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We used a two-country optimizing "new-open-economy macroeconomics" model to analyze the implications of financial market integration for the fiscal multiplier. The fiscal multiplier measures the accumulated effect of fiscal policy on output. Our model features a labor-market friction in the form of labor-market search. The conventional wisdom derived from the basic textbook version of the classic Mundell–Fleming model has been that financial market integration diminishes the fiscal multiplier. We show that labor-market search implies that financial market integration should increase rather than decrease the fiscal multiplier.  相似文献   

Existing studies on the fiscal multiplier under imperfect competition assume a symmetric market structure with identical firms. This paper examines the fiscal policy implications of introducing a multisectoral economy, where a composite commodity is offered in many varieties within a market of monopolistic competition and a homogeneous good is produced in a perfectly competitive environment. Within the context of this mixed industrial structure we show that the size of the short-run multiplier crucially depends on the composition of public expenditure chosen by the government.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effectiveness of fiscal policy in a general equilibrium macromodel with transactions money and an oligopolistic product market. The results suggest that although money may be neutral and play no direct role as a policy instrument, its indirect impact on the effectiveness of fiscal policy can be quite substantial. In particular, when money balances feature as a choice variable in the households' objective function, (i) fiscal policy becomes ineffective as the weight attached to money is reduced; (ii) the fiscal multiplier becomes negative when the elasticity of substitution between money and leisure exceeds unity; and (iii) it is possible that policy effects are in fact enhanced as the product market becomes more competitive.  相似文献   

This paper considers the effects of fiscal policy in a two-sector small open economy, with unionized labour markets, and heterogeneous types of imperfect competition in the product markets. By making the marginal propensity to import endogenous, the paper shows that there is no robust or general relationship between the balanced-budget multiplier and the degree of imperfect competition. The fiscal multiplier with distortionary taxes can be positive or negative, depending on the size of the importables sector and the foreign firm's market share. The normative rule for fiscal policy depends on the size of the fiscal multiplier. An increase in economic activity is insufficient by itself to induce the government to over-supply public goods relative to the Walrasian case.  相似文献   

We compare the multipliers of expected and unexpected fiscal shocks. In doing so, we consider that the future path of fiscal policy is anticipated to some degree, and incorporate this characteristic into a news approach. We build a standard small open economy New-Keynesian DSGE model with a fully specified fiscal policy structure, and examine the Korean economy as an example of a small open emerging economy. We find that the present-value multiplier of the government consumption news shock in Korea is smaller than that of a corresponding surprise shock of the same magnitude, apart from the initial couple of years in the case of the output multiplier, and is consistently smaller in the cases of the consumption and investment multipliers. The present-value output multiplier of the government consumption news shock starts from about 0.72 and declines continuously to reach 0.16 after 40 years.  相似文献   

After the Great Recession, the Keynesian expansionary policy has been regarded as an effective measure, especially under imperfect financial market conditions. Among literature related to fiscal policy in financial crises, Fernández-Villaverde (2010) suggests that the fiscal policy multiplier increases in a financial crisis through the Fisher effect. However, we should note that the author simply compared the multiplier computed in the standard new Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) with that in the DSGE with financial accelerator settings. As the financial accelerator is considered effective during both financial crises and normal financial conditions, the author’s comparison should be considered insignificant for showing a greater multiplier in the financial crisis. In this study, to make the exact comparison, we first estimate parameters regarding the Fisher effect under each regime separately and then compute and compare the estimated fiscal multipliers using these 2 estimates in the same DSGE model. Using Japanese financial data that provide enough observations under the good and bad regimes of financial conditions, we find that fiscal multipliers are smaller in the bad regime than in the good regime.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the effect of China's fiscal stimulus package on output and employment. The input–output analysis shows that the package has a multiplier of approximately 0.84 in the short run, generating 18–20 million new jobs in non‐farming sectors in the first year. A dynamic structural model shows that the multiplier is around 1.1 in the medium run as fiscal spending leads to higher household consumption and corporate investment over time. The size of the fiscal multiplier also depends on the cyclical conditions of the economy, the policy environment and the distribution of funds across sectors.  相似文献   

经济增长、经济政策与公司业绩关系的实证研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文以1995年至2004年上市公司为样本,考察了经济增长、经济政策与公司业绩之间的关系。通过构筑IS-LM模型,本文测算了我国的各项财政政策与货币政策乘数,以量化我国宏观经济政策的变化,并在此基础上,研究了经济增长、经济政策对公司会计业绩和股票报酬的影响,发现经济政策显著影响公司会计业绩与股票报酬,但不同的经济政策对会计业绩和股票报酬的影响不尽相同;另外,我们还发现,在控制了经济政策因素后,经济增长并没有和公司业绩相背离。本文的发现为诠释我国股市是否是宏观经济的"晴雨表"提供了一个新的研究视角。  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple macroeconomic model that includes all of the main channels of transmission for fiscal policy and that can generate either Keynesian or monetarist results for the impact of fiscal policy depending on the values assumed for particular parameters. The structure of this model, called KEMO for KEynesian-MOnetarist, was kept very simple and schematic. The objective of this paper is to examine through simulations of the model the degree of sensitivity of the fiscal multiplier to certain hypotheses concerning the way the economy functions and the value of certain parameters, as well as the dynamic process of adjustment of the economy to a fiscal shock.  相似文献   

林峰  赵焱 《财经研究》2018,(2):58-74
文章在构建一个局部均衡模型的基础上,采用150个国家(地区)2000?2014年的面板数据,实证考察了政府债务对财政支出乘数效应的影响,得到了与理论预期一致的经验证据.结果表明:(1)政府债务会显著影响财政支出的乘数效应.随着政府债务水平的提高,财政支出的乘数效应趋于减弱.尤其是在克服内生性问题之后,这一结论仍然成立;(2)政府债务作用存在显著的非线性特征.当政府债务占GDP的比重突破88%的阈值后,财政支出的乘数效应会在低债务国家和高债务国家之间发生非常迅速的逆向转换;(3)对中国这样的低债务国家,顺周期的财政政策运用是非常有效的.而对美国、希腊等已经处于高债务水平的国家,采取逆周期的财政政策才能避免潜在的经济波动风险.  相似文献   

寻求更有效的财政政策——中国宏观经济分析   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
宏观财政政策是一种公共物品 ,其有效性的标准是 ,在实现政府利益的同时 ,能够增进社会的福利。面临通货紧缩 ,政府将继续实施以财政政策为主导的扩张性宏观政策 ,在财政支出空间有限的情况下 ,就要选择能够作大投资乘数 ,提高市场效率的措施 ;同时要考虑调整税制结构 ,改变对投资征高税的税制 ,逐步变生产型增值税为收入型增值税和消费型增值税 ,并通过把内资企业税负降至外资企业的水平 ,一方面提高企业的利润预期 ,另一方面 ,消除税负不公 ,提高社会经济效率和减少资本外流 ;在运用国债政策时 ,既要重视国债的发行和使用 ,更要重视国债的交易和流通 ,推进我国金融市场的发育和功能的发挥以及促进公用事业的企业化 ,转换资源配置方式 ,从政府配置转向市场配置 ,从集中配置转向分散配置。总之 ,在体制转轨时期 ,推行一种与市场化改革相结合的财政政策 ,把短期的政策操作和长期的制度调整结合起来 ,实现政策和体制联动。  相似文献   

Recent empirical findings attribute a central role to the degree of economic openness to determine the size of the fiscal multiplier. See, for instance, Ilzetzki et al. (2013) [How big (small?) are fiscal multipliers? Journal of Monetary Economics, 60(2), 239–254]. However, traditional macroeconomic models have difficulties to account for this evidence. By introducing ‘deep-habit’ formation into a New Keynesian small open economy model, this paper provides a theoretical framework which is able to attest for the new empirical evidence. Deep habits give rise to counter-cyclical firm markups, which are crucial to generate effects of openness on the fiscal multiplier as found in the data. We study three dimensions of economic openness: exchange rate flexibility, trade openness, and capital mobility. In line with the empirical findings, we report a negative relationship between measures of economic openness and the fiscal multiplier.  相似文献   

We analyze the influence of the fiscal position on the transmission of government spending shocks in a New Keynesian model. We find that once we allow for positive levels of government debt in the steady state, the size of the fiscal multiplier depends strongly on the horizon at which the multiplier is evaluated. While the long-run effect of a fiscal policy innovation is typically of a similar order of magnitude as in Galí et al. (2007), short-run multipliers differ substantially. The reason for this non-monotonic behavior is the interaction between the dynamics of the inflation rate and the debt level in real terms for sufficiently high levels of government debt in the steady state.  相似文献   

Using annual data for the United States, the paper investigates the evidence of variation in the fiscal multiplier with the method of financing government spending. The fiscal multiplier varies in the face of positive and negative shocks and across methods of financing. In general, fiscal expansion appears insignificant on aggregate demand and economic activity. In contrast, the evidence presents a number of significant negative multipliers in the face of fiscal contraction. The combined evidence challenges the effectiveness of fiscal policy and supports arguments to restrain fiscal expansion in an effort to stimulate the economy.  相似文献   

Most of the discussion about fiscal stimulus focuses on the multiplier of government spending on impact. In this paper we shift the focus to the multiplier at the end, i.e., to the period in which a deficit spending program terminates. We show that recent time‐series analyses and neoclassical as well new Keynesian business cycle models predict that the multiplier turns negative before spending expires. This means that aggregate output at the time of expiry of fiscal stimulus is lower than it could be without deficit spending. Here, we show why this phenomenon is a general outcome of mainstream business cycle theory and explain the underlying mechanism. Using phase diagram analysis, we prove that the aggregate capital stock at the time of expiry of fiscal stimulus is lower than it would be without a deficit spending program. This fact explains why aggregate output is below its laissez faire level as well.  相似文献   

This paper combines a fiscal structural vector-autoregression (SVAR) with a monetary SVAR for the Polish transition economy. Data are constructed from scratch in order to account for features of the transition economy and for delays in implementing legislated government spending and tax changes (fiscal foresight). For monetary policy, we find no price puzzles in the combined SVAR. Also, fiscal foresight variables have no statistically significant effects. We calculate an initial government spending multiplier of 0.70, which later peaks at 1.61 for the cumulative multiplier. This multiplier is much larger than multipliers estimated in previous studies not combining fiscal and monetary policy, where they were found to be close to zero. On the other hand, the tax multiplier is generally near zero in our study. We demonstrate the importance of combining fiscal and monetary transmission mechanisms when assessing the effects of government macroeconomic policies.  相似文献   

The Great Recession sparked wide interest in the economic effects of fiscal policy. That interest is reflected in an ongoing debate over the size of the fiscal multiplier. This survey article addresses three questions: What models do economists use to estimate that multiplier? Why do estimates of it vary widely? How can economists use those estimates to judiciously analyze U.S. economic policy? (JEL E62, H30, H50)  相似文献   

This article analyzes the concept of the Keynesian multiplier from a new perspective. Several recent studies have shown that the fiscal multiplier is endogenous to the level of economic activity, increasing during recessions and decreasing during the boom. Here, we provide some evidence, explaining this variability over the business cycle, based on the overreaction of aggregate imports. Then, we apply the concept of endogenous propensity to import, varying with capacity utilization, to a neo-Kaleckian model of growth and distribution. We perform some simple simulations showing that the Keynesian multiplier increases during a recession, which logically does not advocate a reduction in public spending when the economy is in crisis.  相似文献   

基于凯恩斯主义国民收入决定理论 ,通过对H省经济运行数据的实证模拟 ,分析H省积极财政政策的执行情况 ,并结合H省省情和我国国情 ,我们得到了九个基本命题 :命题 1∶H省经济处于投资陷阱之中 ,因而货币政策无效 ,财政政策充分有效。命题 2∶H省的财政政策乘数为 5 596,投资需求拉动乘数为 2 3 945,消费需求拉动乘数为2 2 0 1 5,财政支出回馈乘数为 0 2 2 66。命题 3∶H省国债转贷与补助资金拉动的经济增长率为 :1 988年 0 6个百分点 ,1 999年 0 9个百分点 ,2 0 0 0年 0 6个百分点 ,2 0 0 1年 0 5个百分点。命题 4:乘数愈大 ,积极财政政策的效果愈大 ,但积极财政政策退出造成的负作用也愈大 ,总需求和经济增长对积极财政政策的依赖程度也愈强。命题 5,民营化程度愈低 ,投资的利率弹性愈低 ,货币政策愈无效 ,反之亦然。命题 6,民营化程度愈低 ,财政依赖程度愈强 ,反之亦然。命题 7:我国的积极财政政策必然会退出 ;退出的最佳方式是淡出 ;维持现有国债规模是淡出的最可能的形式 ,是一个聚点均衡。命题 8:H省的民营化程度低于全国的平均水平 ,财政依赖程度高于全国的平均水平 ,自主性增长动力尤显不足。命题 9:如果没有激励民间投资的有效措施出台 ,积极财政政策淡出将使H省经济增长速度下滑。  相似文献   

Following the 2008 financial crisis, Taiwan implemented various fiscal policies so that they could offset the shocks from the financial crisis. In the present study, we investigate whether these two fiscal policies alleviated the shock generated by the 2008 financial crisis on Taiwan's economy and unemployment. The findings provide that the economic and employment effects generated by the public work investment project were the most substantial in the public sector. By contrast, the economic and employment effects generated by the consumption vouchers policy were the largest in the service sector. These outcomes are closely related to Taiwan's industry structure. The fiscal multiplier of the public investment project and consumer vouchers distribution was 1.94 and 1.47. The evidence in the present study also seems to suggest that the two fiscal policies examined could not induce an effective long-term transformation of Taiwan's economic system.  相似文献   

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