———国际对冲基金在中国金融市场上的投资活动和资产分布。从全球对冲基金行业来看,尚不存在大规模投资于中国大陆市场的迹象。全球对冲基金业绩仅与中国股票市场存在较微弱的正相关关系。就大中华区而言,大陆股票、香港股票和台湾股票市场是这一地区对冲基金的主要活动场所。没有发现对冲基金在行业意义上进入中国债券、期货和房地产市场的证据。文章还分析了国际对冲基金进入中国的主要渠道和目前国内对对冲基金的监管现状,并提出有关政策建议。  相似文献   


This study focuses on activist funds during the second wave of activism after the implementation of the Stewardship and Corporate Governance Codes in Japan. Based on reports of large-scale shareholdings (acquisitions of 5% shares or more) submitted by activist funds between 2014 and 2019, this study finds that the stock returns of target firms react positively to the intervention of activist funds. The positive correlation intensifies for funds classified as hostile or domestic. Unlike in the first wave of activism, activist funds do not necessarily target low-margin or undervalued firms in the second wave of activism. Comparing financial indicators of the targets of the pre- and post-acquisition periods of large blocks of shares by activist funds, return on assets tends to decline more than that of their matching peer control firms, while the dividend payout ratio tends to rise more. This study contributes to the related research in three ways. First, this study adds empirical evidence on hedge fund activism outside the U.S., which is still somewhat scant. Second, this study is the first in the English or Japanese language literature to focus on the second wave of activism in Japan. Third, this study presents empirical results that are distinct from those in prior studies focusing on the first wave, perhaps because institutional changes forced activist funds to focus more on engagement rather than selecting cheap firms.


夏梅风  王文峰 《现代财经》2001,21(10):40-42
本文首先分析了对冲基金冲击虚拟经济系统的机制,进而建立了相关数学模型并进行了检验,最后有针对性地提出了防范对冲基金的对策建议。  相似文献   

对冲基金的最新发展与监管框架重构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王刚  张赞松 《现代财经》2007,27(9):17-21
以近年来对冲基金的迅猛发展为背景,总结对冲基金竞争优势的来源,在分析现行国际监管制度缺欠的基础上,探讨以完善基金治理结构、强化信息披露和实施以风险为基础的监管措施三方面构筑有效合理的监管制度,具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

日本对冲基金发展状况及监管经验对我国的借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本在2000年通过立法允许对冲基金在日本正式开展业务.在五年的时间里,日本市场上的对冲基金规模迅速膨胀;除了部分富裕阶层之外,大量的养老金、保险公司也都成为对冲基金的投资者.目前日本对于对冲基金的立法尚属空白.为了保护投资者,特别是养老金的利益,监管当局正在建立对冲基金的监管机制.日本在对冲基金的法律定位、监管原则和监管模式方面的选择,可以为中国未来的对冲基金监管机制设计提供借鉴.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new benchmarking procedure lying on cumulants for computing the factor loadings in financial models of returns. We apply this technique to the well-known augmented Fama and French (J Fin Econ 43(2):153–193, 1997) model and compare it with another technique of ours based on higher moments. Our new procedure confirms the fact that the alpha is supposed to decrease when we disaggregate HFR indices to the level of individual funds while correcting for specification errors. Our new technique is therefore useful for hedge funds selection or ranking based on the alpha of Jensen corrected for specification errors. This technique will also be useful for calibrating other financial models of returns like the simple market model or the conditional alpha and beta models.
Raymond ThéoretEmail:

近年来,宏观型对冲基金加快了策略转型和运作方式调整,表现为进一步分化为中小型化和专业化,其结构性变化是投资者中的机构投资者显著增加,大型金融机构也相继设立了机构内对冲基金;在投资策略方面,为了减少风险暴露,宏观型对冲基金正在寻找与各国政府意愿和金融市场走势更加协调的投资策略;这些新的变化对于各国金融稳定提出了新的挑战。目前,中国的经济金融形势十分有利于对冲基金实施多头策略,因此,如何有序开放金融市场和金融业及有效阻止对冲基金可能给中国金融体系造成的冲击是中国应当考虑和关注的问题。  相似文献   

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