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E-government applications have become an important interface between citizens and public administration. However, quantitative research on e-government usage shows a tendency toward generic research models and in part lacks statistical rigor. Especially mediating conditions are often not taken into account appropriately. This contribution addresses this gap and provides a conceptually extended model of technology acceptance in the context of online city portals. The proposed model is tested with a large sample (n = 1,273) using structural equation modeling. Ease of use, usefulness, and privacy were found to be determinants of e-government portal acceptance, which in turn determines continuance intention of e-government portals. Furthermore, Internet competence and need for personal interaction were found to be direct determinants of continuance intention on the level of individual user appeal. The findings are discussed in terms of theory, and implications for public managers of online city portals are derived.  相似文献   

顾雅青 《江苏商论》2012,(6):108-110
对台儿庄古城游客在两个时间段进行问卷调查,设定10个评价要素进行满意度研究,得出台儿庄古城游客总体满意度尚可,但在传统旅游配套设施及服务功能上还存在一些问题,影响到旅游地的可持续发展。基于此提出了完善旅游配套服务功能、加强旅游市场管理、深度开发旅游商品、提升旅游服务质量等建议,期望以此来提升游客满意度,实现台儿庄古城的旅游可持续发展。  相似文献   

政府债务负担率标准并非固定,主要由债务边际社会成本与债务边际社会收益相等决定,如果其边际成本降低或边际收益提高,债务负担率标准将提升,相反会下降。本文将地方政府债务置于财政支出与经济增长的关系框架下,通过对西部Y省106个县域地区进行实证研究,发现不同时间段对应的债务负担率标准不同,2005-2006、2007-2008、2009-2010分别为14.28%、11.98%和14.16%,同时也发现各地地方政府在竞相超越既定债务负担率标准举债,带来较大的债务风险隐患。因此,防范我国当前地方政府债务风险需要重视两个问题:一是根据各地实际债务边际社会成本和收益,制定动态债务负担率标准,用于债务风险的监测预警;二是在解决实际债务负担率较高问题上,重点要从数量上化解债务转化为从质量上提高债务边际社会收益和降低债务边际社会成本。  相似文献   

通过建构"订单农业"中交易关系建立与发展过程的概念模型,研究发现,在交易关系的发展过程中,政府的介入与人际关系的发展具有至关重要的作用。其中,企业与农户互动过程中人际关系的作用是以往研究中不曾被关注的方面。研究还发现,订单农业中企业与农户人际关系的发展具有稳定交易关系、促进交易关系升级的重要作用。  相似文献   

Business uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought financial and banking industries under stress. This study examines brand loyalty (BL) in the Thai banking industry by integrating community relationship management (CoRM) (4Cs model), relationship marketing orientation (RMO), customer engagement (CE), and brand trust (BT). It analyzes how a Thai commercial bank used four success factors to create new client acquisition, business efficiency, long-term relationships, and BL. We use quantitative data and structural equation modeling (SEM) to identify variables influencing the BL of 1650 customers of a Thai commercial bank. We found CoRM and RMO's key success factors indirectly affected BL by mediating CE and BT. These results may improve sustained performance effectiveness in the banking industry now and in the future.  相似文献   

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