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7月17日,由中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会、中国认证认可协会、美国玩具协会联合举办的"2007年中美玩具安全研讨会"在广州举行。国家认监委有关部门负责人和来自美国玩具协会、美国消费品安全委员会、国际玩具行业理事会的专家学者,国内外玩具生产厂商以及检验检疫系统玩具检验管理专家近二百名代表参加了研讨会。  相似文献   

由国家认证认可监督管理委员 会和国际玩具工业理事会(ICTI)、 美国玩具制造商协会(TMA)共同 主办,中国玩具协会、旧金山大学和 华东政法学院协办,江苏出入境检 验检疫局承办的“致力于玩具企业 更完善的工作环境研讨会”于2005 年11月30日在南京国际会议中心召 开。  相似文献   

中国玩具协会更名为"中国玩具和婴童用品协会"Chinese toy association was renamed as Chinese toys and infant&child products association中国玩具协会自2011年6月24日起正式更名为中国玩具和婴童用品协会。中国玩具协会成立25年来,为引导和促进行业健康发展发挥了非常重要和积极的作用,玩具行业取得了飞速发展。通过广泛征求会员企业和非会员企业的意见,经协会会长会议充分讨论,并在中国玩具协会六届第一次全国会员代表大会一致审  相似文献   

各位会员企业代表、同志们: 过去的一年,中施企协各方面工作都有一定的进步,一定的发展,取得了一定的成绩。这是各会员企业、各地协会和相关协会共同努力的结果,体现了与时俱进、开拓创新的精神。借此机会向会员企业、各地的协会和相关协会表示衷心的感谢! 关于协会工作,吴协刚常务副理事长要做专题报告,对吴协刚同志代表理事会所做的报告,我表示完全同意。下面仅就2003年协会工作强调三点意见。 一、关于工作思路 2003年是全面贯彻党的十六大精神的第一年,是全面实施新一届政  相似文献   

邹文昭  陈维 《玩具世界》2010,(11):11-13
广东:困难时期更须务实创新 广东省玩具协会第六届理事会9月28日在广州白云国际会议中心召开。大会选举出了新一届广东省玩具协会理事会正副会长、监事及聘任正副秘书长,领导班子无变动,崔辛湘任新一届广东省玩具协会会长,李卓明为常务副会长,陈黄漫为秘书长,蔡杰臣、区洁玲为副秘书长。  相似文献   

各位理事、各位代表:现在,我代表常务理事会就第二届理事会成立四年来,着重是1990年协会工作情况,“八五”期间着重是1991年协会工作任务向本次年会做工作报告,请审议。一、四年来在努力开拓中谱写了协会工作的新篇章过去的四年是我国经济体制改革不断深入,社会主义现代化建设取得伟大成就的四年,也是中国施工企业管理协会在努力开拓  相似文献   

各位领导、各位代表、各位来宾:我受第五届理事会委托,向大会做工作报告,请予审议。二○○五年工作总结2005年协会在国家发改委、政府相关主管部门的指导下,在协会理事会的领导下,在全体会员企业和地方、行业协会的支持下,经秘书处全体同志的共同努力,协会的各项工作都取得了很  相似文献   

11月13日下午,广东省玩具协会第七届会员大会在广州白云国际会议中心召开。在热烈庄重的气氛中,221家会员企业270名代表的见证下,顺利完成换届选举,产生了新一届理事会;通过了重新修订的广东省玩具协会章程;还对蔡俊权、朱梁淑娟等10位为广东玩具业发展做出杰出贡献的企业家进行了表彰。  相似文献   

2006年中国玩具行业发展报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在金秋10月召开的2006年中国玩具行业发展大会上,中国玩具协会石晓光会长作了2006年中国玩具行业发展报告,对中国玩具行业今后的工作和事业发展具有良好的引导和启发作用,现特摘编刊载如下。  相似文献   

<正>ICTI是指国际玩具工业理事会。ICTI守则是指国际玩具行业要遵守的行业规范。它主要认可客户是:包括20个国家和地区的玩具协会。这些国家和地区分  相似文献   

This paper offers a critical perspective on the debate surrounding autonomy at work for a specific category of non‐standard workers: independent professionals. The increasing numbers now working this way as well as their spread into all sectors, industries and occupations, mean that their work arrangements can no longer be dismissed as non‐standard or atypical. Defining them by what they are not is quite simply no longer an option. Our paper examines the various components intertwined behind the taken‐for‐granted concept of autonomy. Drawing on debates from the legal through to the sociological and HR literatures, we identify three underlying dimensions to autonomy. When combined, they provide the basis for an analytical matrix that may assist policy makers, practitioners and individual workers to understand the challenges and opportunities linked to new ways of working.  相似文献   

The literature on flexible work practices has not yet evaluated in detail how the characteristics of a job affect job satisfaction. This study makes a distinction between two types of flexible work practices according to their aims: the accommodation of employees’ personal lives (employment practice) and the operational reasons of a firm (work practice). Based on this distinction, we studied how the characteristics of a job, which reflect the use of ICT to support the spatial disaggregation of business processes, influence the relationship between the two types of flexible work practices and job satisfaction. We show, through a survey conducted on 987 workers, that the characteristics of a job that favour work disaggregation positively moderate the influence of flexible work as a work practice on job satisfaction, but they do not moderate the influence of flexible work as an employment practice. The implications for managers, workers and scholars are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对农村饮水安全工程监理工作主要内容的论述,分析了工程质量控制、进度控制、投资控制的原则和方法。  相似文献   

Computing is one of the most growing industries offering many opportunities for employment and advancement. Furthermore it is one of the newest industries which comprises of mainly young firms and relatively freshly constituted forms of working practices. Using empirical work in the UK, this paper presents and asesses gendered patterns of work and employment in the computing sector whilst comparing it to other traditionally male-dominated sectors.  相似文献   

文章对如何搞好煤炭企业的思想工作进行了探讨,并提出了要用发展的眼光来审视煤炭企业职工的思想教育,用时代的要求来创新思想教育,用改革的精神来推动思想教育,努力实现内容、方法、手段和机制等方面的改进创新,做到认识上有新提高。思路上有新拓展。工作上有新举措。  相似文献   

This article reports an ethnographic study of call centre work. Analytics are applied enabling study of relations between power and subjectivity. Findings indicate that organisational 'truth' claims about workers are produced in a constellation of architectural, technological and managerial apparatuses. Workers orient to and reify the power of these claims, even when resisting.  相似文献   

Both shaping and shaped by technological, economic and social facets, the world of work has witnessed a wide array of changes. This review article sets out to provide a synthesis of some of the main directions and insights of existing research connected to the new world of work. In particular, we approached the topic of new work practices through four key dimensions: (1) Conceptual and methodological dimensions in the study of new work practices; (2) Spatial and temporal manifestations of new work practices in the collaborative economy; (3) Individuals, organizations and new work configurations; (4) Power and control. The review article critically discusses the future of work and argues that the ‘new’ world of work simply repeats asymmetrical power relations and inequalities that characterise work activities, with the potential of exacerbating even further disparities, inequalities and precarity.  相似文献   

This paper provides a gendered analysis of the outsourcing of service work to developing economies taking, as illustration, call centres, shared service centres and the general ICT sector. The paper challenges the suggestion that changes in global capitalism, facilitated by ICT-enabled employment, offer new opportunities that benefit women, and suggests a degree of caution is needed before assuming a reduction of gender inequalities.  相似文献   

杰克·韦尔奇非常重视"沟通",他在通用建立了"无边界"的沟通理念。本期,我们将通过介绍GE的一种有效的沟通方法——群策群力(work out)来领略韦尔奇的管理智慧。韦尔奇曾说:"没有它,通用电气可能达不到今天的地位,它是通用电气DNA的一部分。"群策群力首先是关于有效沟通的方法。它试图在组织中营造一个让组织全体成员能平等、无拘无束、坦诚地沟通与交流的环境,并通过这样的环  相似文献   

毋庸置疑,安全生产必须常抓不懈,警钟长鸣。《决定》和《条例》的出台,为进一步搞好安全生产提供了法律依据。本期独家视点栏日特别推出辛然的文章《将安全生产进行到底》,为切实搞好安全生产起到“鼓”与“呼”的作用。  相似文献   

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