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《Journal of Accounting and Public Policy》2022,41(6):106995
The 2006 SEC rule, by changing the definition of Named Executive Officers, mandates CFO compensation disclosure. Using this setting and a difference-in-differences research design, we study the real effects of CFO compensation disclosure regulation on CFO job performance. We hypothesize that the disclosure of CFO compensation information, by facilitating shareholder monitoring of the board in providing appropriate incentives to CFOs, leads to better CFO job performance in providing high-quality financial reports. The analyses support our prediction: the treatment firms, which start disclosing CFO compensation information under the 2006 rule, compared to the control firms, which already disclose CFO compensation before 2006, experience an improvement in CFO performance, as exhibited in decreases in accounting misstatements and unexplained audit fees. The results are more pronounced for firms with concentrated ownership, smaller compensation committees, and CFOs subject to weaker monitoring by audit committees. Overall, we provide evidence of a real effect resulting from mandatory CFO compensation disclosure. 相似文献
We examine the effects of price disclosure on market performancein a continuous experimental multiple-dealer market in whichseven professional market makers trade a single security. Thedealers trade with one another and with computerized informedand liquidity traders. Our key comparison is between fully publicprice queues (pretrade transparent market) and bilateral quoting(pretrade opaque). We find that opening spreads are wider andtrading volume is lower in the opaque markets due to highersearch costs there. More importantly, however, higher searchcosts also induce more aggressive pricing strategies, so thatprice discovery is much faster in the opaque markets. 相似文献
This study discusses the effect of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure on corporate financial performance. This study uses a sample of non-financial listed companies from 2000 to 2020 and applies the staggered difference-in-differences technique to eliminate the endogeneity problem. Findings show that ESG disclosure has a favorable effect on corporate financial performance. This conclusion remains robust after a series of robustness tests, including the parallel trend test, Goodman-Bacon decomposition, replacement of dependent variables, system GMM estimate, the placebo test, etc. ESG disclosure has heterogeneous effects on financial performance. The positive effect of ESG disclosure on corporate financial performance is more pronounced in companies with ESG investors and companies with longer inception, high media attention, and high agency costs. In addition, investors with ESG preferences exert a substantial moderating effect on the link between ESG disclosure and financial performance connection. We arrive at two conclusions in the extended analysis. One is that ESG disclosure attracts ESG investors. Another is that ESG investors also play a positive moderating role in the connection between ESG ratings and financial performance. 相似文献
We examine the association between a firm's cost of capital and its voluntary and mandatory disclosures. We include two types of mandatory disclosure: those that are a function of periodic reports that are realizations of ex‐ante reporting systems and those that arise due to specific corporate events. To capture a firm's voluntary and event‐driven mandatory disclosures, we use information the firm provides via 8K filings. To capture periodic mandatory disclosures, we use earnings quality measures derived from the literature. Consistent with endogenous relations predicted by theory, we find that voluntary disclosure and both types of mandatory disclosure are correlated, although only event‐driven mandatory disclosures are significant in models that explain voluntary disclosure. We also find that the cost of capital is generally influenced by each of these disclosure types. We also find that controlling for periodic mandatory disclosure does not affect the relationship between voluntary disclosure and the cost of capital, while controlling for event‐driven mandatory disclosure sometimes affects the relationship depending on the measures used. Our study suggests that a firm's disclosure environment includes the three types of disclosure examined, although the inclusion of mandatory disclosures does not affect the measured association between voluntary disclosure and the cost of capital. 相似文献
The mandatory disclosure of trades and market liquidity 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
Financial market regulations require various 'insiders' to disclosetheir trades after the trades are made. We show that such mandatorydisclosure rules can increase insiders' expected trading profits.This is because disclosure leads to profitable trading opportunitiesfor insiders even if they possess no private information onthe asset's value. We also show that insiders will generallynot voluntarily disclose their trades, so for disclosure tobe forthcoming, it must be mandatory. Key to the analysis isthat the market cannot observe whether an insider is tradingon private information regarding asset value of is trading forpersonal portfolio reasons. 相似文献
Mahmoud Al-Akra Ian A. Eddie Muhammad Jahangir Ali 《The British Accounting Review》2010,42(3):170-186
This paper examines the influence of accounting disclosure regulation, governance reforms and ownership changes, resulting from privatisation, on mandatory disclosure compliance of a sample of 80 non-financial, listed Jordanian companies for the years 1996 and 2004. Employing two checklists based on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) extant in the years 1996 and 2004, we find that disclosure compliance with the IFRS is significantly higher in 2004 than that in 1996. Our multiple regression results indicate that disclosure regulation reforms produced the most significant influence on mandatory disclosure compliance. Further, governance reforms through the mandate of audit committees emerged as a significant determinant of compliance with mandatory disclosure requirements. 相似文献
Ewa Sletten 《Review of Accounting Studies》2012,17(1):96-133
I examine the impact of exogenous changes in stock prices on voluntary disclosure. Specifically, I investigate whether stock price declines prompt managers to voluntarily disclose firm-value-related information (management forecasts) that was withheld prior to the decline because it was unfavorable but became favorable at a lower stock price. Consistent with my predictions, I find that managers are more likely to release good-news forecasts following larger stock price declines but that there is no association between the likelihood of releasing good-news forecasts and the magnitude of stock price increases. Additional evidence indicates that the good-news forecasts eventually conveyed by withholding firms after negative price shocks would likely have resulted in negative market reactions had they been released before the shocks. More generally, I provide evidence that managers withhold bad news and that exogenous stock price declines can induce its disclosure. 相似文献
We examine the impact of corporate board reforms around the world on stock price crash risk. Using a sample of firms in 41 economies that passed major board reforms between 1990 and 2012, we find that board reforms are associated with a significant reduction in crash risk of about 13%. The effect of reforms on crash risk is stronger among firms with more severe ex ante agency problems. Our analysis further suggests that board reforms reduce crash risk by improving financial transparency and enhancing investment efficiency. In sum, our findings are consistent with the notion that board reforms improve board oversight and mitigate agency problems. 相似文献
This study examines the effect of locally informed investors on market efficiency and stock prices using large power outages, which are exogenous events that constrain trading. Turnover in stocks headquartered in an outage area with 0.5% of U.S. electrical customers drops by 3–7% on the first full day of the outage, and bid–ask spreads narrow by 2.5%. Firm-specific price volatility is 2.3% lower on blackout dates. This effect is larger for smaller, lesser-known stocks and in higher income areas. Consistent with a valuation discount and higher expected returns for stocks with more informed traders, firms with a one-standard-deviation higher local trading propensity have market-to-book values that are 5% lower, Tobin's Q that is 6% lower, annualized four-factor alphas that are 1.2% higher, and average spreads that are 6.5% higher. Together, the evidence suggests that informed investors contribute disproportionately to both liquidity and price discovery, and that these contributions are reflected in valuations and expected returns. 相似文献
We study how investor sentiment affects the speed with which prices reflect information. Price discovery is more timely for firms with greater sensitivity to sentiment, as measured by a sentiment beta. Our research improves our understanding of the price formation process when sentiment is not assumed to be constant. Our research design is novel as it considers a sentiment beta as well as economy‐wide sentiment. This provides more comprehensive evidence on the impact of differing types of sentiment on the price formation process. 相似文献
The increasing popularity of non-dealer security markets that offer automated, computer-based, continuous trading reflects a presumption that institutionally-set trading sessions are economically obsolete. This theoretical paper investigates the effect of the trading frequency, a key feature of the trading mechanism, on the efficiency of price discovery in a non-dealer market. By tracing the market pricing error to the correlation structures of arriving information and pricing errors of individual traders, the effect of diverging expectations on error-based and overall return volatility is isolated. The analysis reveals that, due to a portfolio effect, an increase in the trading time interval has contradictory effects on the portion of return volatility stemming from pricing errors. The greater accumulation of information increases error-based return volatility, but the greater volume and number of traders per session have the opposite effect. The net effect on overall return volatility can go either way. It is found that the return volatility of heavily traded securities is likely to be minimized under continuous trading, but that of thinly traded securities may be minimized under discrete trading at moderate time intervals. The latter is more likely to occur the greater is the divergence of expectations among traders. These findings challenge the presumption that automated continuous trading in a non-dealer market is more efficient than discrete trading for all securities, regardless of trading volume. The findings are applicable to all economies, but have special importance for developing countries where typically a single market is dominated by small issues and a low volume of trade. As a by-product of the analysis, it is shown how to correct the biased estimate of inter-session price volatility when observations are less frequent than the trading sessions themselves. 相似文献
Testing the effect of portfolio holdings disclosure in an environment absent of mandatory disclosure 下载免费PDF全文
This study examines a number of portfolio disclosure regimes with respect to accuracy and susceptibility to copycat behaviour in an environment absent of mandatory disclosure. We find that periodic portfolio disclosure tends to underestimate true excess performance as well as idiosyncratic risk in top‐quartile fund managers, with longer inter‐reporting intervals tending to result in greater differences. ‘Copycat funds’ following the disclosed holdings of top‐tier managers significantly underperform the underlying fund, while copycats following bottom‐tier managers significantly outperform the underlying fund. Our findings suggest that periodic reporting at monthly intervals or longer would not affect fund alpha generation. 相似文献
In 2013, Korea adopted a mandatory pay disclosure rule applicable only to board members paid above a certain threshold (KRW 500 million, roughly equal to USD 5 million). In this study, we find evidence of Korean executives avoiding disclosure through director deregistration, that is, stepping down from the board, but retaining a non-registered executive position in the same company. This tendency is stronger when deregistration cost is low (in case of family executives), and benefit is high (in case of high executive-to-worker pay ratios). We also find that family executives choose pay cuts over deregistration as means of avoidance when their income loss from pay cuts is relatively low. Last, we find that disclosure avoidance prompts negative share price reactions, leads to higher dividend payouts (in case of large pay cuts) and results in smaller board sizes (in case of family deregistration). 相似文献
While ESG initiation and disclosure may help newly listed companies maintain a social license to operate, mitigate information asymmetry, and attract investor attention, it may impose significant costs on initial public offering (IPO) firms and magnify agency problems. Using a sample of 1102 IPOs issued in the U.S and the ESG data from MSCI between 1999 and 2016, the paper empirically tests the competing hypotheses and examines the influence of ESG disclosure and performance on the survivability of IPOs. We document that (1) voluntary ESG disclosure reduces IPO failure risks and improves long-run performance of IPO; (2) the sooner ESG information is disclosed after the IPO, the greater the likelihood of survival and better long-run performance; and (3) IPOs with better ESG score are less likely to fail, with the impact largely attributable to the company's social and governance performance. Our findings identify new failure risks for IPOs, supply evidence of value-relevance of ESG, and provide practical guidance for managers. 相似文献
《Journal of Financial Intermediation》2013,22(2):245-258
We develop closed-form expressions for the path and speed of stock price discovery in a utility-based CAPM with wealth effects. Two investors with uniquely bounded risk-preferences always apply opposite portfolio rebalancing trades. These trades determine the intra-period path and speed of price discovery in a Walrasian, tâtonnement setup. While conditions for maximum speed exist, convergence is rapid over a wide range of endowments and preferences. Convergence to equilibrium is exponential, and its speed depends on endowments, risk-preferences, firm size, and market price for risk. Convergence is not guaranteed, and the conditions for divergence are specified. 相似文献
Miguel A. Ferreira Aneel Keswani Antonio F. Miguel Sofia B. Ramos 《Journal of Banking & Finance》2012
We use a new dataset to study how mutual fund flows depend on past performance across 28 countries. We show that there are marked differences in the flow-performance relationship across countries, suggesting that US findings concerning its shape do not apply universally. We find that mutual fund investors sell losers more and buy winners less in more developed countries. This is because investors in more developed countries are more sophisticated and face lower costs of participating in the mutual fund industry. Higher country-level convexity is positively associated with higher levels of risk taking by fund managers. 相似文献
This paper examines whether sentiment can be considered a priced source of risk on international financial markets. We investigate whether residual sentiment is rewarded with a risk premium if added to a model with macroeconomic fundamentals and analyze the time-variation of the respective risk premia. The analysis is performed in the framework of a conditional multiple-beta pricing model and focusses on the excess returns of the G7 stock markets in the period from February 1999 to February 2012. The obtained results indicate that sentiment indeed earns a significant risk premium of around 2% p.a. on the considered markets. 相似文献
Theoretical arguments suggest that as the degree of a country's home bias increases, the global risk sharing between domestic and foreign investors will reduce and thereby increase the country's cost of capital. Consistent with this prediction, we find international differences in the cost of capital to be strongly and positively related to varying degrees of home bias for 38 markets. This finding is robust to different cost of capital proxies, different control variables, alternative home-bias measures, international tradability of stocks, and alternative specifications. Therefore, the overall evidence implies that countries may enjoy a significantly lower cost of capital by reducing the extent of their home bias and hence, increasing global risk sharing. 相似文献
This paper empirically tests the liquidity-adjusted capital asset pricing model of Acharya and Pedersen (2005) on a global level. Consistent with the model, I find evidence that liquidity risks are priced independently of market risk in international financial markets. That is, a security’s required rate of return depends on the covariance of its own liquidity with aggregate local market liquidity, as well as the covariance of its own liquidity with local and global market returns. I also show that the US market is an important driving force of global liquidity risk. Furthermore, I find that the pricing of liquidity risk varies across countries according to geographic, economic, and political environments. The findings show that the systematic dimension of liquidity provides implications for international portfolio diversification. 相似文献