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本文首先从个体、社会角度对节约进行了描述;其次分析了市场机制与节约的关系;再次分析普遍存在的有限理性使得经济中个体与社会在消费、生产、社会成本、代际消费方面存在节约的可能;最后提出通过理性演进、成本内化和代际资源管理实现节约.  相似文献   

本文首先从个体、社会角度对节约进行了描述;其次分析了市场机制与节约的关系;再次分析普遍存在的有限理性使得经济中个体与社会在消费、生产、社会成本、代际消费方面存在节约的可能;最后提出通过理性演进、成本内化和代际资源管理实现节约。  相似文献   

消费资本论:公众参与环境保护的一个新思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从生态学的角度看,人类的消费构成了地球上规模最大的物质与能量消耗.中国经济的高速增长和消费水平的提高对国内生态资源与环境产生了越来越大的压力.作为产品最终消费者的公众,其环保意识的提高对环保工作的展开意义重大.拯救环境需要重塑消费模式和商业模式."消费资本论"在唤醒公众的环保参与意识、促使公众从自然资源的消费者、环保理念被动的接受者转变为环境保护的主动参与者和投资者方面,为我们提供了一个全新的视角和思路.  相似文献   

中国的能源消费与建设节约型社会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王建 《开放导报》2005,(6):40-43
中国能源消费结构在现阶段呈现逆转趋势,即石油消费的比重下降,而且这是一个长期的趋势。受煤炭在能源消费比重中持续上升等因素的影响,未来10年中国环境将持续恶化,因而建设节约型社会显得更为迫切。建立节约型社会,相对于消费,从生产方面节约资源更为重要;在生产方面,节约的重点是“增量”节约。在各种资源中,最应该节约的是土地和水,因为不可贸易的资源是经济发展中真正难以逾越的瓶颈,要警惕中国经济走入“有增长无发展”的歧途。  相似文献   

刘玲 《魅力中国》2010,(30):30-30,32
21世纪,中国面临着建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,提高生态文明水平,实现中华民族和平崛起的重任。绿色消费是一种科学、理性、可持续发展的消费模式,倡导绿色消费,是构建资源节约型、环境友好型社会的重要内容,是实现“生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好”的必然选择。  相似文献   

在现代社会消费观念、生活方式和流行时尚的条件下,高职学生的心理和行为受到一定影响,形成特有的群体消费心理特征。文章首先深刻分析了高职学生消费心理存在的四个不良表现,然后提出要从社会、学校、家长和高职学生自身四个方面来构建高职学生理性消费体系。  相似文献   

随着买方市场的到来,非理性消费现象日益严重,影响了社会经济的良性运行和社会个体的健康发展,因此,政府要从规范社会主义市场经济体制角度去引导理性消费.  相似文献   

绿色GDP的提出多少让人有些意外,环保风暴的力度多少让人有些吃惊,在中国经济生活中,向来弱势的环境保护猛然间从配角变成了台上的主角。从去年“科学的发展观”到今年“两会”中的构建“和谐社会”,直到此时我们才恍然琢磨出环境保护背后隐藏着的潜台词:政府调控理念的新定位、市场规则的新动向,乃至中国经济增长模式的根本转变。这一根本转变可以理解为:变地方和企业的经济生活从计划立项逐步转化为“自由动作”,但需要符合中央政府的环保要求;变企业对公众资源的任意消费为制约性消费,加大环保成本,并从被动式管理转为“被动主动式”行为。归纳起来有两层含义:环境—环保—环保产业;企业—中间市场—行政监管。今后若干年,人们将不再惊讶我们的变化是从以上潜台词开始的。  相似文献   

春节后没几天,微信“朋友圈”就被柴静的《苍穹之下》刷屏了.当今中国,媒体公众人物很容易就环保、食品安全以及城市发展等公共话题发表自己看法.社会的多元化、非官方和民间对公共问题的积极关注,本是社会进步的表现之一.然而,在专业机构权威性不断被质疑、肢解的今天,媒体公众人物的看法往往会被—般公众看作是解决问题的最佳途径,这绝非一个理性选择.  相似文献   

东润 《东北之窗》2008,(Z1):60-61
3000亿美元巨大商机据第二届中日节能环保综合论坛透露,未来5年,世界节能环保设备订单的30%将来自中国,市场规模可达3000亿美元。中国的国家政策在催动节能减排产业的发展。正在积极推进资源节约型社会和环境友好型社会建设的中国,高度重视能源节约和环境保护,已把节能减  相似文献   

This paper studies the fertility and old-age labor supply decisions of Chinese households along with the relaxation of fertility control and a rise in life expectancy. We first build an overlapping-generations model, where agents make endogenous fertility and old-age labor supply decisions in the presence of fertility constraint. In our model, children serve as an alternative saving technology since they provide intra-family transfer for their old-age parents. Our analytical results suggest that the impact of rising life expectancy on fertility depends on whether children are more like consumption goods or saving vehicles. Relaxing fertility control would induce more leisure in the old age, while a rise in life expectancy would lead to more old-age labor supply. We then calibrate the model to Chinese economy and find that a rise in life expectancy would discourage fertility as intra-family transfer becomes less important. In addition, the implementation of two-children policy rather than full relaxation of fertility control, a rise in child-rearing cost, and an expansion of social security would also reduce fertility, partly offsetting the effects of relaxing one-child policy.  相似文献   

Household energy saving is important for the realization of emission peak, carbon neutrality, and energy security goals in China. However, no conclusion has been reached on whether public environmental awareness can promote household energy saving. There are two major defects in previous studies. One is that they focus on the public intention to save energy rather than the real behavior; the other is that the endogenous problem caused by the measurement bias of environmental awareness is ignored. Based on China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) database, this study selects the change in average monthly household electricity charge and electricity consumption as the proxy variables of energy saving, and introduces the public perception level of social security and government corruption as the instrumental variable of environmental awareness. It is found that improvement of environmental awareness has statistical significance for household energy saving and there is still a lot of room for improvement. This conclusion keeps valid in several robustness tests. Further analysis shows that improvement of environmental awareness is more likely to promote energy saving in rural households, male household heads, and young people; and that education and income have a joint moderating effect on the energy saving effect of environmental awareness.  相似文献   

The domestic saving rate in China is the highest in the world and it surpasses the investment share in GDP, which is also very high by international standards. This excessive saving results in a large current account surplus. Understanding why the Chinese save so much is a central issue in the debate on global imbalances. The goal of our paper is to analyse empirically Chinese household saving behaviour taking into account the disparities within the country, at the provincial level and between rural and urban households. We first show that, notwithstanding the rising contribution of government and firms to national savings the real peculiarity lies with Chinese families. We move from Modigliani and Cao's (2004) attempt to explain rising personal saving in China within the life cycle hypothesis and show how a more careful analysis indicates that life-cycle determinants do not suffice, especially in the most recent period. Once we consider regional differences and distinguish urban and rural households using provincial-level data, it becomes clear that additional explanations are needed and that precautionary motives and liquidity constraints are playing an important role. Our results suggest that in order to reduce the propensity to save of Chinese households it is necessary to improve social services provision and to facilitate the access to credit.  相似文献   

应用灰色关联分析方法,实证分析了我国装备制造业与节能环保产业之间的灰色关联关系。结果表明,我国装备制造业与节能环保产业具有较高的关联度。装备制造业应与节能环保产业深度融合,通过产业集群对接实现协同发展。  相似文献   

王东 《新疆财经》2006,(5):47-51
在“循环经济”发展模式下,物质资源的消耗与环境的良好维护实质上具有同等的重要性。以循环经济为理念,改革环境立法、完善现代环境保护制度能够促进我国循环型社会的构建。因此,应将发展循环经济作为新疆地方环境立法的基本思路,从而实现新疆经济社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed analysis of the Chinese saving rate based on the flow of funds data. It finds that the most widely adopted view of precautionary saving, which is regarded as the top reason for maintaining a high saving rate in China, is misleading because this conclusion is drawn from the household survey data. In fact, the household saving rate has declined dramatically since the mid‐1990s, as is observed from the flow of funds framework. The high national saving rate is attributed to the increasing shares of both government and corporation disposable incomes. Insufficient consumption demand is caused by the persistent decrease in percentage share of household to national disposable income. Government‐ directed income redistribution urgently needs to be improved to accelerate consumption, which in turn would make the Chinese economy less investment‐led and help to reduce the current account surplus. (Edited by Zhinan Zhang)  相似文献   

新疆自然资源丰富,但是生态环境系统极其脆弱。与全国相比,新疆经济增长过度依赖于能源消耗,致使自然资源的破坏严重。新疆能源消耗结构不合理,煤炭为能源消费的主体,电力消费居高不下;高耗能行业产能及消费量增长迅速;新增企业中高耗能行业能源消费占九成以上。因此,本文认为应坚持生态立区的发展途径,结合新疆环境自身的特点,重点强化各级政府节能环保意识;调整优化产业结构,加快构建节能型产业体系;抓好重点耗能企业节能工作;开发清洁、多样化的可替代能源,全面推行清洁生产;建立健全严格的建设项目环境准入机制,提高企业环境准入门槛;加强企业保护生态环境的社会责任心;平衡地区发展,对落后地区的生态发展进行合理补偿。  相似文献   

在实地调研基础上总结了影响浙江纺织企业节能减排的资源、环境、经济与社会因素,分析了浙江纺织企业节能减排的困境及其财税政策的不足,提出了促进浙江纺织企业节能减排的财政支出政策与税收政策的建议:在财政支出政策的选择上应注重综合运用政府直接投资、政府采购、财政补贴和转移支付等手段;在税收政策的选择上应综合运用税收优惠政策、差别性的环保税、产品税和消费税政策等。  相似文献   

This article summarizes and critiques Holcombe's arguments on the influence of private ownership and markets on the quality of life. Holcombe summarizes the free market-oriented literature and provides interesting anecdotes in arguing that markets are superior to public policies and more cost-effective in pursuing social goals such as health care, environmental protection, and housing. This critique argues that Holcombe's approach is much too narrow in that it reduces the quality of life to commercial value, cost minimization, and property rights. Economic analysis can become more relevant to the public discourse by recognizing that social values are broader than cost minimization and efficiency. Public sensibilities on equity, justice, equal opportunity, and human dignity shape the sociocultural context for evaluating the impact of public policy on the quality of life. Ideas are offered for enhancing the relevance of economics to policy discussions on the quality of life.  相似文献   

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