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While charitable donations help to raise funds and contribute to pandemic prevention and control, there are many unanswered questions about how people make such donation decisions, especially in countries like China where charitable donations have played an increasing role in recent years. This study contributes to the literature by assessing the potential impacts of Chinese netizens' experience with the 2002 severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic on their willingness to donate for COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control. Specifically, this study applies a difference-in-differences (DID) model to a dataset collected from a nationwide survey to examine how individuals' exposure to the SARS epidemic affects their willingness to donate to alleviate the COVID-19 pandemic. The results suggest that individuals' SARS epidemic experiences in their early lives, especially during the “childhood-adolescence” period, had a lasting and far-reaching impact on their willingness to donate toward COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control. Also, the impacts were likely heterogeneous by such sociodemographic factors as educational background, health status, and income level. The empirical findings highlight the importance of considering early-life experiences in developing and implementing epidemic prevention and control policies. While the SARS experience likely affected Chinese netizens' willingness to donate toward COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control, lessons learned from both the SARS epidemic and COVID-19 pandemic could be used to develop more effective public health education and prevention programs as well as to increase public donations for future pandemic prevention and control.  相似文献   

We investigate how people insure themselves against an upsurge of risk and uncertainty during a pandemic. Using high-frequency, city-level insurance purchases data from the largest online insurance platform in China, we employ difference-in-differences strategies to quantify changes in insurance purchases before and after the COVID-19 outbreak relative to a corresponding period in 2019. We show that the pandemic induces a substantial increase in daily number of insurance purchase, with evident impact on both health and life insurance. We demonstrate that the increase mainly originates from an expanded number of consumers; and is not driven by compositional shifts. Particularly, we show that the observed increase is better explained by pandemic risk exposure than other mechanisms such as negative emotions and insurance awareness. Nevertheless, there is a notable discrepancy between changes in insurance purchases and COVID-19 risk exposure, which is driven by individuals' lack of information on pandemic. We find that the more direct and high-quality information people have, the more likely their decisions are to accord with the objective risk exposure. These findings reveal the key driving forces of the risk management responses under an unprecedented pandemic, and point to the importance and necessity of public information disclosure.  相似文献   

The health risks of the current COVID-19 pandemic, together with the drastic mitigation measures taken in many affected nations, pose an obvious threat to public mental health. To assess predictors of poor mental health in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this study first implements survey-based measures of health perception biases among Chinese adults during the pandemic. Then, it analyzes their relation to three mental health outcomes: life satisfaction, happiness, and depression (as measured by the CES−D). We show that the health overconfidence displayed by approximately 30% of the survey respondents is a clear risk factor for mental health problems; it is a statistically significant predictor of depression and low levels of happiness and life satisfaction. We also document that these effects are stronger in regions that experienced higher numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths. Our results offer clear guidelines for the implementation of effective interventions to temper health overconfidence, particularly in uncontrollable situations like the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the sleeplessness in Chinese cities during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. We provide first evidence of a link from daily COVID-19 cases resulting in sleep loss in a panel of Chinese cities. We use Wuhan, which was the first city to be completely locked down, as basis to present the result that sleeplessness has become a considerably serious issue owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. In using the intervention policy of various cities as exogenous shocks, we find that lockdown policies significantly increase the sleeplessness level of Chinese cities. In addition, the severity of COVID-19 pandemic significantly exacerbates the negative effect of lockdown policies on sleep quality in the city. Overall, this study indicates that policy makers should pay more attention to public mental health when citizens recover from COIVD-19 by investigating the unintended consequences of COVID-19 on sleeplessness level of cities.  相似文献   

In response to the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), there have been substantial variations in policy response and performance for disease control and prevention within and across nations. It remains unclear to what extent these variations may be explained by bureaucrats' professionalism, as measured by their educational background or work experience in public health or medicine. To investigate the effects of officials' professionalism on their response to and performance in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, we collect information from the résumés of government and Party officials in 294 Chinese cities, and integrate this information with other data sources, including weather conditions, city characteristics, COVID-19-related policy measures, and health outcomes. We show that, on average, cities whose top officials had public health or medical backgrounds (PHMBGs) had a significantly lower infection rate than cities whose top officials lacked such backgrounds. We test the mechanisms of these effects and find that cities whose officials had a PHMBG implemented community closure more rapidly than those lacked such backgrounds. Our findings highlight the importance of professionalism in combating the pandemic.  相似文献   

How might COVID-19 affect human capital and wellbeing in the long run? The COVID-19 pandemic has already imposed a heavy human cost—taken together, this public health crisis and its attendant economic downturn appear poised to dwarf the scope, scale, and disruptiveness of most modern pandemics. What evidence we do have about other modern pandemics is largely limited to short-run impacts. Consequently, recent experience can do little to help us anticipate and respond to COVID-19’s potential long-run impact on individuals over decades and even generations. History, however, offers a solution. Historical crises offer closer analogues to COVID-19 in each of its key dimensions—as a global pandemic, as a global recession—and offer the runway necessary to study the life-course and intergenerational outcomes. In this paper, we review the evidence on the long-run effects on health, labor, and human capital of both historical pandemics (with a focus on the 1918 Influenza Pandemic) and historical recessions (with a focus on the Great Depression). We conclude by discussing how past crises can inform our approach to COVID-19—helping tell us what to look for, what to prepare for, and what data we ought to collect now.  相似文献   

Trading relationships between suppliers and buyers play a key role in transmitting both local and international shocks. We use transaction-level data from Kenya to study the relevance of a firm’s domestic network position and links to international supply chains in determining its trajectory during the COVID-19 crisis. We document that firms with high exposure to import and export markets tend to be larger, older, and employ more workers. The specialisation of direct importers, often intermediaries, on international markets made them very vulnerable to the initial COVID-19 shock. Exporters, one-third of whom operate in primary sectors, experienced a less severe decline in sales. We find that both importers and exporters adjust their domestic supply chains in response to international trade shocks — before and during the crisis alike. Sourcing from international markets does not crowd out domestic purchases, while sales abroad and at home can act as substitutes. Diversified domestic supply chains helped firms to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and recover more strongly.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the effects of COVID-19 on international trade changed over time. To do that, we explore monthly data on worldwide trade from January to August in 2019 and 2020. Specifically, our study data include the exports of 34 countries to 173 countries. We estimated the gravity equation by employing various variables as a proxy for the COVID-19 damage. Our findings can be summarized as follows: First, regardless of our measures to quantify the COVID-19 pandemic, we found significantly negative effects of COVID-19 on the international trade of both exporting and importing countries. Second, those effects, especially the effects of COVID-19 in importing countries, tended to become insignificant since July 2020. This result implies that the harmful impacts of COVID-19 on international trade were accommodated after the first wave of the pandemic to some extent. Third, we found heterogeneous effects across industries. The negative effects on non-essential, durable products persist for a long time, whereas positive effects in industries providing medical products were observed.  相似文献   

村庄信任资源存量高并不必然促进基层社区政治权力的正向分配,由非正式行为准则和互惠规范构建的乡村人际信任网络将选民与贿选者捆绑,形成道德共同体和利益共同体,为贿选提供非正式制度依托。制度信任被操纵成为贿选者规避风险的工具,加之它回应选民诉求的迟钝和乏力,迫使选民转而依附人际信任。高能的乡村人际信任不断挤占制度信任空间,形成纵容贿选的“加速数效应”。为此,培育新型农村社区组织,转变宗族式信任分配机制为制度化的信任分配机制可有效预防和遏止乡村贿选。  相似文献   

We examine how the COVID-19 contagion influences consumer expenditure patterns. We show that the consumption expenditure responses to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic are significantly different between the older and younger generations. We find that older adults spend less than the younger generation by at least 5% during the pandemic. In fact, those aged above 60 significantly decrease their spending even on food and drink products by 13%. We also find that older adults forgo shopping in favor of the younger generation. These responses might be due to the fear of COVID-19 infection (Immordino et al., 2022).  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic severely disrupted international trade, leading countries to grapple with product shortages and firms to experience major supply chain issues. These challenges increased production costs and significantly contributed to lower trade and higher inflation. In this paper, we examine the impact of COVID-19 on Chinese trade through its two main trading partners: Japan and the US. By differentiating products by product type and processing status, we find evidence that products in the middle of the global supply chain were most affected by the pandemic and that the severity of the shock depends on the partner country’s role in the global supply chain. Additionally, we find that Chinese exports are more impacted than Chinese imports, regardless of processing status. These findings are largely consistent with economic theory. Understanding that the effects of global shocks vary by product and country will help guide policies that minimize supply chain disruptions.  相似文献   

We study how a public health crisis affects the corporate sector at different phases of outbreak. Using an event study approach, we find significant valuation effects in a sample of Chinese listed firms following two symbolic events in the outbreak of COVID-19: (1) the lockdown of Hubei province; and (2) the containment of the disease in China and its spread to overseas. Market responded negatively (positively) to the first (second) event. Regression analysis further reveals that, following the first event, firms with Hubei (foreign) exposures earned significantly lower (higher) returns. Foreign exposures, however, had significantly negative effects on returns following the second event. The valuation effects of Hubei and foreign exposures also vary across firm ownership and industries. Our results indicate that, in a globalized world, firms' international status, internal networks and input-output linkages all play important roles in determining their exposures to the pandemic.  相似文献   

以2001—2012年期间在CSSCI上的232篇人际信任文献为样本,从年度分布、学科分布、期刊分布、地区分布角度的文献计量研究发现:人际信任研究在国内学术界渐成热点,文献数量在不断增加;虽然国内研究时间不长,但与国外研究的差距在不断缩小。同时,结合上下级之间、学生与老师之间、网络消费者与商家之间,以及运动员与教练员之间四个方面的人际信任关系,对其进行了深入地梳理和展望。  相似文献   

Although knowledge about effectiveness of insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) is fairly widespread in Ghana, their use remains far from universal. We test and validate the hypothesis that health education of hospitals and health centers in rural Ghana is more effective for groups that display relatively high trust to health providers. We estimate heterogeneous impacts of health education on ITN and/or bed net use and on fever as a crude proxy for malaria in the Brong Ahafo and Upper East regions in Ghana, with help of propensity-adjusted regression. The degree of trust in health providers appears to be a key factor in determining the effectiveness of health education in both regions. The effect is not ruled out by controlling for general trust. There are indications of nonlinear effects. The Kassena-Nankana seems to be an exception to this rule—despite low trust in health providers, health education is highly effective for this ethnic group.  相似文献   

This paper describes one of the first attempts to gauge the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global trajectory of real GDP over the course of 2020 and 2021. It is also among the first efforts to distinguish between the role of domestic variables and global trade in transmitting the economic effects of COVID-19. We estimate panel data regressions of the quarterly growth in real GDP on pandemic variables for 90 countries over the period 2020 Q1 through 2021 Q4. We find that readings on the number of COVID-19 deaths had a very small effect in our aggregate sample. On the other hand, changes in the stringency of the lockdown measures taken by governments to restrict the spread of the virus were an important influence on GDP. The economic effects of the pandemic differed between rich and poor countries: COVID-19 deaths exerted a somewhat greater drag on GDP in advanced economies, although this difference was not statistically significant, whereas lockdown restrictions were more injurious to economic activity in emerging and developing economies. In addition to these domestic pandemic effects, global trade represented a significant channel through which the economic effects of the pandemic spilled across national borders. This finding underscores how globalization makes each country vulnerable not only to medical contagion from the COVID-19 pandemic, but to economic contagion as well.  相似文献   

孙玉栋  王强 《改革》2020,(4):28-36
财政作为国家治理的基础和重要支柱,在应对新冠肺炎疫情中起着至关重要的作用。将财政应对突发公共卫生的实践内嵌于财政改革发展逻辑框架下进行考察,在对比SARS相关情况的基础上,分析财政应对新冠肺炎疫情的机制,并判断疫情对财政收支的直接影响和间接影响、短期影响和中长期影响。在此基础上,剖析财政应对突发公共卫生事件存在的问题,进而提出加大支持力度、压缩一般性支出、强化资金监管、加强信息交流和公开等近期应急性财税对策,以及健全筹资体制、优化事权划分、调整支出结构、加强绩效管理等中长期制度性财税措施。  相似文献   

The spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has had a major political, economic, social, and cultural impact on various countries worldwide. Based on economic operation, public opinion, public health, government policies and population inflow in the affected areas, this study measures daily economic resilience during the COVID-19 outbreak in 286 prefecture-level cities in China (from 1st January to 8th February, 2020). Specifically, this study further investigates the economic resilience and the number of COVID-19 cases by analysing the evolutionary trend of their spatial distribution pattern using the standard deviation ellipse (SDE). The impact of COVID-19 on economic resilience is examined using a panel vector autoregressive model. The following are the findings. (1) The economic resilience value decreased throughout the study period, but the cities with high economic resilience showed a trend of spatial diffusion in the late study period. Wuhan’s lockdown strategy was benefit to control the spread of COVID-19, and promptly stopped the decline of China's economic resilience. (2) Economic resilience and the number of COVID-19 cases influenced their future trends positively, but this effect gradually decreased over time. During the COVID-19, although the number of confirmed cases significantly influenced China's economic resilience, and the disease's spread was evident, China maintained a high level of economic development resilience. (3) The rise in economic resilience during the pandemic's early stages promoted the number of confirmed cases, but the strength of this relationship gradually declined as the pandemic progressed. Returning to work and other activities may increase the risk of infection. Numerous policies implemented at the outbreak’ inception aided in laying the groundwork for economic resilience. Although the outbreak had a detrimental effect on economic resilience in the later stages of the pandemic, a convergent trend was observed at the end of the research period. (4) Using variance decomposition, we discovered that future economic resilience was significantly influenced by itself and by relatively few changes. However, the impact of confirmed cases on economic resilience becomes apparent after the fourth period. This indicates that the number of confirmed cases must be limited during the initial stages. The early support of various sectors in China facilitated the spatial expansion of economically resilient cities. The pandemic has a non-negligible negative impact on economic resilience, but this has been mitigated by Wuhan's timely closure.  相似文献   

In an attempt to minimise the negative economic impacts of COVID-19 on vulnerable households the South African government allocated R50 billion in additional social assistance spending. The cash transfer package included a temporary increase in existing grants and introduced a new “Covid grant.” We assess the chosen package and compare it with an initial proposal to increase the Child Support Grant (CSG). Coverage, cost and welfare effects are calculated to measure the relative impacts in each case. We find that while a significant increase in the CSG delivers resources most progressively, the addition of the COVID-19 grant may potentially reach a much larger group of otherwise uncovered, vulnerable individuals. Critically, this extended coverage comes at a cost to the poorest households, via additional transfers to the upper income deciles. However, we identify several categories of vulnerable household groups which suggests that the workers most negatively affected by the pandemic are not necessarily those in the poorest households. The paper emphasises that social assistance to mitigate the consequences of COVID-19 should not be viewed necessarily as a standard poverty reduction exercise, but rather as an attempt to mitigate COVID-19-related income shocks for the vulnerable who were most negatively affected by the pandemic.  相似文献   

We study how temperature exposure affects mental health in a developing country using data from China Family Panel Studies (CFPS). We find that exposure to high temperatures leads to worse mental health. Specifically, one additional day above 27 °C during the past week would increase individuals' total CESD 8 score by 1.5%, and the likelihood of having severe mental illness by 6.2% relative to a day in the reference temperature bin. We further estimate the potential mitigating effects of air conditioning on the relationship between temperature and mental health. We find that the identified relationship is mitigated by installing air conditioning. We also test some mechanisms through which temperature might impact mental health, including physical health status and sleep. We further discuss the overall health expenditure burden associated with climate change.  相似文献   

庚子新春,当新冠病毒来袭,一场非同寻常的抗疫之战打响。在一条条大街小巷、一个个社区街区、一栋栋楼宇大厦,在一个个场镇村庄、一户户农家院坝,全民动员,同心抗疫。这是一场没有硝烟的人民战争、总体战、阻击战,为生命健康而战,每个人都是彼此的坚强后盾。  相似文献   

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