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Feldstein和Horioka1980[5]年的论文揭示了发达国家储蓄和投资的高度相关性。尽管由该结论导出的资本市场低流动性的推断还没有被普遍接受,这一结论本身却不断被后续研究所证实。本文对该研究就两个方面进行了拓展:首先,考察的对象包括了以往研究所未涉及的社会主义国家;其次,除了国内储蓄和投资外,本文还研究了国内储蓄和国际投资间的关系。我们的研究发现,在各种国家类型中,社会主义国家的储蓄和投资相关性是所有国家类型中最高的,而预算软约束可以解释社会主义国家这种高度的相关性。本文还利用现有样本研究并分析了在Feldstein and Horioka之谜中涉及到的计量问题。  相似文献   

Interpreting Saving-Investment Correlations   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Feldstein and Horioka (1980) argued that the cross-sectional correlation of saving and investment provides a test of global capital mobility. We argue that the long-run correlation is determined by the intertemporal budget constraint, limited capital mobility and current account targeting. The short-run correlation reflects limited capital mobility and adjustment to supply and demand shocks. Our empirical analysis shows that the short-run correlation varies across countries and not over time, which suggests that it is a country-specific business cycle fact. The long-run correlation has substantially decreased over time, which suggests that limited capital mobility is partly responsible for its high value in the past.  相似文献   

In this paper we are primarily concerned with assessing the degree of capital mobility in sub‐Saharan Africa. Using the methodology as proposed by Feldstein and Horioka (1980)—later termed the “Feldstein‐Horioka puzzle”—we test the hypothesis of perfect capital mobility against the alternative of imperfect capital mobility. Following Vamvakidis and Wacziarg (1998) and Isaksson (2000), provision is made in our model to show the dependency of the lesserdeveloped countries on international finance and aid and how a more open economy contributes towards improving the level of capital movement in these countries. We also assess the change in the degree of capital mobility over the time period in an effort to see whether institutional and political changes have been successful. We show that, compared to the region, South Africa is, to a large extent, more developed and should therefore play a leading role in the “African Renaissance”. Stationary panel data estimation techniques are applied to a sample of 36 sub‐Saharan African countries over the time period 1980–2000. The benefits of using one‐way error component models are derived from simultaneously employing time and cross‐section dimensions of the data, resulting in a substantial increase in the degrees of freedom. The fixed and random effects models enable us to acknowledge country heterogeneity within the panel, making provision for differences across countries like capital control policies, financial and capital market structures and exchange rate regimes.  相似文献   

Feldstein and Horioka (Econ J 90:314–329, 1980) observed that saving and investment move closely together in the major OECD countries. This finding is a puzzle if national economies are characterized by one sector neoclassical production functions—with diminishing returns to capital, a high level of savings in a country should create an incentive to export capital. In this paper, we show that this incentive disappears in the presence of multiple sectors with differing capital intensities. In a high saving country, national capital can be absorbed domestically without a decline in its marginal product through a shift in the sectoral composition of national production towards capital intensive sectors. This is nothing but the well-known Rybczynski effect. We present a modified version of the standard Heckscher–Ohlin (HO) Model to show that very small barriers to capital mobility are enough to force national savings to stay within the country of origin. We also argue that, while the assumptions of this model may appear special, they are not unrealistic for the developed countries in the Feldstein Horioka study. Some historical economic trends are also consistent with the picture presented in this paper. Finally, the paper shows that the conventional insights from the one sector neoclassical model can be completely overturned in a multi-sector setting when technological differences are introduced.
Ufuk DemirogluEmail:

In this paper, we revisit the saving and investment nexus as postulated by Feldstein and Horioka (FH) [Econ. J. 90 (1980) 314]. We test for cointegration between saving and investment using the recently developed bounds testing approach to cointegration and derive the long-run elasticities using the autoregressive distributed lag modeling approach for Japan over the period 1960–1999. We establish the unit root properties of the data in the presence of structural break(s) using the Zivot and Andrews (ZA) [J. Business Econ. Stat. 10 (1992) 251] and the Lumsdaine and Papell (LP) [Rev. Econ. Stat. 79 (1997) 212] tests. Finally, we ascertain the direction of causation between saving and investment by using the bootstrap approach. Amongst our key results we find that saving and investment are cointegrated for Japan; investment causes saving and saving causes investment; shocks to saving and investment have a permanent effect; and the long-run coefficient on saving is 0.68, implying a moderate rate of correlation. From the latter finding, we believe that there is no puzzle between saving and investment in the case of Japan, a result contrary to FH (1980).  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent to which domestic investment in East Asian countries is financed by domestic, (East Asian) regional and global savings in order to infer the relative importance of regional vs. global capital markets in East Asia. Panel regression results show that regional saving in East Asia plays a much more important role than global saving in financing investment in the region. The results suggest that global capital flows, despite its huge volume in East Asia, does not contribute to proper investment financing. The results also show that Japanese saving has significant effects on regional investment but Chinese saving does not.  相似文献   

Saving,investment, and capital mobility among OECD countries   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Historically investigations of the international mobility of capital have studied rates of return on similar assets denominated in different currencies. Recently, however, efforts directed at ascertaining the degree of international capital mobility have examined the relationship between domestic saving and investment rates. The first approach assesses the mobility of groups of financial assets which represent the existing capital stock while the latter actually scrutinizes the mobility of new physical capital.This paper employs the second approach in a times series study of capital mobility among OECD countries. Implementation of four different tests of the saving-investment relationship suggest that physical capital is more mobile than previous studies have indicated.  相似文献   

The Feldstein-Horioka puzzle: The IS-LM model with optimal policy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The high correlations between saving and investment, which suggest a small variability of the current account, is explored within an IS-LM framework. While Feldstein and Horioka interpret this evidence to imply a low degree of capital mobility, the pattern of shocks to the model is also important. If the monetary authorities are pegging domestic rates to foreign returns, then we would expect the Feldstein-Horioka evidence even under high mobility. We explore whether such a rule is optimal when policymakers wish to avoid income variability where fiscal and monetary policy are coordinated and where monetary policy must act alone. We suggest that the Voicker Federal Reserve switched to the latter stance and created a dramatic exception to the Feldstein-Horioka paradox.  相似文献   

Using the common correlated effects mean group (CCEMG) technique to a set of balanced panel error correction model, we examine the effects of the Asian financial crisis of 1997, and the global financial crisis of 2008 on the behavior of saving and investment in East Asian countries. Our results show that saving and investment rates are highly dependent across countries of East Asia. This finding underlines the importance of taking into account cross-sectional dependence when analyzing saving–investment relationship. The results also indicate that the adverse financial shock of 1997 has negatively affected the short run correlation between saving and investment, but has not influenced their long run relationship. Our finding, hence, verifies the prediction of new open economy macroeconomic theories regarding the divergence of short run saving–investment from its long run trend for East Asia. Moreover, we find that the global financial crisis of 2008 has not affected the saving–investment dynamics in this region. It means that the consequences of the Asian and global financial crises for saving–investment dynamics are not the same in East Asia. One might attribute these differences to the origins of these two shocks, i.e., internal versus external to the region. These findings may have some policy implications for those countries that rely heavily on foreign investment and are subject to various internal and external financial shocks.  相似文献   

Free interregional mobility of capital refers to the efficiency of resource allocation. Using a general spatial autocorrelation model that extends the traditional Feldstein–Horioka (FH) test, we analyze Chinese provincial data for the periods before and after 1993, and show that the FH coefficients differ to those in the existing literature. During China's period of reform and opening up between 1979 and 1992, the FH coefficient is significantly negative or not statistically significant. However, for the period after 1994, the FH coefficient is significantly higher than that shown in prior studies. This study explains this phenomenon from the perspective of Chinese-style decentralization. The FH test is an indirect method of showing regional capital mobility. Therefore, we need some form of direct measurement. Thus, we use the rate of the proportional change in physical capital stock as a proxy variable to demonstrate capital mobility directly, and use it to analyze various factors affecting Chinese provincial capital mobility. When investigating these factors, and to establish a realistic foundation on which the spatial effects take place, we devise four spatial weight matrices from the perspectives of geographical features and economic characteristics. Lastly, in order to promote regional capital mobility in China, the Chinese central government needs to take urgent measures to change local governments' strong preferences for GDP under the pressure of political promotion.  相似文献   

安蕾 《南方经济》2019,38(8):21-38
近年来,东亚一系列区域金融合作引起了学术界对地区金融一体化现状和收益的极大兴趣。文章基于价格和数量的测度考察了东亚地区金融一体化的程度:抛补利差和股权溢价的β收敛结果表明,危机之前东亚金融市场的全球和区域一体化并行,但在近几年,区域一体化趋势更强劲,超过了全球一体化;金融引力模型的结果表明,东亚主要的跨境金融投资者的区域内金融资产持有量比金融引力模型预测的水平更大。此外,面板回归确定了较高的金融一体化作为更广泛的金融发展的关键组成部分,会显著降低东亚国家对发达国家的经常账户失衡,因此,区域层面的金融一体化可以作为加强东亚国家的增长来源和提高经济弹性的重要政策路径。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the degree of financial integration for selected East Asian countries from 1988 to 2006 using the recently developed panel unit root and panel cointegration techniques. Investment and savings rates are found to be nonstationary and not to be cointegrated in panels. We estimate modified Feldstein–Horioka equations and our results reveal a high degree of financial integration. When we homogenize our data, results show that high-income countries have stronger financial integration than middle-income countries. Finally, we proceed to stability tests in order to test if there is a crisis effect and we find that financial integration is stronger in the post-crisis period.  相似文献   

吴凌芳 《特区经济》2010,(7):114-116
伴随着国际资金的频繁流动,东亚金融市场成为国际证券投资的主要地区。东亚各国和地区为了使其股票市场健康稳定发展,采取了一系列措施增强其区域内股票市场的一体化程度。本文通过Johansen协整,方差分解等方法,分析了当前东亚股票市场的股票指数与两大国际股票市场(美国和日本)股票指数的趋同性,以此为基础讨论东亚股票市场的全球一体化程度与区域一体化程度。本文研究发现,东亚股票市场的一体化程度不高,但其全球化程度高于其区域化程度。  相似文献   

We explore the effects of capital mobility on the relationship between saving and investment using historical data for Iceland. First, we analyse the saving–investment (S-I) correlation for the period of restricted capital mobility using data from 1960 and 1994. We then add a period of free capital mobility between 1994 and 2008 and estimate the correlation for the period 1960–2008. Finally, we extend our analysis to the 2008 to 2016 period, when capital controls were imposed in response to the crisis. Institutions matter: We find institutional changes, in particular, Iceland’s entry into the European Single Market in 1994, coincided with a fall in the long-run correlation between saving and investment. However, the correlation weakens further when we include the post-crisis regime of capital controls, suggesting a weaker relationship between savings and investment in this regime. We discuss the possible reasons for this pattern and also the implications of our findings for post-crisis policy in small open economies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent to which East Asia has become a source of international knowledge diffusion and whether such diffusion is localized to the region. Using citations made by US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) granted patents to other USPTO patents as an indicator of knowledge flow, I investigate the patterns of knowledge diffusion in East Asia by estimating a model of international knowledge diffusion. While OECD countries remain the dominant sources of knowledge, I find evidence of increasing regionalization of knowledge flow in East Asia.  相似文献   

东亚金融一体化:基于资本流动的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1997年亚洲金融危机爆生后,为了避免对外国资金的过分依赖,防止危机的再次发生,东亚各国(地区)陆续开放本国资本账户,加快区域间的资本流动以推进东亚金融一体化。本文从资本流动的角度对东亚的金融一体化程度做出分析,研究发现东亚金融一体化程度并不高,但在金融危机之后有所加强,而其中东盟是东亚各子区域中金融一体化程度最高的区域。  相似文献   

东亚的产业分工体系及其结构性不平衡   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首先考察东亚区域内贸易及经济增长不稳定的几种表现,并对区域内以垂直产业内分工为主要特征的分工体系、以对中间品及部分资本品的"交叉需求"为基础的贸易结构作了分析;其次研究由区域内直接投资所形成的区域生产网络,指出由于处在区域垂直产业内分工底部的发展中经济体承受结构调整的能力有限、处在上游的经济体的生产(需求)对处在下游的经济体的波及效应不大、区域外对东亚所生产的最终消费品缺乏足够的有效需求,所以东亚区域生产网络及垂直产业内分工的稳定性较差,结构性不平衡难以纠正;最后着重研究东亚各经济体如何通过战略调整来加强区域垂直产业内分工的稳定性,并提出今后调整的基本方向。  相似文献   

This paper shows how savings and investment can be positively correlated despite capital being perfectly mobile across countries. The saving-investment (SI) correlation depends on the origin and the volatility of macroeconomic (productivity) shocks, the persistence of these shocks and country-size. Simulating a two-country Real Business Cycle (RBC) model we show that as the variance of common shocks increases (relative to country-specific shocks), as the persistence of these shocks decreases and as country-size increases, the SI correlation increases. Using annual data from 1960 to 2002, productivity changes in 11 OECD countries are decomposed into common and country-specific shocks (from which foreign shocks are also constructed). The empirical findings show that the 11 countries share a statistically significant common component in productivity changes and common shocks generally account for at least half of the variations in the countries’ productivity changes. We then use the estimated variances of the shocks, in addition to each country's size, in the RBC model to compute the predicted SI correlation for each country, under the assumption that capital is perfectly mobile. The predicted SI correlation is then compared to the actual correlation to assess the relative degree of capital mobility in the 11 countries. The findings indicate that Norway, the Netherlands and the US have the highest degree of capital mobility whereas in Canada, Sweden, Belgium and Japan capital mobility has been the lowest.  相似文献   

Government Capital Formation: Explaining the Decline. —This paper examines whether various hypotheses put forward to explain the downward trends in government capital spending are supported by the data. Using panel data for 22 OECD countries for 1980–1992, various hypotheses are tested in a model. The authors find support for three hypotheses: (1) capital spending is reduced during periods of fiscal stringency, since this category of government spending is politically an easier target for cuts than other spending categories; (2) myopic governments will cut investment spending more than governments which have a longer policy horizon; (3) private investment influences government investment spending, because both types of investment are complementary.  相似文献   

Reflecting upon the lessons from the Asian currency crises, more attention is being paid to the importance of consolidation for the domestic financial and capital markets, as well as international cooperation to avoid disturbing factors from abroad, such as massive inflows of speculative capital. The aim of financial reforms being executed in the East Asian countries, such as Japan, Korea, and China, is to improve the managerial efficiency of the business corporations and financial institutions.Recently, foreign direct investment by Japanese firms in the rest of the East Asia has been recovering. However, the existence of a financial system to realize optimal corporate governance is indispensable for the enhancement of direct investment. Namely, it is necessary to improve corporate profitability, and to distribute the increment of such profits between the host and the investor countries, in order to boost the welfare of the respective citizens, notwithstanding the type of foreign direct investment.  相似文献   

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