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日韩废弃物处理制度比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中日韩等亚洲国家人口密度高,共同面临着急进的产业化所带来的深刻的环境问题,虽然存在着环境意识、政策水平和制度上的差异,提出发展循环经济的阶段、着眼点和具体举措各不相同,但在国际化、区域化趋势和地缘关系、风俗习惯等方面,内在的和外在的制度彼此趋同。废弃物处理是循环经济的核心问题之一,为了解决经济高速增长以及大量生产、大量消费所带来的大量废弃、资源浪费、生态退化和环境污染等问题,日本和韩国较早开始了废弃物的处理和再利用事业,建立和实施了减少废弃物、最大限度地循环利用必然发生的废弃物、安全处理等相应的制度,结果废弃物的再利用率持续提高,并在实践中积累了丰富的经验。  相似文献   

自1992年中国与韩国建交以来,两国关系在政治、经济、文化等各个领域都取得了快速发展。其中,经贸关系是中韩关系持久发展的基石。文章通过对建交后中韩经贸关系发展的回顾,深入分析两国经贸交流中快速发展的原因及存在的问题,在此基础上展望中韩两国经贸关系的未来发展前景。  相似文献   

熊缨 《特区经济》2009,(4):255-256
本文从经济学角度来分析我国转型时期的环境污染及其治理途径问题。主要运用外部性、公共物品属性、产权缺失以及博弈论原理分析了环境污染的原因,指出"市场失灵"和"政府失灵"是导致环境污染的经济根源。然后分析了环境污染与经济发展的辨证关系,并针对我国国情提出了当前治理环境污染的对策性建议。  相似文献   

我国是一个渔业资源十分丰富的国家,渔业历史悠久。近年来由于我国与日本、韩国、越南签订的渔业协定相继生效,另外捕捞过度和环境污染等问题,使沿海渔业资源变得十分脆弱,对渔民的生产、生活造成影响。在此背景下渔民转产转业问题受到学者的广泛关注。本文对近年来诸多学者的研究进展进行了归纳和整理,并对下一步研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

陈蘋 《亚太经济》2007,(6):87-89
美韩双边在各自利益需求的考量之下成功签署FTA,必将刺激亚太地区各国洽签双边FTA的热情。对于近年来许多经济指标都被韩国超越的台湾当局来说,难免感到紧张却又一筹莫展。韩美FTA对台湾的挑战将如何?这是本文要讨论的重点。  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, China has sustained rapid economic growth of 8–10 percent, part of which is attributed to the positive total factor productivity (TFP) growth. However, this extraordinary economic performance has been accompanied by severe environmental pollution and associated health damage. The conventional TFP method is biased in interpreting the progress of technology change because it does not consider non‐marketable residues, such as environmental pollution, and, hence, efficiency improvements in terms of pollution abatement technology and environmentally friendly management are ignored. This bias might direct our attention to less efficient use of environmental friendly abatement technologies or send wrong signals to policy‐makers. To address this issue, the present paper applies a modified welfare‐based green TFP approach, treating environmental damage as non‐desirable (negative) residual output. Therefore, environmental efficiency is taken into account to accurately interpret technological progress from a social welfare point of view. Based on a national time‐series input–output table, historical capital and labor input data for China and sectoral level air pollution emission data from 1991 to 2000, the empirical results suggest that with increasingly stringent environmental regulations, many pollution intensive sectors, such as electricity, primary metal and chemical industries, improved their environmental efficiency in the late 1990s. However, because of the weak environmental regulations in construction and transportation, and in sectors primarily composed of small private or township and village industrial enterprises, firms within these industries contributed to increasing environmental degradation.  相似文献   

中日韩自由贸易协定中的农产品贸易问题分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
缔结中日韩自由贸易协定是区域经济一体化的大势所趋,但由于农产品贸易的复杂性和敏感性,以及日韩两国实施的高农产品贸易壁垒,农产品贸易将是未来三国谈判必须面对的难题。三国应促进农业合作,增加区域内农产品贸易,建立解决贸易摩擦的协调机制,实现三国农业共存共生,发挥各自应有的作用,促进区域农产品贸易的稳定发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the changing nature of growth spillovers between developed economies, the North, and developing countries, the South, driven by the process of globalization—the phenomenon of rising international trade and financial flows. We use a comprehensive database of macroeconomic and sectoral variables for 106 countries over the period 1960–2005. We consider the South to be composed of two groups of countries, the Emerging South and the Developing South, based on the extent of their integration into the global economy. Using a panel regression framework, we find that the impact of the Northern economic activity on the Emerging South has declined during the globalization period (1986–2005). In contrast, the growth linkages between the North and Developing South have been rather stable over time. Our findings also suggest that the North and Emerging South economies have started to exhibit more intensive intra-group growth spillovers.  相似文献   

在践行绿色发展理念的背景下,研究环境违规企业补救行为对加强环境治理具有重要意义。文章采用印象管理理论将企业环境违规后用来修复组织形象的策略分为"对症下药"(积极进行绿色创新实现绿色转型)和"避重就轻"(实行其他社会责任转移公众注意力)两方面,将"避重就轻"分为外部社会责任与内部社会责任,利用2013-2017年中国A股上市的制造业企业数据,实证检验环境违规的经济后果以及企业的后续补救方式,并进一步探究其补救行为地区异质性。研究结果表明:环境违规行为会降低企业价值,说明投资者进行投资决策时已逐渐将企业的环境表现纳入考量;但违规企业没有通过绿色创新实现绿色转型,告知公众有关公司环境表现和行为的改变,而是通过加强其他社会责任以转移公众注意力,且更偏向于加强外部社会责任,内部社会责任反而降低了。进一步研究表明环境违规企业"对症下药"行为在西中东三个地区之间并无明显差异,但"避重就轻"行为存在地区异质性,即主要发生在经济较为发达的东部地区。文章提供了环境违规企业重获合法性的可能途径,发现面临合法性压力,企业会选择性参与社会责任。这为深化环境管制成效提供了指引,并在一定程度上揭示了企业社会责任的"...  相似文献   

董尧华 《科技和产业》2011,11(6):108-110
中韩自建交以来经贸合作获得了长足发展,青岛作为中国对外贸易的前沿城市,与韩国有着较密切的贸易关系。但青韩贸易还存在着一些制约因素,如贸易不平衡,贸易摩擦等问题。因为人类的活动总是受资源稀缺性的制约,所以某一个经济主体的行为在有限的利益分配中对其他经济主体的行为及其预期产生影响,他们也以其他经济主体的预期为基础选择自己的行为策略,这种相互选择策略的过程形成“博弈”。本文就是针对如何进一步深化青韩经贸合作,运用博弈的理论进行的深入研究。  相似文献   

刘宇 《特区经济》2012,(7):124-126
中韩建交20年来,经贸关系发展日新月异,但存在的问题也变得更加突出,如贸易与投资的不平衡等,使双边关系可持续性发展面临着诸多挑战。与此同时,两国关系的发展又存在历史机遇。如何抓住契机,扩大交流与合作领域,实现双赢和地区多赢,是两国政府应该认真研究的重大课题。  相似文献   

上世纪90年代中国经济的高速增长和中韩建交为双边贸易提供了新的增长契机。中国加入世贸组织后,双边贸易规模进一步加大。由于韩国对中国的货物贸易顺差呈逐年扩大之势,两国闻的贸易摩擦不断升级。为此,我国应改善产业结构,促进资本和技术密集型产业发展;打造我国品牌经济;成立中韩经济合作委员会。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of the relationship between economic growth and environmental quality in China. The main hypothesis to be examined in the study is the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis, which postulates an inverse U-shaped relationship between pollutions and income. The empirical analysis uses prefecture level panel data of China over the period 2003–2010, and employs fixed effects model and a sample split method. The empirical results tend to confirm the inverse U-shaped relationship as well as the N-shaped relationship between income and pollution.  相似文献   

中韩两国贸易的均衡分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩国已经连续多年成为我国主要的贸易顺差国家,而且贸易顺差额有逐年加大之势。本文在分析两国国内市场制度、经济发展水平、主要贸易商品和国际竞争力的基础上,通过建立贸易均衡模型发现:收入水平、价格水平和汇率水平是导致中韩贸易不平衡的重要因素。本文认为,应该从这些因素出发,寻求有效可行的措施,来缓解两国贸易不平衡的趋势。  相似文献   

In the wake of economic development and raised living standards, Chinese pork consumption has risen significantly. As a response to the increased demand and active government support, the national hog sector, which was traditionally dominated by small backyard farms, is featuring a quick restructuring towards large-scale breeding enterprises. With the transformation of the hog sector, environmental externalities have become a very serious concern. Foremost non-point source pollution resulting from the leakage of pig waste into surface water and groundwater resources is seen as a serious threat. Via data envelopment analysis (DEA), we approach the question of efficiency gains from both technical and environmental perspective along a 2012 sample of 371 Chinese hog farms. Our results suggest that especially mid-size hog farms in transition face low environmental efficiency and high pollution abatement costs due to limited waste disposal options. Existent policies turn out to be yet hardly effective in decreasing environmental externalities. In some provinces, projects for rural biogas production could help to improve waste management. However, especially small farms require state support towards improving storage and transportations facilities.  相似文献   

胡珺  伍翕婷  周林子 《南方经济》2020,39(4):115-128
5A级旅游景区代表了中国最高级别的精品旅游景观,具有打造城市品牌、助推经济发展的积极效应,但其动态评选机制对地方环境质量有着严格的考核标准。文章以2007-2015年中国A股上市企业为研究样本,检验了5A级旅游景区机制是否有助于缓解地方政府的环境监督缺位,从而推动企业环境治理。研究发现:当地方城市存在5A级旅游景区时,当地企业的环境投资更多,且上述关系在非国有企业中更加明显;对作用机制分析表明,处于5A级旅游景区的企业承受的政府环境监督力度相对更强,但更多体现在非国有企业中,企业环保补贴对5A级景区不敏感;进一步分析发现,自然资源相对于人文资源景区对企业环境治理的推动作用更加明显;旅游收入占地方GDP比重更大时,5A级旅游景区的环境治理作用更强。综上,文章首次结合中国旅游景区的评级制度,进一步丰富了企业环境治理的驱动因素,这对探索如何协同地方政府在发展经济中的环境保护激励、生态文明建设均具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

环境质量日益成为影响中国城市品质和高质量发展的重要因素。本文采用中国人口普查、夜间灯光和基于卫星反演的大气污染等数据,分析空气污染引致人力资本选择性流动,进而带来的城市长期经济增长效应。结果发现,空气污染并没有显著影响城市人口规模变化,但是降低了城市经济增速和增长质量。以PM2.5和SO2为代表的空气污染导致城市大学及以上学历人口显著流出,进而带来城市人均夜间灯光亮度值和GDP增长率的下降。本文进一步基于“两控区”政策,反向论证了环境规制政策能够带来空气质量改善,从而减缓高人力资本的流出,促进经济增长。本文从经验上分析了环境规制、环境质量、经济增长之间的关系,也为中国城市兴衰格局提供了一个基于环境视角的解释。  相似文献   

民营企业可持续发展对策研究——基于社会责任的视角   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘红燃 《特区经济》2009,(11):128-130
在经济全球化的新形势下,我国民营企业作为全球企业供应链的重要环节,已经不能将环境污染、产品品质、劳动权益等问题置之度外,承担社会责任已经成为我国民营企业可持续发展,融入全球经济的主要趋势和方法。因此,探讨我国民营企业社会责任问题,推动民营企业更好地履行社会责任,对实现民营企业的可持续发展无疑具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

技术进步活动具有外部性,它能带动该创新产业的增长,也能促进其他产业的增长,因此关于技术进步溢出效应的研究日益受到重视。以山东省为例,利用投入产出模型,计算出各产业的工艺创新溢出效应和产品创新溢出效应,列出技术进步综合溢出效应较大的产业,为政府制定宏观调控决策提供依据。  相似文献   

Although China has had rapid economic growth, it has borne a more significant economic burden or loss because of environmental pollution. However, the country has addressed this problem with various pollution abatement efforts. Some prior studies analysed the relationship between such efforts and pollution emissions, but did not show how these efforts affect pollution reduction. This study investigates the effects of pollution abatement efforts on industrial SOX, NOX and CO2 emissions in the context of pollution reduction in China by panel data for 29 provinces from 1995 to 2010. The empirical results are as follows. First, emissions have increased rapidly in the 2000s. Second, rapid income growth has led to a greater increase in emissions. Third, pollution abatement would assist improvements in environmental quality. Further, this study reveals that abatement efforts affect emissions through the adoption of pollution removal measures.  相似文献   

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