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This paper aims to reveal consumer perceptions of organic food with a special emphasis on the labelling of organic products. The objectives were to find out, whether or not a significant difference between men´s and women´s perception existed. Two groups (88 subjects in the experimental group, 59 subjects in the control group) were shown various food labels; with organic product labelling (experimental) and without (control). Results suggest the importance of organic labelling using eye-tracking data and additional in-depth interviews to discover the importance of the labelling for participants. Based on eye-tracking data, the greatest visual attention was paid to product brand, graphic elements and organic labelling claims with additional information, such as a quantity or flavour, also being important. Additional in-depth interviews discovered that labelling, particularly of the origin, is important for most consumers. Contrary to what was expected, eye-tracking showed very little difference in the perception of organic product labelling based on gender. Although organic food is being purchased by more people, 50% of participants mentioned, during interviews, that they buy organic food only occasionally. The combination of eye-tracking and in-depth interviews shows that organic product labelling can play a role in decision-making, but regardless 27% of participants do not care about the organic quality labels or don’t pay attention to them. 相似文献
This research examines print advertisements of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) using eye-tracking technology and a nonverbal, emotional scale to assess donor behavior. Attention to three areas of interest, including the text, face, and brand/logo, was visually tracked. Next, three eye-tracking metrics (Time to First Fixation, Fixation Count, and Total Visit Duration) and corresponding donor behavior were measured. The eye-tracking metrics were effective indicators of an advertisement’s propensity to stimulate donor behavior. The findings in this research show that NPO advertisements should encourage viewers to look at the face in the advertisement layout. The more times the subject went back and looked at the face, and the more total time spent looking at the face, the greater the likelihood they would recommend to others to donate. These characteristics are shown in this research to be those of negative emotional appeals. 相似文献
Mikyeung Bae 《非赢利和公共部门市场学杂志》2013,25(3):249-273
The aim of this study was to explore whether identifiable victim and processing fluency effects would be confirmed in the context of a charity ad encouraging viewers to help a victim in need. The processing fluency was examined by both objective fluency data captured by eye movement and subjective experiences of processing fluency. An eye-tracking experiment (N = 197) found a message that was easy to process required little time to process. A one-way multivariate analysis of variance revealed that participants in the identified victim condition experienced a greater fluency. A victim’s sad face versus happy face caused viewers’ emotional contagion into the victim’s negative emotional state, and this negative affect guided information processing. The objective fluency was found to mediate the effect of viewers’ negative affect on their sympathetic state, which in turn led to a greater willingness to help the victim in need. 相似文献
基于认知失调理论和心理抗拒理论,通过两个实验探究了企业道德营销中内疚与非内疚诉求影响消费者道德消费意愿的心理作用机制。结果表明,内疚诉求比非内疚诉求更能促进消费者的道德消费意愿,强迫性感受和操纵意图推断发挥了中介作用,且该中介作用受到消费者涉入度的调节。具体而言,低消费者涉入度情境中,相比于非内疚诉求,内疚诉求能够降低消费者的强迫性感受和操纵意图推断,进而增强其道德消费意愿;高消费者涉入度情境中,相比于内疚诉求,非内疚诉求能够降低消费者的强迫性感受和操纵意图推断,进而增强其道德消费意愿。研究结论有助于企业设计道德属性产品的广告策略,有效降低受众心理抗拒反应,提升受众广告体验,进而推动道德消费。 相似文献
Komal Nagar 《Journal of Global Marketing》2013,26(3-5):152-171
ABSTRACT?This experimental study examined consumers’ response to green advertising for high- and low-involvement products by measuring its effect on consumers’ intention to purchase such brands. The present study enhances our understanding of the moderating role of product involvement and extends the structural equation tests of the four causal models. A dataset of 169 respondents is used to examine the role of brand image and brand attitude in the context of green advertisements. Consistent with earlier findings, the suggested model provides a good fit of the data and results indicate that positive attitude toward green advertisements, brand image, and attitude toward the brand enhances the chances of consumers’ purchase intention of such brands. The study also verifies that product involvement moderates the positive relationship between attitude toward green advertisements and brand image such that at higher levels of product involvement, attitude toward green advertisements has a stronger effect on brand image. 相似文献
鉴于食品安全检测实验室的特殊性,在食品安全检测实验室布局过程中,应根据食品安全检测实验室的特点,制定具体的食品安全检测实验室布局方案,并根据食品安全检测实验室的实际需要,对实验室结构和实验室设备摆放等制定具体的布置方案,保证食品安全检测实验室布局能够满足实验需要和实际使用需要,提高食品安全检测实验室布局的整体效果。 相似文献
房屋加层改造在实际应用中越来越有必要了,收集详实的基础资料是做好加层改造的第一步。选择合适的加层方案、进行正确的计算分析至关重要。采取合理的加固措施和节点处理措施是成功实现加层的保证。 相似文献
Kenneth K. Kwong Oliver H. M. Yau Jenny S. Y. Lee Leo Y. M. Sin Alan C. B. Tse 《Journal of Business Ethics》2003,47(3):223-235
This study examines the impact of attitude toward piracy on intention to buy pirated CDs using Chinese samples. Attitude toward piracy is measured by a multi-item scale that has been shown to have a consistent factor structure with four distinct components, namely, social cost of piracy, anti-big business attitude, social benefit of dissemination, and ethical belief. Our findings reveal that social benefit of dissemination and anti-big business attitude have a positive relationship with intention to buy pirated CDs while social cost of piracy and ethical belief have a negative relationship. Among these components, ethical belief tends to most strongly predict intention to buy pirated CDs. Demographic variables such as gender and age also help explain the respondents' intention to buy pirated CDs. In addition, those respondents with experience of buying pirated CDs would tend to be more likely to buy pirated CDs than those without such experience. The results are discussed with a view to helping copyright businesses to effectively suppress piracy, and directions for future research are suggested. 相似文献
Mikyeung Bae 《Journal of Promotion Management》2021,27(1):177-209
AbstractThis study examines how a sadness-happiness sequential structure affects how individuals process a charity advertisement. Cognitive elaboration is measured by capturing eye-movement. A negative-positive sequential structure in the charity advertisement induces individuals to focus on the incoming messages, thus evoking positive emotions and empathy for the needy person. Empathy plays a mediating role by mitigating the negative emotions induced by the negative element of the advertisement. The study’s results demonstrate that a negative-positive sequence in a charity advertisement enhances message elaboration, thus increasing individuals’ receptivity to charity advertising messages. 相似文献
《Journal of Promotion Management》2013,19(2-3):61-89
Abstract While a body of research has examined the effects of nudity appeals in advertising, previous studies examining the question of product/nudity congruency have failed to consider product categories of equivalent levels of involvement and towards which respondents had similar purchase intention. In this experimental study, we examine the role which product/nudity congruency and levels of nudity have on several measures of advertising effectiveness. We also examine the effect of the usa between these two variables. Our findings suggest that product type and the interaction between degree of nudity and product both influence significantly certain measures of advertising effectiveness. Implications for marketing professionals and researchers are outlined, along with directions for future research. 相似文献
Although merely repeating a product claim does not influence the objective validity of the claim, it often increases the subjective validity of the claim (the truth effect). Research notes that the truth effect plays an important role in health advertising. The present research investigates the moderating role of sensitivity to feelings of fluency (or processing ease) on the truth effect. The truth effect was more pronounced when the need for affect was high rather than low (Study 1) and when consumers were primed to trust their feelings (Study 2). Finally, Study 3 and Study 4 replicate these findings using advertising appeals. Advertisements that encourage consumers to focus on their feelings increase susceptibility to the truth effect. 相似文献
《Journal of Promotion Management》2013,19(1-2):133-146
Abstract Given that current landfills are running out of space, consumers are becoming more concerned with reducing waste-particularly in product packaging. The literature cites conflicting findings regarding who is the environmentally conscious consumer. Some researchers have pointed to attitudinal characteristics while others emphasized demographic characteristics as predictors of environmental consciousness. Hence the purpose of the study was to predict the factors that influence intention to purchase environmentally packaged products. A convenience sample surveyed students enrolled in a southern California university (n = 179). The questionnaire was developed to assess respondents' attitudes regarding an organization's role in environmental conservation, societal orientation to physical surroundings, attitudes toward solid waste, intention to purchase environmentally packaged products and demographic characteristics. Results of Stepwise regression analysis indicated that attitudinal factors, not demographic characteristics, played a larger role in predicting intention to purchase environmentally packaged products at the p < 0.001 level. Implications of these findings suggest that marketers need to target those with strong attitudes toward the environment rather than market segment profiles based on demographic characteristics. 相似文献
《Journal of Interactive Marketing》2014,28(4):285-301
Despite its importance for both e-commerce and traditional offline vendors, managing paid search campaigns is often based on trial and error. In particular, neither research nor practice has extensively addressed identifying relevant keywords and setting appropriate matching options. The authors develop a model based on a keyword's intrinsic and extrinsic information content to shed light on how keyword characteristics affect campaign performance. Intrinsic information includes linguistic aspects and user- and content-related features, which can be indirectly changed through extrinsic information such as matching options. Using an advertiser-level data set from multiple industries, this study evaluates the impact of these criteria on click-through and conversion rates. The authors find that the query variation index, which measures whether a keyword contains sufficient information to identify a user's information need correctly, is an effective predictor of keyword performance. Moreover, they show that the relationship between two of the main predictors, namely, query variation and advertiser names, and a keyword's performance is moderated by the advertiser's choice of matching options. 相似文献
Claudio Aqueveque 《食品市场学杂志》2013,19(3):244-254
The present work is focused in some aspects of the adoption process of unfamiliar foods. We make a distinction for the concept of unfamiliar food based on consumers’ degree of knowledge of the ingredients, therefore, we categorize unfamiliar food in two different types: unknown food (unknown ingredients) and novelty combination food (known ingredients combined in a novel or unusual way). Based on this distinction, we analyze the effect of this different source of food unfamiliarity on the intention to try it, considering personal traits such as food neophobia and consumer ethnocentrism. Our results show that the degree of food unfamiliarity has a higher impact on intention to try in consumers with low levels of consumer ethnocentrism, and that type of unfamiliarity moderates the effect of level of unfamiliarity on intention to try only in consumers with high level of consumer ethnocentrism. 相似文献
Integrating research on visual marketing, spatial associations, and brand inferences, the authors conduct four studies demonstrating that when consumers see an ad featuring an object moving in a left-to-right, rather than a right-to-left, direction, their trust toward the featured brand increases. This effect is mediated by an enhanced sense of “feeling right” resulting from the fit between how Western consumers are accustomed to envisioning action and information unfolding (from left to right), and the direction of implied motion in the ad. The authors identify stereotypical gender associations of the brand as a theoretically relevant moderator, such that the favorable influence of a left-to-right motion direction on brand trust is enhanced when the advertised product is strongly (versus weakly) associated with masculine characteristics. 相似文献
Cancer detection and treatment is now a huge part of the health care system, and many cancer charities and organizations advertise heavily in various media. However, from pink ribbons to yellow wristbands, marketing spending and imagery are vastly different between diseases that primarily affect men and those that primarily affect women. Yet, the ways in which consumers react to specific marketing images when used in cancer‐related advertising, and the importance of the congruence between the disease and the ad image have been under‐researched. This paper explores these research questions in two studies and finds significant differences in ad evaluations by image and gender of the disease target. 相似文献
在技术接受模型的基础上加入了认知可信度因子,由计划行为理论和改进的技术接受模型构造出整合技术接受模型,采用结构方程模型方法对影响消费者移动服务使用意愿的因素进行实证研究。研究结果显示,知觉有用性、知觉易用性、认知可信度、知觉行为控制和感知成本在解释行为意图时有正向显著影响,可解释67%的变异量。 相似文献
以调查数据为依据,通过Probit模型对稻作经营大户对农业有偿技术服务的支付意愿及其影响因素进行实证分析。研究表明支付意愿受到户主的文化程度、非农业劳动力比重、对农技部门提供服务的评价、生产资金来源等多方面因素的影响,提出加强农村基础教育投入、完善农业科技推广体系和农村信贷服务等相关政策建议。 相似文献
For over half a century market segments have been considered objective groupings of individuals which marketers identify, understand, and target with advertising messages. The process of market segmentation has, therefore, occupied a position of moral neutrality. An increasingly popular method of segmentation is by consumer personality, with advertisers targeting messages to specific personality types. This paper explores personality segmentation, and presents empirical evidence to support the proposition that personality metrics that are used to assign individuals to segments may, in fact, be manipulable by advertising executions themselves. Quite apart from the implications that this has for the business efficacy of the segmentation process, the ethical implications – particularly as applied to children – are considerable. 相似文献
考察了以往三峡移民研究中被忽略的一个侧面———待迁移民对搬迁所持有的态度及其影响因素。目前大部分待迁移民在搬迁的实际与预期存在一定的差距。其中 ,待迁移民对搬迁的经济衡量具有最为显著的正向作用 ,政策宣传影响及社会资本评价也具有一定的正向影响 ,户口性质在其他因素相同情形下有较大的负向作用。提出了建立态度引导机制的相关建议 相似文献