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This study examines whether and how perceived overqualification affects the relationships between perceived age discrimination from one's supervisor and two outcome variables: job withdrawal and somatic symptoms. Using a paired sample (of employees and a paired participant who knew them well, N = 235 pairs), results show that employees who feel overqualified, compared to those who do not feel overqualified, react more negatively to perceived age discrimination by engaging in greater withdrawal behaviors and experiencing higher somatic symptoms. Findings extend both relative deprivation theory and the age discrimination literature by indicating that perceived overqualification is not only a trigger for relative deprivation, but also a factor that seems to lower an employee's threshold for tolerating discriminatory treatment. We conclude with a discussion on practical implications that incorporate strategies for reducing perceptions of age discrimination and overqualification. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Given that most Australian states have gone further than most U.S. states in their age discrimination legislation, it is of interest to research the types and extent of age discrimination in the recruitment and selection process in a jurisdiction that prohibits all discrimination based on age (not just against those 40 years or over). Four studies examining different parts of the process and the perspectives of different players in the system were conducted. Each study and each methodology detected converging evidence of ongoing age discrimination, from the language used in job advertisements to messages delivered by recruitment consultants to self-reports of employers to the experiences of job applicants.  相似文献   

员工即兴行为是企业应对外部环境动态性、复杂性和模糊性的有效抓手。虽已有研究对包容型领导和员工即兴行为之间的关系进行了探究,但目前对二者之间的作用机制知之甚少。论文从社会交换理论视角出发,基于458份问卷数据,实证了包容型领导与员工即兴行为的关系,研究结果表明:包容型领导正向影响员工即兴行为,工作卷入在包容型领导和员工即兴行为之间起部分中介作用,员工主动性人格正向调节包容型领导和工作卷入之间的关系。  相似文献   

穆春晓  高纪 《价值工程》2012,31(31):138-140
人-组织匹配(P-O Fit)已成为当今国内外企业管理者和学者研究的热点领域,也是人力资源管理与组织行为学研究的热点问题。主要是因为二者的匹配度能很好地预测个人的工作态度和行为结果,从而影响组织绩效。本文以深圳一民营高科技企业为调查对象,分析研究了个人、组织价值观及其匹配与工作满意度、工作绩效的关系与影响。  相似文献   

Representatives from 50 New Jersey private-sector businesses that had accommodated one or more workers with disabilities were interviewed about their experiences. This purposive sample included large and small businesses from a variety of industries located in every section of the state. Respondents were asked about the nature of the individual’s disability, how the accommodation was determined, what accommodations were considered and implemented, the costs of the accommodations, their success, and the performance level of the accommodated individual. Most respondents reported positive experiences in hiring, accommodating, and evaluating the performance of workers with disabilities. Fifty-four percent of the respondents who made accommodations reported that the accommodations cost nothing; another 16% spent less than $500 on the accommodation. Because so little research exists on the subject of accommodating workers with disabilities, a research agenda is proposed.  相似文献   

The present study extends knowledge of the performance consequences of workgroup diversity climate. Building upon Kopelman, Brief, and Guzzo's ( 1990 ) climate model of productivity, we introduce workgroup discrimination as a behavioral mediator that explains the positive effects of diversity climate on workgroup performance. In addition, we investigate group size as a moderator upon which this mediated relationship depends. We test these moderated‐mediated propositions using a split‐sample design and data from 248 military workgroups comprising 8,707 respondents. Findings from structural equation modeling reveal that diversity climate is consistently positively related to workgroup performance and that this relationship is mediated by discrimination. Results yield a pattern of moderated mediation, in that the indirect relationship between workgroup diversity climate (through perceptions of workgroup discrimination) and group performance was more pronounced in larger than in smaller workgroups. These results illustrate that discrimination and group size represent key factors in determining how a diversity climate is associated with group performance and, thus, have significant implications for research and practice. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although speculation of the curvilinear relations between job insecurity and job‐related behaviors is theoretically appealing, the empirical evidence has been sparse. The purpose of this study was to contribute to the literature on job insecurity and work withdrawal behaviors by reexamining their curvilinear relation, and the effects of achievement orientation and propensity for risk aversion on this U‐shaped relationship. Using samples with both secure and insecure job situations, we hypothesized that job insecurity could have both positive and negative effects on work withdrawal simultaneously; however, one of these effects could dominate the other at different levels of job insecurity. That is, a U shape would best describe such a relationship, since a moderate level of job insecurity would result in the lowest level of work withdrawal. Furthermore, we hypothesized that achievement orientation and propensity for risk aversion moderates this relationship in such a way that the curvilinear relationship is weaker (flattened curve) when the individual's achievement orientation is high, and that the curvilinear relationship is stronger (steep curve) when the individual's propensity for risk aversion is high. Results show that these hypotheses were supported; implications and limitations of the study are discussed. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

“80后”新员工工作特征对其离职倾向的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任慈  赵亮  魏亭 《价值工程》2009,28(12):139-141
"80后"新员工频繁的离职行为,有多种因素造成,但跟"80后"新员工自身的工作特征是无法分开的。在总结"80后"新员工的工作特性的基础上,分别从其知识水平较高、有着独特的工作价值观和张扬的个性以及"80后"新员工的工作需求特征几个角度出发,分析其对离职倾向的影响。  相似文献   

Organizational culture allows workers in an organization to develop a shared understanding about events that occur within the organization. The US Army has developed its own culture, which allows it to pursue a variety of challenges that it must face. Today’s US Army relies heavily on citizen soldiers, consisting of the Army Reserve and the National Guard. These soldiers come from a different background than the active component soldiers, and as a result, interpret actions taken by the organization and its leaders differently, based on the subculture from which these soldiers come. The present paper examines the effects that culture and status have on perceptions of discrimination and fairness during a recent US military operation. An historical frame of reference of similar experiences in previous military operations is provided, and implications for organizations that employ both permanent and temporary workers are discussed.  相似文献   

文中首先阐述了职务分析的起源与发展,然后构建了职务信息管理与员工信息管理相结合模式,该模式旨在对职务进行详细的分析后,给出详细的职务管理与员工信息管理的框架并最终形成电子化的职务说明书和员工信息库,并根据本部门的具体目标制定员工的工作目标。运用该系统可以方便企业管理者管理职务信息与员工信息,同时有利于部门目标的顺利实现。  相似文献   

Reasonable accommodation of religious practices continues to be a problem in the workplace. Recent Supreme Court decisions have enabled employers to exclude employees from the decision-making process of what constitutes a reasonable accommodation of their religious beliefs through the de minimis standard. In this article it is argued that, in most cases, the reason employers have been allowed to discriminate against these employees is the contentious nature of minority religious beliefs with the mainstream religious culture. Because judges view discrimination based on religious beliefs as distinct from the other reasons for discriminatory practices, such as race, sex, or national origin, it appears unlikely that adherents to minority faiths will face any abatement of discrimination in the workplace.  相似文献   

Research shows that the traditional job interview is a poor indication of a candidate's potential. However, when employers structure the interview process, they are more effective at predicting success, forming consistent evaluations, and reducing discrimination. The current study tested whether the structured interview also serves to reduce biases involved in interviewing applicants who have a physical disability. In the non-structured interview, results showed that there was a leniency bias, where raters evaluated disabled candidates more positively than equally qualified non-disabled candidates. Structured interviews reduced this effect. These findings add to the support for the structured interview as a way of increasing fairness in employee selection.  相似文献   

There has been a long debate concerning whether unions are exclusive or inclusive with respect to immigrants and ethnic minorities. In the exclusive view of unions, unionization is expected to increase the likelihood of employers asking questions that discriminate against immigrants and ethnic minorities and decrease the likelihood of employers asking Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) questions related to immigrant or ethnic minority status. The contrary is expected for the inclusive view. Our analysis, using New Zealand data for job applications, provides some support for the inclusive view of unions, as the higher the unionization rate, the more likely EEO information is sought, but no relationship is found between unionization rate and discriminatory questioning. This suggests that unions are probably helpful in promoting diversity but not yet in combating discrimination against immigrants and ethnic minorities in hiring.  相似文献   

在现代高强度的工作环境下,企业竞争越来越依靠于人才的配置。为了吸引和留住人才,越来越多的企业更加关注公司员工的感受和需求,在提高员工满意度的同时提高员工的工作绩效,保障企业的高效低成本运作。员工满意度、组织承诺、工作绩效是企业能否长时间留住人才的主要指标,对于企业人力资源管理有着重要意义。从理论上来说,通过实证研究可以具体量化三者之间的关系;从实践上来说,对三者之间影响关系的清楚认识可以为企业人力资源部门提供制度和政策上的指导,从而降低企业的人力成本、提高企业运作的效率。研究的主要内容为通过问卷收集的方法,以各类企业员工为研究对象,探究员工满意度、组织承诺和工作绩效之间的相关关系,建立员工满意度、组织承诺和工作绩效三者之间的量化研究模型。根据研究结果,给企业人力资源管理部门提出具有建设性的建议,以在减少成本的同时促进企业的高效运作,使企业更具凝聚力。  相似文献   

Meaningful work has become an increasingly important job outcome for individuals in recent years. Studies indicate that many employees lack experienced meaningfulness in their work and that organizations have not done a good job at creating meaningful and emotionally satisfying work experiences for employees. A person–job fit approach to meaningful work and employee retention is described that consists of matching individual self-concept with job tasks and behaviors. It is proposed that this self-concept–job fit will be strongly related to meaningful work. It is also proposed that meaningful work is related to important outcome variables valued by organizations, such as increased worker performance and employee retention. Path analysis supports the proposed relationships. Implications for human resource management activities and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

蒙宗宏 《价值工程》2011,30(15):195-196
通过EPQ与MBI的测量收集数据,了解中学教师职业倦怠的基本状况,分析职业倦怠与人格特征是否存在相关关系,并结合结果相关分析对可能的影响因素做一定程度的解释。  相似文献   

The effects of specific policies and practices regarding employee job security rights on the evaluation of employers was investigated in two contexts. First, an experimental design was used to investigate the effect of explicit at-will and explicit good-cause policies on future job seekers' evaluation for a company's attractiveness and their willingness to sign up for an interview. The results support the argument that the kind of rights employers offer, or expressly deny, can significantly effect recruitment outcomes. Second, the potential role of formal employment at-will agreements as a source of inferences about the employer was investigated using open-ended questions that were responded to by currently employed managers and future job seekers. The results indicate that the use of formal at-will agreements may lead to a variety of negative inferences, giving employers reason to be concerned about the effect of such practices on employee relations.  相似文献   

注册会计师职业倦怠是审计研究的一个新领域.我国审计学术界至今尚没有开展对注册会计师职业倦怠的系统研究.在借鉴国外研究文献的基础上,探讨我国注册会计师职业倦怠的诱因后发现,工作家庭冲突、角色冲突和学习负担对注册会计师职业倦怠有显著影响,但工作过载对注册会计师职业倦怠的影响则不显著.另外,注册会计师年龄与会计师事务所规模对弱化注册会计师职业倦怠有较强的积极效果.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of organizational interventions on work engagement and performance. Based on the job demands–resources model, we hypothesized that a personal resources intervention and a job crafting intervention would have a positive impact on work engagement and performance. We used a quasi‐experimental design with a control group. Primary school teachers participated in the study at two time points with six weeks between the measurements ( N = 102). The results showed that the personal resources intervention had a positive causal effect on work engagement. Additionally, the joint personal resources and job crafting intervention had a positive impact on self‐ratings of job performance. We discuss the implications of these findings for theory and practice. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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