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企业合并中负商誉的会计处理问题在各国会计界一直有争议,目前国际上共有四种处理惯例,我国在新会计准则中关于负商誉的规定也体现了向国际趋同的目标。本文旨在列示这四种处理方法,并对其进行简略分析,试指出其中存在的不合理之处。  相似文献   

<正>一、负商誉的含义、性质合并活动是市场经济中企业发展壮大的途径之一,在全球的经济中都起着举足轻重的作用,合并商誉对于企业而言是一项越来越重要的资源,所占比重也在逐渐加大。负商誉是由于企业在并购中,企业合并成本小于合并中取得的被购买方的可辨认净资产公允价值份额之差。在三鹿企业并购案中,三元企业以4900万元的价格合  相似文献   

关于合并商誉相关会计问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在企业并购过程中,往往会遇到并购成本与被购企业净资产价值间存在差额的问题,我国的会计规范对该差额的处理作出了几种不同的规定,很不统一,影响了会计实务的处理和会计信息的公允表达。本文认为,应立足我国实际,借鉴国际惯例,正视负商誉这一客观实在,将此差额确认为合并商誉;取消“合并价差”与“股权投资差额”两个概念,统一对商誉性质的认识,以推动我国商誉会计理论与实务的发展。  相似文献   

随着我国经济发展和资本市场的不断完善,企业合并日趋频繁,由此引发的商誉减值问题突出.本文首先介绍商誉的含义、分类和其会计处理方法,在此基础上分析成为合并商誉减值隐患的会计处理问题以及目前商誉大幅度减值的原因、危害和不良影响.最后,从加强对企业合并的监管和完善商誉的会计核算方法两个方面提出防范企业合并商誉大幅度减值风险的建议.  相似文献   

对于商誉的处理,国际上已经形成了较为完善的做法。但由于我国经济发展起步较晚,市场不够完善,一直未对商誉做规范的规定,仅是简单规定对于外购商誉按成本人账并在合理使用年限内进行摊销。随着我国经济的迅猛发展,企业间的并购增多,与国际会计趋同的进程逐步加快,在这样的主客观因素催化下,财  相似文献   

大随着经济的发展和企业井购的不断增加,合并商誉成为了会计界争论较多的问题之一。本文从影响合并对价的因素角度,通过案例进行分析,以此说明关联方关系不能用购买法,而应该采用权益结合法,不应该确认合并商誉,并总结出企业合并中存在的问题。  相似文献   

当购买企业所支付的购买价款低于被购企业可辨认净资产公允价值时,这一并购给购买企业带来的商誉为负值.即负商誉。负商誉是企业并购活动中所产生的客观现象,也日益为会计学界所关注,当前在负商誉是否客观存在,负商誉的本质属性以及会计处理等问题上存在许多争议,若能通过争议揭示其真谛,无疑对推动我国负商誉理论的研究大有裨益。本文正是对负商誉的这三个方面进行简单探讨。  相似文献   

浅议合并商誉问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合并会计被誉为财务会计的四大难题之一,其中合并商誉及其会计处理问题又是其中的难点和热点。根据我国对合并商誉问题的会计处理现状,我们必须尽快颁布合并会计准则和商誉准则,统一相关概念;合理界定商誉的经济内涵,确认和计量商誉初始成本;商誉的后续计量采用以摊为主动、结合减值测试的方法。  相似文献   

This instructional resource familiarizes students with the accounting for business combinations under IFRS 3 and illustrates the uncertainty and professional judgment involved in asset valuation and consolidation. First, students need to assess the quality of information generated under IFRS 3 and fair value accounting. Second, they are asked to account for a business combination by identifying possible input parameters to measure several intangible assets and a contingent liability. Based on their valuation results, they compute the amount of goodwill recognized on the acquisition and assess the effects of their parameter choices on the values of different assets and liabilities. As an optional third task, the case asks students to consolidate the financial statements and evaluate the impact of the acquisition on the financial position of the acquirer.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the choice of amortization life for purchased goodwill is predictive of the firm's post-acquisition earnings levels, given that shorter lives could lead to a dilution in earnings. Our findings support this interpretation. Further, consistent with Andrade (2001), we demonstrate a link between post-acquisition earnings changes and stock performance. These results suggest that the amortization life chosen is a reliable predictor of the success of the acquisition both in terms of earnings changes and future stock performance. These findings are relevant since the information concerning the life chosen was eliminated by the adoption of SFAS No. 142.  相似文献   

This paper investigates criticisms that U.S. GAAP had given firms too much discretion in determining the amount and timing of goodwill write-offs. Using 1,576 U.S. and 563 U.K. acquisitions, we find little evidence that U.S. firms managed the amount of goodwill write-off or that U.K. firms managed the amount of revaluations (write-ups of intangible assets). However, our results are consistent with U.S. firms delaying goodwill write-offs and U.K. firms timing revaluations strategically to avoid shareholder approval linked to certain financial ratios.  相似文献   

The aim of this contribution is to verify whether there exists a reaction of financial markets to the new accounting method for goodwill introduced by SFAS 142 and IAS 36. Our research hypothesis is that financial markets should have no significant reaction to the goodwill write-off following the impairment test, since the latter's outcome represents an economic estimate without financial significance. The hypothesis was checked by the analysis of the companies added to the Standard & Poor's Europe 350 index over a three-year period, taking note of goodwill write-off announcements and relating them with the stock market prices and their volatility. The results demonstrate a correlation between the goodwill write-off and the behaviour of financial markets, while the same connection cannot be evinced for prices volatility. Also, what comes out from our analysis is that markets need a relatively long period, over one semester, before absorbing in full the effects resulting from the write-off announcement.  相似文献   

We examine the patterns of goodwill impairments in Europe and in the US over the period from 2006 to 2015, for a sample of more than 35,000 firm-year observations. We define the timeliness of goodwill impairments as the frequency of accounting impairments conditional to indications of economic impairments. We measure indications of economic impairment with three metrics: equity market value minus equity book value less than goodwill, market-to-book smaller than one and negative earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA). Our research strategy leads us to draw very different conclusions than those in the recent EFRAG (2016) study. While median levels of goodwill on the books between US and European firms are relatively similar, we find several indications that US firms recognise timelier impairments, at least during 2008 and 2009, that is, the early years of the financial crisis. We further document that US impairers write down a much greater percentage of their beginning balance of goodwill than European impairers. During the financial crisis, the median level of impairment by US firms was 63% of opening goodwill in 2008 and 40% in 2009, whereas median European write-downs were only 6% and 7% of opening goodwill, respectively. Even though European firms are more likely to impair over multiple years, the cumulative impairments never come close to the level of US firms, be it in a single year or cumulative over multiple years. We also find that the frequency of accounting impairment is small compared to the number of firms presenting evidence of economic impairment: only 20–25% of firms recognise impairments depending on the measure of economic impairment. This has often been interpreted by academics as a sign of untimely write-offs. Accounting differences between US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and International Financial Reporting Standards are unlikely to explain our results. One caveat of our analysis is that it does not allow us to draw conclusions on whether the observed differences between US and European firms are driven by differences in conditional conservatism and/or big bath accounting practices.  相似文献   

企业并购的绩效分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
谢亚涛 《会计研究》2003,(12):52-53
企业并购作为一种市场经济下的企业行为,有着深刻的经济动机和驱动力。中国企业并购的实践证明:企业并购解决了中国现实经济中的许多棘手问题,为企业的成长和改革开辟了一条有效途径,必将展示更为广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

We examine the value relevance and reliability of reported goodwill and identifiable intangible assets under Australian GAAP from 1994 to 2003; a period characterised by relatively restrictive accounting treatment for goodwill and relatively flexible accounting treatment for identifiable intangible assets. Our findings, using an adaptation of Feltham and Ohlson (1995), suggest that for the average Australian company the information presented with respect to both goodwill and identifiable intangible assets is value relevant but not reliable. In particular, goodwill tends to be reported conservatively while identifiable intangible assets are reported aggressively.  相似文献   

王勇 《新金融》2004,(10):38-40
由单一信贷业务到信贷组合业务是商业银行信贷业务的开拓与创新。本文主要围绕该论题深刻揭示商业银行信贷组合业务的运行机理,分析商业银行信贷组合业务的决定性因素,在此基础上研讨和推介商业银行信贷组合业务的有效策略。  相似文献   

We analyse the cyclical behaviour and intraday pattern of net buying pressure in the S&P 500 futures options market. The results suggest that the net buying pressure of puts is counter‐cyclical and is more intense during contraction periods. The trading profits for selling put options during contraction periods thus far exceed those during expansion periods. Net buying pressure also exhibits an intraday pattern. Trading profits in the early trading sessions are higher than those for the rest of the day. In addition, we show that hourly‐basis hedging yields smaller profits than daily‐basis hedging, which suggests that the trading profits based on daily‐basis hedging may contain a risk premium associated with discretely rebalanced ‘risk‐free’ option portfolios.  相似文献   

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