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The price instabilities between oil prices and cryptocurrencies have motivated the current study to examine the nonlinear relationship between oil returns/shocks and cryptocurrencies during March 3, 2018 to October 10, 2021. We employed a novel methodology of cross-quantilogram to unveil the nonlinearity and asymmetry between oil shocks and cryptocurrencies. We find that when markets are normal and bullish, there is a positive correlation between oil returns and cryptocurrency returns at first lag; however, there is a negative correlation between oil returns and cryptocurrencies in all market conditions. Moreover, rising fluctuations in oil demand shocks brings significant movement in cryptocurrency returns in bearish market conditions and it is unlikely that oil demand shocks and cryptocurrencies returns move in same directions. Given these results, we proposed useful implications for policymakers, strategists, regulators, financial market participants, and investors to hedge/diversify their risk.  相似文献   

This paper quantitatively examines return transmission and volatility spillovers between banking sector stocks in the US and eight other countries by applying our newly extended VAR-DCC-MEGARCH-M model with asymmetric spillovers and Student-t or skew-t errors. Our investigations clarify almost unidirectional stock return transmission from the US banking sector to all other eight international banking sectors. In addition, we also uncover bidirectional volatility spillovers between the US and other eight international banking sector stocks, which are all tied to the leverage effect. Moreover, using the dynamic conditional variances and covariances from our extended model, we derive the time-varying optimal hedge ratios and optimal portfolio weights. These analyses reveal that, except for such extraordinary periods as during financial crises, we can hedge the US banking sector stocks with other international banking sector stocks, and that well-balanced portfolios of the US and other banking sector stocks are optimal. Furthermore, additional analysis using gold, silver, and platinum futures reveals that we can hedge international banking sector stocks with precious metal futures highly effectively, and that well-balanced portfolios of banking stocks and precious metals are optimal. Based on the results from our analyses, this paper derives many significant interpretations and implications for financial and systemic risk management.  相似文献   

This paper examines how bank efficiency and stability are affected by the market power in Africa. Our results show that the higher degree of market power is associated with high level of efficiency and profitability. The banks with more market power operating are able to be in command of the price and hence improve their profit. The market power has a benefit in both stability and risk. Hence, gain in market will increase the stability and reduce the risk for banking system. Our findings do not support the argument that competition should not be based on a “quiet life hypothesis”.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a multilayer network structure and reveal the relationship between network structure and systemic risk. Unlike many previous studies, our model considers both liability and cross-holding of shares between financial institutions simultaneously. We propose a new systemic risk measurement by exploring the dynamic mechanism of financial contagion in the multilayer network. We display the network structure of Chinese financial institutions, including connectivity and diversity, and identify the systemic importance of them. We demonstrate that the multilayer network plays a non-linear role in financial risk spreading. Using the panel regression model and several experiment evidences, we show that the systemic risk can be explained more effectively by the linkage diversity more than the connectivity at both the institutional level and the system level. Our results highlight the importance of considering contagion mechanisms that go beyond a simple single-layer network structure.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between banking sector reform and bank performance – measured in terms of efficiency, total factor productivity growth and net interest margin – accounting for the effects through competition and bank risk-taking. To this end, we develop an empirical model of bank performance, which is consistently estimated using recent econometric techniques. The model is applied to bank panel data from ten newly acceded EU countries. The results indicate that both banking sector reform and competition exert a positive impact on bank efficiency, while the effect of reform on total factor productivity growth is significant only toward the end of the reform process. Finally, the effect of capital and credit risk on bank performance is in most cases negative, while it seems that higher liquid assets reduce the efficiency and productivity of banks.  相似文献   

Using bank-level data on 368 foreign subsidiaries of 68 multinational banks in 47 emerging economies during 1994–2008, we present consistent evidence that internal capital markets in multinational banking contribute to the transmission of financial shocks from parent banks to foreign subsidiaries. We find that internal capital markets transmit favorable and adverse shocks by affecting subsidiaries’ reliance on their own internal funds for lending. We also find that the transmission of financial shocks varies across types of shocks; is strongest among subsidiaries in Central and Eastern Europe, followed by Asia and Latin America; is global rather than regional; and becomes more conspicuous in recent years. We also explore various conditions under which the international transmission of financial shocks via internal capital markets in multinational banking is stronger, including the subsidiaries’ reliance on funds from their parent bank, the subsidiaries’ entry mode, and the capital account openness and banking market structure in host countries.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the time-varying conditional correlation between oil price and stock market volatility for six major oil-importing and oil-exporting countries. The period of the study runs from January 2000 until December 2014 and a Diag-BEKK model is employed. Our findings report the following regularities. (i) The correlation between the oil and stock market volatilities changes over time fluctuating at both positive and negative values. (ii). Heterogeneous patterns in the time-varying correlations are evident between the oil-importing and oil-exporting countries. (iii) Correlations are responsive to major economic and geopolitical events, such as the early-2000 recession, the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the global financial crisis of 2007–2009. These findings are important for risk management practices, derivative pricing and portfolio rebalancing.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how different degrees of market power affect bank efficiency and stability in the context of developing economies. It sheds light on the competition-stability nexus by documenting and analyzing the complex interactions between a tripod of variables that are central for regulators: the degree of market power, bank cost and profit efficiency, and overall firm stability. The results show that an increase in the degree of market power leads to greater bank stability and enhanced profit efficiency, despite significant cost efficiency losses. The findings lend empirical justification to the traditional view that increased competition may undermine bank stability, and may bear significant implications for stressed banking systems in developing economies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the long-run dynamics between stock and oil prices over the period from March 13, 2001 to August 25, 2017 using the Rafailidis and Katrakilidis (2014) approach, which includes the structural breaks in the relationship between the variables in a Dynamic Ordinary Least Squares model. The approach verifies the existence of cointegration and asymmetry. The main results indicate that when using nonlinear approaches, we can find cointegration and asymmetry. For oil-exporting countries, a positive long-term relationship was found between oil and stock prices. In this case, the wealth effect prevailed for these countries. For oil-importing countries with developed economies, a negative signal was found, confirming that in these economies the business cost channel prevailed. However, oil-importing countries with emerging economies have experienced a positive sign in the long-term relationship, probably due to the economic cycle. In addition, only the United States has seen asymmetric adjustments in the long-term relationship between oil and stock prices.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamic dependence and risk spillover between BRICS stock returns and different types of oil shocks, combining the Structural VAR model and time-varying copula-GARCH-based CoVaR approach. Our findings indicate that the dependence between BRICS stock returns and oil shocks is time-varying and exhibits different behaviours depending on the shock types in the oil market. In general, the shape of the CoVaRs in each country is comparatively different, depending on its special market situation and domestic policies. There is significant risk spillover from oil-specific demand shock to stock returns in all the BRICS countries. Finally, in Brazil, Russia and India, there is a significant asymmetric effect between upside and downside risk spillover based on oil aggregate demand shock and oil-specific demand shock.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the financial and monetary policy responses to oil price shocks using a Structural VAR framework. We distinguish between net oil-importing and net oil-exporting countries. Since the 80s, a significant number of empirical studies have been published investigating the effect of oil prices on macroeconomic and financial variables. Most of these studies though, do not make a distinction between oil-importing and oil-exporting economies. Overall, our results indicate that the level of inflation in both net oil-exporting and net oil-importing countries is significantly affected by oil price innovations. Furthermore, we find that the response of interest rates to an oil price shock depends heavily on the monetary policy regime of each country. Finally, stock markets operating in net oil-importing countries exhibit a negative response to increased oil prices. The reverse is true for the stock market of the net oil-exporting countries. We find evidence that the magnitude of stock market responses to oil price shocks is higher for the newly established and/or less liquid stock markets.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of foreign and state ownership on banking risk. Panel data regression analysis is applied to a sample of 171 commercial banks from the MENA region during the 2006–2012 period. Two-stage least-squares analysis is conducted. Our results show that State ownership encourages banks to take more risks while foreign ownership reduces risk-taking. In addition, state-owned banks tend to increase capital adequacy ratio to hedge against high level of risk. Our finding also indicates that all categories of shareholders take a prudent attitude that influences risk reduction after the 2008 crisis.  相似文献   

We analyse the impact of oil supply, global economic activity, oil-specific consumption demand, and oil-inventory demand shocks on equity-market tail risks of a panel of 48 developed and emerging economies over the monthly period from 1975:01 to 2017:12. We find that, oil supply, global economic activity, and oil-inventory demand shocks reduce tail risks, but oil-specific consumption demand shock increases tail risks, with these effects stronger in oil-exporting economies. Our results have important implications for investors and policymakers.  相似文献   

The Covid-19 crisis has been spread rapidly throughout the world so far. However, how deep and long the turbulence would depend on the success of solutions taken to deter the spread of Covid-19, the impacts of government policies may be prominent to alleviate the current crisis. In this article, we investigate the spillover effects and time-frequency connectedness between S&P 500, crude oil prices, and gold asset using both the spillover index of Diebold and Yilmaz (2012) and the wavelet coherence to evaluate whether the time-varying dynamic return spillover index exhibited the intensity and direction of transmission during the Covid-19 outbreak. Overall, the present results shed light on that in comparison with the pre-Covid-19 period, and the return transmissions are more apparent during the Covid-19 crisis. More importantly, there exist significant dependent patterns about the information spillovers among the crude oil, S&P 500, and gold markets might provide significant implications for portfolio managers, investors, and government agencies.  相似文献   

We analyze the dynamics in the global crude oil market based on a structural vector autoregressive model. We identify the model by presuming that reduced form residuals can be traced back to structural shocks that are independently distributed over the cross equation dimension. The resulting point estimates of the impulse response functions allow for a direct comparison with the outcomes of more conventional identification approaches. Our results are remarkably similar to the results regarding oil market dynamics in Kilian and Murphy (2012) and Inoue and Kilian (2013) even though they rely on statistical arguments instead of a set of theory-based a priori restrictions. Based on the results from our statistical approach, we investigate the cumulative contributions of different oil shocks on the rapid fall in oil prices at the end of 2008 and 2014, as well as the effects of different oil shocks on macroeconomic aggregates in the US, the euro area, and China.  相似文献   

This paper categorizes Australian listed cryptocurrency-linked stocks (CLS) by their involvement as a user, developer and diffuser, and investor of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies based on company announcements and published information on the company websites. By distinguishing CLS engagement with blockchain technology, we examine their returns and volatility spillover with the cryptocurrency market over the period 1 September 2017 to 7 June 2018, spanning important episodes and dynamics in the cryptocurrency market in 2017-2018, and the emergence of Australian CLS. Utilizing the Diebold and Yilmaz (2012) spillover methodology, we find significant unidirectional return spillover and weak volatility spillover from the cryptocurrency market to CLS, after controlling return dynamics of the Australian dollar, Gold and commodity. However, CLS with high involvement in blockchain technology displays stronger connectedness to the cryptocurrency market through return spillover relative to low involvement CLS. Our findings indicate that investors incorporate the price dynamics of cryptocurrencies into their trading decisions for CLS.  相似文献   

Foreign participation in Indonesian banking has expanded from the establishment of foreign de novo banks into the acquisition of existing local banks. The increase in foreign participation has therefore not been associated with a growing number of banks. This study aims to examine the competitive behavior of foreign and local banks as a competitive banking industry is important in boosting economic efficiency and economic growth. This study also examines the role of modes of entry of foreign banks on competition, either through the establishment of foreign de novo banks or the acquisition of local banks. The recent methodological refinements of the Panzar–Rosse method developed by Bikker et al. (2011) are employed to estimate the level of competition among local and foreign banks. Generally, the foreign banks, particularly foreign de novo banks behaved more competitively than local banks, and their penetration is therefore important in creating a contestable market. This study found that in terms of assets, on average foreign de novo banks were smaller, more efficient, and had lower overhead costs, so they could offer lower loan rates and disburse more loans. The recent consolidation in the Indonesian banking industry may have an adverse impact on competition as it restricts the establishment of foreign de novo banks.  相似文献   

This paper examines the correlation and the dependence patterns of the Qatar stock market with other markets using copula statistical theory and exploiting new datasets covering the period August 1998 to June 2018. To examine the crisis –specific change in the average degree of dependence we decomposed the data into the time periods before and after oil price shocks and the 2017 political crisis among the Gulf Cooperation Council members (i.e. the Qatari blockade). Our findings from the static copula modelling show that the correlations between the Qatari and the other stock markets significantly change after the oil price and the blockade crisis as well. The degree of change in the correlation is time varying and differs from county-group to another. Moreover, our findings reveals that the 2008 global financial crisis has a stronger impact than the price shocks and political crisis. The findings of the paper are of interest and allow for formulating a reliable and dynamic portfolio design framework for investors and risk managers.  相似文献   

Using a large sample of exogenous events that negatively affected Korean banks during the 1997–98 period, we examine the value of durable bank relationships in Korea. We show that adverse shocks to banks have a negative effect not only on the value of the banks themselves but also on the value of their client firms, and that this adverse effect on firm value is a decreasing function of the financial health of both the banks and their client firms. Our results are concentrated in the second half of the sample period when Korean banks experienced severe difficulties.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of Bitcoin on decomposed oil price shocks within a quantile-based framework, through which the underlying investment sheltering role of Bitcoin for various oil price fluctuations is explored. The aggregate oil price shock is decomposed into three perspectives of the demand, the supply, and the changing attitudes towards risk. A comparison of the sheltering role between Bitcoin and gold is further evaluated. By using a non-parametric causality test, we find that there exists an asymmetric and unidirectional causal relationship from Bitcoin/gold to oil shocks. Such the unidirectional causality appears only to the demand and supply shocks of oil instead of the risk-specific shocks, and is more evident at median quantiles. By jointly considering the data distribution of both dependent and independent variables realized by a quantiles-on-quantiles method, both Bitcoin and gold generally depict the hedge and safe haven abilities for oil shocks, and such the ability is shown to be different not only between Bitcoin and gold but also for various sources of oil shocks. The sheltering role of gold is found to be greater than that of Bitcoin for the supply shock, while the results reverse for the demand shock. Moreover, shocks from the identified shocks from the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia–Ukraine conflict are found to not change the cross-market relationship. A series of robustness checks confirm our findings that possess important implications for various stakeholders.  相似文献   

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