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Considering the difference between hedonic and utilitarian products, this article presents how the choice of color in food packaging, along with the nutrition content claim (NCC) labeling, can influence the consumer’s perception of food healthiness and purchase intention. The responses of 120 non-color-blind and non-obese college students from two within-subject experiments were analyzed by adopting a mixed model for repeated measurement. The results suggest that utilitarian, but not hedonic, food products in blue-colored packages were perceived to be healthier than those in red-colored packages. The perception of food healthiness, which was sensitive to the package color, also influenced the purchase intention of packaged foods. Moreover, when the NCC label was presented, food in a blue package with health claims in the NCC (e.g., “light” label) was perceived healthier than food in a red package with regular labels. This article also discusses the managerial implications of the findings for packaging and advertising professionals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study to investigate the effect of online convenience dimensions on mobile banking (m-banking) adoption intention using a comprehensive moderated mediation framework. A total of 446 responses from Indian banking users were received using systematic sampling. The covariance-based structural equation modelling and PROCESS macro were used to examine the hypotheses. The results indicated that access convenience, transaction convenience, benefit convenience, and post-benefit convenience have a crucial impact on m-banking adoption intention. The perceived hedonic values and perceived utilitarian values mediate the effects of convenience dimensions on m-banking adoption intention. The study's findings will help banks to identify which dimension/s of online convenience they should focus on over m-banking platforms to enhance adoption intention. As, “Convenience” plays a crucial role in mobile commerce adoption intention. This study attempts to examine how convenience dimensions affect m-banking adoption intention.  相似文献   

A Content Analysis of Whistleblowing Policies of Leading European Companies   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Since the introduction of the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 and several other national corporate governance codes, whistleblowing policies have been implemented in a growing number of companies. Existing research indicates that this type of governance codes has a limited direct effect on ethical or whistleblowing behaviour whereas whistleblowing policies at the corporate level seem to be more effective. Therefore, evidence on the impact of (inter)national corporate governance codes on the content of corporate whistleblowing policies is important to understand their indirect impact on whistleblowing behaviour. This study analyzes the contents of whistleblowing policies, and parts of corporate codes of conduct and codes of ethics, describing such policies of 56 leading European companies. By classifying the contents in seven categories, an exploratory framework was created. General contents often identified were: applicability to all employees, a group-wide scope and an authoritative tone. The most common general violations to report were breaches of internal policies and external regulations or laws. The more specific violations most frequently mentioned were criminal offences and dangers to health and safety or the environment. Contacts to report to were the direct or indirect supervisors, a compliance officer or a confidential “hotline” facility. A confidentiality guarantee was common and anonymous reporting was often possible, though sometimes discouraged. Protection against retaliation is stated by ensuring that retaliation will not happen, prohibiting it or making it punishable. The requirement of good faith was frequently given. Finally, investigation of the report was often guaranteed. Surprisingly little information is given on the treatment of whistleblowers reporting an unfounded complaint in good faith, or reporting a violation they were involved in. The study’s findings are most relevant to companies without a whistleblowing policy or those that intend to benchmark their policies, and to pan-European standard setters.  相似文献   

铁矿石国际贸易定价权与议价力的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对铁矿石国际贸易定价的博弈分析,发现定价权能够带来先动优势,因而买卖双方内部寡头都有竞争定价权的动力,且竞争的相对强度决定了各自的议价力大小;在铁矿石国际贸易中,定价权竞争具有"弱者优势"效应,但其作用有限.因此,为应对铁矿石国际贸易持续上涨的压力,我国钢铁企业应综合考虑定价权竞争与议价力的提升,并以改变买卖双方定价权竞争的相对强度为目标设计博弈对策  相似文献   

This research examined philanthropy ad messages in terms of four key elements: philanthropy goal, beneficiary, expected fundraising impact, and how the suggested donation is appraised. A content analysis was carried out to systematically study ad messages from nonprofit organizations on the Philanthropy 400 list. Specifically, the frequency of appearance of each type of message elements was analyzed in terms of four theoretical concepts: regulatory focus (promotion vs. prevention goal), egoism/altruism (self vs. others as beneficiary), temporal orientation (present vs. future fundraising impact), and efficacy appraisal (self- vs. response-efficacy in how a donation is appraised). Since past research further suggests that persuasion may be enhanced when message elements are well matched in terms of “compatible fits,” this study further analyzed how the four message elements were combined in usage. The findings of this research show that while most nonprofit organizations actively utilized all four types of elements in their messages, the current practice did not follow the guidelines as would be suggested by compatible fits literature. In this respect, more research is needed to understand the discrepancy and provide better guidelines for future communication strategies in the nonprofit sector.  相似文献   

Today, more corporations disclose information about their environmental performance in response to stakeholder demands of environmental responsibility and accountability. What information do corporations disclose on their websites? This paper investigates the environmental management policies and practices of the 200 largest corporations in the world. Based on a content analysis of the environmental reports of Fortune’s Global 200 companies, this research analyzes the content of corporate environmental disclosures with respect to the following seven areas: environmental planning considerations, top management support to the institutionalization of environmental concerns, environmental structures and organizing specifics, environmental leadership activities, environmental control, external validations or certifications of environmental programs, and forms of corporate environmental disclosures.  相似文献   

Empirical studies in business ethics often rely on self-reported data, but this reliance is open to criticism. Responses to questionnaires and interviews may be influenced by the subject's view of what the researcher might want to hear, by a reluctance to talk about sensitive ethical issues, and by imperfect recall. This paper reviews the extent to which published research in business ethics relies on interviews and questionnaires, and then explores the possibilities of using secondary data, such as company documents and newspaper reports, as a source for empirical studies in applied ethics. A specific example is then discussed, describing the source material, the method, the development of the research questions, and the way in which reliability and validity were established. In the example, content analysis was used to examine the extent to which the executive virtue of courage was observed or called for in items published in four international daily newspapers, and to explore the meaning which was attributed to "courage" in the papers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the prevalence of lookism through a content analysis of nursing recruitment advertisements in China. Lookism or physical appearance-based discrimination is prevalent in roles predominantly occupied by women. This attributive bias assumes greater significance in the context of a patriarchal society like China within industries such as nursing that are highly feminized. Nevertheless, few studies explore the existence of lookism within the nursing industry in China. Reporting on the intent of Chinese health care employers to discriminate based on physical appearance, this article argues for awareness of and sensitivity toward the implications of workplace lookism in China.  相似文献   

As a new form of advertising, augmented reality (AR) advertising offers a unique opportunity to study how new technology-facilitated ad campaigns are constructed across cultures. This research analyzes the content of 117 AR ad campaign videos uploaded on YouTube, and reveals the prevalent characteristics of AR campaigns. We compared videos from individualistic countries with those from collectivistic countries. Results suggest that AR ad campaigns from more individualistic cultures tend to include product information and enable a user to control the virtual AR content, whereas AR ad campaigns from more collectivistic cultures tend to allow a user to become part of the virtual AR content without manipulating it. In closing, we discuss managerial implications for marketers and advertisers as well as opportunities for future research.  相似文献   


The current study investigates the extent to which various types of references to geographic entities are being used in communications with consumers on global websites of 15 leading luxury fashion brands. Using the Relevance-Distinctiveness-Believability framework, we posit that references to country of brand origin and to relatedness to developed Western countries are the most distinct and relevant and will be used more frequently than references to brand globalness and non-Western developed countries. We also suggest that Caucasian (i.e., “White”) models will be depicted more frequently than other ethnicities to further connect brands to Western countries. The analysis of 3,750 explicit-verbal, implicit-verbal, and non-verbal geo-references supports our predictions. These results suggest that, at least for the luxury fashion industry, the value of references to the country of brand origin and to the brand's relatedness to Western countries is substantially higher than the value of brand globalness. The article discusses the applicability of the RDB framework for prioritizing different types of geo-references and suggests venues for future research.  相似文献   

Most of the literature assumes that endorsements, particularly by celebrities, are a frequently used advertising strategy. However, no study has yet investigated the use of the different endorser types identified by academic literature. This study seeks to close this research gap by analyzing German print advertisements. It finds that endorsement strategy in general is used much less than academic literature assumes, and that the relative significance of the different endorser types is incongruent to expectations. Moreover, the data suggest that, contrary to the literature's assumptions, credibility is not the most important underlying construct for endorsement advertisements, the endorser type used is frequently determined by the product category that is being advertised, and campaigns based on authenticity and similarity are gaining considerable importance in advertising practice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine corporate blogs to understand how they reflect communications objectives and strategies and represent dimensions of corporate credibility. Emergent themes and frameworks of corporate credibility provided the theoretical framework for this study. A content analysis of corporate blogs was conducted in a multi-stage process, two researchers coded 534 blog posts from 41 corporate blogs. The findings indicate a broad range of communication messages with the majority pertaining to the corporation itself followed by product-related strategies. Corporate blogs afford organizations the opportunity to interact directly with their audiences. Determining topics should be dependent upon the objectives that the organization has for the corporation and its blog. This study sheds light on the dimensions of corporate credibility that may be appropriate for organizations to consider in their online communications and promotion.  相似文献   


This article examines the role of the Internet in the delivery of export promotion services. Based on a content analysis of the Web sites of 250 export promotion organizations (EPOs) representing over 130 countries, it is concluded that the majority of these organizations have not fully exploited the potentials of this technology in the delivery of support services to national exporters. Use of the Internet is primarily limited to dissemination of basic information with little effort made to utilize the interactive and customization features of the technology. The managerial and policy implications of this failure in terms of increased cost of market entry, lost export revenues, and exporter attrition are discussed.  相似文献   

Organizational scholarship has increasingly focused its attention to how nonprofit, for-profit, and government agencies develop their unique organizational identity through their strategic communication efforts. As social media continues to become more prominent in communication campaigns due to the high levels of public usage and public involvement with organizations on social media sites, it is important to examine these social media messages as they relate to organizational identity. YouTube videos increasingly are being used by organizations to educate and inform just as much as they are to entertain. Through a content analysis of the most viewed videos on the top 100 official nonprofit YouTube channels, this study found that nonprofit organizations primarily use their YouTube videos to inform and educate viewers about their missions, programs, and services. While the videos also occasionally discuss the organizations' advocacy, volunteering, and fundraising efforts, nonprofit organizations were not living up to their potential in terms of engagement through direct appeals for involvement. Additionally, the organizations were more likely to use outsiders' words and stories to build the videos' narratives rather than using internal stakeholders. The benchmark numbers provided by this study reiterate key rules that are stressed in practitioner-oriented work on video production for branding and identity-building efforts.  相似文献   

通过3个中俄标准对管输俄罗斯原油进行水含量检测,发现采用我国标准所得结果明显偏大,分析后得出俄罗斯国家标准存在方法误差的结论;通过对比蒸馏法与卡尔费休容量法,发现卡尔费休容量法检测水含量快速准确,拥有更多优势。  相似文献   

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