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The popular investment strategy in the literature is to use only past performance to select mutual funds. We investigate whether an investor can select superior funds by additionally using fund characteristics. After considering the fund fees, we find that combining information on past performance, turnover ratio, and ability produces a yearly excess net return of 8.0%, whereas an investment strategy that uses only past performance generates 7.1%. Adjusting for systematic risks, and then using fund characteristics, increases yearly alpha significantly from 0.8% to 1.7%. The strategy that also uses fund characteristics requires less turnover. 相似文献
Melissa B. Frye 《The Journal of Financial Research》2001,24(3):419-442
The ability of banks to offer proprietary mutual funds has expanded over recent years, and the mutual fund industry has been a significant growth area for banks. I examine the growth and performance of bank proprietary bond mutual funds. The empirical results show no evidence that bank‐managed mutual funds underperform nonbank funds. I find some evidence that bank managers are more conservative than nonbank managers in terms of investment strategy and that banks appear more likely to target individual rather than institutional investors. Also, I find that abnormal fund performance does not appear to be a significant determinant of the net asset flows into and out of bank‐managed mutual funds. Rather, the results suggest bank investors rely mainly on past marketing information and the general reputation of the bank. JEL classification: G11, G21 相似文献
W. Brian Barrett Andrea J. Heuson Robert W. Kolb 《The Journal of Financial Research》1986,9(4):303-312
This study analyzes the effect that two options created by the inclusion of a sinking fund clause in a bond indenture have on the bond issue's secondary market risk premium. The impact of market prices that exceed current sinking fund redemption prices, and of par versus premium redemption, is clearly apparent when a set of issue-specific and macroeconomic control variables are incorporated into a model of bond risk premia. Thus, secondary market prices for the large-volume utility bond transactions in the sample reflect knowledge of individual-issue, time-varying indenture characteristics. 相似文献
In this paper we add several new perspectives to the growing body of empirical evidence on the investment performance of international mutual funds by applying a pooled cross-sectional/time-series regression methodology to a large data base over an extended period. Risk-adjusted and unadjusted investment returns are not related to whether a fund is load or no-load, and asset size, expense ratios, and turnover rates are not related to investment performance. We find no reward for paying a load fee when investing in mutual funds. It is noteworthy that performance is not affected by fund size, given the explosive growth of international mutual funds. 相似文献

We compare the performance of a sample of U.K.‐based socially responsible investment (SRI) funds with similar conventional funds using a matched‐pair analysis based on size, age, investment universe, and fund management company (FMC). We find that both the SRI and conventional funds outperform the market index about 50% of the time, even after fees. Subsample tests show that the SRI funds in our sample perform better in the pre‐ and postfinancial crisis periods but underperform during the financial crisis period. Importantly, we find that the FMC plays a major role in the outperformance of both SRI and conventional funds. 相似文献
Similar to previous studies, we investigate the relation between past and future fund performance. However, we deviate from previous studies by investigating the relation between persistent fund performance and four systematic factors: size, goal, load, and management fee. Results indicate no consistent relation between fund size and persistent fund performance. The existence of a sales charge does not affect persistent fund performance. The goal of a fund does affect persistent fund performance, with high-risk maximum capital gain funds' demonstrating a strong positive persistence in abnormal returns. In addition, funds with low management fees demonstrate significantly positive persistent fund performance, while funds with high management fees demonstrate significantly negative persistent fund performance. Further research into the relation between persistent fund performance and maximum capital gain funds indicates persistent fund performance in both inferior- and superior-performing funds. However, persistence in funds with low management fees occurs only in funds with superior past performance. 相似文献
Chang-Soo Kim 《The Journal of Financial Research》1994,17(1):65-75
Discounts on closed-end mutual funds are a puzzle to financial economists, because arbitrage activities should eliminate discounts in a perfect capital market. In this paper I develop a model that explains discounts, using Merton's option pricing theorem. By holding shares of a closed-end mutual fund, investors lose valuable tax-trading opportunities associated with the constituent securities of the closed-end mutual fund's portfolio. However, investors can take advantage of all tax-trading opportunities by directly holding the closed-end mutual fund's portfolio. I also show that both variances of individual securities and correlations among securities in the portfolio are important factors in determining the magnitude of discounts. 相似文献
We examine portfolio credit quality holding and daily return patterns in a large sample of bond mutual funds and document evidence of window dressing. Using portfolio credit quality holdings data, we find that bond funds on average hold significantly more government bonds during disclosure than nondisclosure, presumably to present a safer portfolio to shareholders. Multiple‐index market models estimated with daily returns data corroborate these findings. We detect differences in factor loadings on days surrounding disclosure dates that indicate systematic tilting of the portfolio toward higher quality instruments. 相似文献