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Credit ratings have only a limited role in Australian financial regulation, so the effects of rating changes on financial prices can be observed largely free from regulatory effects. We find that bond and stock prices move in the ‘expected’ direction following both positive and negative rating announcements, although the movements are small. Announcement effects are larger for small firms, for downgrades from investment to speculative grade, and where agencies have not previously indicated the rating is under review. Overall, the results suggest that agencies are not generally viewed as consistently having access to important information that is not already in the public domain.  相似文献   

The evidence in this paper suggests that downgrades by both Moody's and Standard and Poor's are associated with negative abnormal stock returns in the two-day window beginning the day of the press release by the rating agency. Significant negative abnormal performance can still be detected after eliminating observations containing obvious concurrent (potentially contaminating) news releases. There is little evidence of abnormal performance on announcement of an upgrade. Significant abnormal returns are associated with announcements of additions to the Standard and Poor's Credit Watch List, if either a potential downgrade or a potential upgrade is indicated.  相似文献   

This study examines the relation between managerial ability and bond credit rating changes. We attempt to add to the credit rating agency literature by exploring the role managerial ability plays in the initial bond rating assignments and in rating changes. We predict firms with more‐able managers are more likely to have higher bond ratings and to be more able to have a positive influence on rating changes. We find a significant and positive relation between managerial ability and change in credit ratings, suggesting that more‐able managers can take effective actions to improve their credit ratings.  相似文献   

This study implements and tests a market timing trading rule using the public information contained in discount rate changes as signals to enter or exit the stock market. The trading rule entails entering the market on an initial discount rate cut and remaining fully invested through any subsequent cuts. Alternatively, an initial discount rate increase signals an exit from the market and remaining out of the market through any subsequent increases. It is presumed that short-term Treasury instruments are held in out-market periods. We test and report the results of this market timing strategy in comparison to a benchmark buy-and-hold strategy through the use of various investment performance measures. Analysis of ex-post returns indicates that the market timing trading rule produces higher risk-adjusted returns than a buy-and-hold-the-market strategy. Even without a risk adjustment, the returns of the strategy exceed those of the passive buy-and-hold strategy in the three subperiods analyzed. The strategy's predictive accuracy for timing the market clearly exceeds the minimum predictive accuracy suggested by earlier market timing literature. Finally, the results of the statistical analysis indicate that the strategy is successful in outguessing the market as defined in the classical Treynor and Mazuy illustration.  相似文献   

We verify the effects of sovereign rating revisions on the activity of European banks, in terms of their regulatory capital ratio, profitability, liquidity, and lending supply. First, we find that a sovereign downgrade has a significant impact, primarily on capital ratios and lending supply. In contrast, upgrades do not have a significant impact, indicating an asymmetric effect of sovereign rating changes. Second, we find that three transmission channels (assets channel, funding channel, and rating channel) explain a relevant part of the impact of a sovereign downgrade. Finally, we find strong evidence that the rating-based regulation affects all measures of the activity of domestic banks, causing negative externalities for financial institutions. Our results hold also controlling for sovereign risk, estimating a GMM system, and employing an instrumental variable approach.  相似文献   

Firm circumstances change but rating agencies may not make timely revisions to their ratings, thereby increasing information asymmetry between firms and the market. We examine whether firms time the securities market before a credit rating agency publicly reveals its decision to change a firm’s credit rating. Using quarterly data, we show that firms adjust their financing structures before credit rating downgrades are publicly revealed. Specifically, firms on average increase their debt financing by 1.29 % before the disclosure of a rating downgrade, and this increase is due to the issuance of debt rather than the repurchase of equity. In contrast, firms do not take significant financing actions before credit rating upgrades.  相似文献   

We investigate the multivariate intraday structure in interest rates, focusing on implied forward rates from Eurofutures contracts. Since futures markets are the most liquid for interest rate instruments and they yield high-quality intraday data, it is somehow surprising that their intraday behavior has not been thoroughly studied in the literature.We find interesting similarities with the foreign exchange market: scaling law, intraday patterns, all of which point to the heterogeneity of market participants. Other properties like asymmetric causal information flow between fine and coarse volatilities for the same time series are present in our data. There are also lead–lag correlations across the term structure of implied forward rates, but they tend to disappear as markets mature.A principal component analysis of the short end of the yield curve allows us to determine the most important components and to reduce the number of time series needed to describe the term structure. We find the decomposition rather stable over time. The first component, which describes the curve level, shows an asymmetry in the information flow between volatilities of different time resolution, i.e., the coarse-grained volatility predicts the fine-grained volatility better than the other way around, as observed in the foreign exchange market. The remaining components do not show such an effect, having instead significant negative autocorrelations for the time series themselves. A heterogeneous autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (HARCH) model is estimated for the first component and the impact of different market agents is discussed.  相似文献   

Daily returns are used to investigate the effect of preferred stock rating change announcements on preferred and common stock prices. Announcements that are free of confounding events, ‘clean’ announcements, significantly affect preferred stock prices. However, the effect occurs after the day of announcement, mostly on event day +1. Conversely, there is no evidence ‘clean’ announcements affect common stock prices. Larger preferred stock abnormal returns are associated with announcements that are contaminated by confounding events, but the abnormal returns appear to be the result of the confounding events more than the rating change.  相似文献   

Effect of credit rating changes on Australian stock returns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the impact credit rating revisions have on stock returns of Australian firms rated by Standard & Poor's and Moody's. Our evidence is consistent with that documented in the USA showing that only downgrades contain price‐relevant information. The reaction is most significant when the downgrade: (i) is unanticipated; (ii) is for an unregulated firm; and (iii) reduces the firm's rating by more than one category.  相似文献   

In a dynamic model of financial market trading multiple heterogeneously informed traders choose when to place orders. Better informed traders trade immediately, worse informed delay – even though they expect the market to move against them. This behavior generates intraday patterns with decreasing spreads, decreasing probability of informed trading (PIN), and increasing volume. We predict that policies that foster market entry improve the welfare of uninformed traders and lead to increased market participation by incumbent traders. Technological advances that lead to better signal processing also encourage market participation and increase volume but at the expense of uninformed traders’ welfare.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general equilibrium model where intraday liquidity is needed because the timing of payments is uncertain. A necessary and sufficient condition for an equilibrium to be efficient is that the nominal intraday interest rate be zero, even when the overnight rate is strictly positive. Because a market for liquidity may not achieve efficiency, this creates a role for the central bank. I allow for the possibility of moral hazard and study policies commonly used by central banks to reduce their exposure to risk. I show collateralized lending achieves the efficient allocation, while, for certain parameters, caps cannot prevent moral hazard.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of sovereign credit rating change announcements on the CDS spreads of the event countries, and their spillover effects on other emerging economies’ CDS premiums. We find that positive events have a greater impact on CDS markets in the two-day period surrounding the event, and are more likely to spill over to other emerging countries. Alternatively, CDS markets anticipate negative events, and previous changes in CDS premiums can be used to estimate the probability of a negative credit event. The transmission mechanisms for positive events are the common creditor and competition in trade markets.  相似文献   

This study investigates Australia’s unique continuous disclosure regime using intraday data on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) over the period January 2010–April 2012. We examine abnormal returns and trading volumes that accrue to shareholders immediately after an announcement responding to a trading induced query. The use of intraday data permits us to examine the direct impact of these events, and the length of time the market takes to incorporate this information with a higher degree of precision than the research currently on offer. The study is framed within an event study methodology, with a number of robustness measures: a matched sample approach; analysis of cross-sectional determinants; the removal of penny stocks; and, procedures to account for sample selection bias. We find significant share price reversals following a query announcement, with a reversal of 3.3% by the end of the widest event interval. Our study also provides evidence that the market takes up to 60 min to impound this information. Overall, we provide support for the efficacy of the query framework administered by the ASX.  相似文献   

Using data on a five-minute interval basis, this article analyses the effects of intraday seasonality on volatility transmission between the spot and futures markets of the CAC40, DAX30 and FTSE100. Remarkable differences in the impulse response analysis and in the dynamic and directional measurement of volatility spillovers are encountered depending on whether the intraday periodic component is considered. Thus, the convenience of removing intraday seasonality seems to be critical to reduce the risk of spurious causality when employing high-frequency data in volatility transmission. Moreover, the impact of market microstructure noise seems negligible when using an optimal frequency of observations.  相似文献   

We study the firm-specific and intra-industry stock market effects of issuer credit rating changes and negative watch list placements for the G7 countries. We show that both the information content and the information transfer effects of these rating signals differ considerably in terms of magnitude and in terms of direction across the G7 countries. In particular, conditional on the type of rating change we find significant contagion effects for the US, the UK and Italy, but not for the other G7 countries. Moreover, we show that in some countries abnormal industry portfolio returns associated with rating downgrades and negative watch list signals tend to be more negative for more concentrated and more heavily levered industries. Overall, our results shed new light on country-specific differences in the relevance of credit ratings as risk indicators from an equity investor's perspective, and they may also be of interest to both risk managers and financial market supervisors striving to develop more accurate credit risk models and to better assess the systemic relevance of credit ratings.  相似文献   

Program trading and intraday volatility   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Program trading and intraday changes in the S&P 500 Indexare correlated. Futures prices and, to a lesser extent, cashprices lead program trades. Index arbitrage trades are followedby an immediate change in the cash index, which ultimately reversesslightly. No reversal follows nonarbitrage trades. The cumulativeindex changes associated with buy-and-sell trades and with arbitrageand nonarbitrage trades all are similar. Price decompositionssuggest that the results are not due to microstructure effects.Program trades in this 1989-1990 sample do not seem to havecreated major short-term liquidity problems. The results arestable within the sample.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of clustering of liquidity trades on intraday patterns of volatility and market depth when private information is long-lived. The assumption of long-lived information allows us to distinguish between the patterns of information arrival and information use. Our results are: (i) volatility follows the same pattern as liquidity trading, (ii) there are no systematic patterns in the price impacts of orders, and (iii) the timing of information arrival is unimportant. Result (i) is the same as that obtained by Admati and Pfleiderer (1988) in a model of short-lived private information, but (ii) and (iii) are different.  相似文献   

This study investigates the asymmetry of the intraday return-volatility relation at different return horizons ranging from 1, 5, 10, 15, up to 60 min and compares the empirical results with results for the daily return horizon. Using data on the S&P 500 (SPX) and the VIX from September 25, 2003 to December 30, 2011 and a Quantile-Regression approach, we observe strong negative return-volatility relation over all return horizons. However, this negative relation is asymmetric in three different aspects. First, the effects of positive and negative returns on volatility are different and more pronounced for negative returns. Second, for both positive and negative returns, the effect is conditional on the distribution of volatility changes. The absolute effect is up to five times larger in the extreme tails of the distribution. Third, at the intraday level, there is evidence of both autocorrelation in volatility changes and cross-autocorrelation with returns. This lead-lag relation with returns is also very asymmetric and more pronounced in the tails of the distribution. These effects are, however, not observed at the daily return horizon.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of price limits on intra-day volatility and information asymmetry using transactions data from the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Proponents of price limits argue that they provide an opportunity for investors to reevaluate market information and make more rational trading decisions. We identify three different limit hits – closing, single, and consecutive – and hypothesize that only the consecutive limit hits are likely to provide such an opportunity, namely, to counter investor overreaction (volatility hypothesis) and to enhance information revelation (information asymmetry hypothesis). Our empirical evidence supports the volatility hypothesis. Our findings generate important policy implications for stock markets that have price limits.  相似文献   

There is much recent interest in the role of market timing in firm financial decisions. Using a large detailed sample of corporate public debt issues, private placements, Rule 144A issues and bank loans over the period 1970–2006, we investigate the relationship between interest rate changes and issues of floating and fixed-rate debt. Our results indicate that both past and future rates are associated with issuance decisions. We examine whether firms are able to lower their cost of capital by anticipating future rate changes, controlling for firm characteristics and market conditions. Our findings suggest that evidence of timing success is dependent on the time interval and type of debt examined. Over the longest time intervals available in our data, we do not find evidence of timing ability for fixed-rate or floating-rate debt issues.  相似文献   

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