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This study examines how speculative and hedging sentiments influence the returns and volatilities of energy futures markets. We construct speculative and hedging sentiment indices based on the weekly data of fund and commercial positions of four energy futures: crude oil, heating oil, gasoline, and natural gas, traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) from 15 January 2013 to 5 February 2019. Our study demonstrates that speculative sentiment generates greater market fluctuations in the energy futures markets than hedging sentiment; and, further, speculative sentiment stimulates a reversal effect on the returns of crude oil futures. Moreover, speculative sentiment exerts positive systemic risk compensation on the four futures' returns, whereas hedging sentiment alleviates volatilities in the energy futures markets. Most notably, distinguishing it from the leverage effect in stock markets, the speculative sentiment in the energy futures markets is influenced more by good than by bad news; while hedging sentiment exhibits emotional neutrality, as opposed to its impact on stock markets as reported in the literature. Additionally, the positive hedging sentiment in crude oil futures demonstrates significant systemic risk compensation, whereas the three other futures do not have an influence, confirming the prevalence of speculation in hedging transactions in crude oil futures. Our further analysis shows cross-market volatility spillover effects, among which speculative sentiment inherent in crude oil futures causes volatility spillovers to the three other futures, while hedging sentiment has no such effect. Our study has implications for overseeing international energy futures markets, providing regulators with evidence that will facilitate the development of effective strategies to strengthen market supervision.  相似文献   

Hedging Long-Term Forwards with Short-Term Futures: A Two-Regime Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we investigate Metallgesellschafts problem of hedging long-term forwards with short-term futures. Very different hedging strategies have been proposed in the literature. We attribute these differences to the underlying valuation approaches for oil futures and empirically compare five model-based hedging strategies. In particular, we consider a strategy which results from a two-regime pricing model. This continuous-time equilibrium model reflects the observation that prices of oil futures exhibit a very different behavior for low and high oil prices. Our empirical study shows that time diversification is the dominant effect for an effective hedging of long-term oil forwards with short-term futures. JEL classification G13, G30  相似文献   

We analyze mean-variance-optimal dynamic hedging strategies in oil futures for oil producers and consumers. In a model for the oil spot and futures market with Gaussian convenience yield curves and a stochastic market price of risk, we find analytical solutions for the optimal trading strategies. An implementation of our strategies in an out-of-sample test on market data shows that the hedging strategies improve long-term return-risk profiles of both the producer and the consumer.  相似文献   

The Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE) facilitates both local and international investment in Chinese petrochemical-related stocks through local crude oil futures. This study investigates whether the Chinese emerging market can better aid investors' risk hedging and asset allocation compared to two major international developed markets–the Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil futures markets—and examines the pairwise risk hedging effects and multi-asset allocation performance of INE and petrochemical-related stocks. The results show that INE has higher hedge effectiveness than Brent and WTI under pairwise hedging. Further, in multi-asset allocation, the portfolios containing INE outperform other portfolios. Overall, INE results in a better diversification effect and volatility reduction than the use of WTI crude oil futures to construct multi-asset allocation with Chinese petrochemical-related stocks. However, INE performance is inferior to Brent's in terms of constructing portfolios with oil or energy stocks. Finally, our results are robust to the five factors proposed by Fama and French (2015) in asset pricing.  相似文献   

Cross hedging price risk in an incomplete financial market creates basis risk. We propose a new way of modeling basis risk where price risk and basis risk are combined in a multiplicative way. Under this specification, positive prudence is a necessary and sufficient condition for underhedging in an unbiased market. Using the example of cross hedging jet fuel price risk with crude oil futures, we show that the new specification is superior in describing the price series and that optimal cross hedges differ significantly from those derived under the traditional additive cross hedging model.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a new theoretical approach for developing hedging strategies based on swap variance (SwV). SwV is a generalized risk measure equivalent to a polynomial combination of all moments of a return distribution. Using the S&P 500 index and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil spot and futures price data, as well as simulations by varying the distribution of asset returns, we investigate the dynamic differences between hedge ratios and portfolio performances based on SwV (with high moments) and variance (without high moments). We find that, on average, the minimizing-SwV hedging suggests more short futures contracts than minimizing-variance hedging; however, when market conditions deteriorate, the minimizing-SwV hedging suggests fewer short positions in futures. The superior posthedge performances of the mean-SwV hedged portfolios over the mean-variance hedged portfolios in highly volatile or extremely calm markets confirm the efficiency of the mean-SwV hedging strategy.  相似文献   

This paper aims to determine optimal hedge strategy for the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE)-30 stock index futures in Turkey by comparing hedging performance of constant and time-varying hedge ratios under mean-variance utility criteria. We employ standard regression and bivariate GARCH frameworks to estimate constant and time-varying hedge ratios respectively. The Turkish case is particularly challenging since Turkey has one of the most volatile stock markets among emerging economies and the turnover ratio as a measure of liquidity is very high for the market. These facts can be considered to highlight the great risk and, therefore, the extra need for hedging in the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE). The empirical results from the study reveal that the dynamic hedge strategy outperforms the static and the traditional strategies.  相似文献   

We study the consumption and hedging strategy of an oil‐importing developing country that faces multiple crude oil shocks. In our model, developing countries have two particular characteristics: their economies are mainly driven by natural resources and their technologies are less efficient in energy usage. The natural resource exports can be correlated with the crude oil shocks. The country can hedge against the crude oil uncertainty by taking long/short positions in existing crude oil futures contracts. We find that both inefficiencies in energy usage and shocks to the crude oil price lower the productivity of capital. This generates a negative income effect and a positive substitution effect, because today’s consumption is relatively cheaper than tomorrow’s consumption. Optimal consumption of the country depends on the magnitudes of these effects and on its risk‐aversion degree. Shocks to other crude oil factors, such as the convenience yield, are also studied. We find that the persistence of the shocks magnifies the income and substitution effects on consumption, thus also affecting the hedging strategy of the country. The demand for futures contracts is decomposed in a myopic demand, a pure hedging term and productive hedging demands. These hedging demands arise to hedge against changes in the productivity of capital due to changes in crude oil spot prices. We calibrate the model for Chile and study to what extent the country’s copper exports can be used to hedge the crude oil risk.  相似文献   

Unless a direct hedge is available, cross hedging must be used. In such circumstances portfolio theory implies that a composite hedge (the use of two or more hedging instruments to hedge a single spot position) will be beneficial. The study and use of composite hedging has been neglected; possibly because it requires the estimation of two or more hedge ratios. This paper demonstrates a statistically significant increase in out-of-sample effectiveness from the composite hedging of the Amex Oil Index using S&P500 and New York Mercantile Exchange crude oil futures. This conclusion is robust to the technique used to estimate the hedge ratios, and to allowance for transactions costs, dividends and the maturity of the futures contracts.  相似文献   

This paper examines the hedging effectiveness of the FTSE/ATHEX-20 and FTSE/ATHEX Mid-40 stock index futures contracts in the relatively new and fairly unresearched futures market of Greece. Both in-sample and out-of-sample hedging performances using weekly and daily data are examined, considering both constant and time-varying hedge ratios. Results indicate that time-varying hedging strategies provide incremental risk-reduction benefits in-sample, but under-perform simple constant hedging strategies out-of-sample. Moreover, futures contracts serve effectively their risk management role and compare favourably with results in other international stock index futures markets. Estimation of investor utility functions and corresponding optimal utility maximising hedge ratios yields similar results, in terms of model selection. For the FTSE/ATHEX Mid-40 contracts we identify the existence of speculative components, which lead to utility-maximising hedge ratios, that are different to the minimum variance hedge ratio solutions.  相似文献   

十二五规划中我国将航空业纳入了重点新兴产业,但是,近几年来航油价格剧烈波动给航空业及其相关产业发展带来较大风险。本文研究了航空公司利用上海燃料油期货交易对航空煤油进行套期保值的策略,基于2004—2012年现货和期货价格的日数据,采用ECM—GARCH模型测算出最优的套期保值比率为39.72%,能够帮助航空公司规避约15%的航油价格波动风险。本文认为,该策略在一定程度上能稳定企业收益,但绩效值略微偏低,这主要是由于危机时期,套期保值的绩效不仅与套保比率相关,还较大程度地受到汇率波动和宏观经济形势的影响。基于此,本文提出了新时期国有和民营航空公司进行套保交易的战略建议。  相似文献   

We examine whether hedging effectiveness is affected by asymmetry in the return distribution by applying tail-specific metrics, for example, value at risk, to compare the hedging effectiveness of short and long hedgers. Comparisons are applied to a number of hedging strategies including OLS and both symmetric and asymmetric generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic models. We apply our analysis to a dataset consisting of S&P500 index cash and futures containing symmetric and asymmetric return distributions chosen ex post. Our findings show that asymmetry reduces out-of-sample hedging performance and that significant differences occur in hedging performance between short and long hedgers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the hedging performance of the Shanghai futures market, with the London futures market acting as the channel for volatility spillover. Taking into consideration structural change, basis effects, and return and volatility spillover effects, the authors find that the estimated hedging performance is not improved. Their findings suggest that the effectiveness of the hedging performance of aluminum futures contracts in China is not affected by the magnitude or direction of return and volatility spillovers. Therefore, even when the magnitude and direction of volatility spillover from other markets can be correctly predicted, the hedging performance of a futures contract cannot be significantly improved. This paper uses precise measures of return spillovers and volatility spillovers based directly on the framework of vector autoregressive variance decompositions. The study also includes an analysis of both crisis and noncrisis episodes, with modeling on bursts in spillovers.  相似文献   

The current state of the art in the central bank digital currency (CBDC) literature views indexes constructed from digital currency news to be fully informed about CBDC uncertainty and its impact on the financial system. We argue that the hedging behavior of participants in the currency futures market could be more informative than CBDC uncertainty news in the presence of limited risk absorption capacity in futures markets. We show that the hedging factor has a statistically significant effect on financial market risk aversion and measures of uncertainty. The hedging behavior of currency futures market participants is informative of agents' reactions to the news and central bank policies around CBDC. Our results also show that CBDC uncertainty is a significant risk transmitter in the financial system. Hence, this characteristic makes the hedging factor even more important because it can directly impact risk aversion via its moderating effects, which later influence CBDC uncertainty.  相似文献   

We build an equilibrium model of commodity markets in which speculators are capital constrained, and commodity producers have hedging demands for commodity futures. Increases in producers' hedging demand or speculators' capital constraints increase hedging costs via price-pressure on futures. These in turn affect producers' equilibrium hedging and supply decision inducing a link between a financial friction in the futures market and the commodity spot prices. Consistent with the model, measures of producers' propensity to hedge forecasts futures returns and spot prices in oil and gas market data from 1979 to 2010. The component of the commodity futures risk premium associated with producer hedging demand rises when speculative activity reduces. We conclude that limits to financial arbitrage generate limits to hedging by producers, and affect equilibrium commodity supply and prices.  相似文献   

张金清  尹亦闻 《金融研究》2022,503(5):170-188
投资者对股指期货与现货有着不同的模糊厌恶,本文首先将此假设条件引入带交易成本的Garleanu and Pederson (2013)投资模型中,并以指数基金对冲策略为例,构建了一个股指期货动态对冲的理论模型。与非对冲策略相比,基于上述模型设计的对冲策略投资绩效更好,动态最优成交额占目标交易额的比例更小,目标成交额对收益率预测因子的敏感性更大。借助上述模型,本文选取2010年4月至2021年6月的中国ETF指数基金和股指期货数据,并以2015年9月股指期货管理措施实施为界进行区间划分,实证研究发现:(1)中国A股市场的ETF投资组合进行股指期货对冲显著提升了投资绩效,但股指期货管理会削弱该作用;(2)投资绩效改善主要来源于交易成本的下降与目标成交额因子敏感性的提升,该机制受到股指期货管理的约束;(3)与Garleanu and Pederson (2013)、Zhang et al. (2017)相比,本文对冲策略保留“抗跌”特点的同时增加了“易涨”特性。本文研究结果表明,在当前大力发展机构投资者的背景下应不断丰富股指期货、股指期权产品谱系,降低股指期货交易成本并完善持仓约束。  相似文献   

沪深300股指期货的推出,在为市场提供套保工具和流动性的同时,也带来新的风险。本文运用同一指数的股指期权与股指期货组成多种动态套期保值组合,分析股指期货的风险对冲策略。结果表明所构造的组合都能为股指期货提供有效的套期保值;不论多头股指期货还是空头股指期货,保护性策略的风险控制能力更强。  相似文献   

Currently, theories of financial futures hedging are based on either a portfolio-choice approach or a duration approach. This article presents an alternative: a firm-theoretic model of bank behavior with financial futures. Assuming the bank is uncertain about cash CD interest rates and the quantity of CDs it needs in the future, expressions for the optimal futures hedge are derived under constant absolute risk aversion and constant relative risk aversion. The performance of these two strategies is estimated from 1981–1983 using either the recently developed CD futures contract or the T-Bill futures contract. These results are also compared with the performance of a portfolio-choice strategy and a routine hedging strategy. The analysis indicates that the CD futures market can serve a hedging purpose that is not served by the previously established T-Bill futures market.  相似文献   

Companies using futures contracts for hedging purposes need to roll over their contracts if the maturity of their exposure exceeds that of the futures contracts. This entails basis risk that can reduce significantly the effectiveness of the hedge. In this paper an alternative form of futures contract is proposed. the contract never expires and can be used for long-term hedging without the need for rolling-over into a new contract. the contract is shown to be equivalent to a portfolio of conventional futures contracts of differing maturities. Its price is determined by arbitrage against the underlying asset.  相似文献   

A regime-switching real-time copula GARCH (RSRTCG) model is suggested for optimal futures hedging. The specification of RSRTCG is to model the margins of asset returns with state-dependent real-time GARCH and the dependence structure of asset returns with regime switching copula functions. RSRTCG is faster in adjusting to the new level of volatility under different market regimes which is a regime-switching multivariate generalization of the state-independent univariate real-time GARCH. RSRTCG is applied to cross hedge the price risk of S&P 500 sector indices with crude oil futures. The empirical results show that RSRTCG possesses superior hedging performance compared to its nested non-real-time or state-independent copula GARCH models based on the criterion of percentage variance reduction, utility gain, model confidence set, model combination strategy, risk-adjusted return and reward-to-semivariance ratio.  相似文献   

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