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Do investors pay a price for investing in socially responsible investments (SRI) funds, or do they obtain superior returns? This paper investigates these under- and overperformance hypotheses for all SRI funds across the world. Consistent with investors paying a price for ethics, SRI funds in the US, the UK, and in many continental European and Asia-Pacific countries underperform their domestic benchmarks by − 2.2% to − 6.5%. However, with the exception of some countries such as France, Japan and Sweden, the risk-adjusted returns of SRI funds are not statistically different from the performance of conventional funds. We also find that the underperformance of SRI funds is not driven by loadings on an ethics style factor. There is mixed evidence of a smart money effect: SRI investors are unable to identify the funds that will outperform in the future, whereas they show some fund-selection ability in identifying funds that will perform poorly. Finally, corporate governance and social screens yield lower risk-adjusted returns.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the performance of New Zealand mutual funds using a survivorship‐bias controlled sample of 143 funds for the period of 1990–2003. Our overall results suggest that New Zealand mutual funds have not been able to provide out‐performance. Alphas for equity funds, both domestic and international, are insignificantly different from zero, whereas balanced funds underperform significantly. There is no evidence of timing abilities by the fund managers. In the short term, significant evidence of return persistence for all funds is observed. This persistence, however, is driven by ‘icy hands’ rather than ‘hot hands’. Finally, we find the risk‐adjusted performance for equity funds to be positively related to fund size and expense ratio and negatively related to load charges.  相似文献   

We apply the bootstrap technique proposed by Kosowski et al. [J. Finance, 2006, 61, 2551–2595] in conjunction with Carhart's [J. Finance, 1997, 52, 57–82] unconditional and Ferson and Schadt's [J. Finance, 1996, 51, 425–461] conditional four-factor models of performance to examine whether the performances of enhanced-return index funds over the 1996 to 2007 period are based on luck or superior ‘enhancing’ skills. The advantages of using the bootstrap to rank fund performance are many. It eliminates the need to specify the exact shape of the distribution from which returns are drawn and does not require estimating correlations between portfolio returns. It also eliminates the need to explicitly control for potential ‘data snooping’ biases that arise from an ex-post sort. Our results show evidence of enhanced-return index funds with positive and significant alphas after controlling for luck and sampling variability. The results are robust to both stock-only and derivative-enhanced index funds, although the spread of cross-sectional alphas for derivative-enhanced funds is slightly more pronounced. The study also examines various sub-periods within the sample horizon.  相似文献   

We study how information flows within financial conglomerates by analyzing the relations between mutual funds and banks that belong to the same financial group. We investigate the effect that the lending behavior of affiliated banks has on the portfolio choice of the mutual funds that are part of the same group. We show that funds (fund families) increase their stakes in the firms that borrow from their affiliated banks in the period following the deal by far greater amounts than other unaffiliated funds (fund families). We provide evidence that this strategy is information-driven. The performance of the positions of affiliated funds in the stocks of borrowing firms exceeds that of their other positions in nonborrowing stocks located in the same industry as well as that of other stocks having similar characteristics by up to 1.6% per month. Funds increase (decrease) their stock holdings in those borrowing stocks that subsequently provide positive (negative) abnormal returns, suggesting that they exploit privileged inside information not available to other market participants. This behavior is prevalent largely in funds located in close geographic proximity to their lending banks. Furthermore, it is exhibited mostly by young, small, and poorly performing fund families. Our evidence points to information flows within conglomerates through informal channels such as personal acquaintances.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the risk exposures of government bond mutual funds and how risk-taking behavior affects fund performance. Government bond mutual funds often outperform their respective benchmark bond indexes before but not after adjusting for bond market risk factors. We show that the risk-taking behavior of fund managers helps to explain the different performances of government bond funds with and without controlling for the risk factors. Our results suggest that risk-taking leads to higher returns relative to benchmarks in normal risk periods but lower returns in high risk periods, suggesting that fund managers consistently take risky bets in fund management. We further show that the risk-taking of government bond funds is persistent and that investors typically have no ability to differentiate between the skill and risk components of fund performance. These findings suggest why fund managers have incentives to take consistently risky positions.  相似文献   

The relationship of stock market returns with components of aggregate equity mutual fund flows (new sales, redemptions, exchanges-in, and exchanges-out) is examined. Vector autoregressions and tests of linear feedback show that the flow-return relationship exists solely between returns and exchanges-in and -out. Further, only exchanges-out are responsible for the contrarian flow behavior noted by Warther (1995). The evidence suggests that the various components reflect different investor objectives and information.  相似文献   

We examine the relation between country and industry portfolio concentration and performance using a data set of international equity mutual funds. When sorted by concentration measures, funds in the most concentrated quintile outperform those in the most diversified quintile by 0.16% and 0.30% monthly in country and industry dimensions, respectively. Further analysis shows that the superior performance of concentrated funds is largely driven by industry rather than country concentration, suggesting the existence of global industry private information. Finally, we show that industry-concentrated funds rotate top-holding industries less frequently than their diversified counterparts, and that the industries these funds purchase subsequently outperform the industries they sell.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how information asymmetry and mutual fund ownership affect listed companies’ earnings management. We show that (1) reducing information asymmetry improves firms’ earnings management behavior; (2) relative to short-term mutual funds, long-term mutual funds promote earnings quality by adopting a monitoring role; and (3) by dividing firms into high/low information asymmetry groups, we find that the information environment significantly increases the effect of long-term mutual funds on firms’ earnings management. In this paper, we provide new evidence for the role that institutional investors play in a typical emerging capital market. Our results have clear policy implications: to increase earnings quality, it is essential to improve information transparency and develop long-term institutional investors.  相似文献   

We employ a new comprehensive proxy voting records database to investigate whether mutual funds consider prior firm performance when they vote on a diverse range of management- and shareholder-sponsored proposals relating to governance, compensation, and director election. We argue that prior firm performance plays a role in the monitoring effort of mutual funds as they fulfill their fiduciary duties. Results show that voting is related to prior firm performance for selected management and shareholder proposals and that it is consistent with Institutional Shareholder Services’ recommendations. Mutual funds support management (shareholder) proposals less (more) when prior firm performance has been weak. Furthermore, even when mutual funds deviate from their fund family’s voting policies, they attach importance to prior firm performance, and their voting is, to a certain degree, affected by business ties.  相似文献   

To assess the performance of small-cap stocks net of transaction costs, we analyze 165 actively managed small-cap oriented portfolios. Our analysis addresses three areas of interest: (i) performance net of transaction costs, (ii) the magnitude of trading costs incurred when rebalancing an actively managed portfolio, and (iii) the potential for momentum strategy profits when investing in small-cap stocks.Using conditional estimation, we find that small-cap funds have earned a significantly positive abnormal return of about 2% per year in the period January 1986 to December 2000. We also estimate the cost of January rebalancing to be 0.4% of portfolio value, a value that is significant for over 20% of the portfolios under study.Finally, after trading frictions are taken into account, we find evidence that small-cap portfolios exhibit significant return patterns, similar in nature to momentum patterns initially documented in a frictionless setting by [J. Finance 48 (1993) 65; J. Finance 56 (2001) 699]. Our findings support recent behavioral models, which attempt to explain these patterns. Consistent with the findings of Jegadeesh and Titman, we find that past “winners” continue to outperform in the next 12 months, followed by a performance reversal.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of both socially responsible (SR) and conventional entrant funds on SR incumbent funds using an overlap in portfolio holdings to measure the impact of competition in the US mutual fund industry. This paper’s findings indicate that over the past decade the increase in competition from SR entrants has been associated with an increase in fees but not in capital flow. Moreover, our results show that the increase in the number of SR fund entrants does not have a negative impact on fund performance. This finding implies that despite the significant increase in the number of SR funds entering the market, open and free competition fosters the performance of SR fund participants. Our study concludes that despite the recent growth in the number of SR funds, the SR mutual fund market does not exhibit the key features of a competitive market.  相似文献   

This article examines the performance of a sample of bond, stock, and balanced funds. Close attention is paid to the bond versus equity composition of the mutual funds and how this asset composition affects the performance measure. This research includes the period from January 1977 through March 1984. The results of the analysis show that none of these mutual funds categories has outperformed the market. Fund managers in this sample are unable to predict security prices consistently to warrant the associated costs. In addition, the “goodness of fit” varied significantly between the types of funds examined.  相似文献   

In recent years, individuals have steadily moved from direct ownership of equities to holding securities through mutual funds. Prior research has attributed this phenomenon to tax incentives to hold mutual funds in tax-preferred retirement accounts. In contrast, employing household-level microdata and using OBRA 93 as a quasi-natural experimental setting, we find that on average, investors reduced their mutual fund holdings within tax-preferred accounts following a tax rate increase. However, we also observe that this effect is primarily driven by investors with relatively high trading activity within their tax-preferred accounts; investors exhibiting relatively low trading activity generally increased their mutual fund investments in these accounts after OBRA 93. Investors who increased their mutual fund holdings did not do so by rebalancing away from other asset classes. Collectively, our results suggest that taxes are not driving the growth in mutual funds. This finding has important public policy implications because of the growing popularity of using mutual funds as a retirement savings vehicle, the dwindling number of individuals covered by defined benefit plans, the dramatic increase in the importance of mutual funds as a financial intermediary, and the continued state of flux in U.S. tax policy.  相似文献   

This is the first paper in the Australian literature to examine the investment performance of actively managed international equity funds (domiciled in Australia). Both institutional and retail international equity funds are assessed together with the impacts of investor fund flows on portfolio returns. Performance is also evaluated using conditional measures that account for public information in the global economy, however, despite an improvement in the measurement of risk-adjusted returns, performance remains consistent with an efficient global market. These findings support prior research, which concludes that active management does not provide investors with superior returns to passive indices. When consideration is given to the liquidity service provided by active managers, fund flows are shown to negatively impact on performance.  相似文献   

The present study examines a series of performance measures with the aim of solving the ex-post verification problem. These measures are employed to test the performance persistence hypothesis of domestic equity funds in Greece, during the period 1998–2004. Correctly adjusting for risk factors and documented portfolio strategies explains a significant part of the reported persistence. The intercept of the augmented Carhart regression is proposed as the most appropriate performance measure. Using this measure, weak evidence for persistence, only before 2001, is documented. The growth of the fund industry, the direction of flows to past winners and the integration in the international financial system are suggested to be the reasons for the absence of performance persistence.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to extend the literature on the comparative performance of mutual and stock retail banks by examining a unique episode in the history of financial services; namely, when four of the largest UK building societies (accounting for approximately 60 per cent of the industry's assets) demutualized to public limited company status in 1997. The episode allows us to consider the relative performance of the same businesses under different organizational forms. The results contrast starkly with previous findings and cast doubt on the hypothesis that mutuals generally outperform stock retail banks and indeed the idea that mutuals can be regarded as a homogeneous group of institutions.  相似文献   

The attributes,behavior, and performance of U.S. mutual funds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article examines the risk and return characteristics of U.S. mutual funds. We employ an equilibrium version of the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) and a principal-components-based statistical technique to identify performance benchmarks. We also consider the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) as an alternative. We implement a procedure for overcoming the rotational indeterminacy of factor models. This procedure is a hybrid of statistical factor estimation and prespecification of factors. We estimate measures of timing ability for the CAPM and extend it to the APT. We find that this timing test is misspecified due to noninformation-based changes in mutual fund betas. We develop a modification of the timing measure that, under certain conditions, distinguishes true timing ability from noninformation-based beta changes.  相似文献   

Motivated by calls to examine the issue of board diversity in emerging economies, this study explores the association between ethnic board diversity and earnings quality; and the moderating effect of institutional investors’ ownership. In a sample of Malaysian firms, we find that boards with higher ethnic diversity are associated with higher earnings quality. Consequently, our findings suggest that institutional investors prefer boards to be ethnically diverse. Consistent with geographical proximity theory, this effect is primarily driven by domestic institutional investors. Finally, we find that political connection attenuates the association between ethnic board diversity and higher earnings quality.  相似文献   

We interview Australian fund executives about how their organisations responded to MySuper, a regulatory framework for default retirement savings funds that providers were required to have in place by the beginning of 2014. We provide an account of the influences on MySuper product design. Our analysis generates insight into how fund providers balanced their perceptions of the needs of default fund members against business considerations. Differences in member bases and organisational circumstances across funds are found to lead to considerable variation in default fund design.  相似文献   

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