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在原油和其它非均匀石油液体的分析过程中,样品的代表性问题一直是困扰着操作人员的一个难题。分析了以往非均匀石油液体的均化方法弊端,提出了采用高剪切机械混合或者采用外部搅拌器循环均化试验样品的方法,达到样品均化的目的,并给出了有关混合器或均化器的设计参数。  相似文献   

叙述石灰石均化库堆取料机的概况,使用中出现的故障现象与排除方法。  相似文献   

为提高精密机床综合精度,分析了精密机床产生误差的原因,提出了分化和均化原始误差、原始误差补偿抵消、减少或消除原始误差、误差的综合修正补偿等方法。  相似文献   

正国网河北省电力有限公司经济技术研究院立足于我国储能产业发展现状及现行政策体系,在厘清储能项目成本结构及基础上提出基于均化能源成本法并补偿辅助服务贡献的储能定价机制,研究了电力市场化交易机制下储能参与电力市场交易的盈利策略,对我国未来储能定价机制提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   

介绍了发泡水泥的构成、发泡工艺和发泡设备,并对发泡水泥施工中应注意的事项提出了几点要求;将发泡水泥与苯板进行了详细比较,对发泡水泥广阔发展前景进行了展望,提出了几点合理化建议。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 长期以来,水泥生产满足不了工农业建设和住宅建设的需要。从1958年发展起来的、七十年代得到迅速发展的小水泥工业,为弥补水泥不足发挥了巨大的作用。1980年,全国水泥总产量近8,000万吨,其中大中型水泥企业生产的水泥仅占32%,而小型水泥企业却占了68%;到1982年,小水泥的比重又上升到73%,这充分说明了小水泥举足轻重的地位。可以预料,在今后的水泥工业发展中,小水泥仍将占有相当大的比重,继续发挥它巨大的作用。  相似文献   

北方重工集团有限公司水泥设备分公司是设计、制造大型水泥装备的综合性机械制造企业,主要服务于建材行业。已形成日产6000吨以下规模新型干法水泥生产线主要设备的设计和制造能力,日产5000吨以下水泥生产线的主要设备已完全取代进口,装备了国内外数百家大中型水泥  相似文献   

水泥设备的实际运转条件非常恶劣,要连续进行运行且实际负载比较大,这很容易造成水泥设备出现故障。分析水泥设备故障的分类,探究水泥设备维修状况,提出了主动维修思想,最终明确了主动维修应用的实施步骤。  相似文献   

阐述了我国油井水泥及外加剂标准体系的建立与发展阶段,重点介绍了我国油井水泥标准、油井水泥应用性能试验方法标准.以及油井水泥外加剂产品标准和相关标准。提出了完善我国油井水泥浆标准体系的思路与认识。  相似文献   

一、水泥行业形势分析 水泥产量增速回稳今年上半年全国水泥熟料产量5.63亿吨.同比增长13.4%,水泥产量8.38亿吨,同比增长15.2%.在水泥熟料产量中,新型干法水泥熟料产量为4.37亿吨,同比增长22.5%,其它水泥熟料产量1.27亿吨,同比下降9.9%,新型干法水泥熟料产量比例为77.52%,比2009年底上升了5.27个百分点。  相似文献   

覆膜铁(Laminated Steel)是由高分子树脂薄膜和钢基板组成,通过熔融法或粘合法,将塑料薄膜复合于金属基板上。相比传统印铁工艺,由于覆膜铁在性能、材料成本、生产成本、环保和能源消耗等方面具备更多优势,很快在包装、家电、建筑装饰领域得到广泛应用,在印铁包装产品使用领域日趋广泛、微利时代到来的今天,该技术的革命性突破将会对印铁及包装容器、制罐行业创造良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

为了提高浅井低温油层(即延安组油层)固井质量,通过对水泥添加剂和水泥浆体系反复筛选与评价,固井方案的研究与论证,在原来使用的水泥浆体系的基础上,研究出了适合于靖安油田、安塞油田浅油层的水泥浆体系和固井工艺技术,通过现场应用,固井质量达到优质,为靖安油田、安塞油田浅油层进一步开发提供了有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

We model firm adaptation to local factor markets in which firms care about both the price and availability of inputs. The model is estimated by combining firm and population census data, and quantifies the role of factor markets in input use, productivity and welfare. Considering China's diverse factor markets, we find that within an industry interquartile labor costs vary by 30–80%, leading to 3–12% interquartile differences in TFP. In general equilibrium, homogenization of labor markets would increase real income by 1.33%. Favorably endowed regions attract more economic activity, providing new insights into within‐country comparative advantage and specialization.  相似文献   

This paper examines the controversy surrounding advance notice within the framework of a simple jobless duration model that is based on the differential search intensity of notified and nonnotified workers. The determinants of notice are also analyzed to evaluate whether the observed benefits are a chimera produced by sample selection, and a procedure is outlined for calculating the effects of mandatory notice using voluntary notice data  相似文献   

We analyze a commodity procurement problem under uncertain future procurement prices and product demands. An optimization model is presented that finds the best mix of advance procurement, spot market procurement, and financial options to satisfy demand in an asymmetric and duopolistic sales market. One firm can only procure just-in-time whereas the other can additionally procure in advance via inventories or option contracts. We show that even under arbitrage-free procurement prices, inventories and option contracts both provide an advantage in comparison to pure just-in-time procurement. However, inventories turn out to dominate option contracts due to a stronger capacity commitment.  相似文献   

The mining of more than ten million tons of limestone for cement production in western Taiwan will be prohibited by the end of 1997 and hence almost half of the cement production will move toward eastern Taiwan. Since the supply and demand will be separated by the Central Ridge, the planning of transportation networks and facilities for limestone and cement appears urgent. This research resolves the cement transportation planning problem using fuzzy linear programming methods. Three types of fuzzy linear programming models are used to determine the optimal transportation amount and the capacity of new facilities. The emphasis is also on how to formulate a transportation planning problem where the port capacity, demand fulfillment, trans-shipping operation capacity and traffic congestion constraints are included.  相似文献   

水泥作业环境恶劣,粉尘环境对人不具有瞬间伤及生命的危害,侵害是长期积累的。因此对于水泥作业防护服的研究并不多。随着社会经济的发展,人们对职业健康问题越来越重视,水泥作业所造成的职业病患者日益增加,促使人们开始重视接尘作业者的个人防护装备。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of advance notice of impending job loss on the length of jobless spells of displaced workers. We evaluate the performance of a formal search model and offer a generalization of the model that provides an alternative but related approach to the most recent empirically based literature. Evidence of gains from early search are found for all broad gender-occupation groups except blue-collar males.  相似文献   

For many traded products, high transportation and trade costs can lead to regionally segmented markets, which affect both the pattern of trade and the impact of trade policy. This paper studies the imposition of antidumping duties in the cement industry and finds striking regional variation in their impact on domestic prices, sales and imports. Duties that were imposed on Japanese producers that were shipping cement to the US West-Coast coastal markets led to imperfect substitution to other imports, which allowed domestic prices and production to increase. Imperfect substitution also occurred following duties that were imposed on Mexican producers that were shipping cement to the US Gulf of Mexico coastal markets. But in the US Southwest border markets, the same duties had no impact on the domestic prices of cement. I link the variation in responses across regions to hysteresis that was due to high exit costs.  相似文献   

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