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In this paper, I show that high‐cost credit helps households smooth consumption following periods of temporary financial distress. After experiencing distress—that is, extreme weather events—I find that access to high‐cost payday lending mitigates declines in overall spending and nondurable goods spending generally. The results are particularly concentrated among households with a higher propensity to use payday credit or that have limited alternatives: lower income households, households with less than a college degree, and households with low levels of saving. These results highlight the consumption‐smoothing role that high‐cost credit plays for households with limited access to other types of credit.  相似文献   

The mortgage default decision is part of a complex household credit management problem. We examine how factors affecting mortgage default spill over to other credit markets. As home equity turns negative, homeowners default on mortgages and home equity lines of credit at higher rates, whereas they prioritize repaying credit cards and auto loans. Larger unused credit card limits intensify the preservation of credit cards over housing debt. Although mortgage nonrecourse statutes increase default on all types of housing debt, they reduce credit card defaults. Foreclosure delays increase default rates for housing and nonhousing debts. Our analysis highlights the interconnectedness of debt repayment decisions.  相似文献   

We study the extent to which unsecured credit markets have altered the transmission of increased income risk to consumption variability over the past several decades. We find that unsecured credit markets pass through increased income risk to consumption, irrespective of bankruptcy policy and the information possessed by lenders. If risk sharing has indeed improved over this period, the reasons do not therefore lie in the unsecured credit market.  相似文献   

美国次贷危机爆发后,迅速在国内和国际传导蔓延。从国内看,危机先从信贷市场传导至资本市场,又从资本市场回传到信贷市场,并对实体经济造成冲击。从国际看,危机通过金融渠道、贸易渠道和心理渠道向世界各国扩散。分析本次危机的传导机理,对日后有效防范金融危机的产生和蔓延具有理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

Integration of the capital and mortgage markets is an important step in moving emerging countries toward full economic development. With data from South Africa, this research examines the incremental contribution of deregulation and the secondary mortgage market to the integration between the mortgage and capital markets. With deregulation occurring in the early 1980s, the results indicate that the two markets were fully integrated prior to 2001 when a secondary mortgage market was introduced in South Africa. However, we also find that the introduction of the secondary mortgage market has significantly reduced constraints on the supply of mortgage credit.  相似文献   

The Economics of Low-Income Mortgage Lending   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The presumption that mortgage markets for low-income borrowers and neighborhoods are underserved by lenders has led to a variety of increased government interventions on the supply side of the housing market. Although many studies of low-income lending at the neighborhood level have been published, none is from the firm's perspective. We adopt such a framework to test the twin propositions that the low-income mortgage market is no different from the non-low-income mortgage market and that the low-income mortgage market is underserved.We examine empirically whether the operating costs including credit losses, revenues, and profits of savings and loan institutions engaged in more low-income lending differ systematically from those that do less low-income lending. We find that firms engaged in more low-income mortgage lending have higher costs than those engaged in less low-income lending, which is consistent with higher credit risk for low-income loans. Nevertheless, these firms are no more profitable than those that do less low-income lending, which is inconsistent with a market for low-income mortgage lending that is currently underserved.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the domestic and international impacts of lowering short-term interest rates and increasing budget spending on several indicators of liquidity, volatility, credit and economic activity. Data from the 2003–2011 period in the United States, the Euro zone and Canada were used to develop two SVAR models for assessing the national effectiveness and the international spillovers of monetary and budgetary policies during the credit freeze crisis. While monetary policies caused a temporary decrease in volatility and increase in liquidity in North American stock markets, the shocks were mainly domestic and ineffective at generating liquidity in the banking sector. In contrast, government spending shocks had a positive impact on credit and consumption, especially in Europe and Canada. Moreover, budgetary policies also had a positive international spillover effect on consumption and credit, especially for smaller economies such as Canada.  相似文献   

This paper develops an empirical model to examine the impacts of credit rationing on residential investment for the 1960–1984 period. Our statistical results strongly support the position that noninterest rate variables affect mortgage activity and housing construction. Though we find a structural change in the housing construction and mortgage markets in the early 1980s, probably attributable to capital market integration and financial institutional deregulation, noninterest rate terms continue to matter. In other words, credit rationing continues to be an allocative device in the housing and mortgage markets.Earlier versions of this article have been presented at the Western Economic Association Conference, Los Angeles, June 1988; the Tenth Pacific Regional Science Conference, Pusan, Korea, July 1987; the AREUEA Annual Meetings New York City, December 1985; and the American Finance Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, December 1983.  相似文献   

In this study, we propose a method based on large deviation theory (LDT), which minimises credit risk (expected loss). We demonstrate how mortgage loan portfolios can be optimised using geographical differences in the risk characteristics of mortgage loans in the UK. Our empirical results show that credit risk can be reduced by a third when the LDT method is used instead of the benchmark portfolios that we calculate with regional-gross-value-added weights and equal weights. More importantly, the difference in the expected loss between these portfolios increases further during bearish housing markets. To see that such numbers matter, in an extreme scenario, the UK mortgage lenders could lose more than 2% a year as the consequence of mortgage defaults, which is equivalent to an annual loss of approximately 20 billion pounds in the UK. Although this extreme state would not continue for a long time, it nevertheless represents a huge potential loss for mortgage lenders and investors.  相似文献   

In the U.S., households participate in two very different types of credit markets. Personal lending is characterized by continuous risk-based pricing in which lenders offer households a continuous distribution of borrowing possibilities based on estimates of their creditworthiness. This contrasts sharply with mortgage markets where lenders specialize in specific risk categories of borrowers and mortgage supply is stepwise linear. The contrast between continuous lending for personal loans and discrete lending by specialized lenders for mortgage credit has led to concerns regarding the efficiency and equity of mortgage lending. This paper sheds both theoretical and empirical light on the differences in the two credit markets. The theory section demonstrates why, in a perfectly competitive credit market where all lenders have the same underwriting technology, mortgage credit supply curves are stepwise linear and lenders specialize in prime or subprime lending. The empirical section then provides evidence that borrowers are being effectively sorted based on risk characteristics by the market.  相似文献   

Following a natural disaster, the rate of economic growth recovers faster in less competitive banking markets. A 10% reduction in competition increases the rate of economic growth by 0.3%. In less competitive markets, banks respond to a disaster by increasing the supply of real estate credit by refinancing mortgage loans, but do not lend more to businesses or consumers. Instead, government agencies provide disaster loans to affected businesses and households. Smaller, profitable and well-capitalized institutions that rely more on traditional retail banking originate most mortgage credit.  相似文献   

In years past, credit rationing resulted in the primary mortgage market being segmented from national capital markets. Some research suggests that the deregulation of depository institutions in the early 1980s along with the exponential growth in the secondary mortgage market, has resulted in a primary mortgage market more fully integrated with national capital markets. This study employs Granger Causality to test primary and secondary mortgage market segmentation. Our findings support the conclusion that causality is unidirectional from the treasury market to the primary and secondary mortgage market. The results also indicate that mortgage market speed of adjustment increased significantly by the end of the decade.  相似文献   

This paper develops an equilibrium model of the commercial mortgage market that includes the sequence from commitment to origination and allows testing for differences by type of lender. From borrowers, loan demand is based on the income yield, capital gains, and expectations about return distributions. Lenders use prices such as mortgage rates and their distributions, and quantities in underwriting standards. There are separate equilibria in the markets for loan commitments and originations. Bank and nonbank lenders are not restricted to the same lending technology, nor to the weights placed on mortgage rates as opposed to underwriting standards. Empirical results for the United States commercial mortgage market indicate that banks use interest rates in allocating credit while nonbanks rely on underwriting standards, notably the loan-to-value ratio. A consequence is that nonbanks have a clientele incentive towards making low cap rate loans compensated by low loan-to-value ratios.  相似文献   

尹志超  仇化  潘学峰 《金融研究》2021,488(2):114-132
在构建以国内大循环为主体,国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局下,把握扩大内需这一战略基点,激发居民消费潜力,是推动经济高质量发展的关键之一。住房已经成为中国家庭财富的重要组成部分,一方面可通过财富效应促进家庭消费,另一方面也可能由于“房奴效应”降低家庭消费。因此,住房财富对家庭消费的影响方向并不确定。本文基于2013-2019年中国家庭金融调查数据,研究了住房财富对家庭消费的影响,并检验了住房财富影响家庭消费的可能渠道。研究发现,住房财富对城镇家庭消费有显著促进作用,并显著改善了家庭消费结构,住房资产具有财富效应。进一步研究发现,住房财富能够缓解流动性约束,从而提高家庭消费水平。异质性分析表明,住房财富对不同类型的消费具有不同的促进作用,不同地区和拥有住房数量的差别均会对住房财富产生不同影响。根据本文研究,在控制风险的前提下,可发挥既有住房财富对平滑家庭消费的积极作用,促进家庭消费增长,改善家庭消费结构,进一步推进家庭消费升级。  相似文献   

社会保障与消费关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会保障本身就是消费的重要组成部分,而且随着社会保障制度的健全和社会保障资金规模的扩大,在居民消费中占比越来越高。由于收入分配差距扩大,引发新的公共消费风险,给社会保障制度带来很大压力;社会保障制度的不完善,使人们对未来消费缺乏信心,提高了人们的消费预期;同时由于社会保障的不完善,使低收入阶层消费能力薄弱,制约消费结构的升级换代。为此,要从分配与再分配人手,增加城乡居民的收入,改革完善社会保障制度,特别关注和提高低收入群体的消费能力,实现社会保障制度完善和促进消费的"双赢"。  相似文献   

This paper offers a game-theoretic model for both the analysis and valuation of mortgage contracts in the context of an economy with complete information and complete contingent claims markets. We analyze the equilibrium strategy of the lender, who holds an option over the magnitude of mortgage credit extended per dollar of collateral offered, and the mortgagor, who holds options to default or prepay, in a class of intertemporal mortgage contracts collateralized by property evolving according to a random process which is common knowledge to both parties to the mortgage contract. Using continuous–time arbitrage valuation principles, we derive the value of the mortgage contract to both parties and show, through both analytical solutions and numerical simulations, that Markov perfect equilibria exist in which, among other properties, a lower flow of housing services accruing to the borrower, per dollar of initial house value, and a correspondingly lower rate of effective depreciation, will elicit a larger volume of funds offered by a lender; the amount of credit offered, the values of the contract to both lender and mortgagor, and the expected losses to both parties from costly bankruptcy are highly sensitive to the perceived volatility of the value of the property collateralizing the mortgage, even in an economy with complete markets or risk neutrality on the parts of lender and borrower; the upper limit on mortgage credit offered by a rational lender may be a small fraction of the current fair market value of the property, regardless of the contractual yield offered by the borrower, and will decrease, at each such yield, as bankruptcy costs or housing service flows increase; and under significant but plausible values for bankruptcy and costs of liquidating property under foreclosure, the flow of mortgage credit can become negatively related to the spread of the mortgage yield over the riskless rate, with the lender preferring a lower contractual yield to a higher one.  相似文献   

We analyze the effects of state predatory mortgage lending laws, which have been a model for recent changes in the United States federal legislation enacted to regulate the mortgage contract terms common in higher-risk mortgage market segments. Using the Rothschild-Stiglitz approach to model credit markets under asymmetric information, legal restrictions are shown to reduce the use and attractiveness of mortgage credit. Consistent with model predictions, empirical results indicate that originations of regulated high-cost mortgages were significantly less than predicted in states with more restrictive laws. The differences between predicted and actual originations of high-cost mortgages in states with less restrictive laws were not significant. These differences were also not significant for non-high-cost originations across all states. Thus, credit regulation was differentially associated with reduction in originations of high-cost mortgages, and non-high-cost lending did not consistently expand in areas where high-cost mortgages were restricted.  相似文献   

The Neighborhood Distribution of Subprime Mortgage Lending   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Subprime lending in the residential mortgage market, characterized by relatively high credit risk and interest rates or fees, has developed over the past decade into a prominent segment of the market (Temkin, 2000). Recent research indicates that there is geographical concentration of subprime mortgages in Census tracts where there are high concentrations of low-income and minority households. The growth in subprime lending represents an expansion in the supply of mortgage credit among households who do not meet prime market underwriting standards. Nonetheless, its apparent concentration in minority and lower income neighborhoods has generated concerns that these households may not be obtaining equal opportunity in the prime mortgage market. Such lending may undermine revitalization to the extent that it is associated with so-called predatory practices.  相似文献   

Alternative mortgage products have been identified by many as culprits in the financial crisis. However, because of their lower initial mortgage payments relative to loan amount, they may be a valuable tool for households that expect higher and more certain future labor income, and that wish to smooth consumption over the life‐cycle. Using U.K. household‐level panel data, this paper provides evidence in support of this hypothesis and highlights other important benefits of alternative mortgages, including portfolio diversification, tax benefits, and a reduction in the transaction costs incurred in housing transactions.  相似文献   

I examine the relationship between mortgage credit and borrower income from 1993 to 2009. I find that the relationship was positive throughout this period. However, it became significantly flatter (i.e. less positive) from 1998 to 2006, implying that growth in mortgage credit was most substantial for lower-income borrowers during this time. The evidence suggests that a disproportionate share of credit growth during the boom accrued to borrowers that previously would have had the most limited access to mortgage credit. This is consistent with the view that the housing crisis of the mid-2000s was precipitated by a dramatic expansion in the supply, or availability, of mortgage credit and that this expansion began as early as the late 1990s.  相似文献   

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