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This study examines how a sadness-happiness sequential structure affects how individuals process a charity advertisement. Cognitive elaboration is measured by capturing eye-movement. A negative-positive sequential structure in the charity advertisement induces individuals to focus on the incoming messages, thus evoking positive emotions and empathy for the needy person. Empathy plays a mediating role by mitigating the negative emotions induced by the negative element of the advertisement. The study’s results demonstrate that a negative-positive sequence in a charity advertisement enhances message elaboration, thus increasing individuals’ receptivity to charity advertising messages.  相似文献   


Adverting standardization has been widely discussed since 1990s. Recently, this discussion has been extended to mobile advertising. When it comes to adopt a standardization or localization strategy, it is important that marketers understand how mobile advertising is perceived in different markets. This study examines the impacts of four perceived values of mobile advertising on young Australian and Chinese consumers’ acceptance of mobile advertising. The findings suggest that perceived functional value have the most positive effect on mobile advertising acceptance, followed by credibility and interactivity value. Further analyses reveal that culture moderates the relationships between perceived values and advertising acceptance.  相似文献   

Jie Xu 《国际广告杂志》2019,38(3):405-427
In the context of charity advertising, this two-study design project aims to contribute at the intersection of three literatures: psychological reactance theory (PRT), messaging framing, and self-construal theory. Using a survey with student samples from the US and China, Study 1 demonstrated that self-construal affected reactance, such that independent self-construal was more associated with reactance. Further, it outperformed cultural background in predicting reactance. People with predominantly interdependent self-construals showed higher intention to purchase a product with social causes. Study 2 was a 2 (framing: gain vs. loss)?×?2 (self-construal: independent vs. interdependent) between-subjects experiment using a non-student sample in the US results on the associations between self-construal and reactance and the intent to donate were consistent with findings of Study 1. Study 2 also indicated that compared to gain-framed appeals, using loss-framed appeals in charity advertising generated more reactance, the gap was more pronounced among individuals with relatively higher interdependent self-construals (i.e. moderate and high levels of interdependent-independent self-construal). This project offers important theoretical and applied implications and provides a robust avenue for future research. Limitations were also outlined.  相似文献   

Extending the common ingroup identity model (Gaertner et al. 1993, European Reveiw of Social Psycology, Vol. 4, pp. 1–26) and social categorization theory (Turner et al. 1987, Rediscovering the Social Group: A Self-Categorization Theory, Oxford: Basil Blackwell.), the current study investigates when superordinate categorization with an opponent occurs during intra- and intercultural integrative negotiation. I hypothesize that a high level of interdependent self-construal (Markus and Kitayama 1991, Psychological Review, 98, 224–253) is associated with early superordinate categorization with an opponent and favorable judgment of an opponents cultural group before negotiation takes place, whereas a low level of interdependent self-construal shows favorable judgment of an ingroup and outgroup after negotiation is closed. One hundred fourteen participants of the U.S. and the Republic of Korea completed a multi-issue negotiation simulation with integrative potential in either intracultural or intercultural dyads. Results support the hypotheses. I discuss theoretical and practical implications of the sensitivity of interdependent self-construal to social context and fluid boundaries of ingroups and outgroups, and the role of integrative negotiation in improving intergroup relations in globalizing and multicultural organizations and societies.  相似文献   

A content analysis of 125 U.S. Army television commercials revealed that information about recruiting process and military lifestyle, the top two information needs of potential recruits, were not addressed as prominently in the commercials. The study also showed that Army commercials presented occupational motivations, which are more appropriate for potential reservists than active soldiers, more frequently than institutional motivations. The usage of information needs and motivational cues rested on a range of situational factors such as the number of wars in which the United States was engaged and the campaign's target audience. Implications for improving Army advertising were discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the increased use of sex appeal in advertising, little is known about the influence of individual personality differences on responses to sexual information. This study examines the effects of the “sexual self-schema” personality trait on Chinese women's responses to advertisements using sex appeal. Regardless of the type of sexual information used, attitudes toward these advertisements mediate the effect of sexual self-schema on the purchase intentions of women with lower sexual self-schema while this mediating effect was not observed in women with higher sexual self-schema. The theoretical and practical implications of sex appeal in advertising for Chinese women are discussed.  相似文献   

With increased marketing expenditures, managers need to be equipped with valid and reliable measures capable of showing links between marketing investments and a firm's profitable performance. In this paper we demonstrate that traditional return on advertising (ROA) can be a misleading metric if a firm's goal is profit maximization. Then, we introduce a new diagnostic tool: the elasticity of ROA and show how this metric can help marketing managers to choose more profitable levels of advertising. This new measure has the same virtues as other traditional measures of elasticity and provides real advantages over the conventional metrics.  相似文献   

As a potent symbol of globalization, English has become one of the most popular foreign languages used in advertising in many nonnative English-speaking markets. This study aims to explore the effect of language used in advertising (English versus local) and self-referencing on consumers' ad attitudes in Romania, a country where the population is not necessarily speaking English fluently. The results indicate that multinational brands benefit from using English in advertising, whether a high or a low level of self-referencing is used. For local brands, different language formats do not vary in their advertising effectiveness. However, if English is to be used to advertise a local brand to give a “modern” flavor to the product, a high self-referencing format should be used.  相似文献   


The advertising campaign development process is frequently described in manuals and textbooks. Nevertheless, the empirical perspective gives us a better understanding of the real world. In this study, we tried to understand, to systematize, and to describe the process of research and strategy in advertising agencies. To accomplish this objective we conducted 25 in-depth interviews with advertising agency professionals in Portugal. Cross-analysis of the statements allowed us to identify 5 themes: research done by the client before providing the brief to the agency, client's brief, information gathering done by the agency, brief's discussion inside the agency, and creative brief.  相似文献   

The effect of advertising on consumer welfare has been the subject of dispute among economists, arising largely from disagreement among scholars regarding the persuasive versus the informative role of advertising. This paper reports two experiments that explore the welfare implications of advertising effects. Experiment 1 shows that the same advertisements can either increase or decrease prices paid for selected brands, depending on the degree to which the choice situation requires brands to be recalled in order to be considered. However, an increase in prices paid caused by advertising does not necessarily imply detrimental effects on consumer welfare. Experiment 2 shows that, even under circumstances in which differentiating advertising leads consumers to select brands with higher average prices, it can provide useful information to consumers that allows them to make purchases that are more in line with their personal tastes than are the choices of consumers not exposed to the advertisements.  相似文献   

Drawing on regulatory focus theory, this study examines how consumers’ promotion and prevention focus influences luxury purchase intentions in an online domain. The research further investigates the interactive effects of regulatory focus, goal orientation, and self-construal through four studies. Study 1 shows that promotion-focused versus prevention-focused consumers have a greater tendency to purchase luxury goods online and in-store. Contrary to extant research regarding the compatibility between message frame and consumers’ regulatory focus, using varying manipulations, Studies 2 and 3 find the primacy of prevention-framed messages in influencing online luxury purchase intentions for promotion- and prevention-focused consumers. Further, unlike prior studies, Study 4 shows no significant interaction effect between regulatory focus, goal orientation, and self-construal and adds a possible boundary condition by demonstrating how regulatory focus and self-construal effects differ for luxury purchase online. Overall, the studies offer important contributions to theory and practice relating to luxury consumption in cyberspace.  相似文献   

Anticipated emotions and moral norms have previously been found to influence consumer adoption of pro-environmental products in different ways. However norms and emotions have seldom been combined in order to understand their relations in motivating consumers to adopt sustainable products. Despite the environmental benefits of sustainable products, consumer adoption is slow to take off. Utilizing data from an online survey (N = 576), this study finds that anticipated emotions directly influence consumer adoption and the effect of moral norms is mediated by the anticipated emotions. This study extends the norm activation model and implies communicating positive emotions for promoting sustainable products.  相似文献   

“广告策划与创意”是广告学专业的一门核心课程,其综合性、操作性和创新性很强,学习的难度也大。要提高该门课程的教学效果。需要既注重理论知识的灌输.又强调实践教学环节,从教学方法与考核模式等方面进行改革与创新。成都理工大学的“广告策划与创意”课程教学方法与考核模式创新就做到了以下四个方面:一是不断探索教学规律,确立“知行合一”的教学原则;二是采用灵活多样的教学方式。并尽量引入现代多媒体教学手段;三是强化实务演练,构建注重创造力和技能培养的考核模式;四是贴近专业搞科研,以科研促进教学,取得了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

This research examined how brand congruity in joint advertising affects individuals’ processing of advertising messages. An experiment was conducted whereby ads promoting two congruent or incongruent brands were presented to subjects under low versus high processing load. Results showed that advertising messages for congruent brands were better remembered under both high and low processing loads. However, ads with congruent brands led to positive attitudes only when subjects’ processing resources were constrained. These findings suggest congruent brands that appear in joint ads have a clear advantage over incongruent brands. The results have both practical and theoretical implications.  相似文献   


Studies in the United States have found that matching an advertising model's race to the target audience is an effective marketing strategy. However, race is a cultural construct and little research has been conducted on race and advertising effectiveness outside of the United States. This study, conducted with female consumers in Brazil, found that advertisements were not more effective when the subject and the model were of the same race. To better understand the psychological processes triggered by race, this study explored two related but distinct conditions of identification: similarity and liking. It found that in conditions of boundary permeability between groups, liking is more important than similarity in determining advertising effectiveness in the target sample. A general model is proposed.  相似文献   

随着我国经济建设的逐步发展,改革开放的不断深入,我国企业面临的竞争日渐加剧,企业之间的竞争已经不再只局限于产品之间的竞争,越来越多的企业意识到品牌的重要性,品牌已成为一种新的国际语言,越发受到重视。广告策略作为品牌战略的重要环节之一,在设计以及实施的过程中,与品牌战略之间具有密切的联系。因此,建立广告策略与品牌战略结合模型,深入讨论基于品牌战略的广告策略在医药保健品、化妆品行业的应用很有必要。  相似文献   

中国经济从追求数量扩张转向注重质量效益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国经济在规模和数量扩张上取得了骄人的业绩,已成为世界第三大经济体。但也要看到在中国经济沿袭粗放扩张模式,超高速增长和强刺激投资的同时也积累了不少问题,严重制约着中国经济的稳定和可持续增长。因此,中国经济亟待进行转型,从追求数量扩张型转为注重增长的质量和效益型,努力实现经济增长和发展方式转变,使国民经济真正走上稳定、协调和可持续发展的轨道。  相似文献   

This article investigates the effectiveness of bathroom print ads. Using liquor as the product domain, field study data (n = 146) indicate a high level of ad (60%) and product category (80%) recall. Contrary to the literature and the researchers’ hypothesis, respondents had a significantly higher level of recall for copy dominant than for visual dominant ads. Hypotheses suggesting that color advertisements would outperform non-color advertisements and interactions between ages and visual-based versus copy-based stimuli and gender and visual-based versus copy-based stimuli were not supported by the data. The implications for practitioners of the effectiveness of copy rich ads and suggested directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

微信群是知识传递的重要方式,越来越多的企业开始使用微信群进行内部工作管理。不同于传统知识网络的形成,在微信群中每个人都可能是贡献知识的中心,然而微信工作群还存在种种问题,如成员并非总愿意去贡献知识。如何形成这种知识网络使得人们成为贡献知识的中心,同时将其转化为企业创新绩效,并没有实证研究进行相关探讨。文章基于调节焦点理论,探析了不同目标导向(促进型和防御型)的成员会对知识网络核心的形成有着不同的影响。这种影响并非一成不变的,而是受到任务相似性和任务模糊性的影响。同时,在微信群中形成的知识贡献中心性还将对企业创新绩效起促进作用。文章通过搜集一家大型连锁酒店的5个工作微信群、共116家店长的数据,通过实证研究得到的结果支持了提出的大部分假设。  相似文献   

While advertising self-regulation is generally considered effective in a closed, largely country-based system, the digital world in which we now live is an open and global system. This raises challenges for consumer protection from national regulators trying to enforce compliance from global media platforms, advertisers, and consumers. Applying the power-responsibility equilibrium, this study explores who has the power and who has the responsibility for advertising self-regulation in a digital world. In doing so, it takes an ethnographic approach, eliciting insights from 18 key stakeholders in the self-regulatory process, across the three geographical areas of Europe, United States, and Asia-Pacific. The findings highlight the need for more collaboration and alignment of self-regulatory systems and build a framework for action through embedding responsibility, aligning standards, initiating processes, and improving outcomes. Six recommendations are offered to restore the balance of power and responsibility.  相似文献   

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