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通过描述人类经济发展历史演进中“农业经济模式”、“线型经济模式”、“末端治理模式”的三个模式,从生产力和生产关系两个方面分别分析了传统经济发展模式的弊端,在此基础上提出了循环经济发展模式的设想。作者从人类历史发展的普遍性和中国的特殊性两个方面阐明了在中国发展循环经济的特殊困难,针对困难从制度角度提出了完善市场经济体制,为转变经济发展模式提供较好的制度环境;建立现代企业制度,为经济发展模式的转变提供微观基础;明确政府职责,在市场中形成良好的政策导向三个方面的对策。  相似文献   

循环经济园区:特征、制度变迁与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
循环经济园区的基本特征是园区规模化、产业生态化、组织网络化和创新驱动。发展循环经济园区需要实施强制性制度变迁,并选择渐进式变迁路径。要保证发展循环经济园区制度的有效性,需要建立关联制度,并作出整体性安排,设计思路包括"社会嵌入"、"合同性关联"和"整体性捆绑"。  相似文献   

循环经济的制度障碍与政府行为   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
循环经济是适应新的资源供给形势和新经济增长观念的一种新型经济发展模式,具有时代特色和前瞻性。然而,作为循环经济发展的一个重要变量,制度具有一定的惯性,难以很快适应经济模式的转变,在新经济模式推广过程中成为阻碍因素。同时,由于集体理性难以达到,需要政府在制度重建和创新过程中充当重要的角色。  相似文献   

近年来,我国为循环经济的发展创造了基本的制度环境,但是,由于处在发展循环经济的初级阶段,在发展循环经济的制度安排上出现了诸多供给和需求上的不均衡。因此,为了改善这种不均衡状态,政府应通过法律手段加强消费者和企业在推进循环经济过程中的应有作用。  相似文献   

德国、日本与中国相比,在循环经济促进法规制的制度类型、物质种类及法律体系方面均存在差异,这与三国的法律形成机制、相关法环境及法律观念有关。其实,德国、日本与中国的循环经济促进法律制度的安排各有优劣。在未来的法律制度调整中,中国应合理界定循环经济促进法的调整范围,正确处理循环经济促进法与相关法的关系,适当调整中国的立法模式。  相似文献   

关于我国循环经济的立法思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王新立 《经济师》2006,(10):76-77
循环经济的新理念是以生态效率为核心,按生态学规律把经济活动组织成一个“资源———产品———再生资源”的物质反复循环流动的过程。循环经济在环境法制建设中属前沿领域,我国有必要借鉴发达国家的立法经验,建立自己的循环经济法体系,将整个经济活动纳入其中,完善配套法律法规,实现经济与环境的可持续发展。  相似文献   

马江 《生产力研究》2007,(12):15-16
笔者认为,我国现阶段对循环经济的理论研究虽然取得了丰硕的成果,但是还有拓展广度和深掘深度的必要性,从技术变迁和制度变迁两个方面入手进一步加强循环经济理论研究具有重大的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

循环经济:浙江突破资源和环境约束的现实选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙林  谭晶荣 《生产力研究》2007,(13):72-73,93
资源与环境约束对浙江省经济增长的负面影响日益显现。资源约束主要表现为能源的供需缺口不断增大;环境约束主要是经济快速增长的背后,水、大气都受到严重的污染。本研究结果显示,1995年之后,浙江环境污染超过东部平均水平,也超过了全国平均水平。对于浙江省来说,发展循环经济更具迫切性,发展循环经济是浙江经济突破资源和环境约束,实现可持续发展的现实选择。  相似文献   

生态城市建设是城市持续健康发展的重要途径。建立城市循环经济体系是解决日益严重的"城市综合症".建设生态城市的必由之路.即进一步完善城市组织管理系统,积极探索绿色国民经济核算体系,推进生态工业园区建设,加快绿色技术开发和废物回收试点工作.以保证城市循环经济体系建设的顺利进行。尽管我国已开始推行基于循环经济理念的生态城市建设.但从总体来讲,要全面推动城市循环经济建设,使其融入国民经济发展和城市建设之中,还需要政府、企业、科技界、社会公众的共同努力。  相似文献   

经济和社会的发展极大的破坏了自然与环境,人类要想得到更长久的发展,就要重视对自然的保护,走可持续发展和循环经济的道路。这样才能更好的利用各种资源,使经济发展得到满足。而循环经济就是一个具有可操作性的方式。接下来,我们就对循环经济的内容进行详细的介绍。  相似文献   

基于投资项目特别是大型基础设施建设项目在实施过程中所需进行的项目效益监测与评估,在建立节约型社会的宏观背景下,引入循环经济的理念来对项目的财务效益、国民经济效益、社会效益以及环境影响等方面进行分析,并得出相应的评估方式及评估重点。  相似文献   

This paper presents estimates of the informal economy in 41 African countries, including North Africa, Southern Africa, East Africa, Central Africa and West Africa during the period 2007–2013. Using a structural equation model with latent variables, the empirical results indicate that the average size of the informal economy in Africa (in% of formal gross domestic product) in 41 countries is 42.9%, 39.9% in 5 countries in North Africa, 40.02% in 11 countries in southern Africa, 43.24% in 6 countries of East Africa, 45.5% in 7 countries of Central Africa and 45.21% in 12 countries in West Africa. We suggest economic policy recommendations to solve the dilemma of the informal economy not only in the regions but also in different countries such as: identifying the causes of informality, the barriers to formalization and how to eliminate them; developing policies, procedures and institutions that can help informal activities meet market economy requirements, reforming legal systems and ensuring equal access for all; and finally, establishing affordable social benefits for workers.  相似文献   

This article critiques recent operationalisations of social justice theories in empirical research in comparative political economy from an epistemological entry point. It offers an alternative epistemic framework based on Habermas’s system and lifeworld distinction to reconcile normative theory with empirical research before developing a critical theory of social justice based on two principles: Nancy Fraser’s parity of participation and Hauke Brunkhorst’s notion that functional differentiation in systems cannot generate asymmetric moral standards. These principles are then operationalised for regimes of welfare capitalism before exploring the contemporary German labour market in these terms, drawing on original qualitative research. It demonstrates that parity of participation cannot be achieved when the moral duty to participate is asymmetrically applied. It concludes capitalism is inherently unjust in any variety due to the inequality of wealth and free movement of capital reinforcing the inequality of moral expectations characterising the lived experience of welfare-mediated labour markets. Therefore, accepting this inherent injustice and whether institutions of the welfare state exacerbate or mitigate it should be the central focus of future research on social justice in comparative political economy.  相似文献   

"以科技助奥运,以奥运促科技"的北京2008科技奥运理念,旨在通过发展和引进高新科技来满足奥运需求,并以奥运为发展机遇,促进科技创新,实现我国科技的快速发展;利用奥运科技契机,通过奥运科技活动的开展,带动高新技术企业走向国际化,使企业得到跨越式发展。奥运活动与科技奥运发展对现代高技术影响的基本过程同高新技术产业鲜明的产业化特征紧密相关,高新技术企业的科技经济特性,是联结科技奥运与高新技术企业的纽带。  相似文献   

党的"十二五"规划提出要大力发展循环经济。作为全新的经济发展模式,循环经济的发展离不开制度的变迁和参与者之间的合作。制度的变迁离不开相对价格和偏好的改变。通过制度建设,形成有利于循环经济发展的相对价格格局和人们的偏好,并克服参与者合作时产生的集体困境,有助于推进循环经济的发展。  相似文献   

从又快又好到又好又快看科学发展观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学发展观是以胡锦涛同志为总书记的中央领导集体关于中国经济与社会发展指导思想的理论创新,是中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要组成部分,是马克思主义中国化又一重要理论成果.本文从科学发展观的提出及其内涵开始,分析又快又好与又好又快两种经济与社会发展模式的区别与联系,从中看出,中国经济与社会发展需要长期坚持又好又快的科学发展道路.  相似文献   

民间资本供求与民营企业融资:对陕西的实证分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文建立在调研和有关资料基础上对陕西现实及潜在的民间资本供求进行测算分析,从总量和结构等方面实证了民间资本供给充足、而民营经济对民间资本的需求欲望非常强烈这一结论,要解除民间资本供求的市场失灵现象,就必须构建以"民资、民用、民管"为原则的内生性融资机制,建立社区民间金融管理组织和社区民间金融市场,选择内生性融资方式,创新其融资产品,实现民间资本供给与民营经济对其需求的有效对接.  相似文献   

This special issue reflects on innovation and industrial policy from the premise that economic growth can be based on the permanent transformation of an economic system via the emergence and/or transformation of multi-agent structures and their inherent competences and knowledge base. The process of emergence or transformation is conceived as being the result of entrepreneurial effort, or entrepreneurs reacting to external stimuli in a way that takes advantage of an evolving knowledge base. The same process, however, can be undermined by both market and institutional failures. Past research has clearly indicated the importance of institutional structures for innovation, but also that structures as they exist may not be ideal: some institutions involved in innovation may provide the wrong incentives, faulty information, or allocate insufficient resources to accomplish their goals or mandates; and they may fail to reduce uncertainty. The paper asks whether and how a targeted, co-evolutionary approach can help overcome a lack of dynamic coordination and other failures that originate in coincidence with the emergence of a complex form of industrial organisation, be it an innovation system, cluster or a new industrial sector. More specifically, it builds upon the extended industry life cycle (EILC) model and the notion of evolutionary targeting to explore the potential benefits (and drawbacks) of targeting biotechnology innovation systems (BISs).  相似文献   

In this paper we measure the size of the shadow economy in North Cyprus by using micro‐econometric approaches and then calculate its implications on national accounts and fiscal balances. There is a relatively new strand of literature that focuses on comparing income–expenditure patterns of households to calculate the degree of underreporting of income levels by self‐employed and privately employed individuals, as compared with public servants. We use the 2008 Household Budget Survey of North Cyprus and analyze the differences in food consumption patterns among three kinds of employees: self‐employed, privately employed, and public. We found that self‐employed and privately employed individuals underreport their income levels by 20 percent and 13 percent, respectively, compared with publicly employed individuals. This has important implications for the aggregate economy in North Cyprus, where we estimate that the shadow economy created by underreporting is as much as 8.6 percent of GNP and 11.1 percent of total tax revenue.  相似文献   

现今中国实现长期经济发展面临的各种结构性难题的深层次原因是公民权利的缺失。转变政府权力主导资源配置方式,赋予民众对涉及自身利益重大决策的知情权、参与权和表决权,赋予农民完整的土地财产权,赋予公民自由迁徙和自由择业的权利,赋予农户和企业金融决策的自主权,是实现中国经济可持续发展的必由之路。而民主和法治建设则是民众权利回归最基本的制度保障。  相似文献   

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