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Prior studies suggest high institutional ownership provides stable funding for firm managers supporting long-term innovation. However, we hypothesize that the level of holdings can also proxy for institutional attention. We address this question and find that institutional distraction negatively impacts board monitoring and advisory support for management, reducing R&D, patent filings, citations and creativity. Distraction is concentrated in (1) firms owned by institutions providing low attention before the shock and (2) industries facing low substitute monitoring through competition. Distraction also affects information flow in firms facing high labour mobility and high peer firm innovation (technology spillovers).  相似文献   

Reverse innovation (RI) patents, which apply to intellectual property that is created in an emerging country but patented in a developed country, are better representatives of innovation value than domestic patents in emerging economies. We argue that RI patents contribute to firm value by proxying for the private value of innovation, generating product market value, and signalling firms’ capabilities. Using a sample of Chinese-listed companies, we find RI patents positively relate to firms’ short- and long-term market value. This effect is stronger for firms with high innovative intensity and managerial ability. We also explore the mechanisms behind the relationship between RI and firm value. We demonstrate that, in addition to the domestic patent functions of creating value and capturing innovation rent, RI patents can further leverage firm value by signalling firm quality to customers and investors in developed markets, a function that is unique to RI patents.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of shareholder-creditor conflicts on corporate risk-taking. Specifically, I examine the role played by institutional dual-holders (i.e., those simultaneously holding the same firm's debt and equity) in corporate innovation. Baseline results show that firms held by dual-holders generate fewer but more valuable patents. To alleviate endogeneity concerns, I use a difference-in-differences approach based on financial institution mergers. Further analysis suggests that decreased sensitivity of managerial compensation to firm risk might be a possible channel. Overall, I provide new evidence that shareholder-creditor conflicts indeed exist and lead to risk-shifting, and that dual ownership can partially mitigate this problem.  相似文献   

This paper investigates retail investor attention to firms' idiosyncratic risk in China. We use the Baidu search index as a proxy for attention and test its effect on Chinese firms' idiosyncratic risk from 2011 to 2017. Our empirical results suggest investor attention has a positive impact on firms' idiosyncratic risk. This effect is robust to possible endogeneity issues and alternative channels of effects and is stronger for small firms. Additional analysis finds that the effect of our proxy for attention on firms' idiosyncratic risk is stronger than investor sentiment and traditional attention proxies, including announcements, media news, analyst ratings, and brokerage reports. These findings provide evidence of retail investor attention could increase firms' contemporaneous idiosyncratic risk, and decrease firms' subsequent period risk.  相似文献   

This study analyzes whether the loss of political connections in the Chinese listed firms affects their innovation. Using number of firm patents as a proxy for innovation, we construct a quasi-natural experiment, which focuses on independent directors with political connections were forced to resign due to CPC regulation in 2013 to explore the casual relation between political connections and firm innovation. The baseline results indicate that the innovation output has improved significantly since the promulgation of the Chinese government’s policy in 2013. In addition, we also find two possible underlying channels that firms tend to increase R&D investments and prefer to hire more senior engineers as their independent directors once they lose political ties. The results suggest that de-politicization has been conducive to promoting technological innovation and firms will compensate for their competitiveness weakened by the loss of political connection through two underlying channels in China, which are also confirmed in additional robustness and placebo tests.  相似文献   

This paper examines the benefits and costs associated with rookie independent directors (RIDs) in Chinese public companies from 2008 to 2014. We find that RIDs attend more board meetings. Boards with more RIDs tunnel less to controlling shareholders, suggesting that RIDs are efficient monitors. However, in state-owned firms, the presence of RIDs is negatively associated with investment efficiency, suggesting a potential cost of appointing RIDs. Overall, firms with more RIDs have higher operating performance, especially when tunneling is a more common issue, when board experience is less important and when monitoring costs are relatively low.  相似文献   

This study examines whether and how audit quality affects a firm's technological innovation. Using a sample of 7,482 U.S. firms between 2000 and 2009, we demonstrate that high audit quality is associated with lower innovation output, measured by patent counts and patent citations. The effect remains valid after a series of tests for endogeneity issues, alternative measures of audit quality, and different subsamples. We also find that firms with high audit quality attract more non-dedicated institutional investors and financial analysts, who often exert excessive pressure on managers for short-term performance. These pressures, in turn, exacerbate managerial myopia and lead them to forgo investments in innovation. Our findings provide new insights into audit quality by showing its undesirable, most likely unintended, consequences.  相似文献   

Mutual funds have emerged and rapidly developed since 2000 in China. This study tests empirically the impact of mutual funds’ ownership on firm performance in China, using a large sample for the period of 2001–2005. We find that equity ownership by mutual funds has a positive effect on firm performance. The result is robust to several measures of firm performance and various estimations. Our finding supports recent regulatory efforts in China to promote mutual funds as a corporate governance mechanism and suggests that pooling diffuse minority interests of individual shareholders who are prone to free-rider problems via mutual funds is beneficial.  相似文献   

The behavior of institutional investors often deviates from established personal or social norms; this deviation may reflect either an informational advantage or a psychological bias. In this paper, we investigate the reasons Chinese mutual funds hold lottery-type stocks, which are characterized by low average returns and high risk. We find that funds at the aggregate level do not exhibit a propensity to gamble, but when they do gamble, they earn abnormal returns on lottery-type investments. Gambling-related outperformance is greater among held firms with characteristics that enable fund managers to obtain more informational advantages. Our results suggest that portfolio distortion is driven by the ability of managers to capitalize private information rather than by behavioral bias.  相似文献   

We use a unique dataset (TORQ) to calibrate several techniques commonly used to infer investor behavior from transactions data. Specifically, we evaluate the Lee–Ready (1991) Journal of Finance 46, 733–746) algorithm for distinguishing trade direction, and we examine the use of trade size as a proxy for trader identity. We find that, due to complexities in the NYSE auction process, up to 40% of reported trades cannot be unambiguously classified as either buyer- or seller-initiated. However, for those trades that can be classified, the Lee–Ready algorithm is 93% accurate. In addition, we construct a firm-specific trade size proxy that is highly effective in separating the trading activities of individual and institutional investors. These findings should be useful to researchers interested in inferring trader sophistication and buy/sell direction from transactions data.  相似文献   

This study documents a positive and robust effect of co‐opted boards on firm innovation. This effect is mainly driven by co‐opted independent directors. Firms with more co‐opted independent directors are associated with lower sensitivities of CEO pay and turnover to performance. It suggests that co‐opted boards promote innovation by insulating managers’ career concerns from innovation risk and supporting incentive contracts that motivate innovation. Overall, our study provides new evidence on co‐opted boards benefiting firm innovation.  相似文献   

Firms involved in international trade require an active and efficient financial market to facilitate their credit services and this is enhanced by financial openness. This study identified the impact of financial openness on Chinese firms' exports by 386 foreign-owned banks in China from 1996 to 2019 as a quasi-natural experiment. We constructed an estimation technique that combines the parallel trend test (PTT) and propensity score matching (PSM) with difference-in-difference (DID) estimators. We found that the gross and selection effects of financial openness are positive, and significantly increase firms' exports by 27.5%. Moreover, the impact differs for various firms: in terms of scale, small and micro firms benefit the most, and in terms of industry, manufacturing firms achieve the highest growth. Additionally, foreign-owned banks reduce firms' transaction costs and production expenditures, while increasing their total factor productivity (TFP) and credit alternatives.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the different effects of political connections on the firm performance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and privately owned enterprises. Using data on Chinese listed firms from 1999 to 2007, we find that private firms with politically connected managers outperform those without such managers, whereas local SOEs with connected managers underperform those without such managers. Moreover, we find that private firms with politically connected managers enjoy tax benefits, whereas local SOEs with politically connected managers are prone to more severe over-investment problems. Our study reconciles the mixed findings of previous studies on the effect of political connections on firm performance.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether and how mutual fund activism affects corporate innovation. Using a patent-based innovation dataset from 2006 to 2017, our finding, which is inconsistent with the managerial myopia hypothesis, reveals that mutual fund intervention is associated with corporate innovation. We propose that mutual fund intervention promotes corporate innovation, proxied by invention patents. In addition, the effect of mutual fund intervention on corporate innovation is more pronounced for non-state-owned enterprises (non-SOEs) than for state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and that mutual fund intervention is likely to increase firms' portfolio R&D expenditures. Finally, we offer robustness checks and address possible endogeneity concerns.  相似文献   

We hypothesize and provide empirical evidence that higher institutional investor inattention is associated with lower audit quality. We employ an inattention measure that captures the extent to which institutional investors are distracted by attention-grabbing events irrelevant to the focal firm. Results suggest that a higher degree of institutional investor inattention is associated with a lower propensity of a going-concern opinion, a lower probability of the auditor reporting a material internal control weakness, and a higher likelihood of the audit client misstating the financial statements. Further analyses show that these associations vary by auditor litigation risk, their workload pressure, auditor industry expertise, and analyst coverage. Overall, our findings reveal that while institutional investors play an important monitoring role, the distractions they face undermine the quality of monitoring they provide.  相似文献   

This study explores the determinants of investor relations (IR) officers’ diligence in conference calls and the impact of their diligence on capital markets. We apply IR officers' attendance in conference calls as a proxy variable for their diligence. We find that the age, gender, salary, and tenure of IR officers and the start time of conference calls are determinants of IR officers' diligence in conference calls. Their diligence significantly increases institutional ownership and reduces returns volatility. Further analysis shows that IR officers' diligence facilitates the growth of domestic institutional investors' ownership significantly more than that of foreign institutional investors. In addition, information transparency significantly facilitates the relationship between IR officers' diligence and return volatility. Finally, the change in institutional ownership and return volatility also varies with firm size and state ownership. In conclusion, we find that IR officers' diligence plays a positive role in IR management, as it significantly improves firms' institutional ownership and lowers return volatility.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the implications of institutional investor distraction for earnings management. Our identification approach relies on a firm-level measure of institutional investor distraction that exploits exogenous attention-grabbing shocks to unrelated parts of institutional investors' portfolios. We find that firms with distracted institutional shareholders engage more in both accrual-based and real earnings management. Further analyses show that the association between investor distraction and earnings management is stronger in firms with low analyst coverage and weak board monitoring, as well as in firms where managing earnings upward allows meeting or just beating their earnings target. Collectively, our results suggest that managers exploit the loosening in monitoring intensity resulting from investor distraction by engaging in earnings management. Even in the presence of institutional investors with superior monitoring abilities, limited attention may induce insufficient monitoring of earnings management practices.  相似文献   

Within the context of the digital economy, digital innovation has emerged as a significance driving force to enhance firm value. This paper uses the A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen from 2016 to 2021 as a sample to test the impact of digital innovation on corporate performance and its mechanism. We find that digital innovation can positively improve firm performance by improving labor productivity, reducing operating costs and enhancing competitive advantage. Further research shows that digital innovation is more likely to improve firm performance in high-market, large-scale, state-owned enterprises and regions with high marketization. Digital industrialization can strengthen the positive correlation between digital innovation and firm performance. Industries involved of digital product manufacturing and digital technology application play a greater role in the economic effect of digital innovation. Finally, location-oriented policies promote digital innovation. This paper contributes to the research on the measurement of digital innovation and its economic consequences, constructs a framework for the impact of digital innovation on the economic effect of microenterprises, and provides reliable empirical evidence for the development of digital innovation.  相似文献   

While US companies mainly list their board of directors alphabetically, this is not the case for Chinese companies, most of which list their independent directors last. We interpret the listing order of Chinese directors as board hierarchy, reflecting power allocation within the board. Based on extant evidence that independent directors contribute to firm value and that empowered individuals have more influence in group decision making, we expect independent-director rankings to be positively associated with firm value and find evidence consistent with this prediction. In our supplementary analyses we explore the mechanisms through which empowered independent directors enhance firm value. We find that independent directors who are ranked higher are more likely to vote against the management, especially on financial reporting issues. Further, higher independent-director rankings are associated with less earnings management. Our study suggests that empowering independent directors increases firm value.  相似文献   

The present study provides empirical evidence on the impact of government ownership on audit pricing behaviour based on data from Chinese listed companies between 2001 and 2008. Our findings, having controlled for auditor choice, indicate that state-owned enterprises (SOEs) incur significantly lower audit fees than non-SOEs. The results also reveal a significant interaction between the type of SOE (i.e., owned by central vs. local government) and audit firm size, which also affects audit fees. More specifically, large auditors tend to charge the central-SOEs lower audit fees than local-SOEs (province, city and county), while small auditors charge central-SOEs higher fees than local-SOEs. We explore a political economy rationale from a supply-side perspective in explaining the results.  相似文献   

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