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The problem of term structure of interest rates modelling is considered in a continuous-time framework. The emphasis is on the bond prices, forward bond prices and so-called LIBOR rates, rather than on the instantaneous continuously compounded rates as in most traditional models. Forward and spot probability measures are introduced in this general set-up. Two conditions of no-arbitrage between bonds and cash are examined. A process of savings account implied by an arbitrage-free family of bond prices is identified by means of a multiplicative decomposition of semimartingales. The uniqueness of an implied savings account is established under fairly general conditions. The notion of a family of forward processes is introduced, and the existence of an associated arbitrage-free family of bond prices is examined. A straightforward construction of a lognormal model of forward LIBOR rates, based on the backward induction, is presented.  相似文献   

LIBOR and swap market models and measures   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A self-contained theory is presented for pricing and hedging LIBOR and swap derivatives by arbitrage. Appropriate payoff homogeneity and measurability conditions are identified which guarantee that a given payoff can be attained by a self-financing trading strategy. LIBOR and swap derivatives satisfy this condition, implying they can be priced and hedged with a finite number of zero-coupon bonds, even when there is no instantaneous saving bond. Notion of locally arbitrage-free price system is introduced and equivalent criteria established. Stochastic differential equations are derived for term structures of forward libor and swap rates, and shown to have a unique positive solution when the percentage volatility function is bounded, implying existence of an arbitrage-free model with such volatility specification. The construction is explicit for the lognormal LIBOR and swap “market models”, the former following Musiela and Rutkowski (1995). Primary examples of LIBOR and swap derivatives are discussed and appropriate practical models suggested for each.  相似文献   

This paper presents stylized facts concerning the spot intra-daily foreign exchange markets. It first describes intra-daily data and proposes a set of definitions for the variables of interest. Empirical regularities of the foreign exchange intra-daily data are then grouped under three major topics: the distribution of price changes, the process of price formation and the heterogeneous structure of the market. The stylized facts surveyed in this paper shed new light on the market structure that appears composed of heterogeneous agents. It also poses several challenges such as the definition of price and of the time-scale, the concepts of risk and efficiency, the modeling of the markets and the learning process.  相似文献   

A recent article of Flesaker and Hughston introduces a one factor interest rate model called the rational lognormal model. This model has a lot to recommend it including guaranteed finite positive interest rates and analytic tractability. Consequently, it has received a lot of attention among practioners and academics alike. However, it turns out to have the undesirable feature of predicting that the asymptotic value of the short rate volatility is zero. This theoretical result is proved rigorously in this article. The outcome of an empirical study complementing the theoretical result is discussed at the end of the article. European call options are valued with the rational lognormal model and a comparably calibrated mean reverting Gaussian model. unsurprisingly, rational lognormal option values are considerably lower than the analogous mean reverting Gaussian option values. In other words, the volatility in the rational lognormal model declines so quickly that options are severely undervalued.  相似文献   

We propose a general one-factor model for the term structure of interest rates which based upon a model for the short rate. The dynamics of the short rate is described by an appropriate function of a time-changed Wiener process. The model allows for perfect fitting of given term structure of interest rates and volatilities, as well as for mean reversion. Moreover, every type of distribution of the short rate can be achieved, in particular, the distribution can be concentrated on an interval. The model includes several popular models such as the generalized Vasicek (or Hull-White) model, the Black-Derman-Toy, Black-Karasinski model, and others. There is a unified numerical approach to the general model based on a simple lattice approximation which, in particular, can be chosen as a binomial or -nomial lattice with branching probabilities .  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the valuation of an option with time to expiration and pay-off function which is a convex function (as is a European call option), and constant interest rate , in the case where the underlying model for stock prices is a purely discontinuous process (hence typically the model is incomplete). The main result is that, for “most” such models, the range of the values of the option, using all possible equivalent martingale measures for the valuation, is the interval , this interval being the biggest interval in which the values must lie, whatever model is used.  相似文献   

We compute the limiting hedging error of the Leland strategy for the approximate pricing of the European call option in a market with transactions costs. It is not equal to zero in the case when the level of transactions costs is a constant, in contradiction with the claim in Leland (1985).  相似文献   

Standard derivative pricing theory is based on the assumption of agents acting as price takers on the market for the underlying asset. We relax this hypothesis and study if and how a large agent whose trades move prices can replicate the payoff of a derivative security. Our analysis extends prior work of Jarrow to economies with continuous security trading. We characterize the solution to the hedge problem in terms of a nonlinear partial differential equation and provide results on existence and uniqueness of this equation. Simulations are used to compare the hedging strategies in our model to standard Black-Scholes strategies.  相似文献   

We derive the closed form pricing formulae for contracts written on zero coupon bonds for the lognormal forward LIBOR rates. The method is purely probabilistic in contrast with the earlier results obtained by Miltersen et al. (1997).  相似文献   

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