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婴幼儿期是个性的奠基时期,从这时起培养孩子快乐、爱心、正直、勇气、信仰这五种品德。将有益于孩子将来成为一个热爱生活、有所作为的人。  相似文献   

钢琴向来被人们誉为"乐器之王"。近年来,随着人们生活水平的普遍提高,它也开始走进寻常百姓人家。为了培养孩子多方面的发展,许多家长选择让孩子从小便学习钢琴,然而钢琴教学是一项十分专业的学问,特别是幼儿钢琴教学更有其特殊性。因为幼儿时期有其特殊的心理表现,所以幼儿钢琴教师必须熟悉儿童的心理学与教育学。只有这样,才能根据幼儿心理特点总结出自己独特的钢琴教学。因此,本文作者通过自身的经验,结合幼儿钢琴教学的基本规律,探讨钢琴教师在教学中需正确运用的方法,有效地培养幼儿钢琴的演奏能力。  相似文献   

幼儿期是创造培养的重要时期,孩子的绘画作品用自己独特的绘画语言表达自己的思想,表现出新的创造力。从教育教学的日常生活中点点滴滴做起,培养孩子们的创造能力。绘画创造力是随着幼儿生理成长和心理的成熟而发展的。幼儿绘画是乐意为幼儿接受,有利于启迪心智,激活思维,激发表现欲,是陪养幼儿创造力的最行之有效的手段。让孩子的绘画作品不受一切"真实"的限制,鼓励孩子的奇思妙想、好奇心和探求精神、兴趣倾向,善于发现每个孩子思维的闪光点,让孩子展开想象的翅膀,翱翔五彩缤纷的世界。  相似文献   

王倩 《活力》2014,(24):64-64
随着教育水平的不断提高,家长开始逐渐重视孩子的特长发展。大多数的家长都是在孩子处于幼儿时期就开始对孩子的学习问题进行筹划,给他们报许多特长班,为了让孩子专心学习,在生活中缺少让孩子自己动手的机会。因此,孩子无论是在学习还是在生活中总是有依赖感,缺乏自主学习的能力。这时家长开始担心日后孩子在竞争激烈的社会如何去面对。本文主要阐述的是幼儿在学琴时如何培养自主性学习的能力。在实际生活中家长重视幼儿的自理能力,在学校,老师培养幼儿独立思考的能力,充分开阔他们的思维。  相似文献   

中国的注册会计师执业正处于一个前所未有的大好发展时期,正确把握注册会计师执业的发展方向,培养和加强注册会计师的社会意识,确立注册会计师的审计责任,是注册会计师行业的健康发展和规范其自律性的根本要求。  相似文献   

在西方,很多国家注重培养孩子的理财和投资意识。培养他们独立自主的能力。而在我国,由于很多父母缺少理财观念和"财商"意识,所以很少对子女进行理财观念的教育。在高校里,除了个别专业外,也缺少对理财教育和"财商"培养的课程。现在的大学生普遍存在一些错误的理财意识和消费观念,他们没有正确的消费计划,攀比风气严重,生活奢侈浪费。在这些问题的背后,存在的一个主要原因就是大学生不会正确的理财。只有正确认识到投资理财的重要性,才能在社会主义的经济市场中树立良好的理财观念,获得投资理财的成功。  相似文献   

一、文学阅读对人的启蒙意义 从孩子小时候,家长就会买一些带图画的书给孩子看,到了小学时期,伴随他们的是许许多多的童话故事、琅琅上口的古诗,在这些作品里,孩子渐渐明白了什么是善,什么是恶, 怎么做才是正确的,和怎么做是错误的.这些文学作品对于他们而言是人生最初真善美的启蒙读物,影响他们一生.在孩子刚刚接触书本和阅读的初期,文学对他们的影响是重大而且深远的.  相似文献   

当前我国处在转型时期,社会结构的日益复杂化、多元化使得大学生难以树立正确的价值观,有关大学生迷失道德、淡化理想信念的案例逐渐增多。在这种日益严峻的局势下,培养当代大学生正确的社会主义核心价值观,任重而道远。  相似文献   

顾孟生 《活力》2005,(12):125-125
科学的家庭教育观是良好家庭教育的重要保证,它决定了家庭教育的正确方向和教育过程的质量。当前有一些家长受片面人才观的影响,在如何帮助孩子成长方面面临种种困惑:不知道怎样去爱孩子,怎样去教育孩子。有的家长只是把孩子当作自己的“私有财产”,而没有把孩子当成一个独立的人,与孩子平等相处,尊重孩子的人格;有的家长没有把孩子看成一个正在成长发育中的人,或者对孩子成长中的问题放任自流,或者是大惊小怪;有的家长对子女期望值盲目攀高,把追求孩子考试得高分摆在家庭教育的首位,而不懂得如何培养孩子求知、生存、合作、发展的能力;有的家长对素质教育认识偏颇。逼迫孩子非要学会几种乐器,通过几级几级考试。在这些错误的家教压力之下,孩子怎能生动活泼、主动地发展呢?提高家庭教育质量必须以更新家庭教育观念为先导,在教育子女问题上,家长一定要更新观念,树立正确的家庭教育观、人才观、亲子观、评价观等新观念。教育子女要讲求客观规律,要把青少年身心发展的特点和家庭教育的主要任务结合起来,教育他们成人、成才。  相似文献   

在社会经济快速发展的今天,体育运动不止局限于学校体育范围,而是逐步向休闲运动发展,很多家长为了提高孩子的健康,发展孩子的特长,从小孩子时期就进行经济投资来培养孩子的体育特长,更有条件好的学生在大学阶段还不断进行特长的再深造,这就为高校体育教学提供了良好的资源,为再培养和利用这些资源给予了良好的基础,作者认为要运用好这些资源应该了解和做到以下几点:非学校范围内经济是培养高素质资源的养分,没有充足的经济条件便不能结出美丽的花朵;带头羊的品德培养至关重要;带头羊的确立是资源运用的前提;带头羊工作能力的培养是资源运用的关键;每个学生都是一种资源,只有了解和做好这些方面,才能使教学效果达到最好,同时也有利于了学生的终身体育习惯的养成。  相似文献   

毕海霞 《价值工程》2014,(19):219-220
少年儿童是我国发展的希望,他们的成长和发展将会对未来国家和社会的进步产生直接的影响,因此,为了实现国家和社会的可持续发展,就需要做好县级图书馆的少儿工作,来促使少年儿童的科学文化水平得到提高,帮助少年儿童树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。  相似文献   

The ability to correct deficiencies in early childhood malnutrition, what is known as catch‐up growth, has widespread consequences for economic and social development. While clinical evidence of catch‐up has been observed, less clear is the ability to correct for chronic malnutrition found in impoverished environments in the absence of extensive and focused interventions. This paper investigates whether nutritional status at early age affects nutritional status a few years later among children, using panel data from China, South Africa and Nicaragua. The key research question is the extent to which state dependence in linear growth exists among young children, and what family and community level factors mediate state dependency. The answer to this question is crucial for public policy due to the long‐term economic consequences of poor childhood nutrition. Results show strong but not perfect persistence in nutritional status across all countries, indicating that catch‐up growth is possible though unobserved household behaviours tend to worsen the possibility of catch‐up growth. Public policy that can influence these behaviours, especially when children are under 24 months old, can significantly alter nutrition outcomes in South Africa and Nicaragua.  相似文献   

耿悦  张昕 《价值工程》2014,(34):282-283
目前,儿童自闭症等问题的频频出现,反映出了社会与家庭对于儿童心理教育的严重缺失。基于儿童教育市场的特征分析,利用问卷调查的方法,我们发现国内专注儿童心理问题的机构寥寥无几。为此我们创立了这家咨询服务有限责任公司,旨在填补儿童心理问题的市场空缺,帮助儿童从小树立正确的价值观。  相似文献   

We analyse the school participation decision of children between 13 and 18 years in Indonesia using the 1992 SUSENAS household survey. Our focus is on which household factors determine enrolment and delayed enrolment. We use the multinomial fixed effect model where the cluster-specific fixed effects correct for any regional-specific factors that may influence the demand for education. The model is estimated by conditional maximum likelihood. We find that parent's education has a positive effect on enrolment, where the effects are stronger for boys than for girls. On the other hand, literacy of parents has stronger effects on the girls education than on the boys'. The model without fixed effects is rejected against the model with fixed effects. Hence, omitting regional variation in the model would have led to biased estimates.  相似文献   

随着我国人口老龄化进程的加快,我国空巢老人家庭发展迅速。老年人口已成为我国不可忽视的重要问题之一,如果不及早采取正确的和有效的措施,就会给社会经济发展带来不利的影响。开发和利用老年人力资源实现老有所为,是综合治理人口老龄化的积极对策与战略措施。本文阐述了人口老龄化对我国老年人力资源开发的机遇及挑战,特别论述了老年再就业的可能性和重要性以及因此而产生的社会效应,并对我国的老年人力资源开发工作提出一些建议。  相似文献   

This paper concerns linear models for grouped data with group-specific effects. We construct a portmanteau test for the null of no within-group correlation beyond that induced by the group-specific effect. The approach allows for heteroskedasticity and is applicable to models with exogenous, predetermined, or endogenous regressors. The test can be implemented as soon as three observations per group are available and is applicable to unbalanced data. A test with such general applicability is not available elsewhere. We provide theoretical results on size and power under asymptotics where the number of groups grows but their size is held fixed. Extensive power comparisons with other tests available in the literature for special cases of our setup reveal that our test compares favorably. In a simulation study we find that, under heteroskedasticity, only our procedure yields a test that is both size correct and powerful. In a large data set on mothers with multiple births we find that infant birthweight is correlated across children even after controlling for mother fixed effects and a variety of prenatal care factors. This suggests that such a strategy may be inadequate to take care of all confounding factors that correlate with the mother's decision to engage in activities that are detrimental to the infant's health, such as smoking.  相似文献   

王欢 《企业活力》2012,(7):34-37
企业品牌的建构是以符号为理论基础的,正确理解符号消费有利于企业品牌的建构和品牌价值的凸显。企业品牌的建构要不断开发产品的符号价值、重视品牌的差异性和独特性、正确认识各种隐性竞争。  相似文献   


With the latest research in the fields of medicine and pharmaceutical sciences, an increasing number of drugs are being invented to cure many fatal diseases and this has enabled people to live healthier and longer. Consequently, the rate of medication usage is increasing, particularly among the elderly. It is important that the medication prescribed by doctors is taken at the correct times of the day and in the correct dosages. This seems to be a significant problem encountered by older people with disabilities. As a result of forgetfulness or other problems, many older patients either do not take the correct medicines or the correct dosage at the appropriate times and this reduces the benefits of treatments and increases both healthcare costs and the mortality rates. In order to find a solution to this problem, a mobile phone and Cloud-based smart application has been developed to improve patient adherence, particularly for older people with disabilities. The novelty of the developed application is the use of a Cloud service to provide two-way communication in the form of feedback between the older patients with disabilities and the doctors so that the medication adherence of the patients can be monitored. Mobile application developers should find the developed mobile phone based medication reminder application for older people with disabilities a useful example application, and it should help them in developing other mobile applications for older people with disabilities.


Abstract. The most widespread measure of individual welfare is consumer surplus ( cs ). If consumer surplus is to represent underlying preferences, very restrictive assumptions must be imposed and, worse, the resulting measures completely ignore distributional issues. Applied economists often argue that consumer surplus is a good approximation to the theoretically correct measures and the only feasible choice in practice. This is no longer true; recent advances in estimation techniques have made it possible to determine the approximate values of the correct measures quite satisfactorily. The theory and estimation of social welfare measures automatically involves ethical and distributional judgements. Often, these are difficult to incorporate in intuitive summary indicators that are easy to estimate. A range of money metric measures is presented that provide a more desirable, albeit still problematic alternative. Subject to severe data limitations, the theoretically correct welfare measures can be estimated for a wide range of modelling situations using parametric and nonparametric techniques.  相似文献   

孙秀良 《价值工程》2014,(14):309-310
本文通过卷烟/滤棒压降仪中使用吸阻棒的压降值进行检测,分析在检测过程中正确选用标准器的实践以及存在问题的探讨,从而有助于我们准确测量吸阻棒的压降值。  相似文献   

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