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In recent years, the economic and trade cooperation between China and Europe has witnessed a rapid growth and is showing a more and more remarkable tendency of market integration, this is why the Chinese market and western European countries are being comprehensively opened to one another. Portugal, at the western point of Europe which has a territory of 92152 sq. meters and a population of 10.54 million, is ready to accelerate its integration into the Chinese market. In 2005, according to Chinese statistics provided by the Custom Office, the bilateral trade between China and Portugal was only US$1.236 billion. When interviewed by China's Foreign Trade in November, H.E. Mr. Rui Quartin-Santos, Ambassador of Portugal in China stressed: "Among the countries in Europe, Portugal has one of the longest historical relations with China. China is regarded as a top priority market for Portugal and the Portuguese business community." His comments are as follows. By Editor  相似文献   

In recent years, the economic and trade cooperation between China and Europe has witnessed a rapid growth and is showing a more and more remarkable tendency of market integration, this is why the Chinese market and west-em European countries are being comprehensively opened to one another. Portugal, at the western point of Europe which has a territory of 92152 sq. meters and a population of 10.54 million, is ready to accelerate its integration into the Chinese market. In 2005, according to Chinese statistics provided by the Custom's Office, the bilateral trade between China and Portugal was only US$1.236 billion. When interviewed by China's Foreign Trade in November, H.E. Mr. Rui Quartin-Santos, Ambassador of Portugal in China stressed: "Among the countries in Europe, Portugal has one of the longest historical relations with China. China is regarded as a top priority market for Portugal and the Portuguese business community." His comments are as follows: By Editor  相似文献   

On January 1,2007,Ro- mania and Bulgaria joined the European Union (EU), bringing the EU membership total to 27."This event has great significance in boosting bilateral relations between Romania and China."H.E.Mr.Viorel Isticioaia,Roma- nian Ambassador gave his comments when interviewed by China's Foreign Trade in December,2006. "We will take the heritage of the tradi- tonal friendship with China as a gift to the EU.Both Romania and China will enjoy the new framework of China-EU relations." Ambassador Viorel said. The interview with Ambassador Viorel was held in a pleasant atmosphere;his great sense of humor,fluent Chinese and smart expression made you believe that the long friendship between Romania and China has never changed.The reporter said:"This is the happiest interview I have done!" The follows are his comments.  相似文献   

2006 EU-China Partenariat 2006, the large-scale business-to-business event which will link almost one thousand European and Chinese companies is indeed a highly appropriate way to further enhance the already excellent relations between the EU and China moreover as this is the very year that we are celebrating 30 years of EU-China diplomatic ties. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1975, cooperation between the EU and China has continuously deep  相似文献   

On November 3 to 5, the Beijing Summit of the China-Africa Cooperation was held in Beijing. The People's Daily, the central government-administrated newspaper, praised this as a New Starting Point for Sino-African Relations, marking that the half-century Sino-African friendship that has stepped into a new historical period. During the forum, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Mr. Mohamed A. El Masry. Chairman of Federation of Egyptian Chamber of Commerce. "In Egypt, people feel very proud of China, and about what the Chinese people have achieved, we believe that as Africans, we want to strengthen ties between China and Africa. That's why Egyptian President Hosny Mubarak will continue to have special visits to China after the summit on November 6 and 7, in order to enhance trade relations between Egypt and China, especially in investment, tourism, etc." Mr. Masri said. By Editor  相似文献   

Trade cooperation between Belarus and China: does distance matter?
The diplomatic relations between BeIarus and China have been developing stably and successfully ever since the moment of their establishing (January 1992). The leaders of the two states have always treated these relations with great attention, responsibility, and care. The relationship has been boosted as a result of the visit of President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to China in December 2005, during which Alexander Lukashenko and President of China Hu Jintao signed a joint declaration. In that document,  相似文献   

2006 is the 55th Anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan. Pakistan-China friendship, highly praised by Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf, is all weather. During his visit to China in February, he spoke at length in the Business Forum in Beijing. He used distin-guished language to depict the bilateral friendship, and he even put forward tangible suggestions on how to promote the all weather trade relations between our two countries. Here, to celebrate the friendship, we publish a part of his speech. -By Editor  相似文献   

Bulgaria, one of the earliest countries to establish diplomatic relations with China in 1949, joined the European Union(EU) on January 1, 2007. This event has great significance in boosting bilateral relations between Bulgaria and China. In March, China's Foreign Trade interviewed H.E. Mr. Angel Orbetsov, Ambassador of Bulgaria. "Let me emphasize that the Republic of Bulgaria and the People's Republic of China enjoy traditional relations, which have been thriving long before our accession to the European Union." Angel Orbetsov said. The follows are his comments. By Editor  相似文献   

After Mongolian President Bagabandy's visit to China in July this year, China and Mongolia strengthened neighborly and friendly bilateral relations and opened a new chapter for cooperation in many fields. More than two months passed since then, how are the cooperative agreements that both side signed going on? What will the two countries do in future? Below is the interview with H.E. L. Amarsanaa, Ambassador of Mongolia to China, in which he stated the President's visit and introduced economic and trade cooperation between two countries recently.  相似文献   

After Mongolian President Bagabandy‘s visit to China in July this year, China and Mongolia strengthened neighborly and friendly bilateral relations and opened a new chapter for cooperation in many fields. More than two months passed since then, how are the cooperative agreements that both side signed going on? What will the two countries do in future? Below is the interview with H.E. L. Amarsanaa, Ambassador of Mongolia to China, in which he stated the President‘s visit and introduced economic and trade cooperation between two countries recently.  相似文献   

In recent years,the economic and trade cooperation between China and Europe has witnessed a rapid growth and is showing a more and more remarkable tendency of market integration,this is why the Chinese market and western European countries are being comprehensively openedtoone another.  相似文献   

This study examines whether a single marketing strategy is sufficient to cover the Chinese market. Using data from four regions and nine industries, it finds that major regional differences in consumer preferences make regional market segmentation an attractive option. In more developed regions, consumers rely more on perceived quality and public brand image but less on quality expectations. Uyghurs care more about perceived quality and personal recognition but less about quality expectations than Han Chinese. Personal recognition is more important to southern than northern Chinese. Overall, consumer preference structures are influenced more strongly by differences in economic development than subculture.  相似文献   

冯祈善  黄海莉 《商业研究》2006,(10):143-145
随着我国金融市场的全面开放及经济的全球化,面对国际金融集团涌入国内市场,加快整合我国金融业、提高市场竞争力变得越来越迫切,金融控股公司成为我国金融业由分业经营向混业经营过度的现实选择。由于我国目前处于“准金融控股公司”的现状,必须借鉴国外金融控股公司的发展经验,确立我国金融控股公司的发展。  相似文献   

田志华 《商业研究》2005,(16):178-182
住房抵押贷款证券化,已成为国际资本市场发展最快、最具活力和令人振奋的金融工具。从我国来看,住房抵押贷款证券化有助于促进我国住房金融资金的良性循环,缓解商业银行的流动性风险与提高资本充足率;有助于深化金融市场、推动金融创新并完善“金融基础设施”;有助于国家对新经济增长点选择的战略部署的实施。我国目前实行住房抵押贷款证券化存在某些障碍,针对这种情况,提出实行住房抵押贷款国际化运作也不失为一种好的选择。  相似文献   

宋扬 《商业研究》2003,(3):76-78
首次公开发行(IPOs)抑价是世界各国股票市场普遍存在的一种现象,而这种现象在中国A股市场又显得十分突出。从理论和实证的角度对可能与我国A股市场发行抑价率相关的一些因素及造成高发行抑价率的根本原因作一简要的分析。主要对IPOs抑价现象作了一些研究;以2000年在沪深两市发行并上市的122只A股为样本,实证地分析可能影响发行抑价率的一些因素;从理论上探讨了造成我国A股市场高发行抑价率的原因。  相似文献   

中国管理咨询业的需求现状与发展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
近年来 ,“管理咨询”这个词经常出现在各种杂志报刊上。作为一个新生事物 ,它引起了人们的广泛关注。到底管理咨询在中国的市场价值有多大 ,它的实际运用情况及发展前景如何 ,这就要从我国的国情出发 ,随着市场经济体制不断完善和西部大开发战略的实施 ,我国加入了WTO及海内外投资的高涨 ,它将有无限的商机 ,必将成为备受关注的热门产业。  相似文献   

<正>红色经典,承载着几代人记忆和情感。如今,它不仅是印迹,也是市场。特别是随着红色文艺作品的持续火热,中国的实体经济也从繁忙的淘金中寻觅到了红色商机,印有革命年代的纪念品、文化衫等红色商品迅速成为时尚领域  相似文献   

中国市场准入制度的现状及完善   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘丹  侯茜 《商业研究》2005,(12):10-15,26
市场准入从经济学角度说,是指主体和交易对象被政府准许进入市场的程度和范围;从法律角度说,是“市场准入制度”的简称,它是指国家规制市场主体和交易对象进入市场的有关法律规范的总称。中国市场准入制度是伴随改革开发逐渐发展的,现行市场准入制度由于主、客观上的原因,存在许多问题,因此我国应借鉴发达国家的经验,参照WTO的要求,对我国市场准入制度进行改革。  相似文献   

Since its appearance in the mid 1980s, the hypermarket is a symbol of the modernisation of Portugal. It has dramatically changed not only the retailing structure in this country but also Portuguese buying behaviour. To better understand these changes, personal interviews were conducted with 500 Braga consumers. In addition, a mailed survey was administered in the same market to 204 traditional retailers. The results show that, for consumers, the hypermarket is the preferred type of retail store for frequently purchased packaged goods, due to its low prices and convenient one-stop shopping. The perception of traditional retailers is that the hypermarkets affected them negatively. The comparative analysis suggests that, although consumers do not have a negative opinion about traditional retail, they do not share the same favourable opinion that traditional retailers have about themselves.  相似文献   

影响我国承接国际软件外包的因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
软件外包是兴起最早、发展最成熟的服务外包形式。深入研究影响我国承接国际软件外包发展的因素对于政府和企业采取有针对性的措施,提升我国在国际软件外包市场中的竞争力有着十分重要的意义。本文在文献研究和深度访谈基础上,通过问卷调查实证分析了对我国承接国际软件外包可能产生影响的市场环境、制度环境、政治环境、企业能力和人才成本等五个因素。研究结果表明,市场环境、制度环境和政治环境等宏观层面因素对承接能力的提升有显著影响,其中制度环境影响最大,其次是市场环境,再次是政治环境;而企业能力和人才成本等微观层面因素表现不显著。最后提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

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