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赵敏 《山西农经》2022,(4):11-14
土地资源产权制度是社会稳定的坚实基础,是维持经济持续发展的根本制度。以我国农村土地资源产权制度的历史演变与对比为研究对象,详细列举中华人民共和国成立以来党中央制定的一系列土地产权制度,将其划分为经济体制改革前后两个阶段,采用定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法对不同产权制度进行对比分析,并展望未来改革趋势,以促进土地资源产权制度改革与创新。  相似文献   

我国土地产权制度建设分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土地产权制度是我国土地市场建设的核心。随着社会经济不断发展,我国土地产权制度经历了从无到有、从局部开展到全面推进的发展历程,为社会经济的快速健康发展提供了重要保障作用。从阐述我国产权制度立法和管理的观状及存在的问题着手,从不同角度提出了今后我国土地产权制度建设的思路和设想。  相似文献   

从马克思土地产权变迁理论角度分析了我国农村土地产权制度的历史变迁,并且对马克思土地产权权能理论、土地产权结合与分离理论、土地产权配置市场化理论和地租理论在我国当前农村土地产权改革中的指导作用进行了分析和论述。研究表明我国农地产权制度改革方向应以马克思土地产权理论为指导,在坚持农地集体所有权制度安排下,克服农地产权制度的现有缺陷,推进农地产权制度创新。  相似文献   

农村集体土地权益维护制度亟待创新   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
计划经济时代沿用至今的模糊的农村集体土地产权制度,使得土地一级市场征地与二级市场供地之间形成巨大利差,诱导地方政府乐此不彼地过度行使征地权。在国家作为土地权形式上的管理者缺位,农民又无权维护自身土地权益的制度安排下,造成了耕地资源流失的难以遏制。对此,及时进行土地产权制度创新,让农民能真正维护自己的土地权益,成为从源头上保护我国有限的耕地资源的最佳路径选择。  相似文献   

产权、定价机制与农村土地流转   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地产权制度是土地流转的制度前提,而定价机制则是农地流转利益的实现机制.在当前的土地产权制度下,土地流转的主要形式是政府征地和批租.由于土地产权制度不健全,土地流转补偿定价机制不合理,导致土地流转不健全、农民的土地权益得不到有效保护.因此,构建农民家庭土地产权制度,塑造农民家庭产权主体地位,是促进土地流转和保障农民土地权益的产权制度前提.在此基础上,改革"向后看"的按历史均值单方面定价的补偿制度,确立"向前看"的按未来值的现值的补偿定价制度,是土地流转收益的现实依据.  相似文献   

资本市场是金融市场的一个很重要的组成部分。发展资本市场,利用市场配置资源的基础性作用,有利于为企业扩大再生产筹集资金,也有利于为广大投资者提供投资获利的机会,更有利于企业的产权制度改革。因此,发展资本市场,对加快我国经济的发展和改革,是一种很重要的形式。国务院十分重视我国资本市场的发展,  相似文献   

新中国成立63年来,我国农村土地产权制度经历了土地改革农业合作化、人民公社、家庭联产承包责任制等历史变迁,每一次土地制度的改革变迁,都对当时的经济社会发展做出了极为重要的贡献。农村土地产权制度安排具有特殊优越性:一方面集体土地产权为农民提供了基本的生存保障,是农村长期得以稳定的制度基础;另一方面农村土地产权制度安排有力地促进了我国经济的长期快速增长,是工业化和城市化快速推进的重要制度基础。  相似文献   

农村土地问题,一直是我国农村和农业经济发展的中心问题.而农村土地问题的核心内容,是农村土地产权制度.我国有9亿农民,土地面积的一半为农民集体所有.从历史上看,农村土地制度的变革,不仅带动了整个土地制度的改革,也促进了农村和国家的改革和发展,例如,近20年的改革开放,就是首先从推行农地两权分离基础上的家庭联产承包责任制开始的.改革开放初期.新的土地产权制度设计充分调动了广大农民的生产积极性,使我国农村经济发出前所未有的勃勃生机,但随着农村经济体制改革的不断深入,农村中的土地问题不断出现,如由于集体土地所有权主体模糊等…  相似文献   

林地产权市场的培育是一个复杂的系统工程,既要改革现行的林地)“权制度,解决林地产权流动的深层次的制度问题,也要深化林业经济体制改革,培养林地经营利用的市场主体。此外,还应逐步建立健全林地市场的相关政策法规和管理制度。(-)培育林地产权市场的关键—一建立现代林地产权制度从西方发达国家土地产权制度的变化趋势看,其土地产权制度一方面着重调整铝宗复杂的商品经济关系,另一方面为商品经济的发展开辟更加广阔的领域。主要表现在:(1)在保持与维护土地私有制的前提下,土地产权关系的分解及合理界定,使土地所有者的权…  相似文献   

正我国是一个农业大国,农村改革走过了近40年的历程。可以说,30多年的改革过程是不断解放思想、改革开放的过程。自从1978年召开党的十一届三中全会以后,我国农村开始了以"联产承包责任制"为主要形式的经济改革,随后启动了税费改革、农村综合改革和土地经营制度改革等等。在实践中人们认识到,农村改革的深水区就是农村产权制度改革。如人类的土地制度延续了上千年,所以研究土地制度有历史脉络可作借鉴,但是相对而言,我国的  相似文献   

The forest transition: Towards a more comprehensive theoretical framework   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Building on the contributions of Mather and others, this paper offers an approach for developing a more comprehensive theory of the forest transition. We argue that long-run changes in forest cover in a country or region cannot be separated from the overall pattern of land use changes. Moreover, this pattern is determined by relative land values; forest cover changes over time as the value of one land use relative to the value of its competing use changes over time. However, the actual values that are used to allocate land may be far from optimal; that is, the presence of market, policy and institutional failures can distort economic and political incentives that can lead to bias in favour of one type of land use over the other, and may ultimately explain why a forest transition may be delayed unnecessarily in some countries and regions.  相似文献   

土地行政管理者的寻租行为,不仅会造成国有土地资产的大量流失,致使土地资源配置扭曲,更不利于市场经济下公正、公平、公开的良好交易环境的形成。本文在认识土地寻租行为现象及其危害的基础上,从制度因素,主观诱因和外部环境三方面深入剖析了我国土地行政管理中产生土地寻租的原因,并有针对性地提出抑制土地行政管理中寻租行为的建议和措施。  相似文献   

This paper examines the current situation following from the implementation of a land cadastre in the Republic of Moldova, a transition country that is seeking to establish a market economy as a means of facilitating greater prosperity. After consolidating the concepts of the functions land property serve within a capitalist-based economy, we examine the current state of affairs as it exists on the ground within this former socialist state and examine the consequences of imposing western-derived views on land reform in terms of tenure security and credibility. This reveals an extensive problem of land fragmentation in the rural sector, which is in part being countered by the emergence of a land lease market that sees new individual landowners providing land for the use of commercial enterprises. However, given the unique political economy present within Moldova, this situation in many ways contradicts, if not constrains, many of the potential benefits that a formal property system is thought to allow for, and therefore the objectives behind the transition phase have yet to be fully achieved. This has forced a re-examination of theory versus the practice of land property privatisation and land market interactions.  相似文献   

Land use regulation has always been regarded as one of the most crucial means of macro-control of urban growth, which can affect a city’s land values directly and further determine related urban economic well-being. Since the New Type Urbanization Strategy proposed by the government in 2014, China’s mode of urban growth has been transformed from addressing “quantity” to “quality" in the urbanization process. In this case, the regulation of land use by the Chinese government plays a more important role in urban growth. With their planned land regulatory scheme, the various instruments employed by Chinese governments have quite different mechanisms influencing land prices. However, there are no rigorous studies focusing on the land use regulation system and its impact on land values to date, particular in China. This study seeks to explore how land use regulation affects urban land values through the systematic lens. We summarize the main land use regulatory instruments based on the analysis of China’s planned land use system and urban land banking system, including the construction land quota, constraints on the allowed floor area ratio (FAR) of each land transaction parcel, and land supply restrictions. A new dataset based on land transaction data from 2007 to 2016 that covers 286 prefectural cities from the country’s coastal, central, and western regions is used in the empirical analysis. The results show that the effects of the floor area ratio (FAR) on land values are significant and positive, with the residential and commercial land supply ratio being a key factor. Moreover, the results imply that the effects of constraints on FAR and commercial land supply vary between regions. These findings indicate that the Chinese land market is considerably distorted by excessive administrative interventions by local governments, in the stage of urban transition guided, the capable regulatory instruments could play an important role in adjusting urban land prices and hence impact on urban growth.  相似文献   

This paper places issues of land speculation and property market efficiency within the limited geographical context of a tourist-agglomeration development process in the island of Rhodes, Greece. The study is based mainly on the elaboration of diachronic cadastral data, covering the period from the very beginning of the tourism development in what as of a formerly an agricultural area, until its establishment as an international mass tourist destination. The economic and financial dimensions of land speculation on market efficiency are explored, through a socio-economic perspective. Land property ownership structures, state policies and bank financing practices have produced synergies that encouraged land speculation, with ambivalent effects on space, property markets and tourist activities. Finally, it is argued that land speculation may be regarded as a socially embedded rational action, which leads to an overall inefficient land market.  相似文献   

温春来 《中国农史》2004,23(4):81-87
清初以前的黔西北是一个汉人稀少的多民族杂居地区,以畜牧业、原始农业为主要生产部门。本文探讨该地区精耕细作农业兴起的历史过程,并将这一过程与中央王朝对西南地区的开拓以及移民运动联系起来。  相似文献   

基于政府与市场关系,运用产权理论与新结构经济学理论,探讨农村土地要素市场化的政策史流变、经济学意涵和制度性创新。研究表明,第一,改革开放以来市场在土地资源配置中的作用经历了由辅助性到基础性再到决定性的历史转变,农村土地要素市场化也经历了改革探索期、改革发展期与改革深化期。第二,土地要素市场化的经济学本质是土地转让权的赋予,赋予农户充分、完整且有保障的土地转让权具有理论必要性和现实必然性。第三,未来的农村土地要素市场化改革,一方面要培育有效市场,以土地产权制度改革为主线,做好产权界定、产权配置和产权保护工作;另一方面要建设有为政府,以土地管理制度改革为依托,做好数量管控、用途管制和市场监管工作。  相似文献   

农地流转是实现规模经营的重要途径,尽管中国农地流转市场发展迅速,但农户在流转市场上能否转入自己想要转入数量的土地尚无人关注。本文利用全国6省1200户2000年和2008年追踪调查数据实证分析农户的流转意愿多大程度上可以在流转市场上得以实现,进而考察流转市场交易成本的存在性、对称性和动态性。研究表明,中国农地流转市场存在明显的交易成本,因此流转市场是不完善的。具体结论:第一,流转市场存在明显进入门槛,进入市场后农户也无法实现完全调整,转入户2000年和2008年分别能实现调整意愿的24%和37%,高于转出户的19%和18%;第二,流转市场的交易成本存在非对称性,转入户比转出户面临的交易门槛高,但进入市场后转入户调整意愿实现程度高于转出户;第三,从2000年到2008年,流转市场的交易门槛显著降低了,但进入市场后调整意愿实现程度并没有显著提高;第四,农资设备和劳动力等要素市场的不完善程度更严重,因此农地流转市场发挥了将土地这种"不能移动"的要素移动起来以迎合那些"本该移动"的要素功能,提高了资源配置效率。政府应进一步提高农地产权稳定性,降低流转市场交易成本,加快农业生产社会化服务业发展,完善农村劳动力市场。  相似文献   

Urban development in China is based on two types of land ownership, namely, state land owned by states and collective land owned by village collectives. Legally speaking, urban development must be based on state land. In practice, informal development based on collective land has played important roles in the rapid urbanization process over the past decades. Nonetheless, the vague property rights over collective land have led to inferior and suboptimal development outcomes in expansive urban areas. The redevelopment of collective land has become an important means to sustain urban development in an ongoing urbanization process. By adopting theoretical perspectives from New Institutional Economics, this study presents an integrated conceptual framework on the institutional arrangements of land property rights and transaction costs to understand the changes in land policies and their institutional implications for the redevelopment of collective land in Shenzhen, China. The findings reveal that the new policies have redefined the relationship among the government, village collectives, and real estate developers as well as their property rights over collective land. The change of institutional arrangements in land property rights has significantly reduced the transaction costs in the redevelopment process and effectively promoted land redevelopment activities.  相似文献   

福建永安林权制度配套改革探索   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
讨论了集体林权制度改革成果的保持问题。涉及所有权和使用权的价值实现路径、林地租金的形成及使用、林业要素市场及其交易成本、产权变更后的服务体系、政府与市场及社会力量的伙伴关系等问题。认为要长期保持林改成果,所有权和使用权必须拥有相互独立的价值实现路径。在福建永安,土地租金是林地所有权实现的基本方式。  相似文献   

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