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利用FDI为引资地区提高自主创新水平创造了一个高级的开放式创新平台,自主创新能力的提升为吸引高质量的FDI提供了必要条件。因此,自主创新与利用FDI是相辅相成的。本文通过实证分析长三角各省市的自主创新及利用FDI的协整关系,发现长三角各省市的自主创新和实际利用FDI之间既存在正的、也存在负的长期均衡关系。据此建议,加大高质量FDI引进力度,提升长三角科研人员的创新能力,加大研发经费投入,加强本土公司创新产出的成果转化能力。 相似文献
农地“三权分置”改革对农业内生发展的影响机制及实证检验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
农地\"三权分置\"改革通过影响农业资本、技术、劳动力等生产投入要素进而影响农业内生发展。本文利用调研数据对其实证检验的结果表明,代表农地\"三权分置\"改革的土地确权和土地转入显著提高了农户的农业投资及贷款意愿,提升了其农业科技使用意愿,并增强了其农业人力资本提升意愿;而代表\"三权分置\"改革的土地转出对三者的影响均为负。由此表明,农地\"三权分置\"改革对农业资本、技术和劳动力的内生增长有显著促进作用,进而推动农业内生发展。建议深化\"三权分置\"改革,推进确权成果应用,完善土地流转机制,借助大数据建立网络化土地流转平台,以土地为杠杆撬动农业其他生产要素投入。 相似文献
由于即将退休与刚退休的这一代人拥有低赡养比与低抚养比,本文称其为“双低一代”。本文基于宏观统计数据与微观调查数据,利用分位回归等方法对“双低一代”的社会学特征与经济学特征进行研究,发现其具有人口总量较多、教育背景优良、社会阅历丰富、消费倾向明显等特征。此外,通过对“双低一代”的人力资本存量进行测算,提出充分发挥“双低一代”余热、缓解老龄化问题的政策建议。 相似文献
已有的关于FDI(对外直接投资)技术溢出效应研究文献中,大多数学者认为FDI技术溢出会显著地促进东道主国家的经济增长,然而,利用中国1997年-2009年的省际面板数据,对FDI技术溢出效应进行研究却发现,FDI技术溢出效应在中国不同的地区存在显著差异;运用门限回归模型,从地区经济发展水平、地区开放程度、地区人力资本存量、地区金融发展程度等四个方面检验了FDI技术溢出效应的门限特征,并测算出了引发积极FDI技术外溢效应的门限水平。 相似文献
The authors examine the effects of two forms of capital, i.e. human capital and social capital, on innovation at the country level. We use secondary data from the World Development Report on a country's overall human development to test for a relationship between human capital and innovation. We also use previous conceptualizations of social capital as comprising trust, associational activity, and norms of civic behaviour to test for relationships between these indicators of social capital and innovation using data from the World Values Survey. Unlike most previous studies that examined human and social capital within a given country, we develop and empirically test a theoretically grounded model that relates human and social capital to innovation at the societal level across 59 different countries, thus providing a more global view of the role of these two forms of capital in generating value. We find strong support for the positive relationship between human capital and innovation and partial support for the positive effect of trust and associational activity on innovation. However, contrary to our prediction, we find a negative relationship between norms of civic behaviour and one of our innovation measures. 相似文献
Mar Bornay-Barrachina Alvaro López-Cabrales Ramón Valle-Cabrera 《International Journal of Human Resource Management》2017,28(9):1363-1391
Aiming to explore the effect of human resource management on innovation, this study examined how employment relationships (ER), human capital and social capital work together in influencing innovation in a sample of Spanish firms. We defined an indirect effects model in which both human and social capital mediate between ERs and innovation. We also expected that social capital would enhance human capital. Tests on a sample of 160 innovative Spanish firms confirmed that ERs are not directly associated with innovation. Nevertheless, there is an indirect effect of the mutual investment employment model on innovation through human and social capital. Finally, we observed a positive effect of social capital on human capital. 相似文献
Research on the impact of human resource management (HRM) on firm performance has increased since the end of the nineties. Despite the pile of studies and results, critical assessments of this literature stream point to several empirical and theoretical gaps. We focus on two empirical gaps. First, there is a lack of attention to innovation as a measure of firm performance outcome. Most articles use financial (e.g., return on assets (ROA)), organisational (e.g., productivity) and employee related (e.g., commitment) performance measures. Yet, Western knowledge economies consider innovation to be a driving force of economic growth, and international competitive advantage. Moreover, innovation is a function of a firm's ability to create, manage and maintain knowledge. Because knowledge is created by and stored within individuals, human resources as well as HRM may play an important role as drivers of innovation. Second, HRM is considered to be a large company phenomenon. Yet, small businesses provide a great environment to study the HRM-performance relationship because of their transparent nature and the small distance between an individual's and a company's performance. Next, human resources and HRM are crucial to small businesses because they have less tolerance for inefficiency. We examine a sample of small start-ups that aim for an innovation strategy, but are not necessarily successful in terms of innovative output. We expect start-ups with superior human resources and HRM to produce more innovative output. The results show that both human capital (of owners/managers and employees) and HRM are important determinants of innovation in start-ups. 相似文献
服务创新能力是一种基于服务机会识别与开发的价值创造能力,也是制造企业应对动态市场环境,提升服务质量和服务效率,构建、提高与维持竞争优势的有效路径。现有服务创新能力的研究主要从企业内部运营与网络嵌入视角探讨服务产品和服务流程的创新,很少涉及制造企业的服务创新能力及其构建机制。本文从价值驱动视角,运用案例研究方法,通过对艾默生网络能源(中国)的案例分析,基于人力资本、关系资本和结构资本三个价值驱动要素探讨制造企业如何实现服务创新能力的构建。研究结果显示,在人力资本、关系资本和结构资本的共同驱动下,制造企业通过组织学习、网络嵌入和资源匹配构建其服务创新能力,且驱动因素在企业生命周期的不同阶段具有动态变化性。 相似文献
This study examines how green intellectual capital (GIC) affects economic and green performance through green innovation. We show ways in which a firm's performance is influenced by three dimensions of GIC, that is, green human capital (GHC), green relational capital (GRC), and green structural capital (GSC), and use the mediating role of green innovation to explain the relationships. The results of a survey conducted on 138 high-tech firms indicate that the three GIC constructs positively affect economic performance, green performance, and green innovation, respectively. Further analysis finds that green innovation fully mediates the linkage of GHC–economic performance and GSC–green performance and partially mediates the linkage of GRC–economic performance and GRC–green performance. We find that green innovation does not mediate the linkage of GSC–economic performance and GHC–green performance, and this contributes towards business strategy and implementation of green innovation practices. 相似文献
构建了包含环境管制和人力资本变量的企业区位选择模型,利用1997-2007年中国各省的面板数据,经分析发现除了传统的市场规模、公共设施配套和劳动力成本等影响因素之外,环境管制强度对外商直接投资(FDI)的区位选择具有显著的阻碍作用,较高的人力资本则有利于吸引外商直接投资(FDI),并在此基础上提出了对策建议。 相似文献
人力资本在区域创新体系中发挥着重要的作用。区域创新能力的构成要素有科技创新能力、产业创新能力以及环境创新能力,而这些要素中人力资本都占有主导的地位。因此本文通过研究人力资本在区域创新能力建设中的作用,得出一个地区在区域创新体系中应积极培育人力资本,以增加该区域的创新能力。 相似文献
Pirkko Aulin-Ahmavaara 《Economic Systems Research》1999,11(4):349-363
In effective rates of sectoral productivity change, some of the inputs are treated as produced. Here, this is extended to cover all the inputs. All the sectoral rates of productivity growth based on a static input–output (IO) framework are shown to be equal to the corresponding rates of decrease in the production price. For the direct rate, all the input prices are treated as exogenous constants. For the effective rates, prices of the inputs, which are treated as produced, are determined by production technology. The fully effective rate is derived from the price equations of the closed dynamic IO model. It is equal to the rate of decrease in the production price when the prices of all inputs, human capital and human time included, depend on production technology. The overall rate, obtained as a weighted sum of the fully effective sectoral rates, is equal to the rate of growth in the growth potential of the economy. 相似文献
企业的全要素生产率决定于企业创新产生的价值增值,而创新则来源于企业家对于投入要素的最佳配置和要素最大潜力的释放.企业家的控制权是推动企业创新的主导力量.相对于所有权而言,企业家的控制权更为重要,因为这种主导权有助于人力资本把握使企业变得更有价值的机会,赋予企业创造关键资源的创新能力,即获得专业化人力资本的能力,这是一种隐形投资,其效果往往在事后表现出来.明智的选择应当是善于在事先就发现和运用这个主导力量来推动企业创新,在面临不确定性市场的情况下,赋予企业家过程决策和事后决策的自由裁量权.企业的多元产权要素形成的共担风险模式,要求以无法直接定价的人力资本与可直接定价的其他投入要素地有机结合与合理配置.这种隐性人力资本投入得越有效或越多,则创新的潜力越大,因而越需要受到激励. 相似文献
基于供给端和需求端的理论视角,运用2011~2019年我国省际面板门槛模型,深入剖析数字普惠金融对城乡收入差距的非线性影响机理并对其进行实证检验。结果表明:在人力资本跨越门槛值前后,数字普惠金融对城乡收入差距的影响具有“先扩大、后缩小”的转折性特征,表现为“马太效应”—“长尾效应”的转变,该结论经内生性讨论和稳健性检验后依旧成立;这种门槛效应在分区域层面集中体现在经济欠发达地区,在数字普惠金融的分维度层面依然存在。因此,应进一步加快数字普惠金融纵深发展的步伐,激发数字普惠金融的长尾优势,注重人力资本的调节作用,充分释放数字普惠金融的增收效果,以促进数字普惠金融在缩小城乡收入差距方面发挥更大作用。 相似文献
以区域创新理论和人力资本理论为基础,运用数据包络分析法(DEA)对我国30个省、自治区、直辖市的区域创新效率进行实证分析,从而间接实现对人力资本的评价。根据评价结果对我国各地区间的差异进行研究和解析,在此基础上提出相应对策建议。 相似文献