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农村信用社改革迈出关键一步   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
相对于农村费税改革,我国的农村金融体制改革一直没有实现本质的突破。当前,国务院关于深化农村信用社产权制度以及管理体制的改革方案出台和落实,在解决农村增收问题上迈出了关键一步。  相似文献   

2011年9月30日,国务院公布了修改后的《中华人民共和国资源税暂行条例》、《中华人民共和国对外合作开采海洋石油资源条例》和《中华人民共和国对外合作开采陆上石油资源条例》,自2011年11月1日起施行,原油、天然气资源  相似文献   

6月25日,中小企业板块在深圳证券交易所正式开盘,来自浙江、重庆、广东等地,被称作“新八股”的8家上市公司率先挂牌交易:这意味着我同在建立中小企业融资体系方面的工作已经启动,并为此目标边出了关键的一步。  相似文献   

金融体制改革迈出开拓性的一步张守仁党中央、国务院确定的金融改革方案,明确了改革的目标,提出了改革的一系列措施,金融体制改革迈出了开拓性的一步。一、强化中央银行的职能,加强宏观调控,为经济发展创造良好的金融环境。金融改革的重点是把中国人民银行办成真正的...  相似文献   

代表政策:中国人民银行公告 发布时间:2005年7月21日 发布部门:中国人民银行 入选理由:中国一旦融入世界经 济,其汇率波动及其汇率机制改 革就不能不引起关注。不管是因 为有外界压力逼迫,还是出于自 身经济发展的需要,中国的汇率 制度终于迈出了改革的步伐。对 投资领域来说,受汇率制度影响 最大的是外商直接投资和涌入中 国的所谓“热钱”。  相似文献   

由中央汇金投资有限责任公司、中国建银投资有限责任公司、国家电网公司、上海宝钢集团公司和中国长江电力股份有限公司等5家公司共同发起设立的中国建设银行股份有限公司9月15日在北京挂牌创立。中国建设银行自此由国有独资商业银行改制为国家控股的股份制商业银行。  相似文献   

终于迎来了21世纪的第一道曙光,这意味着我们将站在一个更新更高的起点上迈出更加崭新的一步。一直以来,SUN 公司在中国电子商务的发展和金融市场均予以高度重视及投入。1999年,SUN 提出了“.Com the world”的口号,以证明在提供最恰当的产品、技术、服务和整个结构方面,帮助企业在未来世纪提高竞争力水平和能力方面,SUN 又做了新的布署与安排。SUN 公司产品进入中国大陆市场已有十年了,在金融业方面,随着越来越多的专业银行和职能银行采用 SUN 的技术和设备并开展新的业务,如 In-ternet、网络安全防范及电子商务等,这无疑是对  相似文献   

赵磊 《证券导刊》2011,(22):63-63
6月15日公司发布公告,青岛海尔及其全资子公司海尔香港使用现金收购海尔集团及海尔电器第一控股所持10家公司股权.这10家公司主要涉及白电配套资产,预计2011年净利润为1.93亿元,增厚青岛海尔2011年EPS为0.147。  相似文献   

韩思怡 《证券导刊》2014,(40):73-74
跨界转型第一步超预期,在地产主业经营稳定的情况下,跨界转型业务对公司估值提升明显,市值成长空间在50%以上。公司目前股价相对RNAV折价38%,我们暂时维持盈利预测。但上调投资评级至“买入”。  相似文献   

Recently, the presumed benefits of corporate governance have become one of the most contentious issues especially for emerging markets in Asia where institutional settings are quite different from other parts of the world. Using an internationally accepted benchmark (OECD's Principles of Corporate Governance, OECD, 2004 ), this study evaluates the progress of corporate governance practice of Chinese listed companies. A corporate governance index (CGI) is constructed to measure the quality of corporate governance practices of the 100 largest listed firms in China during 2004‐2006. The results show that Chinese companies have been making progress in the corporate governance reform. The findings also show a positive relation between market valuation and overall corporate governance practices, as measured by the CGI, among these Chinese listed companies. Additional investigation reveals that the rights of shareholders are the main driver in the relationship.  相似文献   

随着<首次公开发行股票并在创业板上市管理暂行办法>在2009年3月31日公布并将于2009年5月1日施行,2009年4月17日监管部门就<中国证券监督管理委员会发行审核委员会办法>和<证券发行上市保荐业务管理办法>发布修改意见,并公开征求市场意见,至此酝酿了十年的创业板市场终于有了清晰的轮廓,似乎是指日期待了.各方传出的消息和市场的普遍预期是可能在2009年8月创业板市场将正式推出.  相似文献   

This article discusses the various inititatives that have been introduced to measure and improve local government performance in the UK over the past decade. It explains why the Local Government Improvement Programme (LGIP) is the most aligned to the modernization and performance improvement agendas. The author uses a new outcome-based measurement model to assess how the six local authorities which piloted the LGIP responded to the 'areas of concern' identified by review teams. The analysis suggests that there are a number of organizational determinants that underpin successful performance improvement and which could have wider currency for both the UK and European local government sectors.  相似文献   

At the start of 2010, the Central SASAC initiated a three‐year “Performance Assessment Policy” that has the potential to transform Chinese business practices. Since 2010, return on capital has been a major criterion in the performance evaluation and compensation of the senior managements of the 100 largest Chinese state‐owned enterprises. Although sales growth will still count for 60% of executive assessment, 40% will be determined by a simplified version of EVA, or Economic Value Added. The guiding principle behind the new policy is simple and straightforward: Executives of state‐owned enterprises are now being asked to manage capital more efficiently than they have in the past—and in much the same way that private enterprises are now expected to do. Observers might be inclined to downplay this change. The assessed cost for capital, at 5.5%, is well below the market's required rate of return. And SASAC may not allow the firms to close plants, make positions redundant, and lay off employees. Veteran managers may try to outlive the interest in EVA, expecting SASAC's new standards to be unenforced. But SASAC's leaders expect a few pioneering companies to take the framework farther than the guidelines demand. To the extent they succeed in creating value for their shareholders, these companies could help bring about important change at many other Chinese companies.  相似文献   

蒋健蓉 《银行家》2004,(1):81-81
发行制度与退市制度就如同一个水池的进水口和出水口。要提高上市公司整体质量,过滤进水口同疏通出水口一样重要。  相似文献   

艾亚 《国际融资》2014,(3):46-47
为什么这些年发了那么多的货币却没有出现通货膨胀7大量流通领域的货币跑哪去了?为什么社会资金很多.却没有多少钱流入股市7中小企业融资难,究竟难在了哪儿?对此,在中国财富50人论坛第二届年会上,中央财经大学金融学院教授、证券期货研究所所长贺强谈了他的看法  相似文献   

Make your company a talent factory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite the great sums of money companies dedicate to talent management systems, many still struggle to fill key positions - limiting their potential for growth in the process. Virtually all the human resource executives in the authors' 2005 survey of 40 companies around the world said that their pipeline of high-potential employees was insufficient to fill strategic management roles. The survey revealed two primary reasons for this. First, the formal procedures for identifying and developing next-generation leaders have fallen out of sync with what companies need to grow or expand into new markets. To save money, for example, some firms have eliminated positions that would expose high-potential employees to a broad range of problems, thus sacrificing future development opportunities that would far outweigh any initial savings from the job cuts. Second, HR executives often have trouble keeping top leaders' attention on talent issues, despite those leaders' vigorous assertions that obtaining and keeping the best people is a major priority. If passion for that objective doesn't start at the top and infuse the culture, say the authors, talent management can easily deteriorate into the management of bureaucratic routines. Yet there are companies that can face the future with confidence. These firms don't just manage talent, they build talent factories. The authors describe the experiences of two such corporations - consumer products icon Procter & Gamble and financial services giant HSBC Group -that figured out how to develop and retain key employees and fill positions quickly to meet evolving business needs. Though each company approached talent management from a different direction, they both maintained a twin focus on functionality (rigorous talent processes that support strategic and cultural objectives) and vitality (management's emotional commitment, which is reflected in daily actions).  相似文献   

At the first sign of union organizing, company management often decides to do "whatever is necessary to defeat the union," as one corporate vice president put it. Without advance thought or preparation, the company launches a policy of resistance and often winds up before the National Labor Relations Board charged with unfair labor practices. Sometimes the company even finds itself burdened with multimillion dollar lawsuits. Its hasty decisions to deal with the short run become strategic errors in the long run. But responding to a union campaign need not end up this way. Being prepared for each stage of the process of campaigning and negotiating, argues the author of this article, is the best way for both labor and management to avoid serious mistakes and to present employees with the information they need to cast an informed vote.  相似文献   

张杨 《银行家》2006,(12):83-84
2006年11月15日,中国人民银行再次上调存款类金融机构人民币存款准备金率0.5个百分点。人行说明,今年以来,人民银行综合运用多种货币政策工具,大力回收银行体系流动性,流动性过剩状况有所缓解。但是,当前国际收支顺差矛盾仍较突出,银行体系新的过剩流动性仍在产生。根据流动性的动态变化,人民银行再次提高  相似文献   

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