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Many studies of consumer debtors have identified risk factors associated with chronic consumer debt. Chronic consumer debtors exist in an environment of ongoing efforts to survive financially and meet their debt commitments. Despite otherwise favourable economic conditions for the community at large such as low interest rates and low levels of unemployment, the chronic consumer debtor remains continuously at peril of overcommitment. An analysis of financial counselling interviews in New South Wales (the largest state in Australia) has been used to identify the group that the authors believe to be most at risk of chronic consumer debt in Australia. Other independent studies are provided to support the choice of the identified group. The situation for chronic consumer debtors is contrasted to the situation for acute cases. While financial literacy and support programmes can be provided to the community, the ability to target programmes towards a specifically identifiable group concentrates activities on measures aimed to alleviate the distress caused by ongoing financial hardship for one particular consumer group. The challenge of reducing chronic consumer debt has the potential to raise awareness and understanding of risk factors for consumer debtors generally. Thus, concentrated efforts towards alleviating chronic consumer debt may lead to a reduction in consumer financial overcommitment.  相似文献   

This research examined the extent to which different promotional frames increased perceptions of deal value. Price discounts dominate the sales promotions employed by marketers. The framing literature suggests discounts have robust positive effects on consumer perceptions of deal value. However, the current research showed that negative quality inferences moderated discount framing effects and undermined deal value, particularly when no assurance of product quality was provided. Every-day-low-price offers were also vulnerable to negative quality inferences, while free gift frames maintained quality perceptions and increased deal value. Product trial acted to further magnify promotional framing effects, according to a confirmation bias. These findings were consistent with an attribute framing mechanism.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether East Asians are more likely than Westerners to purchase a brand presented as a best‐seller given that East Asians tend to have a higher need for conformity and Westerners tend to have a higher need for uniqueness. Results show that East Asians are more likely than their Western counterparts to purchase such brands when the perceived risk is low. However, when the perceived risk is high, both East Asians and Westerners tend to prefer a brand presented as a best‐seller. Results also show that, in a three‐option set in which the C option is dominated by the B option but not by the A, both East Asians and Westerners are more likely to select option C when it is presented as a best‐seller than when it is not. Managerial implications and the study's limitations are also discussed.  相似文献   

Abject poverty and rampant consumerism are twin ills of global capitalism. This short paper serves to encourage discussion on the role of Fair Trade in healing those ills. After describing the benefits of Fair Trade for producers, a paradox concerning the joys and blights of contemporary consumption is presented. Drawing on an autoethnographic method, the author indicates how Fair Trade resolves this paradox in the consumer interest.  相似文献   

The managerial ethics literature is used as a base for the inclusion of Ethical Attribution, as an element in the consumer's decision process. A situational model of ethical consideration in consumer behavior is proposed and examined for Personal vs. Vicarious effects. Using a path analytic approach, unique structures are reported for Personal and Vicarious situations in the evaluation of a seller's unethical behavior. An attributional paradigm is suggested to explain the results. Joel Whalen is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at DePaul University, Chicago. He has published articles in Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Business Ethics. His research has been published in the proceedings of the American Marketing Association's Micro-Computers in Marketing Conference; Atlantic Marketing Association; the American Marketing Association Conference on Culture and Sub-Cultural Influences; Northeast Decision Science Institute, Southern Marketing Association, and Decision Sciences Institute. Robert E. Pitts, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Marketing and the Director of the Kellstadt Center for Marketing Analysis and Planning at DePaul University. He served as a member of the faculty of Jacksonville State University, the University of Notre Dame and the University of Mississippi. Dr. Pitts' research has appeared in numerous publications including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Bank Research, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Education, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Social Psychology, Southern Economic Review, Journal of Travel Research, Journal of Behavioral Economics, The Mid-South Journal of Economics, Psychology and Marketing, Marketing and Media Decisions and Journal of Insurance Issues and Practices. Dr. Pitts is the editor of Personal Values and Consumer Psychology (Lexington Publishers, and co-author of Bank Marketing, A Guide to Strategic Planning, and Effective Bank Marketing Issues, Techniques and Application. Over the past decade, Dr. Pitts has served as a consultant to such firms as General Motors Corporation, Congolium Corp-Kinder Division, National Standard Steel Corp, WalMart Corp Training Programs, Illinois State Chamber of Commerce and Council of State Chambers of Commerce. John K. Wong teaches International Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior at DePaul University. He served as a member of the faculty of the University of Missouri at Columbia and Washington State University. Dr. Wong's research has appeared in numerous publications including the International Marketing Review, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, International Journal of Bank Marketing and the proceedings of the American Marketing Association, Association for Consumer Research, Academy of Marketing Science, Academy of International Business and Pan-Pacific Business Association.  相似文献   

This study has been planned to determine the need for consumer education by secondary school students. A total of 300 secondary school students (150 female, 150 male) living in central Ankara in different regions with respect to socio‐economic status participated in the study. Consumer education is defined as the management of economic resources, consumer behaviour concepts, relating to consumption, level of knowledge about consumer rights and responsibilities and environmental sensitivity. On the basis of this study, almost half the adolescents draw up a budget plan and carry out market research before shopping. Also, almost half of them put quality first when choosing goods and cost is of secondary importance. More than half of the students save money for unexpected outlay. Nonetheless, adolescents do not know about consumer rights and responsibilities, nor do they have sufficient information about consumer law and the concept of protecting the environment. More than half of the students stated that they need consumer education courses as part of their curriculum.  相似文献   

Research evidence suggests that UK consumers are facing significant problems with goods and services and are in need of information and advice to avoid or redress such situations. Consumers are not always aware of their rights nor where they can access consumer advice services. In 2000, the Department of Trade and Industry launched the Consumer Support Network (CSN) programme in Great Britain to improve consumer access to expert, accurate and timely advice. One challenge faced by these Networks and many other agencies is to assess the needs of consumers for consumer information and advice services. A needs assessment is required as a key element in the effective planning and development of services in each Network at a local level. The focus of the needs assessment at the local level is to encourage Networks to consider suitable solutions to meet the needs of people in their communities. This paper provides a review of the development of Consumer Support Networks in Great Britain and discusses the importance of needs assessment to service providers such as CSNs and other agencies. It reveals the complexity associated with conducting effective needs assessments including the various aspects of needs, consumer segmentation and characteristics of consumer information and advice. Further research is being carried out at Queen Margaret University College, UK, with a view to the development of a scientific model for the assessment of need for consumer information and advice services.  相似文献   

Most of the academic research in the field of consumer ethics has focused on the cognitive antecedents and processes of unethical consumer behavior. However, the specific roles of discrete emotions such as fear have not yet been investigated thoroughly. This research examines the role of the need for cognition (NFC), the three affective responses—fear, power, and excitement—and perceived issue importance on moral intensity, ethical perceptions, and ethical intentions for four types of unethical consumer behaviors. A sample of consumers from the two cities of Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt (n = 346) participated in the survey. Most research hypotheses were supported. NFC, issue importance, and affect variables were all predictors of moral intensity, ethical perceptions, and ethical intentions in four different consumer ethics scenarios. The specific predictors varied from one consumer ethics scenario to another, however.  相似文献   

Despite the ascendancy of services marketing as a topic of interest, an absence of empirical validation measures and well-grounded research techniques in the area is evident. This article explores the need for marketing to develop an approach by which services marketing empirical research can be advanced. A methodology is proposed that operationalizes the service construct by identifying consumer perceptions of goods and services, and which provides a practical basis for conducting empirical research. Empirical evidence is offered that suggests strong reliability and face validity in support of this approach. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The most important findings of a research project on consumer organizations in the FRG point to the necessity for an alternative orientation in consumer policy in circumstances of economic crisis. During the thirty years of their existence, consumer organizations have specialized in educating the consumer about the rules under which the market operates and have requested the suppliers to comply with these rules. The organizations are faced today, however, with the situation that the process of interaction between producer and consumer functions only to a limited extent as an instrument for securing the satisfaction of wants. Many indicators show that the dynamics of economic development are taking a hold on more and more spheres of life and are jeopardizing the substance of natural and social living conditions. The inquiry shows that the consumer organizations, in contrast to the numerous initiatives of those affected, have gained no effective access to this problem. This reinforces the tendency towards an unfruitful polarization between grassroots-oriented forms of protest and traditional, in part publicly financed and institutionalized, interest representation structures.
Verbraucherpolitische Alternativen: Eine Untersuchung der Verbraucherorganisationen in der Bundesrepublik
Zusammenfassung Gegenstand des Forschungsprojektes waren Alternativen der Verbraucherpolitik und der Organisierung von Verbraucherinteressen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Innerhalbe eines kooperativen Arbeitszusammenhangs von 6 Forschungsteams bildet das Projekt einen Bestandteil des Verbundes EMPIRISCHE VERBRAUCHERFORSCHUNG. Die hier thesenhaft referierten Ergebnisse beziehen sich auf die Evaluation unterschiedlicher Verbraucherorganisationen in der BRD (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verbraucher, Verbraucherzentralen, Stiftung Warentest, Stiftung Verbraucherinstitut).Die Verbraucherorganisationen stehen gegenwärtig vor dem Problem, daß aus dem Umfeld von Konsum und Reproduktion Problemlagen entstanden sind, die mit der traditionellen Orientierung der Verbraucherorganisation an Markt und Wettbewerb allein nicht mehr effizient zu bearbeiten sind. Umwelt- und Gesundheitsgefährdung, Verknappung der Rohstoffe sowie die Zerstörung traditioneller Lebens- und Kommunikationsformen bilden Stichworte einer gesellschaftlichen Diskussion, die als Indikator dafür zu werten ist, daß die Dynamik der ökonomischen Entwicklung auf immer mehr Lebensbereiche übergreift und natürliche und soziale Lebensbedingungen in der Substanz gefährdet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die Verbraucherorganisationen bisher keinen effizienten Zugang zu diesen Problemen gefunden haben und so die Tendenz zu einer unfruchtbaren Polarisierung zwischen basisorientierten Formen des Protestes und den traditionellen, teilweise öffentlich finanzierten und institutionalisierten Strukturen der Interessenvertretung verstärkt wird. Die Untersuchung geht daher der Frage nach, ob die für die gesellschaftliche Integration wichtigen intermediären Organisation so organisiert werden können, daß sie ihre Vermittlungsfunktion zwischen den zentralen gesellschaftlichen Entscheidungsprozessen und der Ebene alltäglicher Betroffenheit nicht verlieren. Dem stehen die korporatistischen Beziehungen zwischen den Verbraucherorganisationen und der Bürokratie entgegen, über die sich gegenwärtig die staatliche Option der Rückverweisung ökonomischer, sozialer und gesellschaftspolitischer Problemlagen an den Steuerungsmechanismus der Marktregulation auch in der Verbraucherpolitik durchsetzt. Ein deutlicher Hinweis ist die Tendenz zur Ökonomiesierung der Verbraucherorganisationen. Mit der zunehmenden Umstellung auf kommerzielle Angebote an Verbraucherinformation drohen sie zu Dienstleistungsunternehmen zu entarten. Der Alternativentwurf zielt darauf ab, daß die Verbraucherorganisationen, entgegen der bisherigen Konzentration auf Probleme des formalen Austauschprozesses zwischen Produzenten und Konsumenten, neue und u.U. konfliktäre Problemfelder des Konsumbereiches zum Selektionskriterium ihrer Tätigkeit machen. Soweit hierbei disparitäre Bedürfnisbereiche und nicht Marktprozesse den Ausgangspunkt bilden, wird die Orientierung der Verbraucherpolitik an Markt und Wettbewerb in Teilbereichen durch die Bedürfnisorientierung ergänzt.

Bernd Biervert is Professor of Economics and Reinhard Rock is Professor of Business Administration, both at the Bergische Universität — Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, P.O. Box 10 01 27, D-5600 Wuppertal, FRG. Kurt Monse is Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter at the same university.  相似文献   

This study uses a between-subjects experimental design to test the effect of two sales promotion formats (coupon versus markdown) with either high and low face values on consumer attitudes toward the deal, perceived product quality, and purchase intentions. The reputation of the retailer offering the deal is predicted to moderate the relationship between the promotional offer and consumer responses. Consumers perceive product quality to be higher when offered a high value coupon vs. markdown but there is no significant difference in perceived quality across promotion types when the promotion face value is low. When a deep price discount is offered by a retailer with a negative reputation, however, consumers have more favorable attitudes toward the deal and higher purchase intentions when provided with a markdown vs. coupon. Conversely, a high value coupon elicits more favorable evaluations than a markdown when the retailer has a positive reputation. When the value of the promotion is low and the retailer has a positive reputation, consumers have more positive deal attitudes and purchase intentions when offered a markdown vs. coupon. There is no significant difference in the effects of promotion type when the retailer has a negative reputation. The findings therefore establish retailer reputation as an important moderator of sales promotions effectiveness. This research is limited by the use of a single product category and a student sample. Process measures are also needed to validate the proposed theoretical conceptualization. The results provide managers insight into the type and value of the sales promotion to offer based on consumer perceptions of the retailer's reputation in the market.  相似文献   

This study aims to fill a gap in marketing studies concerning the effect of a logo on consumer evaluations. The research addresses two questions: (1) what are the factors that influence the favorability of the corporate logo; and (2) what are the main influences of this favorability on corporate image and corporate reputation? The favorability of a corporate logo is reflected by the extent to which consumers positively regard that logo. The findings from the consumers' perspectives in the context of a financial setting, suggest that the main factors that bear influence on a favorable corporate logo (antecedents) are: corporate name, design, and typeface. The findings reveal the importance of the company's corporate logo in enhancing the corporate image, attitude toward advertisements, recognizability, familiarity, and corporate reputation. Key implications for managers and researchers are highlighted.  相似文献   

Many stakeholders such as parents, companies, and policymakers play a role in children's online privacy. This study explores how parents who have at least one child age 10 and younger perceive the sensitivity of their children's personal information and willingness to share it with social media marketers. Survey results of 418 parents indicate that a variety of types of children's information is perceived as sensitive, with certain information (e.g., videos, photos) that parents readily share via social media as highly sensitive. Findings also suggest that fathers and single parents are more likely to perceive their children's information as sensitive and yet are more willing to share it. This research contributes to the consumer welfare literature on children's privacy by providing a baseline of parents' attitudes regarding their children's data, extending prior research that has examined adults' perceptions of the sensitivity of their own information and willingness to share with social media marketers.  相似文献   

Accurate personal information provision is one of the most important determinants of the commercial development of the Web. However, consumers are usually reluctant to provide personal information or tend to provide false information online because of their concern about privacy violation risks. We employ a 2× 2× 2 experimental design to examine the effects of reputation, privacy notices, and rewards on online consumer behavior in volunteering two types of personal information on the Internet: demographic information and personally identifiable information. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the findings.  相似文献   

Many businesses operate long hours that often include nights and weekends to accommodate consumers. However, a few businesses maintain a closed-on-Sunday policy and do so while still operating successfully although closed-on-Sunday policies mean forgoing potential sales hours. As most Christian faiths consider the Sabbath as a day of rest, an oft-used rationalization for the success of businesses maintaining this policy is that they must be supported by consumers with strong religious beliefs, who appreciate the message sent by the company and as a result perceive the company favorably. The purpose of this paper was to investigate whether consumers' religious commitment influences their ethical judgment of a company's closed-on-Sunday policy and to determine whether this ethical judgment impacts a company's corporate or brand image and consumer loyalty intentions. The results suggest that consumers with higher levels of intra-personal religious commitment are more likely to hold favorable ethical judgments of closed-on-Sunday corporate policies. In addition, favorable ethical judgments of closed-on-Sunday corporate policies are likely to positively influence corporate image. A more positive corporate image ultimately results in higher consumer loyalty intentions.  相似文献   

Drawing from the literature on the analytics of government, the paper discusses marketing as a form of government, elaborating and illustrating the many ways in which consumer choice is shaped, modified and directed in the market through practices and techniques of consumer marketing. The aim is to critically reflect upon and render problematic the individualistic ideas of the green consumer as a powerful market force and to provoke discussion on the conceptualization – and construction – of consumer subjectivity and social problems in marketing. Taking examples particularly from the fashion and clothing industry, the paper discusses the ways in which marketing activities come to shape consumer conduct by operating through the choice of individuals who freely pursue their needs and desires, and by working on the environment within which this freedom of choice is exercised. The paper contributes to the literature on green consumerism by systematically interrogating and elaborating on the modes and practices of marketing thought and expertise through which consumers and consumption are rendered intelligible and actionable in the market.  相似文献   

We use data regarding Russian banks during the 2015–2019 period to evaluate the effectiveness of the macroprudential measures in curbing the booming consumer lending segment. We find that the measures are successful in reducing overall loan portfolio riskiness and capital cushion accumulation by banks. In the short run of up to 1–2 quarters after the announcement date of a measure, banks tend to reduce both new loan volumes and the average consumer loan portfolio growth rate. Such reductions are more typical with the smallest market players. However, in the longer time horizon of up to one year from the application date of a measure, we observe an increase in average credit growth rates. Such findings correspond to the experience of emerging markets, such as Argentina, Colombia and Thailand. In general, we believe that the observed credit growth that occurs after measure implementation is less than it could have been without the measures in place. We also expect the observed lending growth rate to bring less financial instability risks and reflect the potential for natural loan extension in Russia. The novelty of this paper is in its distinction between macroprudential measurement scales when they produce intended and unintended consequences.  相似文献   

Conflict between favorites and underdogs is an everyday phenomenon. Research suggests that people support the underdog as they see a reflection of their own self in the person at a disadvantaged position. Two studies examine the effect of underdog brand biography in two different contexts. Study 1 provides support for the notion that underdog brand biographies for established brands elicit stronger consumer response than underdog brand biography for new brands. In study 2, a 2 × 2 between-subjects experimental design measured respondents’ reaction toward an underdog brand biography over a top dog brand biography under conditions of public versus private consumption. Results demonstrate that consumers exposed to underdog brand biographies in the private consumption condition will be more likely to respond favorably than when they are exposed to the public consumption condition. Based on the results it is suggested that advertisers make use of underdog brand biographies in case of established brands. Furthermore, choice of underdog brand narratives is likely to bring positive results under conditions of private consumption.  相似文献   

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