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This paper investigates the impact of rating agencies in a market with asymmetric information. In particular, the role of credit rating agencies as an intermediary between investors and bond issuers is discussed. We model this setting in a dynamic framework in which both rating agencies and bond issuers are of heterogeneous quality. Rating agencies can apply costly research technology to reveal the fundamental nature of bond issuers and engage in rating smoothing. We show that rating smoothing can compensate for low research quality, even though it is accompanied by a quality deterioration in the rating market and market clustering. Moreover, low-quality bond issuers have a general tendency to match with low-quality rating agencies. If investors place a strong emphasis on the reputation of rating agencies, rating markets also tend to be strongly clustered.  相似文献   

I investigate whether access to fundamental information enhances retail investors’ bargaining power, reducing the premium that small municipal bond investors pay over large investors. I find a reduction in this small trade premium after the introduction of an online disclosure repository that lowers retail investors’ information acquisition costs. This finding is limited to issuers whose disclosures are disseminated through the repository. The finding is pronounced for issuers that impose high information acquisition costs on investors ex-ante and those that exhibit high disclosure quality ex-post. These results suggest that as investors’ information sets align, so does their bargaining power with dealers.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that asymmetric information between sellers (loan originators) and purchasers (investors and securities issuers) of commercial mortgages gives rise to a standard lemons problem, whereby portfolio lenders use private information to liquidate lower quality loans in commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) markets. Conduit lenders, who originate loans for direct sale into securitization markets, mitigate problems of asymmetric information and adverse selection in loan sales. Our theory provides an explanation for the pricing puzzle observed in CMBS markets, whereby conduit CMBS loans are priced higher than portfolio loans, despite widespread belief that conduit loans are originated at lower quality. Consistent with theoretical predictions of a lemons discount, our empirical analysis of 141 CMBS deals and 16,760 CMBS loans shows that, after controlling for observable determinants of loan pricing, conduit loans enjoyed a 34 basis points pricing advantage over portfolio loans in the CMBS market.  相似文献   


We assess the value of frequent issuers to investors in securitization markets by examining the initial yield spread of 6132 European mortgage-backed securities (MBS), covering a 20-year period between 1999 and 2018. We find that frequent issuers have certification value, and it increases as the credit cycle approaches its peak, as lending standards loosen, and information asymmetries in securitization markets increase. Investors value frequent issuers more favourably on riskier, difficult to evaluate MBS. We find that after the great financial crisis (GFC), investors began to attribute more value to frequent issuers, regardless of MBS credit quality. We also find that in the pre-crisis period, investors required higher yields to compensate for perceived rating shopping, which is not observed after the GFC. Finally, we show that investors expect higher yields on deals closed by subsidiaries of foreign banks.


We investigate the compensation of counterparty exposure in the prices of structured products. Our analysis reveals that product issuers did not compensate retail investors for counterparty exposure before the Lehman default. Post-Lehman, retail prices have no longer neglected this risk. We also measure retail investor attention towards issuer credit risk. For a given level of issuer credit risk, counterparty exposure is compensated more when attention is higher. Furthermore, issuers tend to construct products with larger counterparty exposure. Overall, our results shed light on the conditions under which financial engineering generates neglected risk.  相似文献   

Regulation Fair Disclosure (RFD) requires that any release of material information be made to the general public rather than to select individuals. The regulation represents an attempt by the Securities and Exchange Commission to restore a level of fairness to the market. Foreign issuers, however, are currently exempt from this rule. We examine liquidity changes around earnings announcements of American Depository Receipts (ADRs) before and after the introduction of RFD. We find that market makers have adjusted spreads to reflect the new, less information asymmetric environment for U.S. issues, but the same changes are not observed for our ADR sample. Similarly, the decline in activity measures of U.S. issues is not observed in our ADR sample. Our results suggest that investors and market makers are not yet convinced that foreign issuers are complying with RFD.  相似文献   

This paper offers an explanation for the underpricing of best efforts new issues and demonstrates that best efforts contracts allow issuers to use information from the market. If investors obtain information which indicates that a project will not be profitable, their demand will be low and the offering will be withdrawn. If this information is costly, investors will have to be compensated for its purchase through a lower offering price, which means that issuers will have to underprice. This result is consistent with the empirical observation that underpricing is considerably greater for best efforts than for firm commitment contracts.  相似文献   

陈关亭  连立帅  朱松 《金融研究》2021,488(2):94-113
本文揭示了多重信用评级的信息生产机制和信用认证机制,排除了“信用评级购买”假说对于多重评级动机的解释,研究发现:多重信用评级有利于降低债券融资成本;相对于不一致的多重信用评级,一致的多重信用评级更有利于降低债券融资成本。在多重信用评级中,相对于评级机构均为“发行人付费”模式,兼有“投资者付费”模式的信用评级更有利于降低债券融资成本。此外,当多重信用评级的评级意见不一致时,平均评级的信息含量最高,即综合不同信用评级所包含的多种信息比任何单一信用评级更加具有信息含量。本研究为我国债券市场双评级制度提供了理论和经验证据的支持,有助于完善多元化信用评级制度和债券市场监管制度,并提示发债企业可以通过多重信用评级向市场传递更多和更具效度的评级信息,以弥补单一信用评级的信息不足和评级结果失准,减少投资者决策的不确定性,从而降低债券融资成本。  相似文献   

Auction theorists predict that bookbuilding, long the standard process for selling equity IPOs in the U.S., is about to give way to an Internet‐based IPO auction process that is both more efficient and more fair. The promise of auctions is that, by using an electronic platform that gives all investors the opportunity to bid on IPOs, the underpricing of IPOs and commissions to underwriters will be reduced, leading to an increase in net proceeds to issuers. Largely missing from such arguments, however, is an appreciation of why bookbuilding has dominated U.S. practice (and continues to supplant auctions in IPOs in most countries outside the U.S) and the role of undepricing in the IPO process. Rather than canvassing all investors, bookbuilding involves eliciting expressions of interest from institutional investors, and then allocating shares mainly according to the strength of their professed interest. In contrast to auctions, which allocate shares according to a set of explicit rules, bookbuilding involves a set of implicit “rules” that provide considerable room for judgment by the underwriter. This does not mean that the rules are arbitrary or not well understood by participants, particularly after thousands of IPOs conducted over the better part of two centuries. But to manage the exchange of information between issuers and investors, and the potential conflicts of interest in representing both groups, such rules must be administered by an intermediary with a considerable stake in protecting its reputation for fair dealing. Investment banks that deal with both issuers and the investment community on a regular basis are well positioned to perform this function. The underpricing of IPOs is best viewed not as a transfer of wealth from issuers to favored investors but rather as compensation to the large influential investors that play a major role in the price discovery process. By opening the process to all comers, auctions will discourage these large investors from bidding aggressively because less sophisticated investors will be able to “free ride” on their research and due diligence. To the extent this happens, auctions may suc ceed in reducing underpricing (in fact, they may even lead to over pricing), but they will also reduce the net proceeds for issuers. Nevertheless, recent advances in communications technology and auction theory will undoubtedly reshape current securities underwriting practices. In particular, Internet auctions are likely to replace bookbuilding in debt IPOs and less risky equity issues (say, IPOs of LBOs). But the argument that Bookbuilding will be completely cast aside in favor of largely untested alternatives fails to appreciate a successful institutional response to major market imperfections, some of which can never be wholly eliminated. Especially in the case of risky (first‐time) equity IPOs, there will continue to be an important role for managing the information exchange between issuers and investors that is critical to the IPO process.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first empirical analysis of firms’ rationale for issuing putable convertible bonds in the literature. We distinguish between three possible rationales for the issuance of putable convertibles: 1) the risk-shifting hypothesis, 2) the asymmetric information hypothesis, and 3) the tax savings hypothesis. The results of our empirical analysis can be summarized as follows. First, putable convertible issuers are larger, less risky firms, having larger cash flows, smaller growth opportunities, and lower bankruptcy probabilities as compared to ordinary convertible issuers. Second, putable convertible issuers have lower preissue market valuations, more favorable announcement effects, and better postissue operating performance when compared to ordinary convertible issuers. Third, putable convertible issuers have better postissue long-run stock return performance as compared to ordinary convertible issuers. Finally, putable convertible issuers typically have greater tax obligations and better credit ratings than ordinary convertible issuers. Overall, the results of our univariate as well as multivariate analyses provide support for the asymmetric information and tax savings hypotheses, but little support for the risk-shifting hypothesis.  相似文献   

When IPO shares are sold sequentially, later potential investors can learn from the purchasing decisions of earlier investors. This can lead rapidly to “cascades” in which subsequent investors optimally ignore their private information and imitate earlier investors. Although rationing in this situation gives rise to a winner's curse, it is irrelevant. The model predicts that: (1) Offerings succeed or fail rapidly. (2) Demand can be so elastic that even risk-neutral issuers underprice to completely avoid failure. (3) Issuers with good inside information can price their shares so high that they sometimes fail. (4) An underwriter may want to reduce the communication among investors by spreading the selling effort over a more segmented market.  相似文献   

We use a new approach to analyze the relationship between warrant prices and issuers’ credit spreads. This approach allows us to gain insights into whether issuers use their credit risk systematically to increase their profits. In a post‐Lehman sample, we find strong support for a systematic use since issuers decrease prices less after cred it spread increases than they increase prices after credit spread decreases. Credit spread decreases are accompanied by price increases on several successive days. This sluggish adjustment in prices can be explained by the fact that retail investors’ purchase decisions depend on product prices.  相似文献   

We analyze the order flow of discount certificates, its dependence on product age, and the implications for issuer pricing behavior. Based on a unique data set of exchange trades and issuer quotes, we find that for tax reasons investors prefer to buy products that mature in just over 1 year from the date of purchase. Furthermore, they tend to sell products back preferably close to maturity. These patterns in the trade direction allow us to separate the issuer pricing behavior from (i) the life cycle and (ii) the order flow. We find evidence that 7 out of 11 issuers anticipate the order flow and price in an additional margin in phases of positive expected net sales.  相似文献   

寇宗来  千茜倩 《金融研究》2021,492(6):114-132
考虑到评级机构拥有市场声誉的本质在于其可以通过扭曲评级从而对市场产生影响,本文分两步研究中国发行人付费评级机构的市场声誉:第一步,将信用评级对各种基本面因素进行回归,并以实际评级与回归预测值的差值作为评级偏差的量度。与既有文献相比,本文的重要改进是在基本面因素中引入了发债企业与各评级机构(分支机构)最短距离的均值和方差,这能较好地控制因发债企业私有信息可能造成的选择偏误。第二步,考察评级偏差和机构特征如何影响企业的发债成本。研究表明,中国评级机构作为一个整体具有显著的市场声誉,但各评级机构之间存在很大的差异性。最后,考虑到评级机构与发债企业在选址上可能会有集聚效应,我们基于高铁开通事件进行双重差分检验,研究表明本文结论是稳健的。  相似文献   

This article investigates how overpricing of outstanding certificates, also called master certificates, changes when competing products that duplicate the features of master certificates are issued. I argue that competition effects may be reverted and overpricing may increase rather than decrease after competitors arrive, when retail investors fail to detect implications of credit risk differences on certificates’ values. Using difference-in-differences estimations on matched samples, I find that overpricing of master certificates decreases after the competing products have been issued, but only when the master issuer’s credit risk is lower than that of the duplicate issuer, while it increases when the credit risk difference is positive. These findings are robust to controlling for retail investors’ demand in various ways. Thus, the study indicates that retail investors’ failure to detect the value implications of issuers’ credit risk can undermine product competition.  相似文献   

We find that PIPE issues that do not provide any protections to investors convey positive information about the firm and result in positive announcement period returns. However, PIPE issues that provide protections do not convey any new information about the firm and hence do not result in significant positive or negative announcement period returns. PIPE issuers that offer no protections to investors outperform their matched portfolios for up to 9 months after the issue. PIPE issuers that offer protections underperform their matched portfolios for 18 to 36 months after the issue.  相似文献   

资产证券化的复杂性和高度杠杆化加剧了投资者与发行人之间的信息不对称问题,信用评级制度作为信息披露手段,在减轻信息不对称、促进风险资产定价和保护投资者利益等方面发挥着重要作用.但若缺乏有效的制度保障,资产证券化信用评级过程中隐含的对系统性风险的累积和传导危险则会对金融系统稳定产生负面作用.我国信用评级制度缺乏良好的法律监管环境和充分的市场竞争,难以支持资产证券化产品的多样化发展和规模的快速扩大趋势.对此,需从宏观审慎监管框架的确立、信用评级监管权力的统一和制度完善以及评级行业的市场化推进等方面完善信用评级制度.  相似文献   

This paper examines how credit rating levels affect municipal debt issuers’ disclosure decisions. Using exogenous upgrades in credit rating levels caused by the recalibration of Moody's municipal ratings scale in 2010, we find that upgraded municipalities significantly reduce their disclosure of required continuing financial information, relative to unaffected municipalities. Consistent with a reduction in debtholders’ demand for information driving these results, the reduction in disclosure is greater when municipal bonds are held by investors who relied more on disclosure ex ante. However, we also find that the reduction in disclosure does not manifest when issuers are monitored by underwriters with greater issuer-specific expertise and when issuers are subject to direct regulatory enforcement through the receipt of federal funding. Overall, our results suggest that higher credit rating levels lower investor demand for disclosure in the municipal market, and highlight the role of underwriters and direct regulatory enforcement in maintaining disclosure levels when investor demand is low.  相似文献   

作为结构化商品的一种,与股票或股票指数挂钩的股票挂钩产品目前在国内外发展迅速,已经实现多个交易所上市交易。本结合境外、尤其是港台市场情况,从发行人的角度,围绕股票挂钩产品的设计、定价和避险原理,分析了其产品结构、收益性质、设计模式、定价原则、避险方式及避险工具等内容。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze using an econometric panel data model, for fixed and random effects, microeconomic determinants of access to external financing that affect the capital structure of companies in the industrial sector, which were listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) in 2000-2010, in order to demonstrate that the international financial crisis of 2007, modifies the relationship between these determinants and capital structure, which explains the changes in the policy of foreign currency funding that followed these companies. The findings show that export firms, issuers of ADRs (American depositary receipts) and the big large are finance in foreign currency before the crisis, and after it, only export firms and issuers of ADRs, although in a higher proportion export firms, which shows that to have better way to solve their problems of asymmetric information with your creditors, to have good collaterals in accounts receivable in foreign currency, and give investors a positive sign of a good economic situation, attained to continue financing in foreign currency despite the crisis.  相似文献   

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