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东日本大地震对日本经济与世界经济的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2011年3月11日日本东北地区发生了日本有史以来最大级别9.0级大地震,随之引发了大海啸,对东日本沿海地区造成了严重破坏,夺去了2万多人的生命。更为麻烦的是这次大地震和大海啸还导致了福岛第一核电站的核泄漏,这一次生灾害带来的恶劣影响甚至超过地震和海啸带来的灾难。总体来看,如果核泄漏能够得以控制,其对短期的日本经济影响很大,但程度有限,对世界经济和中国经济的影响也有限,但对日本经济发展的长期影响则不可低估。  相似文献   

Using Japan's prefecture-level panel data from 1989 to 2001, this paper examines the influence of the social norm on a person's smoking behavior when the complementary relationship between smoking and drinking is taken into account. The key findings through a dynamic panel model controlling for unobserved prefecture-specific fixed effects are as follows: (1) influence from others is stronger when people live more closely and cohesively. A tightly knit society results in a reduction of smoking through smoking-related interaction. (2) Smoking and drinking have a complementary relationship: greater initial consumption of alcohol results in larger consumption of cigarettes. (3) The complementary relationship between smoking and drinking is attenuated if the cost of committing the annoying conduct (i.e., smoking) is high.Overall, this empirical study provides evidence that the psychological effect of the presence of surrounding people has a direct significant effect upon smoking behavior and, furthermore, that it attenuates the complementary relationship between smoking and drinking, thereby reducing cigarette consumption. These results indicate that not only formal rules but also tacitly formed informal norms are effective deterrents to smoking.  相似文献   

We explore the labor supply effect of the social security earnings test in Japan on those aged 65–69 years through a combined examination of the elimination of the earnings test in 1985 and its reinstatement in 2002. We present evidence showing that the effects of changes in the earnings tests on the labor supply of the elderly are not symmetric, controlling for changes in the attributes of workers and firms. The repeal of the earnings test in 1985 did affect the earnings distribution of the elderly (especially for male), while its reinstatement in 2002 did not alter the earnings distribution.  相似文献   

李勇  靳宗振 《科技和产业》2023,23(7):218-229
建设交通强国是建设现代化经济体系的先行领域,智能交通是交通强国的重要方面。智能交通需要靠交通管理领域的技术创新来实现。通过分析1999—2018年的交通管理技术专利数据发现:近20年来,中国在交通管理领域技术创新水平不断提升,专利活跃度与优势度大幅度提升;交通管理专利在扩散能力方面还呈现出一定的问题,有待进一步提升;从专利维持能力来看,中国交通管理技术创新影响力相对于日本、美国还存在巨大差距。在此基础上,提出相应的对策建议,为交通强国建设提供支持。  相似文献   

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