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This paper investigates the dynamic properties of uncovered interest parity (UIP) depending on deviations from covered interest parity (CIP) in a nonlinear panel framework. By employing a panel smooth transition regression model, the threshold level of the CIP deviation in which UIP tends to hold is found to be outside the band of inaction where deviations from CIP would fail to be arbitraged away. This paper shows how reversals of UIP observed during the global financial crisis can be, to some extent, accounted for by funding liquidity constraints. Simulation experiments also suggest that the data-generating process from the nonlinear panel model can produce data consistent with the failure of UIP.  相似文献   

Most studies of the efficiency of the foreign exchange market focus on a single maturity — usually a one month forward exchange rate. However, one observes that forward contracts of many maturities are simultaneously traded in the foreign exchange market. The hypothesis that the foreign exchange market uses all available information has implications for the joint behavior of forward exchange rates of various maturities. This paper proposes an equilibrium theory of the term structure of the forward premium. The model is tested using data on the German and Canadian exchange rates; the results indicate that the data are consistent with the theory for Germany and inconsistent with the theory for Canada.  相似文献   

Existing literature reports a puzzle about the forward rate premium over the spot foreign exchange rate. The premium is often negatively correlated with subsequent changes in the spot rate. This defies economic intuition and possibly violates market efficiency. Rational explanations include non-stationary risk premia and econometric mis-specifications, but some embrace the puzzle as a guide to profitable trading.
We suggest there is really no puzzle. A simple model fits the data: forward exchange rates are unbiased predictors of subsequent spot rates. The puzzle arises because the forward rate, the spot rate, and the forward premium follow nearly non-stationary time series processes. We document these properties with an extended sample and show why they give the delusion of a puzzle.  相似文献   

Using pooled data, we study the forward discount bias (FDB) of 24 British pound and 24 euro exchange rates. The results show a FDB during “non-crisis” periods, which is more pronounced for advanced than emerging economies. This finding is especially striking during the period of the European sovereign debt crisis (2010 to 2013), for which we find a FDB for the currencies of advanced economies versus the pound, but not versus the euro. The differences between the results for advanced and emerging country currencies are mainly related to whether the period under investigation is classified as a crisis period or not. Our findings support the literature that relates carry trade activities to the FDB; as such activities are assumed to decrease during times of uncertainty. Further, our study shows evidence for asymmetric behavior with respect to the forward premium, as well as, to the overvaluation and undervaluation of the currency. We find negative slope coefficients for advanced country currencies during crisis periods when the pound and the euro are overvalued and sell at a premium. This suggests that even during crisis periods carry trade activities are present, which may be related to investors' assumptions of higher returns when an overvalued pound or euro is expected to move back to equilibrium.  相似文献   

Understanding the nature of the forward premium is particularly crucial, but rather elusive, for a non-storable commodity such as wholesale electricity. Whilst forward prices emerge as the expectation of spot plus, or minus, an ex ante premium for risk, the manifestation and empirical analysis must focus upon realised ex post premiums. This presents modelling requirements to control for shocks to the spot expectation as well as the endogeneity of ex post premia with spot price outcomes. In addition, because electricity is a derived commodity in the sense that market prices are often set by technologies that convert gas or coal into power, it is an open question whether much of the premia in power may actually be a pass-through of the premia in gas (or coal). Using a four dimensional VAR model we are able to distinguish fundamental and behavioural aspects of price formation in both the daily and monthly forward premia from the British market. We present new evidence on daily and seasonal sign reversals, associated with demand cycles, the greater importance of behavioural adaptations in the risk premia than fundamental or spot market risk measures, and the substantial fuel risk pass-through. We also show the value of a nonlinear specification in this context.  相似文献   

A sentiment-based model of the exchange rate is proposed to understand the forward premium puzzle. Agents over- or under-estimate the growth rate of the economy. All else equal, when perceived domestic growth is higher than perceived foreign growth, the domestic interest rate is higher than the foreign interest rate. At the same time, an econometrician would expect an increase in the home currency value. Together, the model with investor misperception can account for the forward premium puzzle. In addition, misperception helps lower the correlation between consumption growth differentials and exchange rate growth. Finally, this paper provides empirical evidence supporting the mechanism in the sentiment-based explanation.  相似文献   

This paper reproduces the slope of the uncovered interest rate parity (UIP) regression for ten country pairs within one standard deviation under rational expectations. We propose an infinite horizon dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with incomplete markets. Heterogeneous investors experience varying risk aversion as a result of habit formation.The underlying mechanism of the model relies on varying international diversification in the investors' portfolio choice decision. In response to their changing habit levels, investors' hedging desire varies over time. This leads to adjustments in interest rates. The habit-induced investment decisions are negatively correlated with movements in the exchange rate. This results in a negative correlation between interest rates and expected exchange rates, as implied by a negative UIP slope.Depending on the magnitude of habits, the model is capable of reproducing positive as well as negative UIP slopes, as seen empirically in the data.  相似文献   

Repurchase agreements for general-collateral government debt measure the short-term cost of riskless borrowing, thus avoiding issues relating to specialness of Treasury offerings or irregular term-to-maturity in the Treasury bill market. The spread between reverse and repo rates has previously been ignored by researchers who find that the pure expectation hypothesis either holds at this extremely short end of the term structure or that observed deviations from the expectations hypothesis are not economically significant. This paper shows that the time-varying realized forward premium at the short-end of the yield curve is consistently positive when accounting for the spread between repurchase and reverse repurchase agreement rates.  相似文献   

We use high-frequency data to study the effects of currency swap auctions carried out by the Brazilian Central Bank on the USDBRL exchange rate. We find that official currency swap auctions impact the exchange rate in a significant way, even though they do not directly alter the supply of foreign currency in the market. We show that during our sample period auctions of contracts in which the Central Bank took a short position in USD had larger effects than those in which the Central Bank took a long position. The supply of currency swaps to the market provides an alternative for traders that demand foreign currency for financial (speculative or hedging) rather than transactional reasons, and thus affects the demand for foreign currency and its price. This mechanism is likely to be particularly relevant when forecasters extrapolate exchange rate trends at short-term horizons.  相似文献   

An exploration of the forward premium puzzle in currency markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A standard empirical finding is that expected changes in exchangerates and interest rate differentials across countries are negativelyrelated, implying that uncovered interest rate parity is violatedin the data. This article provides new empirical evidence thatsuggests that violations of uncovered interest rate parity,and its economic implications, depend on the sign of the interestrate differential. A framework related to term structure modelsis developed to account for the puzzling relationship betweenexpected changes in exchange rates and interest rate differentials.Estimation results suggest that a particular term structuremodel can account for the puzzling empirical evidence.  相似文献   

We investigate the nature of the foreign exchange risk premium for a wide range of currencies, using unobserved components models with exactly matched spot and forward exchange rate data. Significant time-variation of the risk premium is documented for most currencies. Our estimates indicate considerable persistence in the risk premium, and suggest that the variability of the risk premium is quite low relative to the variability of the forward forecast error.  相似文献   

The pure expectations theory of unbiased forward exchange rates predicts that the slope coefficient in a regression of the change in the spot rate on the difference between the current forward and spot rates should equal unity. In the recent empirical work by Fama, the estimates of this coefficient turn out to be negative in all regressions for nine major industrialized nations. This paper demonstrates that under the expectations theory, the sampling distribution of the regression estimator of this coefficient is upward-biased relative to unity and strongly skewed to the right. The likelihood of negative values is essentially zero. Thus, the estimator is biased in a direction opposite to what is observed. Since the observed estimates lie far out in the thin left-hand tail of the estimator's sampling distribution, the evidence against the hypothesis of unbiased forward rates is much stronger than previously believed.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the forward premium bias (FPB) puzzle for a number of developed and developing country currencies. Our main objective is to examine the possible variations in the existence and severity of the bias for different currency sets over two sample periods which can be categorized as calm and turbulent periods. We find significant evidence that the FBP tend to vary over time and across currency sets. We also find that the global financial crisis has been a turning point in the variation of the existence and severity of the bias for our currency sets. The results show that different currency sets have been affected by the crisis in different patterns. While the bias disappeared prominently for developed country currencies with the peak of the crisis, it survived and became more pronounced for some high-yielding developing country currencies. The results imply that the FPB is time-varying and its existence and severity vary across and within currency sets depending on the time period under consideration. Overall, the findings of the paper suggest that both time period-specific characteristics as well as currency-specific factors play a vital role for the existence and severity of the FPB.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide a framework that explains how the market risk premium, defined as the difference between forward prices and spot forecasts, depends on the risk preferences of market players and the interaction between buyers and sellers. In commodities markets this premium is an important indicator of the behavior of buyers and sellers and their views on the market spanning between short-term and long-term horizons. We show that under certain assumptions it is possible to derive explicit solutions that link levels of risk aversion and market power with market prices of risk and the market risk premium. We apply our model to the German electricity market and show that the market risk premium exhibits a term structure which can be explained by the combination of two factors. Firstly, the levels of risk aversion of buyers and sellers, and secondly, how the market power of producers, relative to that of buyers, affects forward prices with different delivery periods.  相似文献   

Standard macroeconomic models cannot explain why stocks so greatly outperform bonds. However, this result depends on the use of aggregate consumption data. If markets are incomplete, then a representative agent might not exist and it is necessary to use consumption data at the household rather than aggregate level. In the household data, I fail to reject the Euler equation when the coefficient of relative risk aversion is as low as 2.7–3.8. This result is robust in a very general framework and I prove that many of the tests used in the literature are biased.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of the equity premium (the expected difference between the returns to a well-diversified stock market portfolio and a riskfree asset) is of central importance in many applications of finance theory including project appraisal and portfolio selection. The standard approach is to take the average observed excess returns to the market over some recent time period (sometimes referred to as the ex post equity premium) and apply this as an unbiased estimate of the ex ante equity premium. The paper reviews the problems associated with such an approach and contrasts it with alternative theoretical techniques.  相似文献   

Previous studies find as the VIX goes up, the return and the Sharpe ratio on liquidity provision increase. We argue these two phenomena are correlated because they depend on the same fundamentals: investors’ risk aversion, asset variances and asset correlations. Our theoretical model shows (1) when investors are more risk-averse, they expect a higher return for providing liquidity, (2) when assets are volatile, liquidity shocks create stronger trading demands and thus liquidity demanders pay a higher premium, and (3) when assets are highly correlated, the higher risk of spillover of liquidity shocks across assets raises the price of liquidity. An increase in any of these three factors, besides increasing the expected return and the Sharpe ratio of liquidity providers, leads to a higher value for the VIX index. Our empirical analyses show that one standard-deviation increase in each of these three factors raise liquidity providers’ expected daily return (annualized Sharpe ratio) by 0.16%, 0.38% and 0.40% (0.82, 1.27 and 2.10 units), respectively.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of energy price uncertainty on a range of value anomalies. We demonstrate that the value premium is substantially stronger in periods of heightened energy price uncertainty. Energy price uncertainty exerts an asymmetric effect on the value anomalies, whereby downside energy price uncertainty accentuates the return differences between value and growth stocks compared to upside energy uncertainty. These findings are consistent with the argument that value firms possess a larger amount of inflexible assets than growth firms. Therefore, they struggle more to adjust in periods of elevated energy price uncertainty. We also demonstrate that energy price uncertainty has predictive power on the value premium one-month ahead. Using the Feasible Generalized Least Squares predictive model, energy price uncertainty can help mean-variance investors to obtain a positive annual utility gain across the value anomalies for up to 16.71%.  相似文献   

If investors are myopic mean-variance optimizers, a stock's expected return is linearly related to its beta in the cross-section. The slope of the relation is the cross-sectional price of risk, which should equal the expected equity premium. We use this simple observation to forecast the equity-premium time series with the cross-sectional price of risk. We also introduce novel statistical methods for testing stock-return predictability based on endogenous variables whose shocks are potentially correlated with return shocks. Our empirical tests show that the cross-sectional price of risk (1) is strongly correlated with the market's yield measures and (2) predicts equity-premium realizations, especially in the first half of our 1927–2002 sample.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of macroeconomic expectations on the value premium. We introduce a two-pass estimation procedure to extrapolate the impact of investors' macroexpectations on the firm fundamental value of Rhodes-Kropf, Robinson, and Viswanathan. We find that the level and slope of the term structure affect valuation, revealing a heavily industry-dependent effect. The portfolios sorted on metrics orthogonal to macroeconomic variables show a clear association between the misvaluation component of value premium and size risk. By removing the influence of the macroeconomic conditions and size, we separate the portion of the value premium that rewards macroeconomic expectations.  相似文献   

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