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While mobile promotions have become increasingly popular in recent years, limited research has examined the effects of mobile promotions over time. This research investigates the effects of two popular types of promotional offers, price discount and non-price free sample coupons, on purchase behavior. To this end, we present a dynamic model of customer purchase behavior that incorporates time-varying effects of mobile coupons, enabling us to investigate both the short-term and longer-term effects of mobile promotions. Using transaction and mobile promotion data, we find that both price discount and free sample coupons increase customers' purchase likelihood and expenditures during the coupon redemption period. We also find that free sample coupons have an enduring effect that increases the purchase propensity beyond the promotion period, thereby contributing to incremental purchases over a longer period of time. We demonstrate how our approach can help marketers improve mobile couponing decisions by considering the dynamic effects of mobile promotions that manifest over time.  相似文献   

The rapid adoption of smartphones and increasing reliance on the mobile Internet is influencing consumers’ shopping behavior with traditional Internet devices (e.g., desktop and laptop computers) and in stores. This research examines the effects of consumer perceptions of channels (i.e., mobile devices, computers, and offline stores) on their choices of search channels, purchase channel, and satisfaction level with the purchase channel. Using survey data from a sample of U.S. consumers, we find supplemental effects of mobile devices on computers do not alter the traditional substitution relationship between computers and stores during the search. The cross-channel effects indicate that perceived purchase benefits and costs of stores affect the purchase channel selection of mobile devices and computers, respectively. Satisfaction levels were highest when purchases were made on mobile devices. The insights from this study can help managers increase the effectiveness of advertising in different media and target distinct segments of consumers who rely on multiple channels for search and purchase.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2019,95(3):99-108
Some retailers offer price match guarantees, whereas others offer guarantees making the same promise but labeling these low-price guarantees. Do consumers respond differently to these different price guarantee labels? To address this research question, this paper leverages insights from pricing, signaling, and regulatory focus theories to demonstrate – across multiple studies – that consumers perceive price match versus low price guarantees differently. In turn, contingent on consumers’ regulatory focus, this difference in perceptions feeds forward and influences consumers’ purchase intentions and post purchase (e.g., repurchase) intentions. This paper contributes to theory, not only by showing differences across price match versus low price guarantees, but also by being the first to jointly examine purchase and post purchase intentions relating to price guarantees. This paper also speaks to practice, noting contingencies that determine whether the price match or the low-price guarantee label should be used.  相似文献   

Measuring the impact of coupon availability on consumers’ purchase decisions often poses a problem in forecasting market shares of brands in a retail environment. Because, data on actual coupon availability do not exist or can only be obtained by costly field experiments. The widely used supermarket scanner panel data sets offer information on coupons redeemed by the household for only the specific brand that is bought. However, using the redemption variable introduces bias in brand choice or purchase incidence models because redeeming a coupon implies buying the brand or making the purchase. This study presents a way to infer availability from coupon redemption data and to predict market shares for each brand in a supermarket product category.  相似文献   

The growth of online daily deal price promotions and the resulting consumer nonredemption of daily deal coupons is worthy of understanding from a psychological lens of nonconsumption. Whereas there is an emerging literature on daily deals and established literature on barriers to redemption, there exists a gap in where this scholarship intersects. This study provides a conceptual model explaining why consumers purchase daily deal coupons and do not redeem them. We explain consumers’ reasons for buying a daily deal upfront along with their reasons for not using it from theoretical lenses of reasons theory and social motivations theory. On testing the model empirically with qualitative and deepening insight via quantitative methods, the findings reveal that reasons for purchasing daily deals are rooted in individual consumer-level factors (i.e., price-consciousness, buying impulsiveness, and susceptibility to interpersonal normative influence). Further, reasons for nonredemption are explained by contextual elements of the daily deal (i.e., offer distinctiveness, the total number of daily deals sold, restrictions on using the deal, and low discount size). Our findings suggest that post-purchase regret ultimately explains a key reason deals go unused. Marketing implications are offered in the areas of characteristics of daily deal offers.  相似文献   

Coupons increase the buying power of consumers. Businesses use coupons to increase sales, new products adoption, and repeat buying. Billions of coupons are distributed annually via different methods. However, consumers redeem only a small fraction of these, thereby forgoing the potential cost savings. The authors investigated several factors that motivate coupon redemption. The data were obtained by surveying 353 U.S. consumers. Price consciousness, pride, and satisfaction in using coupons, and value consciousness were found to increase coupon use. The perception that the savings are not worth the effort decreased their use. The results suggest ways for managers to boost coupon use.  相似文献   

Social coupons (SCs) (e.g., Groupon) differ from traditional or regular coupons (RCs) in that they require consumers to make a prepayment to receive substantive discounts. As the general rule of SCs prohibits double-promotion, SC consumers tend to engage in certain avoidance behaviors when experiencing another promotion (i.e., specially priced for selected items). The results across two scenario-based experiments reveal that SC consumers (vs. RC consumers) have a greater tendency to avoid specially priced items when redeeming a coupon for hedonic consumptions, but not for utilitarian consumptions. Such avoidance is due to one’s motivation to minimize the perception of deal waste.  相似文献   

This research examines the effects of impression management on consumers’ coupon redemption and suggests different underlying mechanisms with respect to cultural self‐construal. Four studies show that, when primed with impression management, individualistic (vs. collectivistic) consumers are more likely to redeem coupons, because individualists believe that coupon redemption creates the impression of being smart. On the other hand, collectivistic consumers are less likely to redeem coupons when coupon usage is visible to others, because they believe that coupon redemption gives the impression of being cheap. These findings are explained within the context of cultural self‐construal and regulatory focus theory.  相似文献   

One of the key decisions a manager must make in designing a coupon promotion is to decide on the face value. In this study we examine the effects of higher face values on coupon redemption timing, category purchase timing, the mix of buyers who redeem the coupon, and purchase quantity. Data from a field experiment on coupon face values are used to test the hypotheses. A new method of measuring the effects of a coupon on category purchase timing is proposed. We find that coupons per se tend to advance category purchase timing, but higher face values do not increase the magnitude of this effect. Surprisingly, higher face values appear to increase redemption rates for both the prior nonbuyers and prior buyers of the brand in a similar way. However, higher face values have little effect on the package size purchased, the number of units purchased, or the total quantity (package size times units) purchased.  相似文献   

Past research has yielded valuable insights into the drivers of traditional coupon redemption, but the applicability of these results to electronic coupons remains an open question. We investigate the determinants of electronic coupon redemption, employing a large panel dataset for five product categories (detergent, milk, cookies, shampoo, and orange juice) for the period 2003-2005. Our findings reveal that education and employment positively influence redemption rates and our analysis indicates that these findings are not due to unobserved individual effects. The focus is on comparing coupon-use discrepancies between national and private label brands when the characteristics of coupons are taken into account. A higher face value appears to be a critical element in electronic coupon format, and this gives rise to more purchases for nonperishables (shampoo and detergent). Results also show significant seasonal variations in milk and orange-juice coupon usage. Furthermore, the distance of consumers from the redemption location has a significantly negative effect, whereas the expiration date has no evident effect. The implications for electronic coupon research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2021,97(3):377-393
This paper examines the influence of a permanent discount strategy on customer purchase behavior, i.e., purchase incidence in each week, purchase quantity (in units), and total order spending (in CNY). Permanent discounts are defined as discounts continuously provided by retailers. We identify two types of permanent discounts, namely, product-specific price discounts (PD) and order coupons (OD, which can be redeemed for a total order). We collect transactional data from a Chinese online retailer and empirically examine the effects of the two types of permanent discounts and customers’ expectations of PD and OD. We find nonlinear relationships between permanent discounts and customer purchase behavior. PDs negatively influence spending when they are lower than 19% but show a positive effect beyond this threshold, hence depicting a U-shaped relationship. They also affect purchase quantity positively but at a decreasing rate. Customer expectations of PD influence purchase incidence, spending, and purchase quantity following a U-shaped patter with a positive influence appearing when PD expectations are high than 31%, 27%, and 18% respectively. On the other hand, ODs influence spending and purchase quantity positively at an increasing rate. Customer expectations of OD influence purchase incidence, spending, and purchase quantity following a U-shaped relationship where the positive influence on purchase incidence shows beyond OD expectations of 426 CNY, and the positive effect appearing on spending and purchase quantity when these expectations are higher than 34 CNY. We also find that customer expectations of discounts interact with current discount levels in their influence on spending. Combining these results and considering that order coupons negatively affect the profit margin of the total basket, we suggest that retailers should offer order coupons with relatively low value but product-specific price discounts with high discount depth.  相似文献   

Firms spend a lot on coupon promotions and are concerned with their profitability. The characteristics of coupons are associated with success of coupon promotions. This research explores how consumer’s regulatory focus (promotion vs. prevention) and product type (material vs. experience) affect when consumers prefer to redeem coupons (coupon redemption time). Results from two studies show that people’s prevention goal strength is negatively related to redemption time consumers prefer. Besides, a fit between people’s regulatory focus and product type leads to earlier redemption than unfit condition. Specifically, experiential purchases are compatible with promotion-focused consumers and material purchases are compatible with prevention-focused consumers. We discuss the findings in the contexts of coupon research and theory on regulatory focus, and further posit managerial implications for the design of coupon promotions or other marketing activities with limited duration.  相似文献   

In seeking to enhance the effectiveness of coupon promotions, researchers have long sought to identify “coupon prone” consumers. Previous measures of coupon proneness have not examined differences in coupon usage across product categories and have ignored the confounding effect of coupon attractiveness. An Item Response Theory (IRT)-based framework overcomes these limitations and yields category-specific estimates of propensity to redeem coupons that are independent of coupon attractiveness. The authors utilize an IRT-based model to estimate consumers’ category-specific propensities to redeem coupons for two product and two service categories, and investigate how coupon proneness varies across consumers and across categories as a function of individual characteristics and category-specific variables.The authors find that category-specific measures of propensity to redeem coupons achieve an average accuracy of 89 percent in predicting redemption intentions. Propensity to redeem coupons is also found to be related to category-specific brand loyalty and perceived coupon availability, as well as to individual characteristics such as general coupon proneness, value consciousness and price consciousness. These findings highlight the importance of studying coupon proneness at the category level and suggest that the IRT-based approach has considerable promise as a methodology for studying coupon usage. Using the approach proposed in this study, marketers can forecast the impact coupons are likely to have in their particular category, rather than relying on general coupon proneness measures to predict coupon redemption rates at the category level. The study's findings can also be used to identify categories and consumer segments where coupon promotions are likely to have a larger impact, and have important implications for managers planning joint couponing strategies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the processes underlying consumers’ memory-based store price judgments. The numerosity heuristic implies that the greater the number of relatively lower priced products at a store that consumers can recall, the lower will be their overall price image of the store. That is, people use the number of recalled low-price products to judge the overall store price image. We show that this expectation holds only for knowledgeable consumers. Instead, less knowledgeable consumers use the ease with which low-price products are recalled (i.e., the availability heuristic) as a cue to make store price judgments. Therefore, the fewer low-price products they recall, the easier their recall task, and the lower their price perceptions of the store.Field studies using different manipulations tested and confirmed these predictions. Managerial implications for retailers are offered. Theoretical implications for behavioral price perceptions, memory-based judgments, and the use of heuristic cues are also discussed.  相似文献   

A substantial and growing body of research on coupons and coupon effectiveness has emerged in the marketing literature. The objective of this paper is to review and consolidate the findings of previous studies to provide a better understanding of the factors that influence consumer response to direct mail coupons. The effects of coupon, brand, product category, and consumer characteristics on redemption behavior and incremental sales are examined, and their implications for the effectiveness of direct mail coupon promotions are discussed. Based on the findings of prior studies, a theoretical model of coupon effects on purchase behavior is proposed. Several key issues that need to be addressed in future research are identified. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Many previous studies have sought to measure consumers’ coupon proneness but have tended to assume that this trait is unidimensional in nature, i.e., an individual's coupon proneness is the same for all types of coupons. It is argued in this study that because consumers differ in the products they shop for and in the types of coupons they are exposed to, their coupon proneness is likely to vary across different coupon types, i.e., is likely to be multidimensional. The authors test this proposition using the item response theoretic (IRT) model proposed by Bawa et al. (J. Marketing Res. 34 (1997) 517). In the Bawa et al. study a single coupon proneness parameter was estimated for each individual. The current study extends the IRT model via a random coefficients approach and estimates separate coupon proneness parameters for different coupon types. The results indicate the presence of distinct segments among consumers, with some consumers displaying a generalized coupon proneness tendency across coupon types and others displaying type-specific coupon proneness.  相似文献   

We examine whether the unethical actions of marketplace brands (e.g., the Volkswagen emissions scandal) hurt the ethical perceptions of competing brands (e.g., Ford, BMW). Across two studies, we find evidence for this unethical spillover effect and show that it can negatively affect consumers’ liking and purchase intentions for a competing brand. The results show that the spillover effect (1) only occurs for similar competitors and (2) is moderated by construal level (CL). Specifically, the spillover effect is more likely to occur when consumers focus on the finer details of the unethical brand’s transgression (i.e., low CL) but not when they focus on the bigger picture of the transgression (i.e., high CL). Thus, while it is intuitively appealing to assume that brands may benefit from a competitor’s foible, this research indicates that competitors may be hurt by a similar brand’s wrongdoing.  相似文献   

In the traditional economics models, parallel imports prevent a manufacturer from price discrimination involving the same good between countries. As a result, the manufacturer loses profit and tries to discourage parallel imports. The consumers in low-price countries also lose when parallel imports are legalized because the price in such countries increases. When value-added services such as a warranty and technical support are available only for the authorized product (i.e., when services are differentiated), however, the manufacturer may obtain a larger profit with parallel imports, as shown in literature. We extend this study by analyzing the case in which the manufacturer can choose the level of value-added services. It turns out that the manufacturer may even encourage parallel imports when the cost for value-added services is not too low or too high. We also show that the consumers in low-price countries may gain when parallel imports are legalized.  相似文献   

The paper builds on and extends the current understanding of materialism by investigating the effects of two forms of materialism (i.e., possession- and social inclusion-defined) on consumer behavior (i.e., purchase and patronage) toward products of different categories (i.e., economical versus luxury) and types (i.e., goods versus services) in different marketplace scenarios (i.e., individual versus group). Using data partitioning on a random sample of 323 consumers to generate usable cases for three interrelated studies, the paper reports that the effects of possession- and social inclusion-defined materialism are consistently accentuated in the purchase of luxury goods rather than economical goods, whereby consumers with high levels of possession- and social inclusion-defined materialism are more likely to purchase luxury goods than consumers with low levels of possession- and social inclusion-defined materialism. However, the paper finds that possession- and social inclusion-defined materialism have no significant effects on the individual and group patronage of economical and luxury services. The paper concludes with the implications of these findings for theory, practice, and future research.  相似文献   

Retailers use various promotions, such as gift cards, to increase profits. When retailers give gift cards “free” to consumers who spend above specified thresholds in a single purchase, some consumers may buy more goods. We develop a model to derive the optimal purchase amount thresholds and gift card values. The model is developed for consumers without and then with a spending constraint. We find that the retailer's profit margin, the degree of forward buying and stockpiling, and use of gift cards in future purchases that would have been made with cash, are the most important factors in determining the profitability of gift cards. Gift cards may be very profitable for high-margin retailers who can limit the degree of forward buying and stockpiling, particularly when consumers use gift cards to buy goods they would not have bought from the retailer without gift cards. If this is how consumers use the gift cards, then consumers spending above the cards’ value at redemption can significantly increase their profitability. Without a consumer spending constraint, it is best for the retailer to offer at most one gift card at a large purchase amount. With a consumer spending constraint, it may be profitable to give gift cards at multiple purchase amount thresholds. We also show that the commonly observed policy of giving gift cards at equally spaced purchase amounts may be profitable when forward buying and stockpiling can be controlled. Moreover, we show that gift cards become more profitable when consumers are inconsistent, that is, they overestimate their probability of redeeming the gift card at purchase time. Finally, gift cards may have only a slight profit advantage over discounts if consumers are consistent. Consumer inconsistency and spending above the cards’ value increase this advantage.  相似文献   

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