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This study aims to explore the role of avatars in mediating users with the metaverse environment. This study applies the construal level theory and source attractiveness model to understand the impact of avatar realism on the interaction between users and their avatars. Computer-simulated experiences were tested in realistic and abstract avatar conditions using serial mediation analysis. It was found that the user-avatar relationship and the intention to use the avatar were both increased by avatar realism. Specifically, psychological distance and social presence serially mediated these effects. Furthermore, the mediation of psychological distance and social presence was moderated by user familiarity with avatars. This study identifies the role of psychological distance to the user-and-avatar dyad in the metaverse by examining the multi-layered psychological mechanism behind the virtual interaction and relationship. It also provides implications for developing metaverse platforms by considering avatar characteristics and user familiarity.  相似文献   

In recent years, the metaverse has garnered significant attention as a term referring to a network of 3D virtual worlds that integrate elements of both physical and digital worlds. Fashion brands have begun exploring the metaverse as a new marketing platform, which is expected to bring about substantial changes in the fashion and retail industry. However, a lack of consensus on the nature of the metaverse and its impact on the fashion industry currently exists, and limited academic research is available on the metaverse's influence on fashion brands' marketing strategies and brand experiences. To address this gap, this study employs a thematic analysis approach on trade journals and industry articles that cover fashion brands' metaverse strategies. Through this analysis, the study provides a typology of current marketing strategies of fashion brands in the metaverse. Based on these empirical findings, this research proposes a theoretical framework that explains how different metaverse strategies affect different dimensions of brand equity. Finally, this study offers research directions for fashion brands' metaverse strategies by presenting an integrated framework that synthesizes the key insights from our research findings.  相似文献   

This research examines the relationship between growth intentions, cognitive style, and perceived competitive conditions, with a focus on whether and why intentions change over time. Drawing on qualitative data from a sample of 30 entrepreneurs over a five-year span, we find that entrepreneurs' cognitive style moderates the relationship between perceptions of the competitive environment and growth intentions. Entrepreneurs with differing cognitive styles vary in their approaches toward formulating and revising growth intentions. Relative to analytic entrepreneurs that exhibit greater stability in their intentions, holistic entrepreneurs are prone to greater variations in growth intentions. The findings have implications for future research, practice, public policy, and entrepreneurship training and development.  相似文献   

Prior studies have investigated the antecedents of sport application (Sapp) adoption, but few researchers have concentrated on attitudinal, cognitive and behavioural factors' effects on users’ continuance intention (CI) and revisit intention (RI). This study focused on the Sapp CI antecedents of use intensity and commitment to – and competence and satisfaction with – these tools. Analyses using structural equation modelling were conducted with data on 362 Sapp users from Malaga, Spain. The results confirm that commitment to and competence with Sapps are positively related to satisfaction and use intensity, which have a positive impact on CI and RI.  相似文献   

Augmented reality (AR) is rapidly gaining attention in practice, and research as the adoption of smartphones and technological advancements persist. The focus of current literature on AR has been on its use for improving visual and display quality. However, limited guidance is offered on how consumers evaluate their experience and how that, in turn, influences their behaviors, especially in the smartphone context. This study seeks to extend this line of research by applying the cognition-affect-conation framework to examine how mobile augmented reality (MAR) experiences shape the consumer decision-making process. Data collected from 316 users in the United States were analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The results reveal that consumers’ cognitive evaluation of MAR applications stimulates their affective reactions, which eventually create conative behaviors. Thus, this study offers an integrated perspective for investigating continuous use and purchase intentions jointly in one research model. In addition, it examines how perceived value, a cognitive trait variable, influences consumer conative responses directly and indirectly through affective responses. The results confirm the relationships proposed in the cognition-affect-conation framework and empirically support the direct and indirect influence of perceived value on conative efforts in the MAR context. The findings contribute to AR theory building, application design, and marketing strategy development.  相似文献   

This paper examines the links between cosmopolitanism, self-identity, and a desire for social interaction on perceived destination image and behavioural intentions. A model was tested using a sample of 538 Iranian visitors to Mecca for the purpose of Umrah. The result from the structural model suggests that destination attributes influence perceived destination image. Further, such tourists are likely to revisit or recommend Islamic destinations if their experience matches their perceived image of the destination. This implies that, while the religious characteristics of the destination remain important, destination managers cannot disregard the tangential, non-religious attributes of a destination which are crucial in order to satisfy more conventional tourist desires. As such, this study suggests that those managing religious travel destinations should endeavour to foster a welcoming image, where experience, interaction, and tolerance are at the forefront of the destination’s offering.  相似文献   

India is witnessing a phenomenal growth in the luxury market segment. However, empirical studies in this domain are few and far between. The main objectives of this study are, firstly, to build and empirically test the theoretical framework designed to measure the effect of value perceptions on intention to purchase luxury fashion brands among Indian consumers. Secondly, to determine the role of gender in understanding the relationship between luxury value dimensions and purchase intention. This study employed researcher controlled sampling and questionnaires were administered through the personal interview from actual users of luxury fashion brands. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied to test proposed hypotheses using AMOS. The statistical analysis indicated that conspicuous value was the most significant predictor of purchase intention among Indian luxury consumers followed by hedonic value and social value. The results of the study also revealed that gender does not play moderating role in the relationship between luxury value dimensions and purchase intention among Indian consumers.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of the organizational commitment and occupational commitment of employees in Korean firms on their turnover intentions and organizational citizenship behaviours. In addition, using the interactional effect analysis, this study examined the interactional effects of the two types of commitment on turnover intentions and organizational citizenship behaviours. A total of 209 employees in nine different firms participated in this study. The results revealed that organizational commitment had a negative effect on turnover intentions, while occupational commitment had a positive effect. In addition, organizational commitment had a positive effect on organizational citizenship behaviours, whereas occupational commitment did not have any noticeable effect thereupon. Both organizational commitment and occupational commitment showed certain overall interactional effects regarding organizational citizenship behaviours as well as turnover intentions.  相似文献   

The recent growth of online food delivery apps (OFDAs) centralized the restaurant's business in electronic distribution platforms. Recently, a few researchers have attempted to understand consumer behaviour towards using OFDAs. However, various aspects related to the usage of OFDAs have not been explored. Drawing from trust transfer theory, the purpose of this study is to fill this gap by investigating the trust transfer from OFDAs to restaurants and to address the boundary condition of trust transfer by examining the moderating effect of perceived effectiveness of dispute resolution (PEDR) between trust in OFDAs and trust in a restaurant. The model was tested via structural equation modelling (SEM) using data obtained from 836 users of OFDAs through structured questionnaire. The results show that trust in OFDAs positively influence the trust in restaurant, which ultimately leads to the consumers' continuous purchase intention. Further, PEDR positively moderates the relationship between trust in OFDAs and trust in a restaurant. Additionally, disposition to trust and online reviews significantly develops consumer trust in OFDAs. The present research makes substantial theoretical and practical contributions as it develops a trust transfer mechanism by considering an emerging mobile-commerce field. The study provides a first theoretical outlook on consumers' continuous intention to use OFDAs, using trust transfer theory, which has not been considered so far. The findings provide information for food delivery platforms on how to manage conflict resolution to succeed in the market and help restaurants in selecting the most effective food delivery platforms with which to collaborate.  相似文献   

In this paper, we build on social cognitive career theory to examine the relation between entrepreneurial intention and new venture creation (i.e., the entrepreneurial career choice). We model how contextual influences at different levels may favor or inhibit the translation of entrepreneurial intention into new venture creation. Using unique longitudinal data from almost the entire population of Italian university graduates, we are able to assess how the immediate (i.e., the influence of relevant others) and larger context (i.e., organizational and environmental influences) affect new venture creation. Our research contributes to the emerging literature of the intention–behavior link in entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

Online food delivery (OFD) apps are changing the way we consume food. Despite increasing the popularity of OFD apps, limited studies have explored the reason behind popularity which contributes to the revisit intentions. This study investigates the drivers of revisit intentions by adopting stimulus-organism-response (SOR) theory and pleasure arousal dominance (PAD) theory as a theoretical lens. A model is conceptualized by including aesthetic formality and aesthetic appeal of OFD apps as stimuli, pleasure, and arousal as the internal state of the organism, and revisit intentions and word of mouth (WOM) as a response. Data is collected from OFD app users through a survey questionnaire. Findings indicate that aesthetic appeal is associated with pleasure and arousal. Aesthetic formality is associated with pleasure, word of mouth, and revisit intentions. Further, pleasure influences arousal, word of mouth, and revisit intention. The findings also confirmed the mediating role of pleasure and arousal. The study contributes to the practice and theory in the context of online food delivery apps.  相似文献   

Retaining self-initiated expatriates is a challenge for many organizations. Self-made expatriates tend to be mobile. They are willing to manage their own careers and to take up opportunities to live and work in countries of their own choice. Despite their importance as a source of human capital there are few studies on the work experiences of self-initiated expatriates and on the factors that affect their decisions to stay or leave their jobs. This article examined the effects of both job embeddedness and shocks on the turnover intention of self-initiated expatriates. Drawing on a sample of 204 self-initiated expatriates working in public healthcare organizations in the United Arab Emirates we found that both on-the-job embeddedness and shocks played a key role in predicting turnover intentions. The study also revealed that off-the-job embeddedness moderated the relationship between shock and turnover intentions such that self-initiated expatriates were more likely to consider leaving their organizations when they were firmly embedded in their community. We discuss the practical and theoretical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

Store managers commonly use window signs to decorate their stores and, more importantly, to communicate store‐related information to their customers. This research investigates the role window signs play in influencing consumers’ attitudes and store patronage intentions. Empirical evidence from two studies (data from a real‐life store environment and from an experimental setting) indicates that window signs generate positive inferences to consumers about the store image and the store promotion value, which ultimately influence consumers’ patronage intentions. Furthermore, this study proposes and tests a model suggesting that window signs represent a diagnostic cue from which consumers infer a sense of place identity. The results show that place identity partially mediates the relationship between consumers’ attitude toward window signs and consumers’ store patronage intentions. Moreover, this study includes the store manager's perspective and finds evidence that retail managers have positive attitudes toward window signs, which encourage them to rely on this promotional tool to announce store promotions. Implications of the findings for the role of window signs are discussed.  相似文献   

This research develops and tests a theoretical model of customer persuasion in personalized online shopping, building on information processing theory, and addressing cognitive and affective stages of the persuasion process. Data from 582 experienced online customers were used to validate the proposed model through structural equation modeling and multigroup analysis. Results show that quality of personalization, message quality, and benefits of the personalized recommendations are important in the persuasion process. Positive emotions increase the effect of persuasion on purchase intentions, contrary to negative emotions. The study extends online personalization theory, offers an in‐depth analysis of the persuasion process in online shopping, and provides valuable recommendations for personalized online marketing.  相似文献   

The international airport retail business is expanding annually, yet most research into traveller’s experience with the aviation industry have centred on aeronautical features. The study gathered information that would guide the understanding of airport customer retail expectations. Specifically, the study examines the effects of product-relevant factors, market-relevant factors, and perceived service quality on retail patronage intentions, taking into account the moderating role of demographic variables. The purposive sample of three hundred and thirty (330) travellers that were selected at the Kotoka International Airport Terminal 1 and 2 (KIA T1&2) in Accra, the capital of Ghana. The findings show that product-relevant factors, market-relevant factors and overall service quality significantly influence airport retail patronage intention. The effect demographic variables was noticeable among older and high-income consumers. Building on previous studies, we find that product-relevant factors, market-relevant factors, and perceived service quality function as viable signals that drives customer expectations.  相似文献   

This study explores the main and interaction effects of framing messages and cause-related marketing on backing intentions by manipulating frame types, frame valences, and cause-related marketing in the message narratives of crowdfunding projects. We conduct an online experiment for a crowdfunding campaign and analyze data using independent-samples t-test and ANOVA. This study's findings show that negative messages lead to higher backing intentions than positive ones regarding attribute and goal framing messages. Narratives with cause-related marketing in crowdfunding projects had a more significant effect on increasing backing intentions than those without cause-related marketing. Positive attribute framing messages combined with cause-related marketing had significantly higher backing intentions than messages without cause-related marketing; for negative attribute framing, there was no significant difference between with and without cause-related marketing. This study theoretically advances the literature on reward-based crowdfunding, which provides scholars with insight into the effects of the written narrative design of crowdfunding projects on backing intentions and extends to the applications of framing effect theory and cause-related marketing. Practically, this study provides project initiators and crowdfunding platform operators with new perspectives on proposal copywriting content design and project operation.  相似文献   

Prior research has mostly examined the satisfaction, intention, and behavior of users toward technology and systems in general, and little research has been dedicated to understanding apps commerce and app stores. Drawing upon the extended model of IT continuance and theory of information overload as a theoretical foundation, the aim of this study is to examine consumer satisfaction, continuous intention, and behavior toward apps shopping. A total of 347 valid questionnaires were collected from experienced consumers with app stores to statistically test the theoretical model using the partial least squares path modelling approach, a structural equation modelling technique. The results show that apps self-efficacy, post-usage usefulness, disconfirmation, facilitating conditions, perceived information overload, apps satisfaction, and apps continuance intention can be used to predict and explain 75.7% of variance in consumer’s continuance behavior in using app stores. The negative and positive causal relationship between constructs, managerial implications, and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

The working pattern of the food industry has entirely changed with the emergence of mobile food delivery apps (MFDAs), which deliver an innovative method to interact with and offer high-quality services to customers. This study pinpoints the imperative factors affecting the customer's attitude and continued intention in light of the task technology fit (TTF) model. The required data were collected from MFDA users and analyzed by the structural equation modeling technique via Amos-23 and SPSS-22. The results confirm that customer rating, ordering review, food tracking, navigational design, and user self-efficacy positively impact TTF. Further, self-efficacy positively moderates the relationship between visual design and TTF, navigational design and TTF, and food tracking and TTF. Moreover, TTF positively influences attitude and continued intention, and in turn, attitude positively influences continued intention. Additionally, blockchain technology (BT) enabled traceability positively moderates the relationship between TTF, attitudes, and continued intention to use MFDAs. The developers of MFDAs should consider how customers perceive BT-enabled traceability and take steps to embrace it to increase customer trust in MFDAs. Furthermore, the theoretical and managerial applications are explained in detail so that developers can offer what MFDA users need.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the combined effect of two crucial internal consumer predispositions, self-identity (SI) and internal environmental locus of control (INELOC), among consumers in a collectivistic culture and an individualistic culture. The study validated the extended theory of planned behaviour to predict consumers' green purchase intentions. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse primary data collected from 365 American and 408 Indian respondents. Analysis revealed differences between the two cultures. Green self-identity influenced attitude more than perceived behavioural control among American consumers, while the reverse was true for Indian consumers. Conversely, INELOC positively and significantly affected only Indian consumers’ perceived behavioural control, not that of American consumers.  相似文献   


This study examined the relationships between environmental concern, the three main constructs of theory of planned behavior (TPB), two extended constructs (psychological ownership of the company and sense of responsibility) and employee behavioral intention to implement environmental measures. A questionnaire designed for restaurant employees was used to measure identified indicators. Structural equation modeling was chosen for hypothesis testing. Our results indicated that the three TPB constructs and one psychological trait (sense of responsibility) mediated the relationship between environmental concern and behavioral intention. Employee psychological ownership of a company was verified to exert a positive effect on employee behavioral intention. However, the findings cannot be applied to F&B settings in general since the study was restricted to Chinese restaurants identified.  相似文献   

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