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This study shows that capital structure choices of US corporations are interdependent across time. We follow a two-step estimation approach. First, using a large cross-section of firms we estimate year-by-year average capital structure choices, i.e., the average firm’s percentage of new funding that is secured through debt, its term composition, and the percentage of new equity represented by retained earnings. Second, these time series are included in a Factor Augmented Vector Autoregressive model in which three factors representing real economic activity, expected future funding conditions, and prices, are included. We test for the interdependence between optimal capital structure decisions and for the influence exerted by macroeconomic conditions on these decisions. Results show there is a hierarchical order in which firms make capital structure decisions. They first decide on the share of debt out of total new funding they will hire. Conditional on this they decide on the term of their debt and on their earnings retention policy. Of outmost importance, macroeconomic factors are key for making capital structure decisions.  相似文献   

Due to the asymmetric information effect, corporations have been reluctant to use external sources of equity capital. The adoption of dividend reinvestment plans (DRP) by large numbers of firms may indicate an alternative way to raise external equity funds. It has been shown that many factors may explain a firm’s decision concerning the source of the shares made available to DRP participants. The hypothesis to be tested is that the nature of the DRP actually selected may be predicted by financial characteristics such as cash flow generation, investment needs, historical dividend policy, firm ownership structure and firm capital structure. Using logistic regression analysis, results of joint tests of financial variables suggested by the Pecking Order Theory of capital structure indicate significant support for the hypothesis. Specifically, ownership structure, historical dividend policy and debt ratio are found to be key determinants of the type of DRP utilized.  相似文献   

This study examines the characteristics of firms that issue convertible debt versus firms that issue convertible preferred stock. The findings are consistent with the agency, information asymmetry, optimal capital structure, financial distress, and tax benefits hypotheses. The findings also indicate that these two types of convertible securities are used to raise external capital by distinctively different groups of firms. First, convertible preferred stock issuing firms have larger nondebt tax shields and higher levels of financial, operating, and bankruptcy risks than convertible debt issuing firms. Second, firms that issue convertible debt have greater free cash flow (financial slack) and growth potential than firms that issue convertible preferred stock.  相似文献   

Using the most recent financial crisis as a natural experiment, we examine firm valuation, capital structure adjustment, and takeover deterrence as motives for share repurchases. We find that both overvalued firms and low levered firms are more likely to announce share repurchase programs and buy back more shares following the repurchase announcements. Potential target firms are more likely to announce larger share repurchase programs, but there is no significantly positive relation between the takeover probability and the completion rate. We also find that the decision to announce share repurchase and the decision to actually buy back shares following the repurchase announcement are separate to some extent.  相似文献   

Judging from their profit trends, new technology-based firms have not been very successful in Norway. After ten or more years of activity, fewer than half a dozen has accumulated profits over £1 million. Those that risked large initial investments in order to standardize an innovative new technology enjoyed the greatest amount of success. Most firms were able to develop a prototype, but many had great difficulties gearing up for production. Insufficient financing and know-how were the main problems. Firms have had more problems with production than with marketing, but very few seem prepared for the costs and challenges of an international marketing effort. Most lacked a clear marketing strategy or business plan. Financing was often a problem: there was little private investment, and equity capital was often scarce with a mean debt to equity ratio of less than 30%. Most firms received some sort of public funding, usually in support of product development, but so far it has had little impact on profit trends. A multi-national follow-up study with access to a larger data base would provide many more insights.  相似文献   


We test the influence of classification of securities into liabilities and equity on firms' financing choices, using as our setting the change in reporting classification of hybrid securities following SFAS 150. We find that this change affected the decision of firms to issue mandatorily redeemable preferred shares (MRPS). Following the requirement that firms classify the debt-like hybrid security MRPS as a liability, the share of MRPS issuances in firms' new financing declined. Characteristics of firms issuing MRPS also changed. While prior to SFAS 150 firms with higher levels of debt and lower coverage ratios chose to issue MRPS and not debt, after its adoption, the decision to issue MRPS is no longer related to firms' pre-existing debt and coverage levels. Furthermore, our results indicate that before SFAS 150 managers were willing to bear the higher issuance fees of MRPS and chose to issue these debt-like hybrid securities over cheaper debt. The requirement to classify debt-like hybrids as a liability took away the reporting incentives for issuance and made these securities a less popular financing vehicle.  相似文献   

We show that asymmetric information may prevent firms with pure discount bonds from renegotiating their capital structure prior to the maturity of the debt, although this would increase the value of the firm when its prospects are poor. This inefficiency can be reduced if the firm issues debt with a risky intermediate debt payment, such as a coupon or a sinking fund payment. We also demonstrate that bankruptcy institutions leading to deviations from absolute priority can improve the timing of recapitalizations by financially distressed firms. Finally, we show that, under certain conditions, the optimal capital structure adjustment during financial distress consists of a convertible debt-for-straight debt swap.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2018,42(2):10-14
  • ? Looking at different economies' exposure to fixed‐ and floating‐rate private‐sector debt reveals how vulnerable they could be to rising interest rates. Our analysis finds that Hong Kong, Sweden, China and Australia are potentially most exposed via floating rates to rising debt service costs. A 150bp rise in rates would also push several other countries' debt service ratios above the peaks of 2008. Less vulnerable economies include the US and Germany.
  • ? High levels of floating‐rate debt imply a large and rapid pass‐through of rising interest rates to firms and households, with negative consequences. Exposure to floating‐rate debt as a share of GDP varies greatly: the highest levels are in Hong Kong, China, Sweden, Australia and Spain, with the lowest levels in the US, France and Germany.
  • ? Growing shares of fixed‐rate housing debt in the US, Eurozone and UK mean the impact of higher interest rates may be less severe than a decade ago. Private deleveraging in countries such as the US, UK and Spain could also soften the impact.
  • ? A rise of 100bp in short‐term interest rates would raise the debt service ratio after one year by around 2.5% of GDP in Hong Kong, with increases of 1.5–1.7% of GDP in Sweden, China and Australia. The smallest effects would be in the US and Germany.
  • ? A 100–150bp rate rise would push debt service ratios in China, Hong Kong, Canada, France and the Netherlands well above their peaks of a decade ago. A similar rate rise would take debt service ratios in Sweden, South Korea and Australia close to, or above, previous peaks.
  • ? The distribution of debt within economies, which our analysis does not cover, is also important. For example, there is some evidence that the US corporate sector has a high concentration of debt among borrowers with weak finances. Countries that are highly vulnerable to interest rate rises may see their central banks normalise policy rates more slowly than they otherwise would.

This paper examines the links between product diversification, international diversification and capital structure for a panel of medium and large Italian firms. The results indicate that the interaction between these two dimensions of diversification strategy has a negative and significant impact on leverage. Furthermore, debt maturity analysis reveals that firms pursuing a simultaneous dual diversification strategy have, in particular, lower long‐term debt ratios. Our findings support the hypothesis that the complexity that comes from diversification reduces debt levels. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relation between ownership structures and capital structures in Russia—an economy with a state‐run banking sector, weak corporate governance, and highly concentrated ownership. We find that firms with the state as controlling shareholder have significantly higher leverage than firms controlled by domestic private controlling shareholders other than oligarchs. Both firms controlled by the state or oligarchs finance their growth with more debt than other firms. Profitability is negatively related to leverage across all types of controlling owners, indicating a preference for internal funding over debt. The results indicate that firms with owners that have political influence or ties to large financial groups enjoy better access to debt. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We develop a model that examines the capital structure and investment decisions of regulated firms in a setting that incorporates two key institutional features of the public utilities sector in many countries: firms are partially owned by the state and regulators are not necessarily independent. Among other things, we show that regulated firms issue more debt, invest more, and enjoy higher regulated prices when they face more independent regulators, are more privatized, and when regulators are more pro‐firm. Moreover, regulatory independence, higher degree of privatization, and pro‐firm regulatory climate are associated with higher social welfare.  相似文献   

资本结构对企业市场竞争力的影响是近年来国内外学者关注的新领域,但几乎所有的实证研究都忽略了债务来源及期限结构对企业市场竞争力的影响差别。本文以上市公司为研究对象,通过实证分析发现:从债务来源结构看,银行借款对企业市场竞争力的负面影响大于商业信用;债务期限结构看,短期负债对企业市场竞争力的负面影响大于长期负债;并且上述负面影响在民营上市公司中表现得更为突出。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of natural resources on the capital structure of firms. Using an extensive dataset of listed firms in 70 countries, we show that firms operating in resource extraction industries have less debt than other non-financial firms. Moreover, non-resource firms in resource-dependent countries are found to be less indebted than their counterparts in other countries. The results suggest that the very fact of a firm’s location in a resource-dependent country is an overlooked country-specific determinant of the firm’s capital structure and that financial institutions in resource-dependent countries may play a role in exacerbating a nation’s resource curse.  相似文献   

We examine the dynamic relations between institutional ownership and a firm's capital structure. We find that a firm's leverage decreases when institutional ownership increases. This result implies that a firm reduces its debt level as institutional investors substitute for the monitoring role of debt. More importantly, we find that a firm's suboptimal leverage decreases when the institutional ownership increases, and institutional ownership decreases when a firm's suboptimal leverage increases. This finding shows that institutions not only effectively monitor a firm's capital structure but they also passively sell their shares when dissatisfied with it. In addition, we find that the monitoring evidence on a firm's leverage and suboptimal leverage are more pronounced when the institutional investors are less likely to have business relationships with a firm or the information asymmetry is high in the market.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine a firm's decision to enter new markets as related to the depth and breadth of its experience and the relative distance of those markets. We situate our discussion and analysis in the context of the venture capital (VC) industry, and examine whether and when US VC firms enter five high‐technology investment markets through first‐ or later‐round investments. This setting allows us to observe both the firms that chose to enter a new market and those that did not, and analyse the antecedents of these decisions. We find that VC firms overall are less likely to enter distant markets; those with broader experience are more likely to make first‐round entries. In addition, VC firms with deeper investment experience are more likely to make first‐round entries in proximate markets and less likely to enter distant markets and make later‐round entries. These results offer interesting implications for the literature on organizational learning and entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

Through examination of the relationship between rating levels and subsequent annual net debt changes, Kisgen (2006) provides support for the Credit Rationing – Capital Structure (CR-CS) hypothesis which maintains that “+” or “−” notch firms are more likely than non-notch firms to reduce net debt levels to increase the likelihood of a beneficial rating change. We add to the credit rating literature by focusing on quarterly net debt changes over the two years before and after rating changes to provide evidence that notch firms are generally not associated with lower net debt levels, greater net debt reductions, or higher probability of upgrades than non-notch firms before rating changes. Instead, notch firms with CW announcements are associated with relatively greater net debt level increases beginning three quarters before rating changes and these increases continue for firms both without and with CW announcements after the rating change. Further, in analysis of the strength of upgrades (UP) relative to downgrades (DOWN) at the time of rating change, we show that the UP/DOWN ratio is more a function of the presence of prior CreditWatch (CR) announcements than notch status. Firms without and with CW announcements exhibit UP/DOWN ratios of 0.8455 and 0.3628, respectively, with no significant differences in these ratios between notch and non-notch firms.  相似文献   

This paper compares the structure and productivity of Japanese and American firms. We construct a simple model of labor shares in which the ratio of labor payments to sales is the product of labor's share in take added and the degree of integration. According to Japanese and United States census data, labor shares in value added are fairly similar for Japanese and American firms, whereas the average degree of integration, and therefore the average ratio of payroll to sales of Japanese firms, is distinctly lower than that of their American counterparts, particularly in the machinery and equipment industries. From survey data on Japanese firms in California, we observed payroll-sales ratios that generally lie between values reported for Japan and the United Slates for the machinery and equipment industries. Assuming that Japanese firms in California employ the same technology as their US counterparts, we conclude that the average degree of integration of Japanese firms in California is at least 10% lower. As a result, even though the gross labor productivity of typical Japanese firms in the United States generally, and California in particular, is slightly higher, the former may well be less productive than the latter in terms of net lalmr productivity, measured by value added. While further corroboration is needed, it appears that differences in the extent of integration are an important factor that accounts for reported productivity difference between the two countries.  相似文献   

Since the financial crisis of 2008, next to banks, insurers have received increasing attention from researchers and regulators because of their crucial role in the financial system. A key point for a stable insurer is its capital structure, i.e. the choice between equity, debt and provisions in financing its operations. Based on earlier work a quickly developing literature has directly applied capital structure theories (in particular trade-off and pecking order) from corporate finance to insurers’ financing choices. Corporate finance concepts used herein however, are developed for industrial firms. In this paper we provide an overview of the literature on the capital structure of insurers, but contribute by systematically clarifying how to account for the specificities of insurers when transferring the trade-off and pecking-order logic from an industrial to an insurer context. This way, we add several new insights on an insurer's choice between equity, financial debt and provisions. In particular, we are able to explain why, as compared to industrial firms, insurers use less financial debt, and why insurers focus so strongly on self-financing. Finally, we identify multiple avenues for future research.  相似文献   

We investigate why real estate investment trusts (REITs) still engage in open-market repurchases given the unique 95 percent payout requirement. We provide evidence that the motivations for REITs to repurchase stocks are different from those of unregulated firms found by the existing literature. Instead of using funds from operations, REITs appear to finance stock repurchases by issuing new debt and/or selling assets and investments. Unlike ordinary corporations, REITs stock repurchases are not motivated by cash distribution, capital structure, and undervalued equity. However, REITs are more likely to buy back stocks when employees own a higher level of stock options. Also, we find that REITs are more likely to buy back stocks when they have a higher institutional ownership and/or inside ownership.  相似文献   

Sustainable growth rate defines the rate at which a company’s sales and assets can grow if the company sells no new equity and wishes to maintain its capital structure. The traditional formula assumes that the firm can increase its indebtedness. Many private firms and most firms in financial distress have limited or no access to debt markets. While distressed firms may prefer a no growth strategy, external pressures such as inflation or demand increases may cause their sales to rise exogenously. A new sustainable growth rate formula is developed that describes how much growth the firm with no new debt capacity can endure.  相似文献   

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