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WTO与我国地理标志产品保护之探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,我国有着众多的地理标志产品,实施地理标志产品保护战略将会促进我国区域经济的快速发展。当前我国对地理标志产品保护重视不够,认识不清,地理标志产品保护法内容不完善,地理标志产品保护存在法律冲突。文章提出,为了对地理标志产品进行有效保护,应加强地理标志产品保护法律制度宣传,完善地理标志产品保护相关法律制度,充分利用W TO规则实施地理标志产品保护战略,加强对原产地标志、原产地证明商标使用的监督力度。  相似文献   

地理标志多哈回合谈判进程及对我国农业的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于世界贸易组织(WTO)的《与贸易相关的知识产权协定》(TRIPS协定)以及世界知识产权组织(WIPO)的众多国际条约的广泛而深入的影响,包括地理标志在内的知识产权法律制度已经进入了全球化的时代。对发展中国家而言,如何在国际知识产权相关问题谈判中为自身的发展赢得空间,已经不单单是一个技术问题,这将对其经济利益产生越来越重要的影响。本文认为在传统知识产权领域核心技术大部分被发达国家占据,国际知识产权保护标准主要由发达国家制定的情况下,发挥我国的传统优势,加大地理标志的保护将有利于我国参与贸易全球化,提升产品国际竞争力。因为地理标志的保护往往最能够发挥我国的资源优势,对增强我国产品的核心竞争力起到"四两拨千斤"的放大作用。文章介绍了多哈回合地理标志的最新谈判情况,以及我国目前有关地理标志的立法及保护现状。文章呼吁我国对地理标志的保护应该采取"内外兼修"的方法。即对"内",将保护地理标志作为支持农村经济发展的重要组成部分,在国内建立起一套管理统一、权利义务分明的地理标志法律体系;对"外",合理运用多边谈判和双边谈判的国际场合,在给予别国进一步市场准入的同时,大力地推动有利于我国农业发展的地理标志国际保护制度。  相似文献   

地理标志保护是知识产权制度的重要内容,我国地理标志保护法律制度存在很多问题。这里并不涉及地理标志保护法律制度的混乱,重在分析政府在地理标志保护中的角色困境,阐述行业组织在地理标志保护中的积极作用。  相似文献   

地理标志的保护涉及"三农"问题,地理标志权是一项特殊的知识产权。随着我国经济的不断发展,不少不法分子以投机取巧的方式谋求利益,针对于地理标志侵权而言则会出现仿制,以假充真,未经他人允许使用他人地理标志,未经他人允许将他人企业名称用作自己企业名称等行为。侵犯地理标志权的现象频出既与对地理标志的保护在制度及法律层面存在一定不足有关,同时也与既有立法没有得到理想的贯彻实施有关。  相似文献   

中国加入WTO后,基于国际市场的需要,对绿色食品地理标志的保护问题提上日程。目前,在我国实际上已建立了通过《商标法》及相应部门规章对地理标志予以特殊保护的法律制度,但关于地理标志保护还存在保护意识淡薄、地理标志的强化管理不到位,地理标志保护制度尚未完善等现象。因此,应该加强标志的保护,将地理标志的知识产权保护设定为专有权,制定《地理标志保护办法》,以切实保护农民的合法权益,促进新农村建设。  相似文献   

我国农产品地理标志法律保护探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邱平荣 《财贸研究》2008,19(2):134-140
农产品地理标志是发展农业经济,促进农业可持续发展的一项重要资源。虽然我国现在已经初步建立了农产品地理标志法律保护体系,但双重保护模式、保护观念与措施缺失、农户和企业质量意识淡薄等问题严重制约了农产品地理标志的保护。目前,必须在澄清对地理标志及其相关概念的各种模糊或不准确认识的基础上,制定地理标志法,从法律法规层面引导地理标志行业协会建设,完善对农产品地理标志的法律保护。  相似文献   

今年6月26日—28日,国家工商总局与世界知识产权组织(WIPO)在北京联合举办了世界地理标志大会。会上,国家工商总局商标局安青虎局长做了题为《中国保护地理标志的法律制度及有关情况》的主题演讲,全面介绍了中国对地理标志的法律保护体系和中国地理标志的申请注册情况,以及中国运用地理标志促进农民增收等情况。本刊将分两次刊登安局长的演讲词全文,以飨读者。  相似文献   

中国对地理标志实施保护源于20世纪80年代。至今已走过27年的历程。回顾27年的地理标志保护工作,中国保护地理标志经历了从行政保护起步,到确立以商标法律体系保护地理标志并不断发展、完善的三个阶段。  相似文献   

陈家明 《中国品牌》2008,(3):142-145
近日,国家质量监督检验检疫总局批准"横县茉莉花地理标志产品保护"茉莉花茶成为横县的品牌,桑蚕、蘑菇、甜玉米、大头菜、西津工业旅游业等成为广西农业发展的龙头。广西横县以质量兴县打造农业产业化品牌,促使农民增收奔小康,走出了一条建设社会主义新农村的新路子。  相似文献   

根据与地理标志有关的国际法,对采用专门法、商标法、其他法3种法律保护体系的国家或地区的分布与做法及中国两种保护体系并存的现状进行对比研究,研究表明:有一定历史的国家越来越倾向于用专门法来保护地理标志;无论采用哪种保护体系,在国外,一个国家均采用一种保护体系;中国存在两种保护体系,有交叉重复保护的现象,既浪费行政资源,又不利于地理标志的保护.根据国情,中国应立"地理标志法",以保护地理标志产品.  相似文献   

East Asian nations, which not long ago were counted among the more backward, are emerging as dramatically expanding markets as well as tough competitors for the United States. Predictions are that the Pacific-rim economy will expand twice as fast as the rest of the world. Professor Jens Biermeier shows that there has been a shift in the trading pattern of the United States away from Europe towards Asia as well as a shift of US political and strategic interests from the Atlantic to the Pacific in recent years.  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(5):1269-1287
Combining macroeconomic and microeconomic data and three indicators of international market integration, this paper assesses the degree to which Latin American labour markets are integrated. The results suggest that relative to East Asia, Latin American labour markets are somewhat more integrated, but considerable differences across countries persist. In addition, the evidence indicates that the degree of labour market integration across Latin American borders is significantly less than that of labour markets within the United States in two of the three indicators. These differences may suggest opportunities for efficiency gains from further labour market integration.  相似文献   

Although Japan's economic and trade policy with the United States and Europe has been widely researched in such works as Tyson (1992), relatively less research has been done on Japan's recent trade and economic policies towards other East Asian countries such as Korea and Taiwan. Since the mid-1980s, because of rising labor costs and appreciation of the Japanese yen, Japan has increased manufacturing production in ASEAN countries such as Thailand and Malaysia. The purpose of this short article is to discuss Japan's increased economic focus in Asia, and implications for East Asian countries such as Korea and Taiwan. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We document that corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities increase the cost of equity in East Asia. Further, the effect is driven by economies with weak investor protection. Our findings are robust to alternative variable measurements, accounting for endogeneity of CSR, and various methodological specifications. The positive relation between CSR and the cost of equity is attributable to the high agency conflicts in East Asian economies. Our findings highlight that the effect of CSR is contingent on the research context, and emphasize the importance of enhancing investor protection and mitigating agency conflicts for the promotion of CSR.  相似文献   

China is criticised for keeping its dollar exchange rate fairly stable when it has a large trade (saving) surplus. This criticism is misplaced in two ways. First, no predictable link exists between the exchange rate and the trade balance of an international creditor economy. Second, since 1995, the stable yuan/dollar rate has anchored China’s price level and facilitated counter cyclical fiscal policies that have smoothed its high real GDP growth at a remarkable 9 to 11 per cent per year. With its now greater GDP, China displaces Japan as the largest economy in East Asia – but with a much stronger stabilising influence on East Asian neighbours from its higher economic growth and more stable dollar exchange rate. Now, an ever larger China is an essential stabiliser for the world economy – as exemplified by its prompt and effective fiscal response to the global credit crunch of 2008–09. However, cumulating financial distortions – in China and the United States – threaten to undermine China’s growth and its stabilising influence on the rest of the world.  相似文献   


This study compared responses of advertising agencies located in the Middle East and the United States to an email survey examining their approach in designing advertisements. The survey examined whether the advertising agency incorporated area-specific cultural values and advertising appeals in the execution of their advertisements. Results indicate that indeed advertising agencies do use, or at least report to use, different cultural values and advertising appeals. Advertising agencies in the Middle East tend to focus more on filial obedience, customs and traditions, loyalty to one's group, honor, and patience. In addition, agencies in the Middle East reported that they tended to portray women in a more modest fashion than their counterparts in the United States.  相似文献   

东亚各国(地区)承接生产者服务外包的竞争力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪90年代"东亚奇迹"模式使经济发展水平各异的东亚经济体实现了不同程度的经济增长和产业结构升级,在以零部件贸易为代表的生产网络框架下东亚地区生产者服务贸易呈现出快速增长的趋势,本文认为东亚生产者服务贸易增长因素主要体现在生产服务链接需求、产业结构升级需求以及东亚地区的促进政策等方面,在此基础上,本文利用贸易相似度指标和面板回归分析方法研究了不同的生产者服务行业中东亚承接服务外包的竞争力状况,结果表明东亚地区的生产者服务业已呈现出类似于制造业转移的特征:继制造业后美国和日本等较为先进的生产者服务提供国继续带动了东亚区域服务业结构升级。  相似文献   

Given recent technological advances, we now are able to invade personal privacy as never before. The challenge in the business community is to make the most of the opportunities presented by the growth in communication technology while, at the same time, protecting what remains of individual privacy. The conflict between technological advances and privacy concerns is not new, but it has grown exponentially in recent years, and the development of a data protection scheme in the European Union lends a certain economic urgency to meeting the challenge. Pursuant to a Directive adopted by the European Union, privacy protections throughout the EU must become more stringent and consistent throughout EU member countries. One area of great concern to the United States is the Directive's requirement for certain minimum standards of privacy protection in countries receiving information from member countries. Given the limited protections available in the United States, it does not appear that the United States meets these minimum standards. The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the existing measurements of global privacy protections and to propose a new model which allows for their comparative evaluation.  相似文献   

加强东亚汇率制度协调,建立东亚固定汇率区,是实现东亚单一货币区的重要核心阶段。依照最优货币区标准进行实证分析,结论为东亚构建固定汇率区是基本可行的,但是由于各种经济和政治因素的制约,必须先易后难、循序渐进,分层次、分阶段、分区域、逐步推进。  相似文献   

通过技术引进实现技术进步和经济发展,是战后东亚经济增长创造奇迹的重要因素之一。在此过程中,东亚形成了三类特点各异的技术引进模式,并对不同国家和地区产生了不同的经济绩效。然而伴随着知识经济社会与信息时代的到来,东亚技术引进模式上的差异与积弊不仅影响到了各经济体自身的发展,也制约了整个东亚地区经济的可持续发展。因此,原有的东亚经济引进模式必须做出适时的调整。  相似文献   

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