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Henk J. Steinz Frank J. Van Rijnsoever Frans Nauta 《Business Strategy and the Environment》2016,25(8):593-608
This article qualitatively identifies and explains the barriers that foreign cleantech start‐ups can encounter when attempting to enter the Chinese market, as well as the possible strategies that can help overcome these barriers. We base our analysis on interviews with Chinese and foreign entrepreneurs and facilitators. To structure the analysis of such barriers, we use the components of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. We then explain the barriers using institutional theory. We demonstrate that they are caused either by the regulations in China or by the difference between Chinese and Western logics. We further recommend that cleantech entrepreneurs come prepared to China, remain flexible, associate themselves with reputable partners and take advice from those familiar with business in China. Cultural–cognitive barriers might be overcome by integrating the communities of foreign and Chinese start‐ups. Regulative barriers can be removed by the Chinese Government, but this conflicts with the logic of state control. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment 相似文献
建筑的可持续发展,主要强调建筑的设计思想和具体技术。我国有关建筑的可持续性发展理论与实践还处于探索和起步阶段,需要大力推行建筑可持续性。 相似文献
Sustainable entrepreneurship pursues a triple bottom line approach of economic, social and ecological goals. The main aim of this paper is to add to our understanding of the process of sustainable entrepreneurship. Since the field of sustainable entrepreneurship is in a nascent stage, we conduct a qualitative study. We employ a multiple case study design to build theory. Based on four case studies we develop a model, which describes the process of sustainable entrepreneurship, including six phases: 1) recognizing a social or ecological problem; 2) recognizing a social or ecological opportunity; 3) developing a double bottom line solution; 4) developing a triple bottom line solution; 5) funding and forming of a sustainable enterprise; 6) creating or entering a sustainable market. By developing a convergent process model with two pathways, we make theoretical contributions to the emerging fields of sustainable entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship. A key finding is that the triple bottom line of ecological, social and economic goals is integrated sequentially, not simultaneously. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. 相似文献
Anna Katharina Provasnek Erwin Schmid Bernhard Geissler Gerald Steiner 《Business Strategy and the Environment》2017,26(4):521-535
The field of sustainable corporate entrepreneurship is in a nascent stage. By developing a position matrix of companies with respect to their corporate entrepreneurship and sustainability performance, we make conceptual contributions to an integrated perspective on elements supporting a sustainable corporate entrepreneurship process. We propose that such a process without evolving corporate sustainability is misleading. Methodologically, we investigate publicly available index ratings to assess strategies for and qualitative measurement of the sustainable development and innovation performance of eight top‐ranked international companies. Findings show that the strategies of the identified companies correspond well to our typology and allow suggestions of where efforts for corporate sustainability and/or entrepreneurship could be reinforced to gain or maintain a benchmark position. The article will clarify underlying elements of, and help to advance strategies for the implementation of, a sustainable corporate entrepreneurship process. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment 相似文献
新型建筑工业化是一种新型建筑生产方式,文章主要讨论了新型建筑工业化符合建筑可持续发展的理由,发展建筑产业化的原因、切入点等问题。 相似文献
Martin Carree Emilio Congregado Antonio Golpe 《Entrepreneurship & Regional Development》2013,25(3-4):181-201
Many regional development policy initiatives assume that entrepreneurial activities promote economic growth. Empirical research has presented rationale for this argument showing that small firms create proportionally more new jobs than large firms. However, little research has been performed on the issue of net job generation at the urban level, particularly when self-employment is considered as an indicator of entrepreneurial activities. This paper investigates to what extent US metropolitan areas in the 1969–2009 period characterized by relatively high rates of self-employment also have shown relatively high rates of subsequent total employment growth. The analysis corrects for the influence of sectoral composition, wage level, educational attainment, presence of research universities and size of the metropolitan area to measure the extent to which the number and quality of self-employed in a region contribute to total employment growth. It finds the relationship between self-employment rates and subsequent total employment growth to be positive on average during the 40-year period but to weaken over time. 相似文献
在国家战略确定将建设"资源节约型、环境友好型社会"作为加快转变经济发展方式的重要"着力点",同时国际贸易中"绿色壁垒"被越来越多的国家使用的大背景下,企业积极承担自身资源环境责任已是外部环境对企业的客观要求。企业积极履行资源环境责任也是企业自身的主观性义务,履行资源环境责任能减少企业生产成本,满足消费者绿色消费主张,树立良好企业形象,为企业带来巨大经济效益。 相似文献
Christoph Constantin Niemann Petra Dickel Gordon Eckardt 《Business Strategy and the Environment》2020,29(1):180-196
Clean‐tech innovations are an important driver in solving global issues such as climate change and for the sustainable development of economies around the world. Whereas a large part of the literature focuses on clean‐tech ventures, less is known on corporate entrepreneurship, that is, entrepreneurial behavior in established firms and its relation to sustainability. This paper extends the sustainable entrepreneurship debate to corporate entrepreneurship, which represents a fruitful avenue to further developing clean technologies. We focus particularly on clean‐tech firms' organizational preparedness for corporate entrepreneurship (OPCE), that is, how well a firm's structures and processes are set for entrepreneurial activities. On the basis of contingency theory, this study investigates how the level of OPCE influences the environmental and financial performance of clean‐tech firms and whether their environmental orientation affects these relationships. Building on data from 103 firms, we find support for a positive effect of OPCE on both environmental and financial performance. Both effects are stronger the higher the external environmental orientation. In contrast, the leverage of internal environmental orientation is not equally positive. Our study reveals that the effect of OPCE on financial performance diminishes for firms that are more strongly driven by an internal than an external environmental orientation. 相似文献
Wendy Stubbs 《Business Strategy and the Environment》2017,26(3):331-344
Sustainable entrepreneurship contributes to solving social and environmental problems through the means of successful for‐profit businesses. This paper contributes to understanding how sustainable entrepreneurship is implemented by exploring an emerging new form of business, ‘B Corps’, that employs market tactics to address social and environmental issues. Through interviewing 14 B Corps, the exploratory research study found that B Corps treat profit as a means to achieve positive societal ends, they regard the B Corp model as a tool for change, the B Corp model provides a common collective identity for internal and external validation, they are focused on societal impact rather than maximizing profits and they attempt to legitimate this form of sustainable entrepreneurship by influencing the business community and government officials. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment 相似文献
Juanita lvarez Jaramillo Jhon Wilder Zartha Sossa Gina Lía Orozco Mendoza 《Business Strategy and the Environment》2019,28(4):512-524
The objective of this article is to analyze the barriers faced by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) when implementing initiatives for sustainable development. For this purpose, a search equation was designed, and the 50 highest cited articles from the search results in Scopus between years 2013 and 2017 were reviewed. The selected criteria for the article analysis were article name, article year, country, continent, journal, Scimago Journal Rank, Scimago Quartiles, Affiliated Universities, abstract, and keywords. Among the main results, 175 barriers to sustainability for SMEs were identified. The barriers that appeared most frequently were lack of resources, the high initial capital cost of implementing sustainability measures, and lack of expertise. At the end of the article, a proposal is included which shows the 175 identified barriers, classified by “sector,” “sustainability tool,” and “internal/external” which can aid in new qualitative and quantitative studies of barriers to sustainability in SMEs. 相似文献
贫困地区可持续发展,对打赢脱贫攻坚战和实现贫困地区乡村振兴具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。目前,我国贫困地区可持续发展面临\"地理制约\"\"资本制约\"\"收入制约\"\"能力制约\"等现实困境,应激活和重构贫困地区内生资源,增强其参与发展、共享发展的能力,构建起外部支撑和内生动力相结合的可持续发展机制。 相似文献
Entrepreneurship researchers have yet to explore the full range variance that occurs in entrepreneurial value creation because we have focused almost exclusively on financial performance as the dependent variable in our research. However, such arbitrary narrowness is not supported by research, which shows entrepreneurs to not focus exclusively on income maximization. Consistent with calls for an expanded view of the consequences of entrepreneurship, we develop a typology of entrepreneurship dependent variables that supports broadening the scope of entrepreneurship research to include economic, environmental and social value. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment. 相似文献
Jonathan Kimmitt Ewald Kibler Henri Schildt Päivi Oinas 《Journal of Management Studies》2024,61(3):1036-1073
We extend the cultural entrepreneurship perspective by investigating how entrepreneurs in deprived contexts gain legitimacy by leveraging proprietary and public places in their entrepreneurial storytelling. Inspired by the sociology of place, we present a longitudinal study of ten new venture journeys over four years in Kasoa, Ghana. We identify three distinct ways places are used in entrepreneurial narratives: projective significance of place, connective significance of place, and authoritative significance of place. We show how impoverished entrepreneurs construct and communicate places in diverse ways, not only as locations, but also as material and symbolic resources that provide legitimacy for their venturing activities. Drawing from our findings, we generate a model of place-based cultural entrepreneurship and elaborate place as a central resource in cultural entrepreneurship and new venture creation in deprived contexts. 相似文献
伴随社会的发展进步和生态环境意识的增强,绿色施工理念将成为社会的主流思想。为此,在今后的建筑工程中逐步推进绿色化施工以及管理有着积极的作用和意义。本文笔者就建筑工程中的绿色施工相关问题进行了思考和探索,以更好的促进我国友好环境和节约型社会的建设与发展,促进整个建筑行业更加良性健康可持续发展。 相似文献
全世界都在倡导绿色,城市建筑必须由传统高消耗型发展模式向高效绿色型发展模式转变,而实施这一转变的必由之路就是绿色建筑。绿色建筑满足了人们的物理需求和精神需求,达到了文化与建筑、科技与环境的和谐统一。 相似文献
Daniel Baumgartner Tobias Schulz Irmi Seidl 《Entrepreneurship & Regional Development》2013,25(3-4):222-250
Regional and rural development policies in Europe increasingly emphasize entrepreneurship to mobilize the endogenous economic potential of rural territories. This study develops a concept to quantify entrepreneurship as place-dependent local potential to examine its impact on the local economic performance of rural territories in Switzerland. The short-to-medium-term impact of entrepreneurship on the economic performance of 1706 rural municipalities in Switzerland is assessed by applying three spatial random effects models. Results suggest a generally positive relationship between entrepreneurship and local development: rural municipalities with higher entrepreneurial potential generally show higher business tax revenues per capita and a lower share of social welfare cases among the population, although the impact on local employment is less clear. The explanatory power of entrepreneurship in all three models, however, was only moderate. This finding suggests that political expectations of fostering entrepreneurship to boost endogenous rural development in the short-to-medium term should be damped. 相似文献
随着我国经济的快速发展、人口老龄化的加剧以及建筑业绿色可持续发展理念的持续推进,装配式建筑应运而生,钢结构是装配式建筑的发展方向。论文总结目前我国装配式钢结构发展面临的问题,从完善相关政策、构建技术标准体系、加强产业协作等方面提出对策建议,以期推动装配式钢结构的可持续发展,促进建筑业的转型升级。 相似文献
图书馆内涵建设是相对于图书馆主体建筑而言的,主要指图书馆主体建筑之外的各种设施及配置。图书馆的可持续发展是图书馆信息资源的有效、协调发展,图书馆人的全面发展,用户利用信息资源权利平等、均衡发展、满足用户物质生活需求和精神欲望。图书馆内涵建设是图书馆可持续发展的必由之路。本文主要从优化馆藏结构等六个方面论述了图书馆内涵建设的内容,旨在通过加强图书馆内涵建设推动图书馆的可持续发展。 相似文献
随着全球资源、能源情况的日益恶化,可持续发展理念开始涌现出来。本文主要分析了可持续发展下绿色建筑评价体系的意义、基本理论、我国绿色建筑的发展现状与问题以及构建和完善绿色建筑评价体系的建议。 相似文献