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行为地理与城市旅游线路设计--以苏州一日游线路设计为例 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
行为地理学在研究人们的空间行为时强调个人之间的差异。旅游产品消费过程得到的效用满足也是以个体来衡量的。由于旅游线路是旅游产品之一,因此旅游产业的发展趋势是设计更多的旅游线路产品,以满足不同消费者的旅游需要。本文以苏州客调查资料为基础,并设计了显示旅游群体线路选择差异性的指标TRDI,通过计算苏州城市旅游中,不同年龄、不同受教育程度、不同职业人群的TRDI,分析不同群体旅游线路选择的多样性差异。而后提出中现尺度上旅游线路设计的基本理念及评价方法,从而为旅游业经营单位设计旅游线路和旅游者选择适当的旅游线路产品提出建设性的方案。 相似文献
自驾车旅游者的行为特征及空间效应分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文调查分析了自驾车旅游者的基本特征,并重点探讨了他们的消费特性、旅游偏好和消费空间分异特征,绘制了自驾车旅游者的出游意愿与可达机会的普雷德行为矩阵图.从对城市周边旅游地发展的促进作用和对旅游接待地服务体系完善两方面探讨了自驾车旅游者行为空间效应,认为自驾车旅游对城市周边的乡村旅游地、度假区的发展以及温冷型景区的升温具有较大的促进作用,同时对旅游目的地服务水平提高、乡村旅馆发展、旅游购物促进和旅游信息系统建设等起到重要作用. 相似文献
GPS与回忆日志是行为研究中的重要方法,但目前对其精度及差异空间的实证研究还比较缺乏.文章以厦门鼓浪屿为例,以2014—2015年采集的回忆日志和GPS数据为基础,对两种行为调研手段的精度进行比对.精度比对包括个案层面的路径重合率、行为链匹配度、时间花费匹配度和集合层面的距离差异、空间差异,并分析差异空间的特征及原因.鼓浪屿作为一个易于"迷失"的历史文化景区,实证结果发现:(1)回忆日志与GPS的路径重合率在30%~50%之间;(2)通过莱温斯坦比方法计算的行为链精度在40%~50%之间;(3)停留时间的相似精度在20%~50%之间.除个体因素外,记忆遗忘、道路复杂、建筑相似、景点众多、业态趋同等也是在鼓浪屿上形成差异的重要因素.此外,文章研究的普适性发现还有:(1)对于景区微观尺度的步行行为研究,采用50 m网格和5分钟停留判别作为GPS行为链自动化处理方法具有一定的适用性;(2)GPS与回忆产生的差异空间有助于更好地认识旅游地的空间特征和景区提升改造;(3)传统问卷调研与现代GPS结合的研究方法将是面向个体精细化行为建模等领域的一个重要途径和趋势. 相似文献
旅行社对旅游者行为影响的初步研究 总被引:18,自引:6,他引:18
旅行社是联结旅游者与旅游目的地的纽带,旅行社对团队旅游者的旅游行为有着多方面的影响。本文分别就旅行社对旅游者的决策行为、时间-空间行为、消费行为、心理行为的影响进行了初步的分析,并在此基础上探讨了旅行社对旅游者行为影响研究的实践意义。 相似文献
本文通过实地问卷调查,系统研究了巴马国内旅游者空间行为,包括客源市场构成、游憩活动空间结构和空间行为模式等内容,得到如下规律和结论:巴马国内旅游者比重随年龄增长有递增趋势,度假旅游和观光旅游都占有一定比重;巴马国内客源市场分布广泛,但集中度偏高,客流空间使用曲线呈Maxwell-Boltzman曲线和U型曲线的复合,同时具有一定的分段性,出现多次波动;旅游者到巴马最主要体验长寿养生游,大中小尺度游客都集中选择级别高、独特性强的景区,倾向选择住在景区及附近的养生公寓和农家旅馆。 相似文献
基于时间地理学的景区旅游者时空行为模式研究——以北京颐和园为例 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
本文以景区旅游者时空行为模式为研究对象,尝试将时间地理学研究方法引入旅游者行为研究中,并通过实证研究在时空路径聚类要素方面进行探索.研究表明,时间、空间、活动和路径是景区内部旅游者时空行为模式汇总的重要因素;差异度和显著度可以作为聚类量化要素选择的指标;颐和园旅游者群体按时空行为模式聚类为6个类型.刻画旅游者时空行为模式,有助于研究者更好地理解旅游者的活动过程和需求情况,对优化景区产品和提高旅游者体验质量有重要理论意义和实践意义. 相似文献
产品跟随行为:旅游时间产品规划方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文章在探讨旅游产品与旅游者时空行为之间关系的基础上,提出了以“产品跟随行为”为规划理念、以旅游者为中心的旅游时间产品规划方法,并以香港海洋公园为案例介绍了旅游时间产品规划方法应用的可能性.在对香港海洋公园旅游者进行GPS追踪调查和分析的基础上,根据旅游者时空分布特征和旅游时空行为模式聚类分析结果,识别出了香港海洋公园需要调整的主题区域、产品类型,并且提出了初步的旅游分项产品规划和旅游组合产品规划方案.从方法论的角度,在旅游时间规划的概念框架之下提出了一种新的旅游产品规划方法,丰富了旅游产品规划的理论和方法.从规划实践的角度,旅游时间产品规划方法的提出为旅游产品规划实践提供了一个崭新的视角,为旅游产品规划创新提供了方法支持. 相似文献
度假旅游是中国新兴的产业发展形态和旅游方式。尽管此前20多年我国的度假旅游发展缓慢、曲折,但在2003年后出现了一个明显的拐点,远程度假旅游成为一个值得关注的新趋势。本文选取中国具有标杆性意义的度假旅游目的地——海南三亚的海内外度假旅游者作为调查对象,研究了中国及俄罗斯度假者的人口统计学特征、度假旅游动机、行为方式以及度假旅游需求特征,揭示出两国游客在旅游行为和需求方面的异同点。本研究验证了4个假设,也否定了学术界以往关于度假旅游的个别典型结论。 相似文献
旅行社机会主义行为问题长期困扰着我国旅游业的健康发展.该研究依托机会主义行为理论和制度环境理论,从游客感知视角出发,重点探讨了规制性制度环境在旅行社机会主义行为治理方面的作用发挥情况.以保定、天津、北京、济南、杭州、昆明等地556名参加过包价旅游活动的游客作为样本,运用PLS路径建模方法对理论模型进行了检验.研究结果表明,相互依赖不对称与环境不确定性都可能导致游客对旅行社机会主义行为的感知,游客会因为机会主义行为感知而降低对关系质量的评价.总体来看,规制性制度环境能够降低游客对旅行社机会主义行为的感知,但是作用相对有限.而对于游客机会主义行为感知对关系质量的负面影响,规制性制度环境的调节作用并不显著. 相似文献
Brent W. Ritchie Aaron Tkaczynski Pam Faulks 《Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing》2013,30(4):409-425
Bicycle tourism is a growing niche tourism market which has potential economic, social, and environmental outcomes for individual participants and host communities. However, there has been a lack of research into heterogeneity of this market and their respective motivations and behavior. This article applies the concept of enduring involvement, in conjunction with tourist motivational theory, to segment and better understand cycle tourist behavior and intentions. A total of 564 completed questionnaires was collected from an online survey of bicycle club members in Australia. Respondents were segmented into five initial clusters by their level of enduring involvement. A number of significant differences were found on their travel motivations, travel behavior, and behavioral intentions, as well as their sociodemographics and cycling behavior. The results lend support to the application of enduring involvement in a tourism context to better understand the behavior of niche markets which include popular leisure pursuits. Recommendations as a result of the findings are made for product development and marketing communication, while future research opportunities are also outlined. 相似文献
Adarsh Batra 《International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration》2013,14(3):197-212
The senior travel market has become an increasingly important area of interest to travel agents. This study examines senior travellers based on their travel experience, behavior, and overall experience on visiting Thailand, in terms of their age, marital status, and education. In this study, a sample of 384 senior foreign tourists responded to a survey carried out at the Bangkok International airport. Seniors are shown not to be a uniform conservative market, which has implications for product development. Profiles differed in the priority attached to travel experience factored into health, safety, language, itineraries, and general conditions in connection with travel. Travel behavior of seniors also differs in terms of types of tour, lodging preference, outdoor activity, mode of transportation, type of information used, and people travelled with. Recommendations based on these findings have strategic implications for travel companies and travel organizers. 相似文献
Yong Tang 《Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research》2013,18(11):1260-1277
This study investigates the relationships between travel motivation, destination image and overall satisfaction of international tourists visiting Sichuan province after the great Wenchuan earthquake of 2008. Did the earthquake influence tourist’ motivations for visiting Sichuan either positively or negatively, and did the earthquake affect their image of the province as desirable travel destination? Survey data collected from 346 international tourists in Chengdu, the provincial capital, revealed that respondents were primarily motivated by Sichuan's traditional attractions – its scenery and the giant pandas native to the area rather than by the earthquake. Structural equation modelling revealed a statistically significant relationship between travel motivation and overall visitor satisfaction, as well as relationships between travel motivation and types of destination image. Furthermore, both positive and negative destination images seem to have an effect on overall satisfaction. This study implies that international tourists to Sichuan tend to visit for its scenery and wildlife; the 2008 earthquake has had little effect on their travel motivations and destination images; and these visitors hold positive images of the province. 相似文献
With more visas being granted and application processes streamlined, more Chinese students are studying abroad. These students have an influential and continuing effect on the host country's tourism industry over and above their own education-related activities and expenditures because they attract family members and friends to visit the countries where they study. Unfortunately, the research on the role of Chinese students as hosts for overseas travel is quite limited. Therefore, this paper provides some insights into this issue by looking at the influence of students' satisfaction on their role as hosts for the friends and family sector while also providing some data on the students' own holiday motives and assessments of New Zealand. The data were derived from 504 self-completed surveys by Chinese students from four universities in North Island, New Zealand. Evidence was found of students fulfilling a number of roles as guides, sources of information and acting as hosts, but the relationships between their own holiday experiences and satisfaction and the degree to which they fulfilled these roles was weak at best, indicating, therefore, the importance of other variables. 相似文献
随着旅游业的持续增长,旅游业本身也面临着日益严峻的环境挑战。有迹象表明,旅游珏发和经营者已经开始寻求或实施有效的对其环境管理业绩进行监测和评价的方法。环境审计被认为是一种有用的、对一个特定的旅游主体的环境业绩进行评估的管理工具。本篇文章提出了一个基本的旅游环境业绩审计方案及其实施过程,以确保旅游业环境管理达到最佳效益。 相似文献