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侯泽淇  孔欣欣  张杰 《现代食品》2022,(10):50-53+57
本文简要介绍了食品微胶囊的结构组成,芯材、壁材种类,制备方法及质量评价方法。在此基础上,介绍微胶囊技术在油脂、饮料、乳品、烘焙食品及食品添加剂等领域的应用,提出未来技术发展前景,为食品新产品开发及微胶囊技术应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于Malmquist指数的中国乳制品业全要素生产率分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文采用2002-2006年中国乳制品业的面板数据.通过非参数的Malmquist指数分析方法,对中国乳制品业全要素生产率(TFP)的变动情况进行了实证研究,并进一步将其分解为技术进步、纯技术效率和规模效率.结果表明,2002-2006年中国乳制品业TFP的年均增长率为11.4%,呈现出快速增长的特征,其中,技术进步为9.7%,技术效率为1.5%,技术进步构成中国乳制品业TFP增长的主要动力.分省份看,76.7%的省份乳制品业TFP增长的主要动力来自于技术进步;分不同企业规模和企业经济类型看,除集体企业外,乳制品企业TFP增长的主要动力均来自于技术进步.  相似文献   

<正>为了提高微生态制剂的稳定性和活力,目前国内外采用微胶囊化技术或包衣技术。微胶囊化技术是当今世界发展迅速、用途广泛而又比较成熟的一种技术。制备微胶囊的过程称为微胶囊化(microencapsulation),囊壁厚度一般为0.1200μm之间,微胶囊的粒子大小,因制备工艺及用途不同而不同,理论上可以制成0.01200μm之间,微胶囊的粒子大小,因制备工艺及用途不同而不同,理论上可以制成0.011000μm的微胶囊。常用制备微胶囊的方法有:相分离法、界面聚合  相似文献   

近年来,随着微胶囊技术的发展,在各个行业得到了广泛的应用,尤其是在功能性食品方面。本文探讨了目前微胶囊技术在功能食品中的应用。  相似文献   

食品安全问题一直都是人们高度关心的敏感问题,近期的问题奶粉事件就引起了国内外广泛的关注和讨论.对此,本文进行了简要的介绍,探讨了其对奶业各个产业链节(奶农、国内乳制品企业及国内市场、外国乳制品企业等)和对未来一定时期的影响,并就中国乳制品产业的进一步发展进行一些思考.  相似文献   

[目的]乳业振兴战略实施以来,国内乳业从饲草布局、奶牛养殖、原料乳加工、市场格局等迎来大发展的利好时机。产业集聚是当前乳业发展的重要特征,研究乳制品产业集聚的溢出效应对分析区域经济增长与产业竞争力等具有重要的参考价值。[方法]文章利用1992-2017年中国省域乳制品产业相关面板数据,运用空间杜宾模型,研究中国乳制品产业集聚带来的经济增长、产业发展及乳制品安全等溢出效应及其作用机理。[结果]乳制品企业、奶站、奶农等利益相关主体的集聚增加了乳制品产业内各环节的关联性,显著增加区域经济的增长,提高乳制品产业竞争力,为乳制品产业发展提供内源性动力,最后在微观层面,各利益相关主体的集聚程度在一定程度上有助于改善乳制品质量安全水平。[结论]在此基础上,从打造乳制品产业集聚区、乳业振兴及质量安全管控等方面提出政策建议,进一步发挥产业集聚的辐射能力、提高产业核心竞争力。  相似文献   

目的 在奶业振兴背景下,分析当前我国乳制品供给能力提升与奶源自给率下降等问题,是完善乳制品供给安全的重要保障。方法 文章基于美国农业部、联合国粮农组织、国家统计局、海关总署与《奶业年鉴》等数据,通过分析国内外乳制品生产、消费和贸易格局变化,梳理并分析全球乳制品供需背景下中国乳制品供给安全所面临的挑战。结果 (1)全球原料奶产量增长乏力,国际乳制品供给增长空间有限。(2)我国奶源自给率明显下降,供需缺口进一步扩大。(3)国内乳制品生产与消费结构相对单一,乳制品行业仍具备较大提升空间。(4)乳制品进口贸易对外依赖度加大,进口集中度高,风险分散能力弱。结论 应确立保障我国乳制品供给安全战略导向,优化产需结构;统筹内外发展,平衡乳制品供给对外依存度;完善市场稳定机制,强化风险防控能力;促进奶业技术进步和绿色发展,缓解资源环境约束问题。  相似文献   

从我国乳业发展对乳制品质量安全的客观要求出发,本文探讨了乳制品加工企业隐蔽违规行为的演化博弈关系。在阐述我国乳制品质量安全监管模式及监管乳制品加工企业行为重要性的基础上,基于有限理性、应用演化博弈理论的复制动态机制分析乳制品加工企业隐蔽违规行为的长期演化趋势。通过建立演化博弈模型并对其求解、分析参数变化的影响及原因。研究结果表明,影响乳制品加工企业行为的影响因素为政府监督查处的力度和强度、消费者信任度、企业生产技术和设备以及乳制品加工市场的准入条件。  相似文献   

上海光明乳业股份有限公司是生产、开发、销售乳与乳制品及相关食品的公司,是全国规模最大的生产、销售乳制品的企业.公司拥有远东最大的牧场和世界一流水平的挤奶及恒温冷藏系统;拥有先进的乳品加工工艺、技术和设备,形成了消毒奶、保鲜奶、酸奶、超高温灭菌奶、奶粉、果汁饮料等品种齐全的系列产品.  相似文献   

我国奶业发展进入调整期面临的问题及对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以我国奶业生产、消费和成本收益为基础,分析了进入调整期的中国奶业所面临的资源、技术等结构性制约和乳制品进口持续增长的双重压力,提出了实现我国奶业持续、稳定、健康发展必须采取积极有效的产业扶持政策和贸易支持政策,从根本上提升奶业综合生产能力和国际竞争力.  相似文献   

Enhancing productivity on suburban dairy farms in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dairy farms in China's suburban areas have been playing an important role in providing urban markets with fresh milk. With the rising demand for fluid milk and dairy products in the cities, there is a perception that small and scattered dairy farms in China's provinces are gradually disappearing and more concentrated dairy cattle farming is being formed near suburban areas. This article uses farm‐level survey data and stochastic input distance functions to make estimates of total factor productivity (TFP) on suburban dairy farms, as well as for the entire dairy sector. The results show that over the past decade TFP growth has been positive on suburban dairy farms, and this rise in productivity has been driven mostly by technological change. However, at the same time we find that, on average, the same farms have been falling behind the advancing technical frontier. We also find one of the drivers of the suburban dairy sector is the relatively robust rate of technological change of these farms, which has been more rapid than on farms in the dairy sector as a whole. The results suggest that efforts to achieve greater adoption of new technologies and better advice on how to use the technologies and manage production and marketing within the suburban dairy sector will further advance productivity growth in the sector.  相似文献   

Deregulation of the Australian dairy industry, specifically the removal of price subsidies to ‘market milk’, as well as ongoing drought in many dairy regions, has placed considerable pressure on farm cash income and a search for ways in which dairy farms can be made to operate more efficiently. Using traditional farm survey data and a unique biannual data set on farm technology use, this paper estimates a stochastic production frontier and technical efficiency model for dairy farms in New South Wales and Victoria, determining the relative importance of each input in dairy production, the effects of key technology variables on farm efficiency, and overall farm profiles based on the efficiency rankings of dairy producers. Results show that production exhibits constant returns to scale and although feed concentration and the number of cows milked at peak season matter, the key determinants of differences in dairy farm efficiency are the type of dairy shed used and the proportion of irrigated farm area. Overall farm profiles indicate that those in the ‘high efficiency group’ largely employ either rotary or swing‐over dairy shed technology and have almost three times the proportional amount of land under irrigation.  相似文献   

保健食品剂型多样,生产工艺多元,先进的生产技术对于保证保健食品质量,提高生产效率具有重要意义。随着科学技术的进步,新的生产工艺、剂型、技术不断应用在保健食品工业中,为了更好地开展保健食品审评检查工作,本文从生物技术、微胶囊技术、膜分离技术、超临界流体(SCF)萃取技术、冷冻干燥技术、冷杀菌技术6个方面分析了新技术在保健食品原料生产、提取纯化、浓缩、干燥、杀菌包装等生产工艺中的应用,以指导保健食品审评检查工作。  相似文献   

目的 21世纪以来我国奶业快速发展,市场结构不断呈现新状态和新特征。通过综合研判我国奶业市场的结构类型,进而分析我国现阶段市场结构类型形成的动因及影响,并对奶业寡头垄断市场的政府规制理路提出建议。方法 文章基于2001—2020年《中国奶业年鉴》及企业年报整理所得数据,利用行业集中度指数、洛伦兹曲线与基尼系数、赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数、熵指数综合研判了我国奶业市场的结构类型,进而分析形成动因及影响,并结合国内外经验对奶业寡头垄断市场的政府规制理路提出建议。结果 (1)近20年我国奶业市场结构呈现3阶段变化,2004年及以前处于垄断竞争阶段;2005—2016年处于垄断竞争向寡头垄断过渡阶段;2017年及以后进入初级双寡头垄断阶段。(2)我国奶业初级双寡头垄断市场结构是来自市场竞争的自然形成,规模效应、行业壁垒和全球化趋势是寡头垄断市场形成的主因。结论 现阶段我国奶业市场已进入初级的寡头垄断阶段,寡头垄断市场有利有弊,我国应从制度上进行顶层设计,发挥寡头垄断模式的积极作用,减少其负面效应的影响,保障奶业持续健康发展。  相似文献   

We examine the impact of dairy disaggregation and joint production on trade liberalisation outcomes in an economy‐wide model. Depending on parameterisation, our model includes either (i) a single dairy commodity, (ii) several dairy commodities without joint production or (iii) several dairy commodities with joint production. In a numerical application, we consider the removal of US tariffs on dairy exports from New Zealand (the world’s largest dairy exporter). We show that failing to account for joint production when dairy commodities are disaggregated leads to misleading results. Our preferred dairy production function differs from those used in other applied trade models. Our analysis can be used to determine when accounting for joint production in other sectors is important.  相似文献   

隆林各族自治县林业技术推广工作现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,我国的基层林业技术也得到了长足的发展,获得了较好的成绩。不过在基层林业技术的推广应用中,依然有不少问题,远远不能满足林业经济发展的需要。因此,要想让基层林业有更好的发展,必须尽快解决这些问题。,本文以广西区隆林各族自治县林业技术推广为例,探讨我国基层林业技术推广工作中存在的普遍问题,并提出解决对策,以期为我国基层林业的可持续发展提供一些有建设性的意见。  相似文献   

随着我国经济、科技的不断进步,人们的生活质量有了很大提高,更注重日常饮食的质量安全问题。目前,我国食品相关部门已普遍使用快速检测技术保证人们的食品安全。本文通过文献调研法对快速检测技术的特点、快速检测方法的种类及快速检测技术在食品安全监管中的应用等进行分析,以期为我国快速检测技术的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

Production risk is an inherent characteristic of agriculture and changes in production risk will affect the welfare of risk‐averse producers. Using standard concepts from the literature on uncertainty, we introduce a welfare measure which comprises total factor productivity (TFP), production risk and farmer risk preferences, and which reflects the impact on producer welfare of changes in production technology. An empirical application is carried out using data from a sample of Spanish dairy farms which shows how the positive impact of increases in TFP on welfare can be offset by increases in the risk premium (‘cost of risk’) to the point where welfare may decrease.  相似文献   

The motivation for this study rests on two factors. First, Australian dairy farmers spend around $20 million annually on generic promotion and estimates of the returns from this expenditure are required to facilitate efficient investment decisions. Second, while the Australian dairy industry has been highly regulated, there has been a substantial reduction in assistance over the past decade and farm‐gate milk prices were deregulated on 1 July 2000. The profit potential of promotion may vary with the degree of regulation, so past estimates of the returns from promotion may not hold in the competitive environment of the future. Hence, the aim of this study is to examine the effects of government intervention on the profitability for dairy farmers of incremental changes in generic dairy promotion expenditure using a perfectly competitive market as a reference point. Competitive market price and quantity outcomes for the Australian dairy industry are estimated. The impacts of increments in dairy product and competing product generic promotion expenditures on dairy farmers’ profits are assessed using equilibrium displacement modelling. Finally, graphical procedures are used to examine the effects of dairy industry regulation on the profitability of dairy promotion.  相似文献   

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