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武陵源区域凭借其优质的自然旅游资源与丰富的原生态资源优势成就了闻名中外的武陵源景区,在生态旅游产品日益盛行的今天,生态旅游产业的发展成为关乎武陵源区域旅游产业可持续发展的重大课题。以产业融合理论为基础,从旅游产品供给与市场需求的角度来探索武陵源区域生态农业与旅游产业的融合过程,并从技术、产品、市场三个方面来建立产业融合过程模型,实现武陵源区域生态农业与旅游产业的融合发展。  相似文献   

汪桂霞 《时代经贸》2011,(22):168-169
金融业的融合发展表现为两个方面,一方面是金融业与他行业融合发展而产生的新型产业,这种融合发展的新兴产业是金融服务业的融合创新,有助于金融业的结构优化和产业升级,增强金融业为实体经济服务的能力。另一方面是金融业内原有行业打破分业经营界限,呈现出混业经营局面。金融业原有分业经营的界限正逐渐被打破,金融机构的全能化、金融业务一体化经营的趋势在不断加强。这种一体化经营模式打破分业经营局限,借助金融创新手段不断丰富金融产品内涵,极大提高了金融市场资金运用效率,为有价值的客户提供一站式金融服务奠定架构基础。我国金融业在分业经营监管框架下出现融合发展的现象,是对分业经营模武的否定,更是金融业自身发展的客观需求。本文在对金融业融合发展经济效益分析的基础上,探究金融融合发展的路径。  相似文献   

农村产业融合作为现代化经济体系建设中的重要创新发展理念,是巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果和全面推进乡村振兴的关键引擎,研究其与家庭相对贫困治理的内在关联具有重要现实意义。鉴于此,本文对农村产业融合发展的制度背景进行梳理,在地级市层面上构建农村产业融合发展指标评价体系,并结合2012年、2014年和2016年中国劳动力动态调查数据,采用双向固定效应模型和工具变量两阶段估计分析农村产业融合发展对家庭相对贫困的影响及作用机制。研究发现,农村产业融合发展可以显著降低家庭陷入相对贫困的概率,且这一结论在变换核心解释变量和被解释变量、变更估计方法和剔除直辖市样本等稳健性检验后仍然成立。异质性分析表明,城市非农经济比重高、所在村庄道路状况良好、高农业收入占比和高受教育水平的家庭更容易通过农村产业融合发展摆脱家庭相对贫困。机制分析发现,农村产业融合发展可以显著提高家庭农业生产效率和非农参与,同时助力提升人力资本水平并推进互联网普及,符合“经济增长、发展能力和社会保障”的相对贫困“三支柱”治理策略。本文的研究结论为加快推进农村产业融合发展和缓解家庭相对贫困提供了理论基础和经验支持。  相似文献   

产业融合是产业发展和经济增长的新动力。以夜间灯光数据表征经济增长,基于中国省级投入产出表测算地区产业融合率,利用空间计量模型实证分析了产业融合对地区经济增长的影响和空间溢出效应,结果表明:经济增长存在显著的空间正相关性,且产业融合对本地区和相邻地区的经济增长产生了显著的U型影响,产业融合初期可能存在"服务化困境",随着产业融合深化,将促进地区经济增长。同时,这种空间性影响在不同地区和不同细分生产性服务行业之间具有异质性。  相似文献   

本文分别从现代经济学中影响经济增长的两个重要因素技术进步和产业结构来探讨军民融合对于区域经济增长的影响。首先在新古典增长理论下,将军事产业技术进步作为外生性变量考察对区域经济增长的影响;然后从产业经济学中产业关联的角度分析区域内军民产业关联与经济总量的增长。笔者力求全面的分析当前军民融合式发展道路中军事产业技术进步和军民融合式产业结构对于区域经济发展的影响,目的在于使人们意识到走军民融合式发展道路是调整经济结构转变经济增长方式的一条新思路。  相似文献   

创意产业与经济结构转型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创意产业作为新的经济增长引擎,在转变经济增长方式的同时,对经济结构转型也有积极影响。本文通过构建不变替代弹性效用函数模型,分析得出创意产业通过供给与需求两方面的作用可以推动结构转型的结论,并采用跨国面板数据进行实证分析,验证了本文的理论分析。结果表明,创意产业的发展对经济结构转型具有正向的促进作用,且这种促进作用是稳定、可持续的。此外,对创意产业各部门经济影响的深入分析表明,传媒部门和创意产品部门具有最优促进作用,应成为我国产业政策的发展重点。  相似文献   

信息化技术推动了传媒产业的融合,产业融合使得原本市场边界清晰的不同产业之间出现了可相互替代的产品与服务。本文在探讨传媒产业融合动力的基础上,构建了产业融合的路径,认为产业融合使市场边界发生变化,改变了产业竞争格局,形成新的传媒企业组织结构,促进技术创新,推进产业绩效和规制改革,并有效地拓宽了传媒盈利模式,催生新的传媒服务理念,这些最显著的环境变化必然要求我国传媒产业发展作出新的发展路径选择,制定科学、合理的传媒产业规制。  相似文献   

史蒂文·贝里、詹姆斯·莱文森和阿里尔·帕克斯是计量经济学与产业组织领域极具影响的经济学家,他们入选科睿唯安"引文桂冠"经济学奖的主要原因是建立了随机系数Logit模型.该模型可以有效计算不同产品之间的交叉价格弹性,使参数估计结果更加贴合实际,成为差异化产品需求估计的主要计量方法.他们在传统Logit模型中引入随机系数、允许价格内生,使用市场层面的数据对参数进行估计,克服了无关选项独立性假设的限制,拓展了离散选择模型在差异化产品市场的应用,使随机系数Logit模型成为实证产业组织理论中不可或缺的需求估计模型.  相似文献   

刘晓明 《经济地理》2014,(5):187-192
在产业融合视域下,旅游与体育具有较强的关联性和紧密融合的现实需求,文章对我国体育旅游产业融合发展的动力机制、融合的基础条件及其面临的制度、能力、需求以及中介服务等障碍进行了分析。研究认为,可以通过政府、企业和市场三方的推动,使体育与旅游两大产业在资源、产品、市场等方面进行全方位的对接,形成渗透型融合、重组型融合和延伸型融合三种有效路径。最后,文章基于政府管理层面和企业创新层面提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

基于产业融合分析框架,战略性新兴产业军民融合式发展可视为包括技术融合、需求融合、企业融合和制度融合在内的产业融合的特殊表现形式。其中,技术融合是起点,企业融合是实现途径,需求融合是重要拉动力,制度融合是外部推动力。以战略性新兴产业军民融合式发展的典型产业——核能产业为研究对象,从技术融合、企业融合、需求融合和制度融合等方面,分析核能产业军民融合式发展现状与问题,提出了夯实技术基础、打造军民融合产业园、建立需求拉动机制以及完善军民融合制度建设等一些列促进战略性新兴产业军民融合深度发展的建议。  相似文献   

This article proposes a theoretical framework for studying the invention of new products when demand is uncertain. In this framework, under general conditions, the threat of ex post entry by a competitor can deter invention ex ante. Asymmetric market power in the ex post market exacerbates the problem. The implications of these general results are examined in a series of examples that represent important markets in the computer industry. The first is a model that shows how an operating system monopolist, by its mere presence, can deter the invention of complements, to its own detriment as well as that of society. The implications of policies such as patent protection, price regulation, and mandatory divestiture are considered. Three additional examples consider the ability of a monopolist in one market to commit to bundling an unrelated product, a pair of horizontally differentiated firms that can add a new feature to their products, and a platform leader that can be challenged in its base market by the supplier of a complementary product.  相似文献   

目前企业产品决策主要采用多指标的综合评价模式,这在企业产品决策实践中遇到多方面问题。基于企业所处行业特点、拥有的资源的差异,其核心竞争力也不同,因而一般性的产品决策的多指标的综合评价模式常常缺乏针对性和适用性。本文针对目前企业在新产品种选择中的问题,研究影响企业品种选择的关键因素,以市场需求刚性、盈利能力和产品寿命周期这三个维度构建了八种产品类型。企业可以基于企业核心竞争能力的类型选择与企业相匹配的品种类型,制定合适的产品选择策略,以优化企业产品结构。  相似文献   

This paper examines the mainframe computer market from 1985–1991 and attempts to identify the types of buyers that demand particular computer features, such as speed and memory. To identify these buyers, demand for computer characteristics is estimated using a demand model based on Rosen (1974). Through these demand estimates we are able to show that the advent of on-line transactions processing was pushing the demand for computer speed and memory to some extent. However, beyond this specialized application, only a few industries seemed to be demanding the newest technology, while the majority of buyers continued to buy small mainframes throughout the sample period.  相似文献   

高溢价产品的品牌资产驱动因素模型初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘国华  苏勇 《经济管理》2006,(16):37-42
随着奢侈品在我国市场的增长,越来越多的企业和个人开始思考高溢价产品背后的原因。本文基于营销学、心理学、社会学和经济学的研究成果,提出了高溢价产品的品牌资产驱动因素的定性模型,并提出了高溢价产品的市场建议。  相似文献   

In this article, I consider a new discrete choice model of differentiated product demand that distinguishes a brand‐level differentiation from a product‐level differentiation. The model is a hybrid of the random coefficient logit model of Berry et al. (Econometrica 63 (1995), 841–90) and the pure characteristics model of Berry and Pakes (International Economic Review 48 (2007), 1193–1225) and describes markets where firms offer multiple products of different qualities under the same brand name. I compare the hybrid model with existing models using data on personal computers. Using the estimates of the hybrid model, I also provide empirical evidence that firms reposition their brands in a postmerger market.  相似文献   

R&D investment is enterprises’ strategy based on the market demand on innovative products and its production capacity for them. Enlarging market demand would spur the enterprises’ R&D input and the enhancement of technology state in production ability could have a complex effect on less developed countries’ R&D expenditure. With the measurement of China’s technology state compared to the United States and Japan, this paper explores with the state space model the dynamic effects of determinants on China’s R&D expenditure with the data during 1987–2006. The result illustrates that the growing national income, a proxy of domestic market demand, impedes the further R&D investment in China due to the enormous demand for necessities dominated by lower income class, and the income inequality is the major incentive for R&D investment via the higher pricing on the wealthy group, and that the improvement of technology state reduces the innovation risk and plays an important role in stimulating R&D expenditure.   相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to determine the relationship between the pattern of growth of demand for consumer goods and the market behaviour of the firms selling them, particularly their advertising expenditures. The demand for many consumer goods may not witness a steady growth over time. Firms selling such products will have a market behaviour that differs in character and path from that of those selling in expending markets. In this article, I intend to analyse the market behaviour of firms producing toilet soap in the Australian economy.  相似文献   

Using Brazil National Household Survey 1995–2013 data, this paper examines how the education expansion in Brazil impacted the tertiary premium through the interaction of relative supply and relative demand. The identification of the impact of relative demand on education premium provides an empirical testing of the Heckscher-Ohlin model in the context of Brazil. The results suggest that the change in relative supply had converged the education premium thus converged the wage income distribution. The results also show that there was no decrease in relative demand for skilled workers in Brazil in the past two decades, which is inconsistent with what the Heckscher-Ohlin model predicts.  相似文献   

互联网时代,快节奏的生活方式促成了时间碎片化,而人们的生活也逐渐处于多个碎片化的场景中。在互联网时代,“拥有规模化的客户并能够很好地满足其需求是企业生存与发展的根本”这一说法已经得到了充分印证,同时,不断升级的客户需求又进一步驱动企业不断创新。基于互联网时代的场景模式,从消费者需求出发,运用多案例研究法,探究案例企业由客户需求引发的反向创新动因、要素及实现路径,得出如下结论:①“互联网+”场景下,客户需求的不断升级是驱动企业反向创新的主要动因;②反向驱动创新的实现要素包括客户需求升级、技术迭代进步或商业模式颠覆性突破;③反向驱动创新的实现路径由客户需求升级引发市场机会进而引发企业技术或商业模式创新。  相似文献   

This article develops a novel approach to the analysis of market definition. The article empirically investigates the main components of market definition, such as market power, substitution, and the simultaneous interaction between the demand and its determinants for the fixed and mobile voice services. To this end, I employ the multivariate Johansen cointegration methodology and analyze the Turkish voice telecommunications industry. While the VECM analysis confirms the presence of a simultaneous long-term causality relationship among the variables, the Johansen normalization results reveal demand elasticities that enable the analysis of market power and fixed-to-mobile substitution. My findings suggest that the fixed and mobile voice services, which are traditionally viewed as separate markets, can be defined as products that compete in the single market.  相似文献   

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