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Master limited partnerships (MLPs) were popular in the 1980s because of the favorable tax treatment of their cash distributions. But since the Revenue Act of 1987, which imited the lines of business and income sources for which this tax treatment was available, virtually all remaining public MLPs have been in natural resource businesses.
Institutional investors have traditionally avoided investing in master limited partnerships because any cash distributions must be treated as unrelated business income, creating an immediate tax liability. But in an innovative underwriting in May 001, Goldman Sachs offered shares in a limited liability company that would pay stock dividends equivalent to the cash distributions on its proportional ownership interest in Kinder Morgan Energy Partners, a pipeline operator. In effect, this structure allows tax-exempt investors (institutions) to own an interest in Kinder Morgan Energy Partners without triggering unrelated business taxable income.
An interesting aspect of this recent development is that while the MLP was originally viewed as a vehicle for slow-growth firms to distribute cash and wind down operations, the "institutional" MLP could be used to facilitate growth by attracting needed investment to businesses currently housed in MLP form—typically energy transportation and storage infrastructure businesses (so-called "mid-stream" energy assets). The new structure raises some potential corporate governance challenges in that it is highly complex and offers investors only limited control rights. But the authors' conclusion is that the institutional MLP is likely to be a successful financing innovation whose tax-favored status and extensive public disclosure will outweigh any governance concerns.  相似文献   

Despite significant capital-market reforms in the mid-1980s, the Israeli government and banks continue to play an unusually dominant role in Israeli financial markets. Israeli banks operate as merchant banks and, through pyramid structures of ownership, control large segments of manufacturing, construction, insurance, and services. In addition, the banks dominate all facets of the capital market, including underwriting, brokerage, investment advice, and the management of mutual and provident funds.
Because of this dominance by the banks, several important mechanisms of corporate governance are missing. There is no effective market for corporate control; institutional investors have little incentive to monitor corporate managers; and those managers in turn have little incentive to improve firm performance and increase shareholder value.
To be sure, there has been an impressive wave of IPOs on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) in the 1990s. But those firms' stocks have substantially underperformed the market since going public, and many higher-quality Israeli firms have chosen in recent years to list their securities on the NASDAQ and not at home. The main reason the most promising Israeli firms go public in the U.S. is because that is where U.S. and other foreign investors want to buy them; such investors want the assurances that come with the U.S. corporate governance system.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of corporate governance structure on the relation between ownership structure and financial leverage among Japanese firms. Under normal conditions, we find no significant relation between ownership variables and financial leverage. When firms signal financial difficulties, however, keiretsu financial institution equity owners intervene to moderate the use of debt. This evidence reveals the existence of a keiretsu two-tier corporate governance system. In the first stage, the unique corporate cross-shareholding allows mutual monitoring under normal circumstances. In the second stage, when firms get into financial trouble, keiretsu financial institutions assume control by reducing debt levels. The results highlight differences between keiretsu and independent corporate governance structures.  相似文献   

During the last decade an implicit conceptual framework for internal control and corporate risk management has arisen from risk management practice and policy within UK companies. An explicit conceptual framework for risk management is now emerging and is expressed in the Turnbull Report. In this paper, we develop a diagrammatic representation for the conceptual framework for internal control, risk management and risk disclosure. We consider the recent practical and policy developments in the disclosure of risk-related information in order to establish the current state of the art of corporate risk disclosure. Thus, we focus only on the disclosure aspect of the conceptual framework for internal control. We use a questionnaire survey to canvas the attitudes of UK institutional investors towards risk disclosure in relation to their portfolio investment decisions. Our empirical findings indicate that institutional investors do not generally favour a regulated environment for corporate risk disclosure or a general statement of business risk. The respondents agree that increased risk disclosure would help them in their portfolio investment decisions. However, for other aspects of the risk disclosure issue they are more neutral in attitude. Further, we found that the variation in the attitudes of institutional investors appears to be associated with the characteristics of the funds they manage as well as with their investment horizons. Further, we find that institutional investors’ perceptions of corporate governance are related to their investment horizons, among other factors.  相似文献   

The IASC’s Framework (1989) allows a choice of accounting models when measuring financial performance. However, subsequent reports by the G4+1 focus exclusively on the version of the Assets−Liabilities=Equity model pioneered by the[16], [17]. Sub-components of income, such as operating income, are acknowledged as important but these are treated as matters for display and are not conceptually defined. The issue of model choice has assumed increased importance following the decision of the EU to require the group accounts of listed companies to comply with International Accounting Standards by 2005. In this paper the emerging literature that links styles of corporate governance to financial and legal systems and then to economic performance is extended to consider the role of accounting model choice. The issue of accounting for non-reciprocal transfers, in particular, government grants, is used to illustrate the reduction in the relevance, reliability and comparability of financial statements that result from the failure to provide a conceptual definition of performance at the level of operating profit. Compliance with UK disclosure requirements for government grants following the 1981 Companies Act is investigated and differences in the corporate governance, financial, legal and accounting systems of Germany, a code law country, and the UK, a common law country, are reviewed. To serve the interests of investors in all jurisdictions and the information requirements of different styles of corporate governance it is recommended that different accounting models be applied to measure operating income and shareholder income in a single income statement.  相似文献   

In this note we test the hypothesis that trading by tax-motivated individual investors is responsible for the January effect. We examine the ownership structure of a large sample of firms over a four-year period and find that the small firms that usually exhibit high January returns have low institutional ownership. After controlling for firm size, we still find that institutional ownership is significantly related to January abnormal returns. These results suggest that one reason the January effect may concentrate in small firms is because these firms are held by tax-motivated individual investors.  相似文献   

A trader-identified transactions database is employed to investigate: (1) the relation between order-flow imbalance and closed-end fund share prices and discounts; and (2) the role of institutional investors in closed-end funds. Empirical results are consistent with the hypothesis that buyers (sellers) of closed-end funds face upward-downward-) sloping supply (demand) curves. The results also demonstrate that ownership statistics do not accurately reflect institutional investors' importance in the closed-end fund market. The results fail to provide evidence that institutional investors offset the positions of individual investors or that institutional investors face systematic “noise trader risk.”  相似文献   

高西庆 《新金融》2006,(7):10-10
我国以建立现代企业制度为目标,逐步引入了一系列公司机制,取得了相当的成绩,但同时有一些机制尚未有效运转,从而影响了公司治理机制的效果。从制度的引入、制定到真正发挥作用,需要一定的时间,我们不能忽视现存的两个问题,那就是“激励不足”和“激励不到”。因为“激励不足”  相似文献   

Contrary to assertions that there are fundamental differences in the efficiency of "market-based" and "relationship-oriented" corporate governance systems, this article presents evidence that the German, Japanese, and American systems appear about equally effective in disciplining poor managerial performance. For example, both the job security and total compensation of German and Japanese managers appear to be tied to stock performance and current cash flows- measures that some would refer to as "short-term"-to roughly the same extent as those of U.S. managers. Furthermore, the punishments and rewards for German and Japanese managers are not more sensitive to sales growth-a measure some would refer to as "long-term"-than those of their U.S. counterparts.
But, if there is no clear difference between the three governance systems in responding to poor stock and earnings performance, there is one important difference: the U.S. system is more effective than the German and Japanese systems in discouraging successful companies from overinvest-ing. One reason for this is the fact that U.S. managers hold much larger equity positions than managers in Japan and Germany. Another important factor, however, is the difficulty faced by Japanese companies in returning capital to their shareholders. Dividends are minimal; and, until 1995, it was illegal for a Japanese company to repurchase its stock.  相似文献   

The development of codes of corporate governance in the UK can be criticized on two grounds: first, that the process has been, to a large extent, ad hoc; and second, that the codes of corporate governance lack an enforcement mechanism. To remedy these problems this paper considers the desirability of establishing a permanent framework for the regulation of corporate governance of UK listed companies, and whether such a framework might be linked to the regulation of accounting and audit. Three possible models for the regulation of UK listed company audit (an Auditing Council, a Commission for Audit, and a UK SEC), which might also include the regulation of corporate governance, are developed. The results of a study, using postal questionnaires and interviews designed to elicit the views of primary and secondary stakeholders and influential onlookers, as to the desirability of including corporate governance within the proposed models for the regulation of listed company audit, are reported. The findings suggest only limited support for corporate governance regulation to be assumed by an audit regulatory body. However, of those supporting reform, oversight by an independent body with statutory powers, such as a UK SEC, received greatest support.  相似文献   

Using data that reflect the significant growth in incentive compensation during the last decade, we extend research in this area by specifying a more complete model that addresses both corporate governance and risk‐sharing factors that theory suggests should influence compensation policy. We find that the extent of incentive compensation is systematically related to other features of corporate governance, as well as to factors affecting managerial risk aversion. The results support the following conclusions: (a) the presence of outside directors and blockholders facilitates the use of incentive compensation, (b) incentive compensation is inversely related to use of leverage, and (c) the incentive pay component of compensation is lower for CEOs near or at retirement age and is decreasing in the percentage of firm stock already owned by the CEO. JEL classification: G34  相似文献   

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