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经济增长目标管理是中国宏观经济的重要现象,外商直接投资的注入为经济增长提供了重要的源泉。文章基于中国各地级市政府工作报告公布的年度经济增长目标,形成284个地级市2001~2016年面板数据,检验经济增长目标对吸引外资的影响。研究发现,经济增长目标的提高显著增大了实际利用外资数量,该发现是稳健的,在进行了变换度量变量、回归样本和考虑内生性的稳健性检验之后,结论依然成立。究其机制,在既定的经济增长目标的激励下,地方政府扩大土地出让面积,增大人均财政支出,以此吸引外商直接投资。文章还发现,地方经济增长目标的提高将导致外商直接投资显著增加的效应,仅在欠发达的中西部地区成立,在2012年之前出现。文章的发现为进一步优化政府目标管理实现经济高质量发展提供了有益的参考。 相似文献
本文以沃尔玛、家乐福、麦德龙、欧尚、易初莲花、乐购六大跨国零售企业作为分析样本,对中国市场上零售业外商直接投资的区位选择问题进行了实证研究,认为跨国零售企业在中国市场的区位选择受地区商业整体发达程度与经济发展水平的影响显著,受当地消费能力的影响具有不确定性,而根本不受当地商业竞争程度的影响。文章提出,整体经济环境好、商业较为发达、消费潜力大且零售竞争相对不太激烈的中西部地区将成为中国本土零售企业跨区域发展的重要目标市场,而只有对目标市场整体经济环境及商业发达程度、消费潜力及零售市场竞争状况作出科学的评价,才能为成功的跨区域发展奠定基础。 相似文献
《Journal of Internet Commerce》2013,12(1):87-100
ABSTRACT This paper primarily discusses the benefits of using audio on the Internet. Based on qualitative interviews with Internet experts and reviews of extant literature on consumer behavior and marketing, it develops a set of recommendations for effective application of audio on the Internet. While these recommendations constitute a set of viable strategies for direct marketing, they also form a set of testable hypotheses for academic researchers. Marketers are now beginning to consider audio as a tool to add value to a Website and to promote brands. Essentially, they offer a basis for future academic experiments aimed at better understanding the impact of audio on the Internet. 相似文献
Paul R. Baines Robert M. Worcester David Jarrett Roger Mortimore 《Journal of Marketing Management》2013,29(1-2):225-249
The perceived importance of five technical service qualities (Gronroos 1984) or features (i.e. national and local policies, leaders, values and candidates), and voters’ ratings of the Labour and Conservative Parties’ competence on each of these parameters, were investigated during the 2001 British General Election using an a priori segmentation method and the classification tree statistical technique for data analysis. Voter ratings of the technical service features were found to be indicators of intention to vote. A product differentiation approach is most likely to influence voting intention, because the technical service features are more readily manipulated through marketing programmes than demographic and customer characteristics (Bucklin and Gupta 1992). Ratings of technical service features are stronger indicators of voting intention than voter demographics and characteristics. A product differentiation approach, based around technical service features, would be the most effective focus for strategy development in future political marketing campaigns. 相似文献
文章提出,在工作分析实践中,存在三个需要普遍重视的问题:一是技术本身存在无法逾越的难点,二是人员自身技术掌握程度与运用问题,三是工作分析的职业道德与人性化问题。要解决这三个问题,不仅需要观念上的转变、技术上的提升,还需要在要素选择与组合上开展工作,使得工作分析的结论更具价值性和可用性。文章提出,工作说明书主要包括工作描述以及任职资格与条件等两大类最基本的内容,但具体编写过程中更为详细的要素内容则应根据实际需要确定,一般差异比较大,基本要素的选择应遵循实用有效的原则。工作分析过程中,除要掌握相关技术分析方法外,还要把握一些实战技巧与策略。 相似文献
浅析高职电子商务专业人才培养目标定位及岗位细分 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过对高职电子商务专业人才培养目标定位及岗位细分的分析,根据对我院的观察研究和工作经验,论证了当前电子商务专业人才培养定位和电子商务岗位细分,指出人才定位应该立足职业教育,培养应用型人才,突出行业特征,定位明确的职业岗位(群),突出地域特色,服务于区域经济建设;分别对其进行可造性分析并提出了建设性的意见。 相似文献
逆向选择视角下电子商务市场与传统市场间关系研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
电子商务的出现和快速成长反映出它对信息环境具有支配性的优点,这本身就意味着电子商务市场可能成为传统市场的替代。然而,逆向选择问题明显限制了这种替代效应程度。文章基于经典逆向选择模型,通过所构造的双市场(传统市场与电子商务市场)逆向选择模型,证明伴随着质量不确定性而诱发的逆向选择问题,在电子市场和传统市场之间会产生市场的不均衡,从而导致渠道冲突。文章试图揭示传统市场和电子商务市场并存的学理根源,得出两市场间市场细分的条件,对两市场间的渠道冲突提出新的解释,并据此提出了逆向选择下企业营销的策略建议。 相似文献
加入WTO后我国OTC药品市场格局与市场战略选择 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着我国加入WTO以及药品分类管理制度和医疗体制改革的推进,我国OTC药品市场在产生初期就面临巨大的挑战,在分析OTC市场格局的基础上,从市场定位、营销网络构建和品牌经营这三个方面提出对策建议。 相似文献
Christos Georgiou Fragiskos Archontakis Eugenia Petridou 《Journal of East-West Business》2013,19(3):233-255
The study examines the internationalization of Greek SMEs in Western Europe and the Balkan area, focusing on the role of location as a selection criterion in their FDI decisions. Data aimed at capturing SMEs’ perceptions with regard to incentives affecting their FDI based on location criteria. We find that location plays a significant role with regard to the benefits that firms gain, highlighting OLI paradigm's theoretical relevance in the examination of FDI, while presenting internationalization trends in the global environment. Findings further contribute to the adaption of effective practices to enhance firms’ competitiveness through more rational and targeted investment decisions. 相似文献
跨国公司全球营销策略与在华营销活动研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
跨国公司在全球范围内进行扩张时,是采用一体化营销战略还是当地化营销战略一直是跨国公司在实际决策中遇到的难点,这同时也是近年来营销理论界争论的一个焦点。通过对全球化营销和当地化营销两种营销方式内涵的挖掘,进而以Prahalad&Doz(1987)提出的一体化——当地化分析框架为基础,研究跨国公司在华的营销策略。研究结果表明:几乎所有进入中国市场的跨国公司都把本土化作为获取中国的胜利之本。 相似文献
Non-profit (NP) organizations present complex challenges in managing stakeholder relationships, particularly during times
of environmental change. This places a premium on knowing which stakeholders really matter if an effective relationship marketing
strategy is to be developed. This article presents the successful application of a model, which combines Mitchell’s theory
of stakeholder saliency and Coviello’s framework of contemporary marketing practices in a leading NP organization in the U.K.
A cooperative enquiry approach is used to explore stakeholder relationships, dominant marketing practices, and to surface
differing perceptions about the organization’s marketing strategy. Resolving these differences sets the scene for developing
choices in marketing strategy for the future.
Simon Knox is Professor of Brand Marketing at the Cranfield School of Management in the UK and is a consultant to a number
of multinational companies including Levi Strauss, DiverseyLever, BT and Exel. Upon graduating, he followed a career in the
marketing of international brands with Unilever plc in a number of senior marketing roles in both detergents and foods. Since
joining Cranfield, Simon has published over 100 papers and books on strategic marketing and branding and is a regular speaker
at international conferences. He is a Director of the Cranfield Centre for Brand Management Development in the School and
is currently looking at the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Brand Management. He is the co-author of two recent
books, "Competing on Value", published by FT Pitman Publishing in the UK, Germany, the USA and China, and "Creating a Company
for Customers", FT Prentice-Hall, in the UK, Brazil and India.
Colin Gruar is currently studying for his Doctorate of Business Administration at the School. His thesis is concerned with
developing marketing strategy across stakeholder groups in the Not-for-Profit sector.Formerly Head of Marketing at a major
UK medical research charity, Colin has also had senior roles in sales, marketing and operations management in a range of sectors
including manufacturing, financial services and energy supply. 相似文献
电子商务实践教学的案例甄选与分析模型 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
电子商务实践是动态的、不断变化的,电子商务实践教学是密切适应市场需求的、与时俱进的。在电子商务的实践教学中,应该注重电子商务案例的甄选与分析。电子商务案例的甄选应体现代表性、针对性、系统性、启发性等原则。电子商务案例分析模型遵循模式定义、基本情况汇总、案例价值网络定位、模式分析、总结与建议的程序。 相似文献
Rashi Glazer 《Journal of Market-Focused Management》1997,2(1):65-81
This paper discusses the relationship between the traditionalfunctions of Marketing and Information Technology (IT) from theperspective of the emerging information-intensive marketsthat characterize the environment faced by most modern organizations.First, a conceptual framework is presented for understandingthe range of information-intensive strategies (built aroundexploiting the Customer Information File as the key corporateasset) that are increasingly the determinants of competitivesuccess. Next, the appropriate organizational structure to supportthese strategies is proposed—one in which the historicalseparation between marketing and IT is abandoned in favor ofa new structure organized around a core set of information-processingactivities. Finally, the characteristics of this new organizationare described—in particular its role as a market-drivenlearning organization and, increasingly, as a living, biologicalorganism. 相似文献
《Journal of East-West Business》2013,19(3):91-115
Abstract This study reports findings of a survey including 139 Finnish and 97 Austrian companies active in Eastern Europe. The study focuses on two major areas in the firm's business activities in Eastern Europe, namely on market strategies-the timing of market entry, market selection, entry modes and motives-and company performance. The number of market entries has increased after the transition, but the majority of business activities still take place in geographically-close countries. Companies have gradually started to use more high-commitment modes of operation, but contrary to our expectations, high commitment modes were also frequently used in more unstable markets. Company performance in Russia and especially in other countries of Eastern Europe was in general clearly lower than in domestic markets and foreign markets in general. Against expectations, firm size, dependence on international markets, length of operation, and mode of operation in Eastern Europe did not significantly influence the performance. However, firms which concentrated on Russian markets on a continuous basis performed much better than other firms. 相似文献
近年来,区域创新系统的研究正在逐步发展深化,外商直接投资的全球化发展给世界各国区域创新系统提供了机遇。黑龙江省区域创新系统科技投入少,资源利用差,技术创新能力弱。应拓宽融资渠道,提高外商R&D投入强度;推动区域产业群发展,形成竞争优势;加快先进服务技术的扩散,提升整个区域的科技竞争力。 相似文献
刘金峰 《安徽商贸职业技术学院学报(社会科学版)》2009,8(4)
在对影响选人用人公信度的四个主要问题探讨的基础上,研究提出了相应的对策,即:加快政治民主化进程,实现不同主体间权利义务设置的合理化;着力打破体制和机制性障碍,广泛选用各类德才兼备的优秀人才并在动态调整中实现人岗的高度匹配;注重健全完善程序,创新工作方式方法,不断推进干部选用机制的规范化;建构科学的评估目标体系,进一步完善选人用人评估机制。 相似文献
We analyze the direct investment versus export decision of a multinational firm in competition with a potential entrant in a host country. We consider a workers' skills asymmetry between the host and the multinational home countries. We also give the multinational the possibility to train all (or a part of) the hired workers when investing. We show that an improvement in the workers' skills in the host country does not systematically increase the multinational incentive to invest. We also demonstrate that the tariff-jumping investment can improve the welfare of the host country even if it excludes the local firm from the market. 相似文献
食品供应链管理实施的要素组合和目标优化 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文认为,食品供应链是将食品产业上下游企业直到最终用户连成一个整体物流的功能网链。食品企业应从实际情况出发,分阶段逐步实施供应链管理。文章指出,食品供应链管理实施包括顾客中心、核心业务、合作、冷链、补充、计策、信用、创新、循环等九个要素,即9Cs’要素。为从时间和成本两个方面促进产品增值,应通过链站节点、网络参数及政策环境等的优化,建立供应链系统,优化食品供应链管理,提高我国现代食品企业的国际竞争力。 相似文献
差异化是人们进入竞争白热化市场的切入点,同时也是人们从跟随者转变成挑战者的机会点。产品只有形成自己独特的个性或需求点,才具备较强的竞争力。针对农村市场的需求特征,实施差异化营销策略不仅能满足广大农村居民的需求,而且能使企业有的放矢地在农村拓展"领地",进而促进企业的发展。 相似文献
通过运用数据分析,考察了欧盟在华直接投资的结构特征与中国对欧盟出口商品的结构特征,发现它们之间存在显著相关性。通过计量进一步论证了欧盟在华直接投资可带动劳动密集型和资本密集型产品,及低、中、高技术密集型产品对欧盟不同出口效果,据此证明了欧盟在华直接投资对中国出口欧盟商品结构优化产生了积极影响。 相似文献