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Foreign nationals often have no other choice than to adapt themselves to technological innovations of their host countries. This is particularly the case of individuals who are exposed temporarily to the world’s cashless societies where mobile wallets are the dominated payment method. Yet, little is known regarding continuous usage intentions among these individuals who have accumulated experience interacting with mobile wallets.This study explores how relative convenience, relative advantage, perceived privacy, and perceived security influence 'renewed adoption' of mobile wallets among experienced users of the leading Chinese mobile wallets. It also explores the best predictors of the renewed adoption intention of mobile wallet technology among these users. The results of this study show that each of the independent variables positively influences renewed adoption intentions. The results also show that relative advantage and perceived security as the best predictors of renewed adoption intention of mobile wallets. Based on the results of this study, practical and theoretical implications are provided.  相似文献   

Understanding service branding from the customer perspective is helpful for various organizations to attain a competitive edge and build a strong customer base. This research work aims to evaluate the various dimensions and constructs that affect brand equity and user's willingness to undertake courses from various e-Learning providers. Data for the quantitative study was obtained using a questionnaire based survey. Analysis of the 378 responses reveals that consumer experience is a strong predictor of both brand meaning and customer satisfaction. Although brand meaning positively impacts brand equity, brand awareness demonstrates a negative effect on brand equity. However, brand equity and customer satisfaction have a significant and positive impact on intention to undertake courses from online learning platforms. The study concludes with discussion on different implications, shortcomings, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

As a new social media platform, short-form video apps integrate the dual functions of e-commerce and social networking. The proliferation and high penetration rate of this kind of app have resulted in online user concerns about the privacy security problems exposed by such platforms. This study focuses on better understanding the impact mechanism of private information disclosure behaviors and obtained benefits on privacy concerns of short-form video platform users. We analyzed the behavioral and privacy setting data of 35,456 users registered on the TikTok platform. The results demonstrated a correlation between use behaviors (e.g., participation and interest) and privacy sensitivity, among which popularity, as a form of external feedback, played a mediating role. In addition, the official certification provided to users by the platform moderated the impact of user popularity on privacy sensitivity. This study enriches the understanding of the correlation between privacy concerns and information disclosure behavior and suggests practical implications for the design of privacy settings and protections by short-form video platforms.  相似文献   

Much has been written about Service-Dominant Logic, Vargo and Lusch's vaunted contention that service isn't an add-on to goods but goods are tangible reminders of service. Most of these writings are conceptual rather than empirical, however. This paper adds an empirical dimension to SDL by means of a qualitative study of the Harry Potter phenomenon. It shows that although Harry Potter can be successfully viewed through V&;L's lens, the picture is not crystal clear. So vague is the resultant image, in fact, that SDL should be handled with considerable care and more than a modicum of caution.  相似文献   

Sales promotions are an important part of retail advertising strategy. Traditionally, research on sales promotions has generally assumed that the buyers are end consumers who do not engage in reselling, in large part due to high transaction costs. However, the recent Internet related technologies have dramatically lowered the cost of transferring goods between consumers, leading to relative ease of reselling activity amongst individual consumers. Little is known about the impact of this phenomenon on retailer's sales promotion strategy. In this research we investigate the reselling activity in online auctions for products that active deal seekers can obtain at deeply discounted prices from retailers. We further investigate the role of deal-forums in the resale process. Data is collected from an online deal-forum (http://www.fatwallet.com/) and eBay to test various reselling-related hypotheses. The results show that there is a significant abnormal increase in the number of newly posted auctions of a product after the deal information of this product is posted on deal-forum website. We also find that there is a significant price incentive for individuals to resell. The implications for sales promotion research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

There are growing interests in understanding how word-of-mouth (WOM) on the Internet is generated and how it influences consumers’ purchase decisions at retail outlets. A unique aspect of the WOM effect is the presence of a positive feedback mechanism between WOM and retail sales. We characterize the process through a dynamic simultaneous equation system, in which we separate the effect of online WOM as both a precursor to and an outcome of retail sales. We apply our approach to the movie industry, showing that both a movie's box office revenue and WOM valence significantly influence WOM volume. WOM volume in turn leads to higher box office performance. This positive feedback mechanism highlights the importance of WOM in generating and sustaining retail revenue.  相似文献   

Previous research has found evidence that, due to the lack of sensory experience, shoppers are reluctant to purchase a garment online. Despite the importance of identifying possible compensatory cues for touch information, a lack of attention to this issue has been recognized in the literature. On this premise, this study addresses this research agenda to explain the mechanism by which information presentation influences customers' cognitive evaluations and behavioral responses and the role of individual differences in terms of need for touch (NFT). Specifically, drawing on the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S–O-R) paradigm, the study hypothesizes a model investigating whether verbal and pictorial information presentation affect haptic imagery, which in turn is supposed to influence behavioral responses (purchase intention), through a customer's cognitive evaluation (perceived product quality). To validate the research framework, a task-based online experiment was performed. Participants were requested to simulate a purchase experience on an online apparel retailer, after which they completed a questionnaire; 264 valid responses were received. The results support verbal haptic rather than pictorial information as a mechanism influencing haptic imagery and consequently behavioral responses. With regard to NFT, however, the expected moderating effect between haptic imagery, perceived product quality, and purchase intention was not supported.  相似文献   

This paper develops a digital platform restrictiveness index for 64 countries based on ECIPE’s Digital Trade Estimates database and the Digital Trade Restrictiveness Index. We identify specific restrictions that affect online platforms with a focus on online search, e-commerce and social media. The results show that both OECD and non-OECD countries show high levels of trade restrictions on online platforms. Moreover, some of the most restricted countries are characterised by large markets, signifying that a substantial part of the global economy gravitates towards restricting online platforms. Based on the platform restrictiveness index, we perform an econometric analysis showing that trade restrictions for online platforms are significantly associated with lower contributions of the ICT sector to productivity growth in the entire economy. The results suggest that reducing restrictions on online platforms can increase the ICT’s contribution to overall productivity growth towards a level seen before the global financial crisis. Sectors that would benefit the most are those that make wider use of online platforms and the Internet, including information services, business services and financial services.  相似文献   

This article examines individual factors influencing performance of 200 Israeli women-owned businesses. Whereas research on women entrepreneurs is extensive in developed countries, especially in the United States and Europe, there are comparatively few studies of performance of women-owned businesses in non-OECD countries. There is evidence that social structures (work, family, and organized social life) vary among developed and developing countries as these relate to women entrepreneurs. However, these differences have not been considered as they may relate to theories explaining performance of women-owned businesses. The extent to which existing theories are useful in the context of non-OECD countries is of increasing importance as women in these countries are assuming a greater role in enterprise creation and economic development as a result of radical geopolitical and economic policy changes worldwide.In Israel, women suffer from occupational segregation and typically earn less money than their male counterparts, despite a generally high level of education. Entrepreneurship offers a vehicle for Israeli women to achieve economic parity. Approximately 5.1% of Israeli women are self-employed (compared with 15% of Israeli men) of the 816,800 Israeli working women. This study is the first systematic investigation of performance variation among Israeli women entrepreneurs, thereby contributing to our understanding of women's entrepreneurship in non-OECD countries.Five theoretical perspectives explain performance: individual motivations and goals; social learning (entrepreneurial socialization); network affiliation (contacts and membership in organizations); human capital (level of education, business skills); and environmental influences (location, sectoral participation, and sociopolitical variables). Each of these perspectives is associated with empirical work showing relationships between these individual level factors and performance. Three questions directed this study: (1) Which factors influence the performance of Israeli women entrepreneurs? (2) Which factors explain any variance in performance among businesses established by Israeli women entrepreneurs? (3) How similar are these explanatory factors to those found in other countries?A sample of 220 Israeli women business-owners responded to a survey instrument originally composed by Hisrich and Brush (1982, 1985) that was translated into Hebrew and adapted to the particular conditions of the Israeli population. A majority of the questionnaires was distributed at meetings of professional associates of women entrepreneurs and returned by mail, but one-fourth was distributed to women who were not members of any professional association. No significant differences were found between the respondents who were members or non-members of associations. Reliability testing showed alpha coefficients of 0.65 and higher for scaled questions, which is acceptable for survey data. Statistical analyses, including Pearsons's correlations and multiple regressions, examined relationships between factors identified from theoretical perspectives and performance, which was measured by profitability, income, size (number of employees), and revenues.Demographic variables were examined, and the age of the woman entrepreneur's children was significantly related to profitability (p < .01). The majority of Israeli women entrepreneurs are married and became entrepreneurs after their children were grown. This is consistent with the strong family orientation prevalent in the Israeli culture and the existence of institutional arrangements that support the working mother model as long as she gives priority to family responsibilities.Of the five theoretical perspectives, results showed network affiliation, motivation, human capital, and environmental factors affected different aspects of performance, whereas social learning theory or existence of a role model had no significant effect on performance outcomes. Network affiliation was significantly related to profitability (p < .001), and the use of outside advisors also was related to revenue. In contrast, participation in multiple networks was negatively related to revenue, income, and size of the business.Motivations showed a strong relationship to performance. Factor analysis identified three basic groups of motives: achievement, independence, and economic necessity. Similar to findings in other countries, achievement motives were highly related to personal income, whereas economic necessity was significantly related to both profitability and revenue.Analyses of human capital variables showed mixed results; education level, areas of study, and previous entrepreneurial experience had no effect on previous experience. The fact that this population was highly educated (51% had university degrees) may have impacted on this result. Consistent with prior research findings, previous experience in the industry had a direct and significant effect on performance (p < .001). Previous salaried employment and involvement in the creation of a business were significantly correlated with sales and number of employees. Results also showed that indexes of women entrepreneurs' business skills (obtaining financing, budgeting, labor management, and planning ahead) were highly correlated with revenues (p < .01). Regression analysis showed the business skill index significantly related to profitability (p < .01). Environmental factors were significantly related to performance in that the sectoral affiliation (service versus manufacturing) was related to revenues and employees, but not to profitability and income.This study supports previous research from the United States and Europe on women entrepreneurs, which found that performance is related to previous industry experience, business skills, and achievement motivation. However, the differential effects of network affiliations was significantly more important for women entrepreneurs in Israel. Affiliation with a single network was highly related to profitability, whereas involvement in multiple networks was detrimental to both revenues and the number of employees. These findings imply that to perform well, Israeli women entrepreneurs should gain related industry experience, develop business skills, and seek to achieve success. Most importantly, commitment to a single network for support and advice is better than a loose alignment with many support groups.This research has implications for studies of women entrepreneurs in other non-OECD as well as developing countries. In countries such as Russia or China, anecdotal evidence shows self-employment offers women an opportunity to improve their economic status as more capitalistic policies are adopted. The extent to which individual factors found important in this study, such as business skills, motivations, previous industry experience, and network affiliation, affect performance in these countries is a topic for future investigation. This study suggests that individual factors affect performance differentially as a consequence of variations in social structures, work, organized social life, and family. Future research should explore the extent to which this is the case. Examination of aspects of organizational strategies and government policies as these influence performance is another topic for future study.  相似文献   

eBay hosts more than 12.5 million auctions per day in more than 1000 categories across 28 global markets and attracts more than 43 million unique visitors per month. This paper explores online auction users problematic behaviors that could potentially lead to an addiction. Specifically, we examine the following research questions: what consumer behaviors could be construed as problematic and potentially addictive; do these behaviors generally reflect the core components of addiction; and what are the implications for online auction retailers, managers, and society? Using qualitative methods, the authors identify four key themes that capture problematic behaviors that could lead to online auction addiction. These themes include psychological distress; habitual usage; negative consequences; and dependence, withdrawal and self-regulation.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether there are any substantial differences in factors influencing seafood consumption (at‐home) behaviour of consumers from two different regions of Victoria, Australia. We have used the logit modelling procedure and found that there exist noticeable regional differences in seafood consumption behaviour. In the case of the inland region, it is found that the variables price, distance, taste, quality and season are significant at the conventional level. For the coastal region, the factors quality, age and number of persons employed (at the 5% level) and size of households (at the 10% level) significantly influence the seafood consumption behaviour.  相似文献   

李娜 《北方经贸》2022,(2):150-153
广西发展旅游业具有得天独厚的自然气候条件、地理位置优势以及政策举措机遇,为促进广西旅游业可持续发展,选取2001-2019年广西旅游业相关数据,利用Eviews9构建以广西国内旅游收入为因变量,以广西人均GDP、公路里程、铁路营业里程以及旅客周转量为自变量的OLS回归方程,实证分析影响广西旅游业发展的主要因素。结果表明,广西人均GDP和铁路营业里程是广西旅游业发展的重要影响因素。据此,要促进区域经济高质量发展;坚持交通运输科学发展观;构建综合交通运输体系;加大旅游资源开发力度,促进广西旅游业发展水平不断提升。  相似文献   


This study questions the unharmonious ways of product displays in online grocery retailing and aims to find if visual complexity of the product display has any impact on behavioral outcomes of online grocery shoppers. Our main finding was that visually complex images, i.e. images with a high number of elements have a negative effect on affective and cognitive states resulting in decreased behavioral intentions. However, when the number of elements in the product display was decreased, i.e. the visual complexity of the product display was reduced, shoppers’ cognitive and affective responses and intentions were similar to when they were exposed to noncomplex images. We also found that arousal and pleasure (parallel mediators) absorption, telepresence, utilitarian and hedonic values and perceived ease of use (serial mediators) mediate the effect that the product display has on behavioral intentions.  相似文献   

In this study, we begin with the conjecture that the online feedback forum is important with regard to managing reputation and in attracting potential customers in the initial stage of unknown online stores. Using reference influences in marketing and existing information systems (IS) literature on the role of feedback in the electronic market, we developed hypotheses exploring the relations among pervious customers’ feedback in the online forum, successful complaint management against the negative feedback, and potential costumers’ initial trust toward online retailers. In an experimental study, we tested the hypotheses using 68 college students that visit a forged online retailer selling used notebook computers. Our results show that stores can recover from potentially damaged reputations through effective complaint management. The results also implicate that negative feedback adversely affects initial trust.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes high-technology firms within the European Union to determine the factors that influence performance through business productivity. The study examines six different factors that are representative of entrepreneurial activity, firstly from a purely business standpoint, and subsequently from the areas of production and technology, human resources, strategy and marketing and, lastly, the economic-financial area. Results indicate a direct relation between productivity and factors such as private borrowing, dynamism or using price as a strategic factor, while the reverse is true for concepts such as family resources, level of investment in R&D or training programs.  相似文献   

Marketing Letters - The street music business dates back hundreds of years and exists in many cities of the world. Although anecdotal evidence suggests that the number of listeners who donate...  相似文献   


Purpose: To identify the factors affecting the selection of trade shows in India and the role of spot sales in decision-making.

Design/methodology/approach: This study uses a primary approach. It has been done with the help of data collected from exhibitors’ responses to a standard questionnaire (appendix) through offline mode. Finally, the collected data was used for analysis with the help of SPSS 21. Multivariate data analysis techniques such as factor analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation modeling were used in the study.

Findings: The findings of the study revealed that perceived show value was the most important factor of selecting a trade show followed by measurable cost, timing and lastly show attractions. Spot sales were found to make a significant impact on the participating decision-making process. Some of the subjective factors such as facilities within the venue and connectivity to the venue made an impact on the exhibitors' selection of trade shows.

Practical implications: Organising a trade show requires a lot of money and effort and thus it becomes important that such events be successful. Thus, the study could be used by trade show organizers to attract exhibitors for participating in their show.

Originality/value: Although research studies have been conducted on the motives for participating in a trade show in the U.S. and Europe, very few were found relating to the identification of factors affecting the decision to participate. This number becomes still smaller when one considers the case of the growing Indian economy. Looking into these aspects, this study can be considered new and thus its originality remains high.  相似文献   

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