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2013年中央一号文件提出,鼓励和支持承包土地向专业大户、家庭农场、农民合作社流转。其中,“家庭农场”的概念首次在中央一号文件中出现。透过中央一号文件对“家庭农场”的鼓励和支持态度,我们追寻到了一条关于农业农村改革发展的新路径。文中以江西省南昌市所属四县(南昌县、新建县、进贤县、安义县)农民为研究对象,选取农业补贴、知识技能水平等13个指标分析了各因素对家庭农场规模发展的影响程度,并由此对四县农民进行类型划分及倾向性分析,旨在为政府及广大人民群众提供一定的政策建议。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that family firms differ from non‐family firms with regard to aggregate measures of corporate social responsibility (CSR). We argue that CSR is a multidimensional concept that comprises several aspects, which range from employee relations to ecological concerns and product issues. Based on an organizational and family identity perspective, we argue that the effect of family ownership can differ across various CSR dimensions. Family firms can be responsible and irresponsible regarding CSR at the same time. We use a dataset of large US firms to test our hypotheses. Our Bayesian regressions show that family ownership is negatively associated with community‐related CSR performance and positively associated with diversity‐, employee‐, environment‐ and product‐related aspects of CSR. The largest positive effect of family ownership on CSR performance exists with regard to product‐related aspects of CSR. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment  相似文献   

股权结构是影响企业控制权的核心要素,与利益分配和风险分担相联系,成为股东分享公司控制权的依据.民营企业大多采用家族企业管理模式,股权高度集中在家族少数成员手中.本文通过研究希望集团的股权结构变革,并将这种变革与中国的公司治理背景与企业生命周期相结合发现,家文化、多元化经营战略与政治关联对我国家族企业股权结构的发展演变具...  相似文献   

A bstract . Neoclassical economic theory asserts that when the assumptions of perfect competition apply to a market economy , the allocation of inputs and/or outputs is such that by additional inputs or outputs no individual's welfare can be improved without diminishing some other individual's. That is, it is considered Pareto Efficient. When imperfect markets exist, however, externalities —influences from outside the economic process—in production and exchange, and indivisibilities—benefits or costs which cannot be allocated to or assessed against the individuals who enjoy or occasion them—appear and the market ceases to be an efficiently operated one. It is argued here that a fourth category of factors exists which may interfere with economic efficiency and that these factors are sociological in nature, factors arising from such considerations as class, status, role and power.  相似文献   

集装箱建筑在世界范围内大量的兴起使其被作为一个常规建筑学的分支。以昆明枫叶谷都市农庄集装箱建筑设计为依托,探讨用集装箱作为建筑主要材料时与一般性材料的优势的比较,并浅析集装箱建筑存在的价值及实践总结,为都市农庄中建筑设计的创作提供思路和启发。  相似文献   

“Worthless,” “money burning,” or “black holes” is how media and professionals describe compliance practices today. Practitioners are unenthusiastic about control systems, codes of conducts, and systems for compliance management that are increasing in volume but not in effectiveness. In order to help practitioners clarify what actually makes employees comply with their compliance program, this study examines intrinsic and extrinsic motivators of 119 employees from procurement and sales. We contribute to the existing motivation literature, testing the self‐determination theory in low and high hierarchical levels. Our findings show that intrinsic motivators are more strongly and positively related to compliance intention on higher hierarchical levels than the lower ones. However, employees from higher hierarchies show overall less compliance intention than employees from lower hierarchies. © 2015 The Authors. Human Resource Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Public or state housing has ordinarily been viewed as an impediment to the forces of gentrification, as private property owners or developers are limited in their ability to purchase, renovate or redevelop houses in otherwise desirable areas. As a result, neighbourhoods with significant proportions of state‐housing and low‐income residents have often been able to establish unique identity and character, sense of place and belonging and strong social support networks. This article examines changes underway in Glen Innes, a central suburb of New Zealand's largest city, Auckland. Here, established norms around community and urban life are being rapidly and radically reworked through a wave of state‐led gentrification. We focus on experiences of displacement, the disruption of long‐established community forms, and the reconfiguration of urban life. Our particular contribution is to consider the speed and trauma of gentrification when the state is involved, the slippage between rhetoric and reality on the ground, and the challenges of researchers seeking to trace the impacts of gentrification in the lives of those who have been displaced.  相似文献   

曾刚 《价值工程》2011,30(10):247-248
本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法对陕西省洛南县农民体育发展现状,从社会生活状况、农民体育参加的人数、农民了解程度、开展的项目、等方面进行了调查,并对影响因素进行分析,建议大力发展农民体育事业,提高农民素质,多举办各乡镇的体育比赛,带动农民积极参加体育活动。  相似文献   

Abstract . The incentive effects of state and local tax policies in promoting or inhibiting the ownership of farmland by non-operators are evaluated. Previous research on the economic, social and environmental effects of absentee ownership is reviewed as well as evidence regarding the impact of tax laws on absentee owners versus owner-operators. The Federal tax laws, it is found, work to increase land prices, reduce entry into farming by young farmers, and increase absentee ownership. State income tax policies may reinforce these effects. Property tax policies, on the other hand, may counteract income tax laws by giving tax relief preferentially to owner-operators. Several modifications of property tax relief programs are suggested.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, as the neoliberal project gradually took hold, owning one's home became a widespread practice in Spanish society. However, the prospects of purchasing housing have since been severely reduced due to the bursting of the real estate bubble and the onset of an overwhelming economic crisis. This article analyses how working‐class young people in Catalonia reflect on this phenomenon as they face their own process of moving away from home. It also considers the extent to which the spread of the so‐called ‘culture of ownership' represented an expression of neoliberal culture, and the extent to which the apparent dissolution of the former implies the erosion of the latter. The article concludes that home ownership has undergone a complex resignification in this sector of society, but continues to be an important aspiration insofar as the underlying conditions that originally brought it about continue to exist.  相似文献   

许德丽  吉燕宁 《价值工程》2019,38(12):191-194
通过互联网+农业的角度切入,借鉴国内外互联网+农业应用成功的发展案例。从中汲取借鉴点,分析西平坡满族乡产业发展现状并提出产业发展创新模式,探索出西平坡满族乡产业规划发展对策,为农贸型小城镇产业规划发展提供依据。  相似文献   

夏云娟 《价值工程》2012,31(30):86-88
呈贡大学城建设是云南省政府作出的建设现代新昆明的重大战略决策。这一战略的实施,将从根本上解决目前昆明城市中发展的问题,改善人文居住环境,提高城市的综合实力。本文以昆明市呈贡新城在建立大学城过程中所面临失地农民的安置问题为背景,结合呈贡新城的实际情况提出对策建议,力求在云南省经济的发展、社会的安定及新农村的建设方面具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

长期以来困扰我国的城乡二元结构已经造成城市和乡村发展严重失衡的问题.但是面对资本的原始逐利,面对城市已经存在的强大引力等既成现状的问题时,想要在短期内结束非均衡发展的局面是相当困难的.从我国部分地区实践中央提出的“家庭农场模式”的成效入手,分析了试以“农场模式”作为逐步改善城乡关系的桥梁的可能性;并就未来如何更好地优化家庭农场模式,使其在促成城乡良性发展的过程中发挥更大的作用做出了相应的探究.  相似文献   

Recognizing the importance for companies of having high‐quality employment relationships with employees, previous studies have sought to explain the variability in employees’ perceptions of HRM service value. However, most of these studies view employees as inactive in employment relationships and, therefore, do not consider whether employees’ own attributes affect their perceptions of HRM service value. In accepting the alternative notion that consumers create value “in use,” the current study regards employees as active consumers of HRM practices, and so examines the extent and way in which employees’ HRM competences (i.e., knowledge, skills, and abilities) explain the variability in HRM service value. Based on data collected from 2,002 employees in 19 companies in the Netherlands, a positive relationship has been found between employees’ HRM competences and their perception of HRM service value, albeit one that is mediated by the perceived quality and nonmonetary costs of HRM services. The main implication of our findings is that employees should be seen as active agents in employment relationships who, through coproducing and consuming HRM services as well as leveraging their knowledge and skills, influence the value of HRM services and have the potential to increase or undermine the outcomes of the employment relationship. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article explores how mental mapping can be used as a critical methodology for feminist migration studies. In a case study of female marriage migrants who settle in rural areas in South Korea from other Asian countries, I attempt to develop mental mapping to supplement verbal interviews. Mental maps of hometowns and current neighborhoods drawn by my interviewees represent their geographical imaginations and complex identity negotiations that mirror the change in their social locations. In order to understand multilayered meanings embedded in the images and the way in which power relations existent between the researcher and the researched affect the map production, I suggest a critical reading of the maps. The article shows how a reflexive and intertextual reading makes a difference to the interpretation of the maps. It argues that the maps are not mere reflections of the women's cognition, but rather socially constructed texts through which their desires, emotions, feelings and internal contradictions are expressed and negotiated. My research suggests that mental mapping, if ethically performed and critically evaluated, has potential as a means to convey the unheard voices of the marginalized to diverse audiences.  相似文献   

我国经济已由高速增长阶段转变为高质量发展阶段,实现高质量发展是新时代我国经济发展的根本要求。高质量发展与创新驱动紧密关联,必须多举措协同提升区域创新能力。区域创新能力是指一个地区将知识转化为新产品、新工艺、新服务的能力,代表了创新要素在一定区域内聚集、整合以及推动区域可持续发展的基本能力。为了有效提升区域创新能力,必须强化区域创新的综合保障、构建区域创新综合生态体系、促进创新创业项目孵化与成果转化、强化区域制造业发展相关的创新活动等。以南京市江宁区为例对此进行了分析,该区积极实施战略科技引领计划,不断强化创新工作,通过促进区域创新平台建设、区域创新的服务支撑体系构建、高端创新资源在区域的聚集、区域制造业创新发展及合理布局等,不断增强区域创新能力,有效支撑了区域高质量发展。  相似文献   

彭越 《价值工程》2022,41(7):10-12
在城市更新背景下,商业空间对我们的城市生产和生活产生了重要影响.基于对合肥芜湖路的调研分析,以自下而上的独特视角,挖掘芜湖路商业街更新的内在动因,提出了消费者行为导向的基本理念.在消费者行为转变的背景下,研究商业业态的组成比例、空间形态的历史演变过程,总结了传统向新兴业态转型的特点,为商业街区的更新提供参考.  相似文献   

This research evaluated the distinctiveness of workplace vigor as a unique positive organizational behavior construct, using Luthans’ (2002) five criteria for establishing a construct as unique: theoretical grounding; validly measured; unique to organizational behavior; state-like; and has a significant, positive impact on satisfaction and performance. Data were obtained from 693 employees from 56 quick service restaurants. The sample was split to perform cross-validation on the analyses. The three factor structure of vigor was confirmed, showing convergent and divergent validity with other constructs. Findings suggested that vigor was an important and distinct positive organizational behavior construct. This suggests that a deeper comprehension of vigor may help to advance our understanding of positive organizational behaviors. This is one of the first studies to utilize Luthans’ criteria for positive organizational behavior as a method for evaluating a psychological construct, thus contributing to both theoretical and empirical methods for evaluating positive organizational behavior constructs.  相似文献   

本文以上海建桥学院的大学生为主要研究对象,在调查问卷的基础上,对大学生网络游戏消费行为现状进行研究,所得结论以期能帮助大学生们正确的看待网络游戏,合理的安排学习与日常生活,同时也为游戏开发商们提供数据,期望对游戏开发商在开发新品中提供些许新的思路。  相似文献   

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