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等值理论在翻译领域的应用可表现为形式封等、语义等值、语用等值和风格等值。本文主要采取语义等值分析的方法,从微观和宏观两个方面对会计术语翻译问题进行了探讨,并结合相关翻译实例进行了分析。  相似文献   

欧盟坚持等效的理念并积极推行"等效会计标准"认可,是基于自身利益考虑和会计准则国际趋同的实际情况做出的理性选择.欧盟已经把美国、日本和加拿大三国列作等效会计标准候选国.我国内地与香港会计准则实现等效有利于今后与欧盟、美国等国家和地区开展会计准则等效工作.我国应坚持"趋同是第一步,等效才是目标"的理念,积极推进我国会计准则国际等效,并力争早日成为欧盟的第四个等效标准候选国家.  相似文献   

We use data from the Luxembourg Income Study to show the sensitivity of measures of relative economic well-being of persons in the U.S. and Germany using official equivalence scales and consumption-based country-specific equivalence scales developed for the two countries. Overall inequality and poverty levels are found not to be sensitive to the equivalence scale used. However, the official German equivalence scale yields quite different results from the others with respect to the relative income and poverty levels of vulnerable groups within the population, especially older single people.  相似文献   

Inequality comparisons require equivalence scales to account for differences in household size and composition. The multiplicity of equivalence scale models makes the sensitivity of the inequality calculations to the scale used a significant policy issue. Such an investigation based on unit records of two adult households from Italy, Australia, South Africa, Thailand, Peru, Philippines, India and Tanzania was our principal motivation. The equivalence scale varies across countries and between different types of children. Inequality rankings of countries, though not the inequality decomposition between households of different composition, are robust to the equivalence scale used.  相似文献   

《Journal of public economics》2005,89(2-3):545-566
This paper estimates the equivalence scale revealed by discretionary community allocations of welfare benefits to poor households. I apply the proposed approach to a subsidized rice program in Indonesia in which villages designated program beneficiaries, and estimate the equivalence scale implicit in the beneficiaries they selected. I find that the “revealed community equivalence scale” for this program lies much closer to per capita expenditure than traditional demand-based equivalence scales, particularly in the poorest communities. This suggests that per capita expenditure may be closer to how poor communities actually compare households when allocating aid than previously thought.  相似文献   

This paper uses panel data on pensioners' subjective evaluations of their financial positions to construct equivalence scales for pensioners. A pensioner couple is estimated to require an income 44 percent higher than a comparable single pensioner to reach the same standard of living. This is significantly less than the equivalence scale value implied by the ratio of state pension rates, the McClements equivalence scale value, and the scale value derived from Engel curve estimation for food expenditure using the same data source. The estimated equivalence scale value is robust to variations in the definition of the pensioner sample, the measurement of income, and the econometric model used.  相似文献   

This paper uses panel data on pensioners' subjective evaluations of their financial positions to construct equivalence scales for pensioners. A pensioner couple is estimated to require an income 44 percent higher than a comparable single pensioner to reach the same standard of living. This is significantly less than the equivalence scale value implied by the ratio of state pension rates, the McClements equivalence scale value, and the scale value derived from Engel curve estimation for food expenditure using the same data source. The estimated equivalence scale value is robust to variations in the definition of the pensioner sample, the measurement of income, and the econometric model used.  相似文献   

Using microdata from Household Budget Surveys of the Member States of the European Community, this paper examines the sensitivity of poverty statistics with respect to the choice of the equivalence scale. The results show that the ranking of the countries with respect to the overall poverty incidence is hardly affected when different equivalence scales are used. However, the composition of the poor population shows considerable changes when e.g. subjective equivalence scales are used instead of the OECD equivalence scale. The poverty incidence among specific household groups, such as single elderly and households with children, is particularly sensitive to the choice of the equivalence scale.  相似文献   

In view of the well known core equivalence results in atomless economies, coincidence of market game equilibrium allocations with competitive allocations is tantamount to a three way equivalence between market game mechanisms, competitive equilibria and the core. Based on this idea we study equilibrium refinements of market games, which allow us to use the core equivalence machinery in order to provide an exact market game characterization of competitive equilibria.  相似文献   

This paper estimates adult equivalence scales in the context of a nonlinear demand system using cross-section individual household data. It then evaluates the treatment of children under the tax allowance and child benefit systems on the basis of the estimated equivalence scales. The results suggest that a child benefit system allowing for economies of scale in the family is consistent with the cost of children implied by the notion of adult equivalence scale.  相似文献   

Household equivalence scales are often used to help perform welfare comparisons across households with different demographic composition. Abstracting from the problems of value judgments and ethical standards, the use of equivalence scales to perform welfare comparisons still faces several measurement problems, namely the identification problem and the endogeneity problem. This paper introduces and estimates an unconditional demand system that simultaneously addresses these two problems. By explicitly considering the demand for leisure, and the fact the household can choose some of its demographic characteristics, we deal with the endogeneity problem and obtain consistent estimates. We identify unconditional equivalence scales by estimating the demand for endogenous demographic variables along with the demand for leisure and consumer goods. More general equivalence scales allowing for better comparability are estimated and used for welfare comparisons.  相似文献   

The Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) database on which this article is based offers researchers exciting new possibilities for international comparisons based on household income microdata. Among the choices the LIS microdata allows a researcher, e.g. income definition, income accounting unit, etc., is the choice of family equivalence scale, a method for estimating economic well-being by adjusting income for measurable differences in need.
The range of potential equivalence scales that can and are being used in the ten LIS countries and elsewhere to adjust incomes for size and related differences in need span a wide spectrum. The purpose of this paper is to review the available equivalence scales and to test the sensitivity of various income inequality and poverty measures to choice of equivalence scale using the LIS database. The results of our analysis indicate that choice of equivalence scale can sometimes systematically affect absolute and relative levels of poverty; and inequality and therefore rankings of countries (or population subgroups within countries). Because of these sensitivities, one must carefully consider summary statements and policy implications derived from cross-national comparisons of poverty and/or inequality.  相似文献   

To account for the fact that a household's needs depend on its size and composition most studies on income inequality adjust the observed household incomes by equivalence scales. However, since the rationale for choosing a specific scale is rather vague the importance of testing the sensitivity of income inequality estimates to choice of equivalence scales has long been acknowledged. The sensitivity studies in the literature are restricted to equivalence scales that do not depend on the income level of the reference household which means that the effect of a rise in the household size on the scale rate does not depend on whether the household is poor or rich. By using Norwegian micro-data it is shown that the introduction of an income-dependent scale produces results that are in conflict with the widespread view of robustness of results to choice of equivalence scales.  相似文献   

This paper develops a perfect foresight model of capital income taxation in a representative household neoclassical one-sector framework. The household sector is based on intertemporal utility maximization. The main result is the equivalence of a perfect foresight solution and an artificial central planning solution; if there is no tax, this is the equivalence of a market equilibrium and social optinum. The equivalence result is used to deduce the implications of a partial tax reform policy. It is shown that a partial reform increases capital at each time following the initial period of the program.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a notion of epistemic equivalence between hierarchies of conditional beliefs and hierarchies of lexicographic beliefs, thus extending the standard equivalence results of Halpern (2010) and Brandenburger et al. (2007) to an interactive setting, and we show that there is a Borel surjective function, mapping each conditional belief hierarchy to its epistemically equivalent lexicographic belief hierarchy. Then, using our equivalence result we construct a terminal type space model for lexicographic belief hierarchies. Finally, we show that whenever we restrict attention to full-support beliefs, epistemic equivalence between a lexicographic belief hierarchy and a conditional belief hierarchy implies that an arbitrary Borel event is commonly assumed under the lexicographic belief hierarchy if and only if it is commonly strongly believed under the conditional belief hierarchy. This is the first result in the literature directly linking common assumption in rationality (Brandenburger et al., 2008) with common strong belief in rationality (Battigalli and Siniscalchi, 2002).  相似文献   

We estimate household equivalence scales, i.e. the needs of additional adults and children relative to a single adult, using income satisfaction data from the German Socio‐Economic Panel. We extend previous studies applying this approach by taking reference income into account. This allows separating needs‐based from reference effects in the determination of income satisfaction. We show that this adjustment helps to overcome a bias causing an overestimation of adults’ and an underestimation of children’s needs‐based equivalence weights. Our results indicate that controlling for income comparisons substantially increases children’s equivalence weight relative to that of adults.  相似文献   

We prove that, around the symmetric case, where the values are identically distributed, the equilibrium of the first price auction is jointly differentiable with respect to general bidder-specific parameters of the value distributions. We show that the revenue equivalence between the first-price and the second-price auctions to the first-order in the size of the parameters is an immediate consequence of this differentiability and the Revenue Equivalence Theorem; thereby formally establishing the first-order equivalence Fibich et al. [G. Fibich, A. Gavious, A. Sela, Revenue equivalence in asymmetric auctions, J. Econ. Theory 115 (2004) 309-321] noticed for their particular perturbation.  相似文献   

In this paper we apply decomposition methods to analyze some of the factors accounting for the decrease in household expenditures inequality in Spain during the 1980s. We adopt a simple one-parameter model in which equivalence scales depend only on household size. Then we propose an inequality decomposition method which minimizes equivalence scales' potential contamination problems. We find that most of the change in overall inequality is due to a reduction in the within-group term in the partition by household size. The bulk of this reduction is accounted for by changes at the lower tail of the distribution in the partitions by the socioeconomic category and educational level of the household head. These two findings are independent of the equivalence scales parameter.  相似文献   

We investigate the implications of egalitarian equivalence (Pazner and Schmeidler in Q J Econ 92:671–687, 1978) together with queue efficiency and strategyproofness in the context of queueing problems. We completely characterize the class of mechanisms satisfying the three requirements. Though there is no mechanism in this class satisfying budget balance, feasible mechanisms exist and we characterize the set of all such mechanisms. We also show that it is impossible to find a mechanism satisfying queue efficiency, egalitarian equivalence, and a stronger notion of strategyproofness called weak group strategyproofness. In addition, we show that generically there is no mechanism satisfying both egalitarian equivalence and no-envy.  相似文献   

A basic tenet in microeconomics is tax incidence equivalence, which holds that the burden of a unit tax on buyers and sellers is independent of who actually pays the tax. By contrast, policymakers and the public often mistake statutory incidence for economic incidence. Using competitive laboratory markets, I test both tax incidence equivalence and an analogous theorem for subsidies. For sufficiently large markets, the results show strong support for both theories; there is little to no evidence, even in the short run, of the popular misperception that statutory incidence equals economic incidence. In smaller markets in which competitive forces are weaker and relative bargaining strengths may play a role, the evidence for tax incidence equivalence is weaker as minor price discrepancies may persist between markets.  相似文献   

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